Friday, June 27, 2008
Fine day it has been. School was average. Malay. Screwed up everything. Had a presentation and guess what? I ended up speaking english at last. That was pretty embarrassing. But it was ok. I've faced worst. English. Can you believe it? 4 periods? 2 hours of english. That's long. So far last semester our longest class was only for 1 hour 30 minutes. But Miss Shah was great. We played games. So it was not that boring. Science. I Lo0ve 109 new teacher. Her teaching is so understand-able. But she's way very strick. Who cares? she's better that Mr Tan, that's for sure! Friends? Whatever i do, i'll remember CZ. My primary school. I miss those days. Anyway, i finally managed to talk to syed. Actually just ask him for his worksheet. Me and Syed are having a fight. That's why, we hate each other. But how i wish we can just get back to the old days. Those were the old days. I can't expect the past to come back. So i just have to bare with all these for another 3 more years until i graduate from East View.
What Can I Be? Hmm..AMIRAAAA !
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I have no idea. I mean until now i haven't found anything I'm good in.
Maybe I Could Be A..
Teacher? Maybe a kindergarten teacher is better. I love kids, especially cute ones. But that's way disturbing if they wet in their pants or did stuff like that.
Lawyer? Please, i don't even know what are lawyers. He he
Singer? Maybe. But my voice stinks. So.. DREAM ON!
Guitarist? A guitar player? Hmm that could work. Besides my father was in a band last time. He plays the guitar. And maybe he could teach me how to play the guitar. Maybe. But it'll take me years to raise money to get a guitar. Geez.
Director? Yeah. I always had big imagination going on in my head. And i always want to travel around the world. Maybe
Actress? Haha. Me acting.? I may have some blood though. Could work. We'll see.
Well, whatever is going to be my future, i've got to work hard. And Mabye you'll see what i'll become a couple more years away.
Nothing much happend in school. Pe, toturing. Maths OK, Recess nothing, DNT slept, History groupwork, Assembly a useless talk. You see, i keep wanting for big things to happend. But nothing! Nil, Zero, Kosong! But the funny thing is i have no idea what big thing i want. I'm just so weird. Mabye I Want.. Friends? Got enough Of them Already Better Teachers? That could work. Another school? Better. Mabye for me, East View secondary isn't what i want as a dream school.
Monday, June 23, 2008
School's Reopen! Well, let me tell you what changes are there now. Mr Yu ain't 109 Form teacher anymore. New Form teacher, i don't even know her name. Change in time table. English, art, science have different teachers. I mean like all this changes in one day sure is kind of though to get. Oh yeah, there's no music anymore which i happily accept the fact. So today my day has gone bad. But Something happend... Fifi gave me a birthday present which i very appreciate. I mean its so touching. Mabye because in Primary 6 and other levels, i never had a birthday present from a best frind. But thatnks to Fifi i have. Thanks Alot! I love that girl.
SleepOver!AMIRAAAA !
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Had a sleepover at Abang Nor's place. Had a great time!It was Absoblutly fun! After The games. Time For The Cake.  After The Fun
Abang Farhan coverd me and Shaedah.
Noooooooooooooooooooooo! Hell's starting tommorow. Ouh, how i wish there's another month!
I still have not finish malay. I was thinking of not doing.
Life's now so complicated! My grandmother's in hospital. She fell. Great! Everyday I'm gonna be home alone. That is so good! Love it. But pity my mother. She'll be like so rushing-rushing. Poor her. Trust me, she's going to be very cranky. My mum gets cranky when she's tired. Hehe.
I'm kind of lazy to post. Not in the mood.
Stars I L0ve!AMIRAAAA !
Zoey 101
iCarly Selena Gomez Baby V And Miley Brenda Song
Victoria Justice
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I have to admit that i'm no good in all these blog edits and stuff. So I'm just gonna make it simple and ORIGANAL. So please don't ask me why my blog so plain. Thanks
Yes! 2 more days! For Birthday! I've made a new blog today. And this time don't worry, its not private! Oh, I am so bored! Later got chalet.I am so not looking forward.
27 June~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Friday, June 27, 2008
Fine day it has been. School was average. Malay. Screwed up everything. Had a presentation and guess what? I ended up speaking english at last. That was pretty embarrassing. But it was ok. I've faced worst. English. Can you believe it? 4 periods? 2 hours of english. That's long. So far last semester our longest class was only for 1 hour 30 minutes. But Miss Shah was great. We played games. So it was not that boring. Science. I Lo0ve 109 new teacher. Her teaching is so understand-able. But she's way very strick. Who cares? she's better that Mr Tan, that's for sure! Friends? Whatever i do, i'll remember CZ. My primary school. I miss those days. Anyway, i finally managed to talk to syed. Actually just ask him for his worksheet. Me and Syed are having a fight. That's why, we hate each other. But how i wish we can just get back to the old days. Those were the old days. I can't expect the past to come back. So i just have to bare with all these for another 3 more years until i graduate from East View.
What Can I Be? Hmm..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I have no idea. I mean until now i haven't found anything I'm good in.
Maybe I Could Be A..
Teacher? Maybe a kindergarten teacher is better. I love kids, especially cute ones. But that's way disturbing if they wet in their pants or did stuff like that.
Lawyer? Please, i don't even know what are lawyers. He he
Singer? Maybe. But my voice stinks. So.. DREAM ON!
Guitarist? A guitar player? Hmm that could work. Besides my father was in a band last time. He plays the guitar. And maybe he could teach me how to play the guitar. Maybe. But it'll take me years to raise money to get a guitar. Geez.
Director? Yeah. I always had big imagination going on in my head. And i always want to travel around the world. Maybe
Actress? Haha. Me acting.? I may have some blood though. Could work. We'll see.
Well, whatever is going to be my future, i've got to work hard. And Mabye you'll see what i'll become a couple more years away.
26 June~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Nothing much happend in school. Pe, toturing. Maths OK, Recess nothing, DNT slept, History groupwork, Assembly a useless talk. You see, i keep wanting for big things to happend. But nothing! Nil, Zero, Kosong! But the funny thing is i have no idea what big thing i want. I'm just so weird. Mabye I Want.. Friends? Got enough Of them Already Better Teachers? That could work. Another school? Better. Mabye for me, East View secondary isn't what i want as a dream school.
23 June~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Monday, June 23, 2008
School's Reopen! Well, let me tell you what changes are there now. Mr Yu ain't 109 Form teacher anymore. New Form teacher, i don't even know her name. Change in time table. English, art, science have different teachers. I mean like all this changes in one day sure is kind of though to get. Oh yeah, there's no music anymore which i happily accept the fact. So today my day has gone bad. But Something happend... Fifi gave me a birthday present which i very appreciate. I mean its so touching. Mabye because in Primary 6 and other levels, i never had a birthday present from a best frind. But thatnks to Fifi i have. Thanks Alot! I love that girl.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Had a sleepover at Abang Nor's place. Had a great time!It was Absoblutly fun! After The games. Time For The Cake.  After The Fun
Abang Farhan coverd me and Shaedah.
22 June~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Noooooooooooooooooooooo! Hell's starting tommorow. Ouh, how i wish there's another month!
I still have not finish malay. I was thinking of not doing.
Life's now so complicated! My grandmother's in hospital. She fell. Great! Everyday I'm gonna be home alone. That is so good! Love it. But pity my mother. She'll be like so rushing-rushing. Poor her. Trust me, she's going to be very cranky. My mum gets cranky when she's tired. Hehe.
I'm kind of lazy to post. Not in the mood.
Stars I L0ve!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Zoey 101
iCarly Selena Gomez Baby V And Miley Brenda Song
Victoria Justice
Dear You~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Saturday, June 7, 2008
I have to admit that i'm no good in all these blog edits and stuff. So I'm just gonna make it simple and ORIGANAL. So please don't ask me why my blog so plain. Thanks
7 June~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yes! 2 more days! For Birthday! I've made a new blog today. And this time don't worry, its not private! Oh, I am so bored! Later got chalet.I am so not looking forward.
By month:
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Amira Shaqira ; the most active blogger you've ever known :)