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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, August 29, 2008


Teacher's day finally come! You know what that means don't ya? It means its HOLIDAY TIME! WOOHOOO! Bu there's only 1 week. How i wish it could be longer.

Anyway just now had LOADS! of fun. The party in class was fun. Fun Fun Fun! There was dancing ( The Video ) and pizzas and birthday cake. Kalidass saboed me and put cake on my face, 2nd time alredy. Haiz.. SO, i put cake back on his face. Fair enough.


25 AugustAMIRAAAA !
Monday, August 25, 2008

I am officially scared of SEPAK TAKRAW BALLS now!
I got hit with the sepak takraw ball for 2 times at school thanks to Amirul and 101 boys. First i got exactly at my head and then m my FINGER! Pain you know!

It all started when........

I stayed back for awhile and sat with Suryani, Arina, Zuhaili and Amirul and it was alot of fun. We talked alot ad then Suryani and Arina went back so i just sat with Zuhaili and Amirul and then i move to sit with Mun ee bu then she went out with Ain because Ain said she thought she left her wallet at the shop. Then Zuhaili and Amirul were disturbing me because i was scared of the ball. Then we talked about Zhafri and i had ALOT of fun with them.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Huhahaha. It was boring at first because everything around was BORING!But then dear FAHRISAH got stuck in the toilet. AHAHA!! She forcefully push the door to open the OPPOSITE WAY and it got stuck. Me and Fifi were like running one museum to find a teacher. But Musfirah was smart and did some things. And Fahrisah was free. Hehe. And after that we all laughed hard. AHAHAHAHA! I can't stop laughing.

I Can't Stop Staring At Him!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Today is so not my day. I HATE EAST VIEW SECONDARY. Because. the pupils there are mostly jerks ( Mostly _ ) I want to get out of that f*king school and my class as soon as possible. And i don't care at all who's going to be sad.
Today got a workshop and it sucks like hell. And 101 was there, more terrible. They are so noisy and always find fault. 109 and 101 CANNOT get along. And you know, my crush today has lost his admirer. Because i just found out what's he like and Hazimah was right he's a jerk. ARGH!. Why can't i lead a simple life. Even now i have to go home alone. " Because Fifi wants to change and become a better person so going home with me is going to TAKE AWAY HER PRECIOUS TIME, and she'll get home late " . I think her idea is not that good because she can't think about herself and I'm not only saying this because I'm thinking about myself no I'm saying because she's my friend. And if she does this to someone else and that someone will seriously hate her. I am trying my best not to freak out at her for just that reason so i am TRYING MY BEST TO KEEP MY COOL. How i wish there's someone who will just understand me. And makes me feel comfortable when I'm with her/him.

Friday, August 15, 2008



Today was such a boring day. Boring!
I never post for a very long time though. Tired and lazy.Anyway, yesterday after school was such a blast. There was me, Fifi, Arina, Zuhail, Zhafri and Amirul. The boys are so funny and cute you know. They keep on cracking jokes. Haha. And disturb me because i was eating chicken ( set B ) then i took a lot of time. Well, that day will be remembered. Even Zuhaili sms me and said it was fun for us to hang out together. How i wish there's going to be something like that again. Teachers kept on saying " I want to see each and every one of you in 209 ". Not me! I'm going to woodland. 209, haiz i wonder what kind of class that'll be.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

GOSH! I am so very tired. Very Very tired.

There was a wedding ceremony. And i had to help. Forcefully. I must help to give out the ' So called Souveniers " out to the guesst. But seriuosly i sneaked out so many times. Hehe. The DJ was Alias Kadir ( Surai Star ) and he was kind of funny. Then when it was time to cut the cake, he asked my grandparents to cut it. It was on my father's side, soo i still have a grandmother and a grandfather. Alias Kadir asked us to say " SELAMAT PENGANTIN LAMER! " meaning like congratulation old couples! I looked at my grandmother and was like:

Your my only grandmother left. Its up to you to get my hopes up. To make me feel loved.

I was like that and just remembered about my dearest grandmother that had passed way. Its hard hard to get over the fact. After the ceremony .We went home at about 9 plus at night.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Dear .... ,
I'm sorry for my words. I'm sincerely sorry. You should know that what I've did was never a crime, its just you who wants to act like someone who has no heart. Who has no feelings. Its been months and you still cannot forgive me and you start hating me for no reason, What have happened to the old you? Why must everyday i hear teachers scolding you. You always ignore me even if I'm standing next to you. I hate you! You also should know that I'm leaving and won't need to see your face anymore. Its for my best and you won't have to act like a jerk in front of me anymore. I miss the old you that once was caring and nice and just being yourself.

Remembering The TimesAMIRAAAA !

( My Name Spelt Wrongly. Anissa Edit )

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

5th August.
Didn't go to school because had to go to the cemetery. But before anything we had to do some prayers first at the house. Then i was outside with Syazah ( Another cousin, primary 5 ). Then Imran ( Cousin, secondary 4, same school ) call me in and take a look at nenek for the last time. I had to pour flowers over her body and kiss her forehead. Thanks to Abang Muhd( another cousin ) i was able to go thought the HUGE crowd. I sat beside nenek's body crying, and poured flowers over her. And i kissed her cheeks and forehead. It felt very cold. But i wasn't scared because she is my grandmother.
At the cemetery, buried her body and i find myself crying again. It was hard to get over it. But i know she's watching me from the above and i will make her proud. After the ceremony we went back to her house and my aunt and uncles counted the money that other family members gave and it was like $300 over. There alot of pupils. And this time confirmed more that 40. I looked around and some Even i don't know who were them. I looked at them and ask myself " do i share the same blood with them ?". Anyway, i'm proud to say that all those pupils came and delivered their prayers to my grandmother. Hopefully in the above world, she will not suffer that much.


( The Last Picture Taken )

4th July. 10:32 pm.
My grandmother passed away.And i cried very hard. Its my first time experiencing death from someone so close to me.Let's rewind.
4th July. At School
Stayed back for awhile. Then mum called and said she wanted to go to my aunt house before going to the hospital. Then i wanted to go. And my mom ask me to go home for like 5 times because waiting for me will slow her down. But i insisted that i go. And i have no idea why i wanted to follow my mum although i'm like damn tired. So once reached at the hospital, my aunt was there. That aunt was not that nice too me and my mum and my family. So we didn't talk. Then suddenly my grandmother was moaning like " Aah" something like that but in a painfull manner. So then another aunt came, that aunt also hates my family. But there was Hafiz! ( Son of my aunt. Primary 4) So we went down and ate at polar. We talked alot about school and how we want our mom to get back together like the past. Because since they fought we met each other rarely. So after eating we went up and find that grandma was really suffering from there we saw miracle.
Although Nenek ( my grandmother ) was suffering, something satisfied me the most. My aunts and my mother were talking. They were calling all other family members. Soon after like 40 minutes more and more family members came. And i can confirm that there were more than 30. And then more and more peoples were coming so the kids have to sit outside. But me and Hafiz just squeeze through the crowd and watch nenek suffering. Everyone was crying at that moment. The nurses came and told us that there's no more hope. My nenek had maybe minutes or hours till death. Everyone, from children to adults, started crying, even me. We were all doing our prayers when the nurses cam,e and bring my grandmother to a one patient room because our family is covering everyone pathway. And also, more and more were coming.
My mother was the nearest to my Nenek. And she was crying her eyes out. She fainted and it was so unbearable to see. My grandmother suffering, my mother being like that. I hugged Hajar next to me so tight because it was so hard for me. Hajar is my cousin, 13 years old. And then 10:32 at night it was announced that nenek's gone. I find it hard to believe that its a fact.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

First, let me introduce you to a new member to my family.

Toyota Rush. SJH 914C.

This car is so cool. I mean like seriously sia. There's a DVD player and also a camera for reversing. And other cools buttons. But with this car. Something funny happened.

1st July

We get our car. And on our way to SGH hospital to visit my grandmother suddenly the car start to make this very loud noise. " Honk". The car honk went off by itself. We stopped at the side. And my father called his car agent. And luckily Gary, my father's car agent, was at the Singapore expo. So we drive all the way to Gary. Everyone was like staring at our car for having that stupid noise. So once reached.

Gary checked everything and last we found out that one of the car doors were not closed properly. HAHAS! We all had a good laugh at ourselves for being stupid.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Dear Fifi Nurina Binte Jasmani,
I am sorry for my actions that i've done to you. I have no intentions on anything i swear, that also means i do not want to waste our months of friendship now. I'm just doing these because i want you to know that i am not a doll. I was never a doll or your diary. I do not want to listen to your problems all the way because i have my own problems that i wanna share with you. I was really heart broken by what you did back then. I was as dissapointed as Zhafri. And i really felt what Zhafri felt. To tell you the truth i cried during malay. Only Hazimah knew about this. I don't want to do anything that will hurt your feelings but i want you to learn that you have to control your emotions and not to let go of those emotions on someone innocent. I want you to learn your lessons back.


Life is going on going on faster and faster these days and i really like it.
Anyway my life has not been good.
Me and Me Best Friend, Are In a fight!
All of becaues od Mr. Zhafri. Here's How It Happend.
I just came back from Suntec City. And Fifi and Nurul were talking to Zhafri on the phone. So i said how beutiful the singapore garden festival was and she shut me up. I was actually hurt you know. So i just tell Hazimah and showed her the pictures after zhafri put down the phone then Fifi came and ask me " What?" so i joked and said that i don't want to talk to her and then she shouted " FINE!". Then she took her bag and left. So, first what i did was i started to get angry then i called Zhafri and asked him what had happend. He didn't want to tell me anything and he hung up on me! I mean like shit sia! So then when i was walking home Fifi called me and i didn't want to answer. So...... And the fight continued today!
And I came late to school. So when i sat down, Fifi turned and say " Are You Okay". Actually I was crying in the car just before reachnig school becasue of " something ". So Miss Shah asked me first i was ok or not, then Fifi turned. But i just ignored her. Its really hard to forgive Fifi because she really did made me so hurt. And for me, i really hate when people
1. They hurt my heart espicially when i've trusted that person very much.