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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
30th JulyAMIRAAAA !
Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I have so many things to write about sia.
First of all i want to say this: I HATE SITTING IN FRONT OF SYED AHMAD!
Why? Because he is making my life miserable each and everyday. He is damn noisy and irritating. How i wish he can go sit somewhere else. Or better still, i can change my sitting place. Sitting beside someone else is way better. OMG i'm going to be crazy soon you know!
I am going to move by the end of this year. Because of..... i don't know what reason .My parents suddenly made up that decision. And that means i'm going to transfer to a different school! And have to say BYEBYE to my dear 109's. And my East View friends. Oh how sad! And I've just tell only like Fifi, Hazimah, Nurul, Nabihan ( 102 ), Clarisse. Atiqah found out about this. And their reaction was just shock. Fifi cried. Hazimah " almost cried", Amirah, Nurul, Clarrisse " Just beg me not to go". And my dearest Nabihan whom i have been best friends with from primary school, looked kind of sad. ( I don't like nabihan or love. When i say dearest i mean as in friends ). OMG I am so very sad you know!

Birthday Celebration!AMIRAAAA !
Monday, July 28, 2008

Birthday Celebration Today!
It was so fun. The June and July babies celebrated. There was Me, Amirah, Amirul, Shawn, Benedict, Syed, Suryani, joshua and fatin. Mabye there's more but i just forget. Anyway they sang like this:
2007 birthday celebration
I actually prefered last year's birthday celebration. It was fun, lovely, fantastic and memoriable. Mabye because last time it was a cake. A nice cake. And somemore last time it was only 3 pupils so we kind of have atention from Mr. Muhd Nor. And Hidayah Sabotouched me and put the cream on my shirt and Adib put cream on my cake. It was fun.
But i appreaciate 109's effort a whole lot.

My ConfessionAMIRAAAA !
Thursday, July 24, 2008

I Am So Fed Up!
Everyone ask me " Eh what's up with Fifi arh" Especially Zhafri, Zuhaili, Kalidass!
I am losing my patience so please stop these. Ask questions on her.
Just because i'm close to Fifi everyone ask me about whats happening to her. As if i know her as like i'm her.

24th JulyAMIRAAAA !

Today i am so fed up.
You know, 109 is seriously not a very good class.
I hate almost everyone in that class. And i have no idea why. Almost everyone has attitude problems. Emo, too noisy, too emotional, too selfish and more. I'm not saying i'm perfect though. I also say that i'm also a weirdo too. What i mean is that many of 109 peeps have just gone too far.
Juo Ming. He is kind of nice last time but now? Teachers have been punishing him.
Syed. He was not so bad back then but now? He is like the noisiest person ever.
And more...
But i have to go through this.
No matter how i hate 109. There's still some great memories you know happened. Like the time when we were at camp. That was fun remembering. And during music lessons. And when we found the bird. And when we did home economics. That's all stuffs i'd remember because all that is special to me. Because hate or not i'm still a part of 109 and that's my family.
Anyway nothing happened. Eh, oh yea, something happened.
During DNT as per normal i was like dreaming because teacher was like blabbering. So anyway, i've got an sms and checked it was my mum. She said that Nenek had to go for an operation so she went to the hospital. And guessed what? My nenek, grandmother, had to do a serious operation as in 80% risk on life. If never do the operation, i only have maybe about 1 week left with her. OMG, i am so sad and scared. What can i do? I'm no experts in diseases. So in DNT i was so worried. Even Fifi can see that. She just kept asking me to relax. I calmed down for awhile but when we went back to class i forget everything about what's happening on to my outside life because.
Mdm Natasha was blabbering on for about 40 minutes. She talked about 109 being not a very great class. And she said that 109 is now hated by almost all teachers. So whatever la, if teachers hate us. Then she gave us these rules.
1. No sharing of stationery and others.
2. No touching others because that's a law for 109 students.
3. No making any noise because we are all " Grown-ups"
i Mean like come on sia. Where got such things? Geez, i'd rather have Mr.Zaihan as our form teacher. And you know what? Syed just said " But cher it wouldn't be fun sia if like this, i mean like...." Mdm Natasha gave alot of excuse. Let me say what i think of her rules.
What I Think Of The Rules Is:
That's What I Think.
And I Say:
If Mdm Natasha wants other teacher to praise on her good job on managing our behaviours, then she should teach a primary 1 class. Or better the disables. Because, isn's us as teenagers suppose to be noisy and i confirmed not only us teenagers, but also children, Alduts and everyone makes noises because we are not disable. Only the mute won't make sound because they can't talk. Why don't Mdm Natasha just go and teach the mute. That way, they won't talk and everyone will praise Mdm Natasha on her job well done on managing pupils behaviour. And school is where we make noises because its nature for pupils to talk when we meet each other. I mean like enemies also talk to each other when they meet " I hate you" " I hate you too". You see? Its nature. Mdm Natasha is just too over.

21 July 2008AMIRAAAA !
Monday, July 21, 2008

I'm bored!

Alone at home. Scary sia! There's some construction going on outside. So there's alot of noises going on.

Today "Student Learning Festival" and i tell you, i hate it. Its boring. But the good things is that we get to go home early and that's always the best part. Just when when we were at the field, me and Fifi were walking towards the door to exit then i realized Fifi walked a little faster so i was kind of confused. Then i turned and guess what! I saw Mr. Him. Hehe. Mr. Him is someone i admire allot! He was walking beside me! So i just looked down while smiling. I looked up for awhile to take a peek what he was seeing and when he saw i was looking at him he straight away turn to look at other stuff. When we walked out of the field i was like smiling never stopping. So i scolded Fifi for leaving me alone. To tell the truth i really enjoyed the moment. It was once in a lifetime for me to walk beside him because i'm always walking with Fifi and he's always with him " so called gang".
So after school went home.

An Experience To Never ForgetAMIRAAAA !
Friday, July 18, 2008

Me, Fifi, Clarrisse, Hazimah, Ain, Fathihah, Syafiqah stayed back. We suddenlly came up with the topic about camp last time. When, everyone was a blur to everyone. Back to story.

While laughing, syafiqah suddenly said that she heard sometig fell down. And we went to check it out.
It was a bird. The normal bird we see everyday, black, white, and the beak is orange.
It was lying down with its feat standing up. It really looked like a cartoon scenario. Fifi said it looked sad but seriously it was so funny. We all thought that the bird was dead. Then Ain wanted to carry it. Suddenly the bird flapped its wings and stood up. But it just sat there beaked-opened and not moving. Many other people came and checked out what was happening. Many of the pupils who came asked
" Why the bird look like statue? " It was so funny when they asked that kind of question.
We called Mr Foo and he brought the bird up to the seat. Then a secondary 3 girl came and carried the bird. She looked like she knew about birds very well.
The girls said that she'll bring the bird to a quieter place because the bird seemed to be in panic. When the girl went away with the bird, Ain got angry. Because Ain wanted to keep the bird as pet.
I totally disagree. I think the girl should keep the bird until it heels and then let it go. Wouldn't it be sad if the bird has a family? I mean don't you all watch Horton, the movie?

11th JulyAMIRAAAA !
Friday, July 11, 2008

E-Learning Today
I rather go to school though. I have to wait another one hour to do another subject now. So i started blogging. While listening to some songs. And today i'm SICK!
A Story About Yesterday
Yesterday i went to the hospital. And guess what? Untill 9.30PM, i'm still wearing my school uniform. At the hospital it was so tiring you know. Luckily yesterday some doctors came and do dressing to my Nenek's leg then she was able to check out of the hospital. But the nurses said that the Doctor would come and checked my Nenek at 6.30, but you know, 1 hour after that then he came.
School Yesterday??
Floorball! I love floorball, maybe that's the only sports i'm always looking forward to. I've been playing floorball from primary school so maybe i'm stuck to it. This time we had to mix. Girls had to group with boys. My group was me, Sheena, Amirul, Arjun, Zuhaili. And my group was against my bestest friend, Fifi's group. And my grouped won! 3-1. How i wish P.E was floorball all the way. That would be great!
DNt was a bore. seriously Fifi can like ask questions from A to Z to the teacher. She must really like DNT. Haha.

Luck Struck TodayAMIRAAAA !
Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Yeah! Luck struck me today!
Ain re-do my birthday card! Mickey really look like mickey now. Yesterday Ain accidentally poured Milo onto my card. That was real luck. I'm not saying Ain's drawing's is ugly but only she did the mickey not properly. That's all.
Sorry Ain!
Love You Always!

8th JulyAMIRAAAA !
Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I don't know why but i'm really not starting to feel any lo0ve in 109. Its weird. Because suddenly i don't feel close to anyone. Maybe its just me. Like or don't like i still have to love 109.
Good period. Learnt angles. I love angles!
Boring. As per usual.
Normal period.
Sat with Fifi at the play area. Finally today we get peace. I mean no-one followed us. But it was kind of boring too because all Fifi said was " Zhafri" Danish" "Shaik".
Nothing happened today!
Birthday Cards?
I am very confused. There was a birthday card for me from 109. But its already July. Mabye i think that was for Amirah because her birthday was in July. Very confusing. And mabye that card can be Amirul's because he's also a July baby. And some more Syed totally embarrass me. He said that the picture on the front cover was an animal! It was mickey! Geez, doesn't he watch TV? And i am extra angry with him. even if he wants to say such things why cannot just say quietly. Why must the whole world know? I hate him.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Nenek was admitted into hospital agin! And She just got out on Saturday!
Only 1 day And Back To Hospital It Was!
Actually it all happened yesterday...
We were at Johor and my parents went out. So i stayed with Shahrul to watch TV. So then Mum left her handphone so if there's any emergency we can contact her. Then my uncle suddenly called and said that nenek was sent to the hospital again. They were in the ambulance. So then i called my parents and they came back.
We packed up and straight away left. But we got stuck in a 2 hours jam at second link. It was damn boring i tell you. And i even finished listening to all 83 songs in my handphone. Haha. So once we get out of that situation, we went straight to the hospital.
Nenek don't look so well. I feel bad for her. She was shivering in her sleep. So then me, Shahrul and my dad sat outside and me and Shahrul felt asleep. we get ourselves a very long sleep and then went home. We reached home at about 3.15am.
And that's the story.
I'm going to be so busy. Again!

Singapore River!AMIRAAAA !
Friday, July 4, 2008

109 went to Singapore river. And it was a very tiring. Fun but also boring too. Then there was an amazing race which was so totally boring. Hazimah was sick but she just wuldn't give up! I was very scared for her. But she manage to lead our group into perfection.