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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, October 31, 2008

Went to watch HSM3 with dearest bestie, Fifi.
HSM3 was not bad. But i think the director is trying to rush something. Its like the movie is going a little fast. The songs and dancing were great and awesome. The scenery is just beautifull.
I'll have to admit, I was a little blur when we got to century square. I've not been there for a very long time. Haha. I made a fool out of myself. I tried to not talk to hide my curiosity, but when your with Fifi, its like there's no tomorrow to talk. I truly enjoyed it.
After that, went T.M to buy eclipse. Most of the shops were out of stocks. But luckily for me, there was one at San Bookshop( i think ).
There was this part when me and Fifi got down the escalators which was not working but we realized that the escalators was for people going up. Haha. After that we laughed all the way back.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

4.40 in the morning just now, a strong wind, the strongest i ever encounter, made my windows open by itself. Here's how the story starts.
I was sleeping but i woke up and noticed that the weather outside was not so good. Then the windows in my room burst opened by itself. The strong wind made my door to to slammed loudly. I realized my brother waking up and i was shivering. Then my mother quickly ran in and i got on my feet, climbed the table and closed the windows and locked it. I stopped dead at the window stared at the sky. It was so red that i thought it was already in the morning. But when i checked the time it was only 4.40 AM. My mom told us to get back to sleep and also told us that the windows in her room also burst open. I didn't sleep. The wind outside made a noise that was scary. The lighting and thunder made it scarier. I just shut my but not my ears. I could hear plates falling from the coffee shop just beside my block. Then after a few minutes i heard my brother snoring. How could be sleep when its so scary outside? Only at 6.15AM was i able to shut my eyes.
Trust me, that's no composition. It happened. I swear. I don't know how the windows burst open by itself but i was too frozen to do anything at that moment.
Going out with Fifi tomorrow. What to wear? What to wear? Anything. I can wear anything when I'm with Fifi because she don't comment much.
And last of all:

Thanks you for being a great friend for 7 years. Happy birthday and may all your wishes come true.
Lots of Love,

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What do you do when your lips didn't touch the lips you've wanted so much.
But accidentally touched someone else's lips.
What do you do when you're actually going out with someone who you don't want?
And you're actually ignoring the want you wanted so much?
What do you do when your dreams are not about who you wanted all along?
And all the dreams was what you didn't want.
What can i do when fate isn't letting me to think about him?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

One of the best days in life and its confirm. Changed our plans and decided to come my house to watch a movie. There was me, Fifi, Hazimah, Zhaf and Amirul. Again, Zuhaili couldn't make it. So first we watched a movie called " Pochong ". A ghost story. And Hazimah kept on jumping and shivering. Zhafri was scared and Amirul was noisy. Fifi was expressionless. I think she was angry with me because i " secretly " invited Zhafri. I wanted it to be a surprise.
So while the show was getting to the scary part, Hazimah jumped and i was so shocked that i jumped too. Haha. then luckily for her, and me, that the disc was spoilt.
So we continued watching " Kecoh-kecoh Raya ". It's a comedy show. Amirul and Zhafri laughed alot. Then we ate pizza.
Fifi didn't ate or drank. Expressionless is the exact word to describe her. There was no life in her. She just stared at the TV. We asked her to take our money since she paid the pizza but she didn't. It was my mistake. I invited Zhafri over.
And i find myself like old days. So close with Zhafri. Again treating him like my own brother. Its true: A brother loves you although whatever that's happening. I've not spoken to Zhaf in like 3 months. And we had alot of fun today.
You can't replace a brother's love. NoOne will replace Amirul's and Zhafri's love.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Finally bought New Moon. I wanted to buy eclipse and breaking dawn but i didn't have enough money. And i couldn't find eclipse at all. New moon rocks. I love it. I'm trying to read slowly so i can finish the book a little later. But i already reached like 100++ page. ARGH! And I've just bought the book yesterday. I hate myself for being to curious about the book.
Luckily i have a book to read. If not, I'll be fighting with my brother all day to use the computer. Haha. My parents are watching a ghost story now outside. I watched with them for awhile but the show was just too scary. My father kept on scaring us by making strange noises. Whose the kid now? Him! OK whatever. I'm getting bored.
Change of plans. Going T.M to watch movie with the dearest besties and the three "mats tak menjadi". What to wear? what to wear? Haizzz...
My cousin wants me to watch High School Musical 3 tomorrow at Vivo city. I can't because I'll be watching that on Tuesday. Oh. how i wish can go.
My father gave me permission for me to go to T.M on Tuesday with Fifi, Hazimah, Amirul, Zuhaili and Zhaf. But my mom disagree. just because there's boys. Then i was " I swear to god. those three are my friends. And besides, all of them not handsome sia. ". Now my mom is still reconsidering. She said, she trusted Amirul but not the others. That's because she haven't met the others yet. Nevermind. My father'll talk some sense into her.
Went Christ Church yesterday. At night. There's a huge christian sign light up in blue in front of the school. The school's not so big and i kind of like it. Then my mother said the school looked kind of scary. It did. In the night, no lights were switch on except the huge cross sign. How scary is that? Then i told my parents that I'm not scared to make new friends but only, I'm scared if I'd get lost. Seriously! I'm not scared to make friends. But I'm afraid that I'll get lost. My brother told me to go the principle's office and get a map. " You think what? Zoo ah" I asked him.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

What to wear? What to wear? What to wear?
Going McDonald's on Tuesday with Fifi, Hazimah, Amirul, Zuhaili and Zhaf. Hmm. I don't know what to wear.
OK, how about going all black? Black shirt, black jeans and black shoes. I don't want to be the center of attention. So that's my first option.
Second option is to wear a long sleeve white/purple shirt. Nah. The shirt is like a clown's shirt. I don't want people to laugh at me.
OK. Someone help me! I don't know what to wear!

Friday, October 24, 2008


I miss school. A whole lot. But i can't wait to go to Christ Church. Excited, scared and also anxious about my new school. I'm excited for the new everythings. I'm scared if I'd actually get lost in the new huge school. And anxious for what I'll face later on. But i won't forget everything 109 has given me.

Begged my parents to buy me more story books just now. They just said " tomorrow, tomorrow " ARGH! Then tomorrow " busy ah. Tomorrow". Oh no! Tomorrow open house. My mom's side is coming. All 7 families. I'll be busy. And Sunday open house at my aunt house. NO! It'll be so bored!
Wanna buy new moon, and eclipse and breaking dawn. I'm so gonna bring the $50 dad gave me. And maybe some more books. That will keep me busy and not hooked up on this computer for hours.
So Addicted to Twilight! Edward is so hot!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I miss my Mr. Bean.
:( :( :(
Yeah! Got yearbook, can see his face all day long. His face looks so cute. These few days he's not been wearing his hair gel. Maybe because his teacher don't allow or he's just out of hair gel. By the way its " my Mr Bean " not the Mr Bean the counselor ok! He walked all over the canteen just now while i was waiting for Nadiah. Then Fifi stopped me from staring at him all day. Then i was like "one last look ok". Haha. But when me and Fifi were walking back home, he was there just a few distance from us. So last day, get to see him.

He's cute with or without hair gel.
And yet the only word i've said to him was " thank you "
And he replied " welcome "


Last Day In East View Secondary School.
Had my last look at everyone and everything. I wished that this day wouldn't come but unfortunately it did. I'm going to a new school. If i didn't, i confirm will be in 209. I got promoted to secondary 2 express. So what? I'm not going to go to 209. But i promise I'll meet you all again someday.

There was this part when Mdm Natasha said that " Some of us will be transfering to another school for other reasons and i won't mention names. " Then some of the pupils was like " Amira, Amira ". So after that Mdm Natasha gave 5 minutes for us to say our goodbyes and good lucks. And that part was the most saddening part.

Before anything started Fifi already started crying. I think Atiqah was the first to shake my hands and wished me good luck. Then the others came up to me. Fatin, Musfirah, Nadiah all came and asked why, how, where. And they all shook my hands. Then Kalidass came up to me and asked which school i was going and i explained that I'm going to Christ Church. He said good luck and shook my hands. Then Zhafri came to me and asked me. I haven't speak to him in like 1 month or longer. Then he wished me good luck and shook my hands. Clarisse shook my hands and talked to me, at that part i really couldn't controlled my tears and started crying. The others stood around me.

Miss Sha and Mdm Natasha asked the girls to come over and take picture. Fifi cried even harder and i tried to comfort her. Suddenly i felt my tears running down too, which means, i was also crying. So then i saw Hazimah also started crying. Then i could see that Clarisse also had tears in her eyes. Miss Sha and Mdm Natasha tried to calm Fifi down and i tried to calm Hazimah down. They cried because of me. And I started to panick.
After everyone calm down, it was time to go home. I took some pictures with some people and that was the last time i saw my friends, schoolmates, him and my dear teachers.
But I promise, I'll come back and visit you all someday. Give me some time. I promise you, Fifi, Hazimah, Nadia, Clarisse, Amirah, Amirul, Zuhaili, Zhafri, Suryani......, that I'll come back and visit you guys. Some day.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Had alot alot of fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Went to HSBC tree top walk today and it is the worst place to go for an excursion.
Seriously! We walked 9KM. Just to go to a place where it has a long unstable bridge. It was damn high. I wasn't scared at first but when we got to the center of the bridge, i started shivering. Ask Fifi, she'd tell you how panic i was. Haha. So after that, made our ways back to where our buses had stopped earlier. When we were walking back, me and Fifi walked with Amirul and Zuhaili. They were a blast as usual. We had alot of fun when walking back home.
Fifi only cared about her shoes when trying to cross the puddle of mud. I tried helping her and unfortunately she accidently kicked a branch that made mud came splashing all of me.
Then there's a part when i saw Arjun so sad and quiet, usually, he's always noisy and hyper, but he was just too different for me to ignore. I walked with him and asked him what happened and he told me that his knees hurt. So i walked slowly with him trying my best to support him.
But I suddenly find myself walking with Zuhaili. We talked and Fifi kept on disturbing us. For all i know, she would just be jealous. Haha!
After that we got on board on the bus and me and Fifi sat behind Zuhaili and Amirul. Had loads of fun. Shared foods, talked and played Zuhaili's PSP. I kind of suck in GRAND THIEF or something like that.

One thing disappointed me the most and it was because of his existence. His existence made me feel like I'm a useless bitch without its owner. His eyes set darkly on mine as if he wanted to try to kill me. He tried avoiding me but fate always come. He makes me think that i shouldn't even bother to hope. I tried, but he couldn't see it. He made me realize that eye contact will never be reach. He shoot a nasty glance and never did give in.

Why should i bother when you've hurt me so much. Why should i even care when you don't even think.

Monday, October 20, 2008










Singapore Discovery Center Is The Worst Place To Go For A School Excursion!
Yep. Its the worst. Went there just now. What we did? Took some quizzes on F1 racing. And had a car race. 10 pupils joined. But unfortunately 106 won. After the F1 thingy, went to have a break. There was Siglap and 1 other school. Siglap were like so agrh! After break, went to some maps thing? Whatever it was, i surely didn't paid attention.
Before we boarded the bus to get back to school, zuhaili ran past me and suddenly Fifi shouted " nak cakap ngan amira lagi pe?! ". She was shouting with an angry tone. She thought that Zuhaili wanted to talk to me again. Then i was like what? what happened to her? and i was so stupid that i asked her was she jeolous. And she started to explode. Haha.
In the bus, Fifi got kind of emo and didn't want to talk. I didn't disturb her because i thought she wanted some alone time. Luckily for me, Amirul and Zuhail sat next to us and they entertained me. They are seriously funny. Then after a while I started to worry about Fifi because she was seriously silent. So i tried making her laugh and i seceded. And after that she got back to normal.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I hate myself for reading twilight in 3 days and I'm so angry. Because now i won't have a book to read. But i have to say, the book is the best book ever. I'm going to popular to buy new moon next. Argh!

Have to stand temptation to read book!

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Went shopping with family and i was playing with this skateboard which was so totally cool. I asked my father to buy it for me and he refused. He said that it was too dangerous. I was like whatever. But if i had my own money, i swear, the board would be mine. I skated and parents just stared at me.

Then i bought meself a red converse hat and i so love it!

We went to K3 to buy my brother new slippers. I was getting bored so i walked around the shop. There was a staircase and i decided to check out the second floor. The second floor had guitars, caps, bags and more guitars! It was like heaven on earth! I loved the place so much! I asked my father about the guitar and he said again that it was " too expensive ". I had no problem with that as i know that my father's under a terrible bank problems. So it was ok.

Things i bought last few weeks.
- Twilight. The totally best book I've ever read in my whole entire life!

- My Red Converse Cap. I love it so much!

- 1 TShirt. Pink background with the word " Relax " glittering in black!

- 1 TShirt. Black and white background!
- 2 presents for special someones!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Are you really Azri?
I wanna know him.
I need to talk to him.
I wanna hear his damn voice
I wanna know all about him
Is Azri your real name?
What's so special about you that i can't seem to ignore?
Your looks?
Your attitude?
Why is it everytime you're near me i start getting nervous?
Why must you be so hard to know?
Why must your friends be with you wherever you go?

I Think I'm Having A Feeling For You.


So you see i did badly for my exams but at least its a past. Argh. My mom just called miss Sha and asked for a transfer to N.A for next year. Miss Sha said it depends on the new school. Well, now she knows i'm moving.
Yesterday Fifi, Hazimah, Arina, Suryani, Amirah came to my house and they were like " Amira, your house so nice sia ". THANKS! :) So they asked why sell such a beuatyfull house, the reason is because of some problems. So stop asking me. Today when they reached school, they told alot of pupils about my house. I just smiled and didn't say word.
I finally "surrendered" my diary to Fifi and Hazimah. First, Fifi, she cried while she read and that was only the first few entries. She was so touched and yet i have no idea what i've wrote that made her cry. Well, whatever it is, she's touched alright. I've write a few bad things about her and a few good things. Sorry about the bad things. I feel so wrong and feel so bad writting the bad stuff but i think she deserves to know what i think of her.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Whenever I needed someone to talk to
You were always there.
My eyes filled with tears, my heart filled with pain, and
You were always there.
There was no time when I had doubt
to come to you because
You were always there.
I could see in your eyes you wanted to help,
and that you really cared.
Whenever I was down and blue
You were always there.
No matter my problems, are what was wrong
You were always there.
Whenever I felt like nothing matters
You were always there.
Now your gone,
and I don't know what to do
I close my eyes and think of you, and how
You were always there.
It's hard to look at the pictures, and get memories of you
Can you hear me now
At night I pray, and I speak to you
I guess you were right when you told me no matter how far you were
You would always be there.
I know one day I'll see you again, but till then I have to say goodbye
Even though it hurts to hear your name, and speak of you
One thing I will always say is
You were always there.


Seriously, a million thanks to FIFI NURINA BINTE JASMANI for this farewell present. I love you! The jacket means a whole lot to me. If i were to wait for my parents to buy me one, it would take forever. Once again, thanks. And the watch, i love it. I appreciate it a whole lot Fifi. THANKS!
A poem speacily for for FIFI NURINA BINTE JASMANI
Thank you for always being there
To listen and understand me.
I appreciate all you did for me
And all you still do.
Thank you for making me feel whole again,
For putting my pieces back together.
I appreciate you putting my life back together,
You saved my life.
You may not understand,
Why I do what I do.
But you never criticized,
You just helped my through.
I knew I could come to you when I was down,
cause I knew you'd always be there
to pick me back up
and say everything will be ok

13 OctoberAMIRAAAA !
Monday, October 13, 2008

Nothing happened at school today. Except for getting of marks and i totally did well for English and unexpectedly beat Fifi in English. Ha! But other than that i'm totally disapointed today because " something happened to him " and i am so sad.

He looks hot that way
Went Jalan Hari Raya last few days. It was a blast! Collected $144. At night went back to JB house. Sunday, came back and there was a long jam at the checkpoint. And we came back at about 11 plus
We're a Happy Family Duh!


Mr muhd Nor called my primary 6 class to an open house at his house last Saturday. I didn't go because i was going out with my family. ONCE AGAIN, I'M SORRY PEOPLE! I can't go. Adib and khairul didn't go. So i would be bored if i were to go. I know my enemy will confirm be there. But get the fact guys, i didn't go because i was busy. I didn't forget you all ok! Its just on teaCher's day i was busy and on the gathering day i was busy too. Its like the world doesn't want me to meet my primary school again. Haiz.

This is what's that called FATE.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What have become of me?
Why did i forget all of you when there's new people?
Why must i forget you guys that used to make my life a whole?
I'm sorry..


Who says a teenager has to hang out with only teenagers. Nonsense! When you have a crazy and noisy 8-year-old brother like this, you won’t even call yourself a teen!
Me and my brother were studying and he was getting bored so I was like let’s snap some photos and he agreed and we had loads of fun and forget to study. Haha. We don’t look so alike though but we do still have the same blood. He can be irritating all the times but who cares! Without him, this house will be so quiet until I, myself gets to lonely and bored. But he’s 8 years old now, sooner or later he’ll grow up and we won’t have much fun anymore. How I wish we can remain this age forever. That way, we’ll still have fun and not turn into boring, old GROWN UPS!

SO ENJOY YOUR TIME NOW. While you’re still young!


I just heard news that my bestie patch up with hers truly. And I was like “What!” The truth was I was disappointed. She can’t choose her feelings properly. She once told me that that guy is a total whatever to her and now she twisted her words again. As her best friend, I say that she’s following her feelings and not her words. Keep your words girl! Maybe if that boy has change then that’s good but if not, then you’ll suffer again. All I’m going to say to you is: Happy steadying and don’t regret if the past repeats. And if the past really repeat again, then I’m sorry but, girl, you really can’t trust that boy anymore.
Feelings are hard to deny, Words are hard to keep