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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Try not to contact me through handphone. I always pout my HP on flight mode because i need peace. ( And also giving peace to my parents who pay my bills ) Haha.
Expect late postings from today onwards because i'm busy with exams and also writting stories.


Time is getting faster and faster. This also means that :
Exams are coming
Holidays are coming
Hari Raya coming
I'm getting older. Haiz
Please wish me luck in my upcoming exams. I'll need all the luck i can get. All this stress is seriously making me panicky. Oh Gosh! I so regretted going into express. My subjects are getting a whole lot tougher.
English=Hates comprehension. Loves composition.
I love to write stories because i have a very wild imagination. Very very wild imagination. Recently i've just posted my story in F.F. And you know what!? Just my first story and i've got reviews saying that the love my story and also got chosen as a favorite writer and favorite story. I mean like "WOOHOO!". I was seriously happy at that time. I'm working on more stories but my mind has been lately blank theses few days.
Maths+ Likes angles. Hates ALGEBRA
Algebra really makes me blow. Means that really makes me angry. And my teacher always speeds up on her teaching. Note to teachers : PLEASE RESPECT DUMB-ER STUDENTS!
Science= Everything's hard!
Malay= Everything's harder!
Whatever that'll happend in the future, let's hope that i'll pass my exams.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I am so fed up now. I'm so stressed up. Maths is driving me NUTS. Malay is making me SICK. I just can't cope with these two subjects and i don't know why.
I had a chat with Miss Sha just now about my grandmother's death and the changes that happened since that. She really is a good listener. I Love her!
Nothing happened at school.

My dear brothers behaving childishly in the library.

Friday, September 12, 2008

I'm bored now. 6 in the morning now. I have trouble sleeping you know. And I've only slept like 3 or 4 hours just now. I've not post in for a very long time. Sorry about that. Expect late posting from me now because:
I am so happy being a writer of F.F. Haha. So now I'm like a student in school. A writer at home. School was nothing these few days.
Glad to have that off my chest. Seriously i hate algebra. Its such a hard subject which makes me very very stress. And when I'm stress i get sick oftenly. ARGH! I'm coping well in science and i study science alot. Haha.

Monday, September 1, 2008

OK, I am so bored right now. Today's the third day of fasting month. Still going strong now.
First i want to say: WOOHOO! I'm as tall as Joyner now!
I bumped into him just now, he had his hair flattened, He looks ALOT HANDSOMER with that hairstyle than his porcupine hair.
Secondly I need to say: Sorry to my primary school friends for not going back to Chongzheng on teacher's day. Adib ( Springfield ) gave me a friendster comment asking why i didn't go back to CZ. And he put this at the end of his comment :( I am sorry okae, if i've disappointed all of you. Even Afiqah said she was disappointed in me. SOORRYYY TO ALL MY CHONGZHENG FRIENDS! I just don't want to meet " Him " anymore. His face really makes my heart pain. But i was the one who broke his heart.
Sometimes you find it easy to change love to hate. But in some circumstances love transforming into hate is something that will never exist, Its hard to understand if you guys haven't experience all these. I've experienced life in such conditions and i now feel like i'm scared to go into relationship. Scared of breaking an innocent's heart. I was the one who acted like a bitch and not him.