Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Sunday, November 30, 2008

Went to Granma's house yesterday. She was so sick. I pitied her. I played PS2, Sims 2 pets. But halfway spoilt so i sat with the " adults ". Can you believe it? My grandfather thinks that i'm 12 years old. He asked how was my PSLE. I told him that i'm already in Sec 1. So after a few minutes he asked next year am i going to sec 3 or not. I told him again that i'm still secondary 1. Then he kept asking me how was sec 2 life. HAHA. My grandfather's such a joker.
My mother told me that my auntie was bitten by a..... If you're a Malay then you'll probably know " Kakak ". If you don't understand then it's actually "pontian**" Yeah. I'm afraid to spell the name. Oh hell, it's just the girl ghost! So the ghost is following her around. Scary sia!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanks to those who commented on my new house. Especially Sera. Love you girl! OK whatever. I love that picture! So cute! Going out with Fifi this Monday. What to wear? Sialah. I got no nice clothes. Nevermind. Wear the same old thing again. Haizz.
Upcoming events
Today: Going To Mom's Cousin House/ Going Woodlands
Tomorrow: Grandmother's House/ Woodlands
Next Monday: Out with Fifi
3Rd December-5Th December: Movers Start Coming/ Start cleaning up/ Go back to JB
6th: Officially Moved Out/ At Jb
( Somewhere between this date will be going to Fuchun to do interview)
18th: Twilight Beybeh!

Friday, November 28, 2008

The kithcen. Nice right?

The whole hall which is going to be transform to a living room. Big sia.

Went to check out my new house at Woodlands last night. It's huge! My father did some hacking. And it's super huge. Then drove around Woodlands to check out the schools. Stopped outside Fuchun secondary. It's nice. The uniform is white. And must use tie. Yeah! I always want to wear a tie to school. After that, go home. Watch Project Runaway when got home. Halfway only, my parents ask me to sleep. i don't know who win. Anyone can tell me? I didn't sleep until 1 or 2 plus because i want to read book. Haha!
My house is so boring now. Everything is already packed. My clothes! All packed up. I have to wear the same thing over and over again. ARGH
Then just now, i crazily want to read Eclispe again for fun so i tried to find the box which had all my books. It was hard. I tried to think of myself playing jigsaw puzzle. But the boxes were too many and too heavy. So i gave up. My mom laughed at me for being so desperate. I want to find that book! ARGH!

I played jigsaw with these boxes when i'm bored.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I can't believe i got accepted in Fuchen Secondary. And i can't believe my parents are letting me stay in East View if i want to. So what should i do? Kak Umaimah said Fuchen is a little like East View. That sounds good? Does it? I'm think I'll try to find more school. I'm on the waiting list on Admiralty Secondary School. If i stay in East View, it will be fun. But i don't want to wake up early in the morning and stress myself. From woodlands to Tampines will be a long way. So people help me! East View? Fuchen? Admiralty Or keep finding more school? My main target is CHRIST CHURCH SECONDARY SCHOOL! I want to go there! I should just take home school. That's better. My mom said that Atiqah lives somewhere around there. Atiqah is my kindergarten friend. I haven't contacted her since 3 years ago? Yeah something like that.
ATIQAH! I need your help girl! If you actually do remember me? We used to create a whole lot trouble in kindergarten remember? You bit the teacher because you were angry. Haha. I used to go your house to play. If i do meet you back, then this proves that we are true friends. kawan Sejati .If you do actually come across this, then call my house number. It's the same. We were in class Grape 1. I think.
Well, it's worth a try. If Atiqah actually did come across this, then i swear, I'll be jumping for joy. I know there's a thousand maybe millions Atiqah's out there. But this will know it's her. I know she will.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Going out with Fifi next Monday! Anyone want to tag along? If you want, just call or sms me and i'll check with Fifi. Then maybe calling Darly to meet. Hazimah said that she can't meet me again because she's busy. So yesterday after receiving that news, i was so sad. :( Nevermind. That's life. Twilight's coming out soon. Can't wait! Planned to see with cousins because in woodlands later have no friend. See the pictures? My favourite is Jasper! GTG! Bye!

Friday, November 21, 2008

A few things to say and a few wished to wish

To my most tersayang/beloved cousin Sera. Congratulations on passing your PSLE. I'm very happy for you and you shouldn't be sad for your marks. You aced very well. I hope you can continue your good work and do better in secondary school. Trust me, Normal Academic will be fun for you.. And stop asking me when am i getting married. I'll give you the answer when the time comes.


Happy birthday to FIFI NURINA BINTE JASMANI. 13th years old now and your a whole lot mature that most of us. Your a great friend and a totally fun sister. You nag at me like a mother and you care for me like a father. You always want to be better than me like a foe and your always an enemy too. Most of all, your always there for me as a best friend and you always knows me best.
So i'm hoping that you will have a good future and i hope that in the future you will find a better best friend than i am who loves to get you into trouble. I know; you sometimes enjoy the trouble i've got you into and i'm happy that you enjoyed it. I'm happy to spend my secondary 1 life with you and i'm happy that you always have problems that make me go berserk. I'm going to make sure that i'll contact you every time.

One last birthday present for you my bestie. Read this and remember this always: I promise with all my heart that i will keep in touch with you and come back to Tampines and hang out with you. I promise to stay by your side till you go heaven. I promise to stand next to you even when i'm far. I promise that you'll never be lonely and lastly i promise to be your one and only best friend.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

MET AZRI JUST NOW! Damn. He never wear gel again. He saw me just now. I blushed and just stare at him. Then got home and signed up for audition. It's seriously hard. Someone helped me till i get to level 3. I think his name was DANCEAUDIO. So thanks DanceAudio for helping me.
That's all.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Celebrated Fifi's advanced birthday today and it was fun.

I planned a small party for her. Surprise birthday party. But ALOT of people canceled last minute. I was quiet disapointed. Only me, Hazimah and Mun Ee came. So first met up with Hazimah and took the cake we ordered. It was strawberry cake. Fifi's favorite. Then we find a good spot.

We settled under block 448 near East View there. And Mun Ee was late. So we panicked. Then i called Fifi and lied that my parents were sending me so i'll be a little late. Haha. But after like 10mins Mun Ee still didn't turn up. So we just get ready the cake. After that, I met Fifi in front of school.

I acted normally and she asked me where am i going to take her. Haha. I said there was a park which has a kind of playground and said that its indescribable. She believed me. HAHA! So we walked. I kept talking to her to cover myself from laughing. Then when we reached the place it was like. " Eh can you turn a little'. She was walking straight and she was in front of me. She turned and when she saw hazimah and the cake she was like " OMG!!!". Screaming. She didn't cried that's good.

We gave our presents to her and she opened it. And she screamed again. Then Mun Ee came. And she screamed again. HAHA. Then cut cake and eat.

After that, treat her McDonald's. Sat there for maybe an hour or longer. Met abang Boy Boy again. Then go home.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I am seriously fed up. With everyone for that matter.
i have to announce that I'm moving on 6th December. Read that people. 6th December. Ok. I'm kind of excited. Really happy actually.
Yesterday went out with Hazimah and had a blast. Then met " boy2". He was working at McDonald's.
This Holiday is really crappish. I don't know why. But everyone changed. Especially " her ". We no longer chat on MSN. And she's like keeping thousands of secrets from me. Maybe spending toomuchtime with her boyfriend.
Don't be offended if

Monday, November 17, 2008

Saw the survey on Fifi’s blog and decided to do it.
1. Straight and spikyhair? Long and curly hair?
Straight and spiky. DUH.
2. Short and thin? Tall and fat?
3. Black or brown eyes?
Eyes really don’t matter. But black’s nice.
4. Open and dirty mind? Not very open and clean mind?
A little of dirty mind. A little of clean mind. A lot of open mind!
5. Baggy and blue jeans? Black skinnies?
Blue jeans only can?
6. Low cuts with ankle socks? Tight high cuts shoes?
Erm.... anything with ankle socks.
7. Loving and sensitive? A great laugh and understanding?
A great laugh and understanding. And loving.
8. Mustache? Beard?
Erm.. None.
9. Pimply chubby? Flawless pink cheeks?
Flawless pink cheeks.
10. Holding hands in public? Holding hands in enclose?
11. Movies? Doing stuffs?
12. Walking by the beach? Kissing at the park?
Erm................... maybe both.
13. A bunch of flowers? A simple gift?
Simple gift. Give me flowers and i’ll sneeze 24/7.
14. Bubbly funny guy? Emo quiet guy?
15. Normal tshirt? Vintage tight tees?
16. Simple fast food(MCD)? Expensive restaurants? ( swensens )
Simple fast food.
17. Singing by the guitar&piano?trumpet&bass?
Guitar only can?
18. Converse shoes to school? Skateboard shoes?
Skateboard shoes
19. Guys who sulk alot? Guys who just talk straight?
Some of both the options.
20. Making out in the bus? Sharing stories in the bus?
Depend on how many passengers there are in the bus.
21. Sharp nose? Hooked nose?
Dont care.
22. Only with the guy? Out with the guy with some friends?
Only with the guy.
23. Hugging at the MRt? Joking with one another at the MRT?
24. Chatting seriously and dirty thoughts? Chatting crap and jokes?
ALL OF THE ABOVE. Excluding the dirty thoughts.
25. Meeting up everyday? Meeting up thrice a week?
Erm.... Everyday?
Here are 3 people to do this survey? (If they want to?)
1. Hazimah
2. Yaya
3. Sera


Abang Farhan wedding went great

Came at around 9 at night and had fun. Friday, there was nothing to help with. Played badminton with Hassbul. And went to the playground with the kids. I know, I'm childish. Then must help wash the dishes. Then sat and joke around with other cuzies .Go home at 1AM plus

woke up at about 9plus and went to Masjid Darul Gufran for the engagement i think. Met Zhafran and Hazimah. So after the engagement, went to sembawang again and played! So after tired of playing, had to babysit the kids. And at night we played catching. We were so NOISY. The video shows how noisy and crazy we were.

Abang came with the wife to our side and we stopped him from entering. We had to fight each other using poems. whoever can't come up with a good poem will lose. And abang was very good. Imran and Hassbul had to carry the flower thingy.Unfortunately he beat us and we let him in. Then i had to help Fatin to give off the souvenirs. It was tiring. Then saw Fazli. The counselor in East View. And Imran told me the DJ is a teacher from EVSS. Ok, weird. Had great fun.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

I will be busy these few days.
- Abang's wedding. Rewang/Helping on Friday to Sunday. So i'll be in Sembawang all three days.
-out with Hazimah on Monday
-Wednesday with Fifi
-Trying to finish a story. ( Only Kak Sharifah Knows About This. Oh and Suryani knows half of this too)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Oh Man! I'm Sick.
Yesterday went to the BBQ. It was ok i guessed. I really have nothing to write about.
- Went to BBq at 5.
- Ate a few chicken and walked around Pasir Ris with Amirah and Fifi.
-After that sat back at our BBQ place.
- Sat on the rock with Amirah
- went home with Fifi.
That's all. Wait, When sitting on a rock, Amirah had a question that i just became speechless.
Amirah: What's it's like to stead? Have a boyfriend i mean?
Me: Oh well... erm. I don't know. You feel that he's your whole world.
Then after that i got silent. Amirah made me think of my past. Oh Gosh. It hurts.


Q1 : The person who tagged you was?
Ans : Nur Hidayah Bte Osman
Q2 : Your relationship with her ?
Ans : Best Friend!
Q3 : Your 5 impression of her ?
Ans : Pretty, Kind, Funny, Smart, CUTE !
Q4 : The most memorable thing she has done for you ?
Ans : Oh gosh. I forgot. Probably make me laugh whenever i cry.
Q5 : If she becomes your lover , you would .....
Ans : Unfortunately we're both girls.
Q6 : If she becomes your lover , she needs to improve on ?
Ans : Nothing. She's perfect the way she is. DUH!
Q7 : If she becomes your enemy , you would .....
Ans : Haha. Not going to HAPPENED!!
Q8 : If she becomes your enemy , she needs to improve on ?
Ans : being less funnier. I guess
Q9 : If she becomes your enemy , the reason would be ?
Ans : NOTHING! Not going to happened..
Q10 : The most desired thing you want for her to be ?
Ans : HERSELF. She's great the way she is now.
Q11 : Your overall impression of her ?
Ans : The Best/Funniest Primary School GALfriend!
Q12 : How do you think others would think of you ?
Ans : ask them instead. Quiet Maybe.
Q13 : The characters you love about yourself ?
Ans : Don't Know. Not Talking much maybe.
Q14 : The characters you hate about yourself ?
Ans : my dark side and the arrogant me
Q15 : The most ideal person you wanna be ?
Ans : Dunno!
Q16 : For people that care & love you , what would you wanna say to them ?
Ans : Thanks for being my friends. I LOVE ALL OF YOU!
Q17 : Pass this quiz on to 10 people that you wish to know how they feel about
you ...
( Yeah! Can Sabo People. Haha )
1. Fifi
2. Hazimah
3. Amirah Atiqah
4. Clarisse
5. Daryl
6. Mun Ee
7. Amirul
8. Zhafri
9. Farzanah
10. Adib
Q18 : Who is 6 having a relationship with ?
Ans : That's A Secret !
Q19 : Is number 9 a female or a male ?
Ans : Female.
Q20 : If number 7 & 1o are together , would it be good ?
Ans : HAHAHA! Unless Both Of Them Are Gay. BUT NO! It'll look disgusting !
Q21 : What is number 2 studying about ?
Ans : secondary school studies.
Q22 : When was the last time you chatted with number 3 ?
Ans : Months ago in computer lab during Microsoft workshop.
Q23 : What kind of music genre does number 8 like ?
Ans : Zhafri? Jiwang's Maybe.
Q24 : Does number 1 have siblings ?
Ans : a Sister.
Q25 : Would you woo number 3 ?
Ans : No. Amirah is pretty. But No
Q26 : How about number 7 ?
Ans : EWW! No La sia!
Q27 : Is number 4 single ?
Ans : i dunno. Maybe Uh
Q28 : Whats the surname of number 5 ?
Ans : Tan? I think so. Darly Tan. I guess uh.
Q29 : What is the hobby of number 1o ?
Ans : rock climbing. disturbing people. Haha
Q30 : Does number 5 & 9 get along ?
Ans : err NO
Q31 : Where is number 2 studying at ?
Ans : East View Sec
Q32 : Talking something casually about 1 ....
Ans : she's a total diva
Q33 : Have you tried developing feelings for number 8 ?
Ans : OH NO WAY! " later Someone Will Get Jealous Uh " Hehe.
Q34 : Where does number 9 live ?
Ans : tampines maybe
Q35 : What colour does number 4 like ?
Ans : Clarisse Loves..... She's loves all colours there is in the world
Q36 : Are number 1 & 5 best friends ?
Ans : They Don't even Know Each Other !
Q37 : Does number 1 have any pet ?
Ans : no
Q38 : Is number 7 the sexiest person in the world ?
Ans : Amirul? Sexy ? Haha. Maybe Uh. HAhaha!
Q39 : What is number 10 doing now ?
Ans : Adib? I don't know. I'm not a stalker duh.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I really don't want anything to do with you anymore, boy. But after that day. Things change. How can i be so stupid to fall into your trap again. You asked me a question that was once unanswered. And now, I've answered it truthfully. You told me that you liked me more when you came back but for me, i just didn't feel a thing.
But now. Boy, you told me that people make stupid mistakes once or twice or maybe a million times. How could you forgive me for the most dumbest mistake I've ever made! And now, I'm stuck into you. Again.


I'm so angry. So pissed off. So fed up.
I wished school hadn't end. I wish TM or CS is just beside my house. I want, i need, to buy books to read! You know why? Because i finished all my books and read it over again for like a thousands times already. My parents don't want to bring me there. So i asked if i can go with a friend, they said NO! I asked if i can go alone, NO! What do they want from me?! Reading is part of what i do when I'm bored. When i use the computer too much, they'll start blabbering. When i watch T.V, they scold me. When i just sit and stare, they say I'm crazy. ARGH! What do they want huh? Even when i read a book, they'll start complaining. Tell me, is this fair. Whatever i do, they scold/complain. What do they actually want!?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

A Great Day Spent With Hazimah
Went to my primary school, Chongzheng EFair. Its like a funfair with games and everything! Went around the EFair first. Hazimah kept on commenting on how big my school is. Then met a few of my friends. And OH GOSH! Adib! You should see how i reacted when i saw him " OMG! ADIB! Look at you! You're so slim! What happened?!" Adib was so so so so so slim. Hazimah said that he was good looking. Haha. Minat Kepe? Ok. I'm like so happy. I met almost everyone. I didn't talk much because i don't know, too happy i guess.
Then i met up with Mr Muhd Nor, my greatest teacher, and tell him that i'm moving to Woodlands. So we talked alot then he asked me to walk around and spent more. Then i continued walking around with Hazimah.
Then saw him. I was so scared that i was shivering. DAMN! He was wearing white and black. I was wearing the same colour also. He saw me also.
Then me and Hazimah went to 6th floor and i gave a tour. I stopped outside my class, 6Benevolence and suddenly all the memories came back to me. On that moment, i started missing those old days. And don't be shock, i shed a few tears too.
Then i bring Hazimah to a place where i spent with him. Its a place at the highest level where you can see the whole school and the neighbourhood there. Me and Hazimah sat there quietly. Oh! I cried again. I can't stand it. That place is where i spent my time with him. And now i miss him so much. I hate myself!
Then we went down by the lift. Then the lift stopped. OH SHIT! It was Joyner and the Chinese guys. I was so scared. I accidentally eyed contact with Jia feng and shivered again.
Then when i wanted to go home went to search for Mr Muhd Nor. He talked inside him room and i told him about everything. the reason why i'm moving and everything! I treat him like my second father! He even knows about my relationship last time. Mr Muhd Now is best teacher in this world!
Then met Eloys. I told her about me moving and guess what? She shouted at me. Marzuku was there and laughed so hard that he said" Eh Eloys! I'm moving to Kranji you know" . Eloys then hugged me. And gave me a good whack and a last tickle. Marzuki looked at me and just smiled.

5 NovemberAMIRAAAA !
Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Its already 10 months of pure friendship with Fifi. Wow. 10 months seem to be a very short while. Throughout the days and seconds we've been through, its like it was just yesterday we started our secondary life. So let me write down a few words to Fifi, true words from the heart. Ok, here goes:

10 months has pass. Even thank you is not enough for me to express on how grateful i am to have a friend like you. 10 months has passed and we've gone through alot together. Both good and bad, you're right there beside me, supporting me. You make sure i know what i'm doing and i couldn't ask for a better friend. I maybe have complained about you a whole lot of time but throughout that, I've realized that also, without you, my life will be scattered around. I still say that I never was and never will be your type but i don't care because behind your sparkling beauty is the nicest person I've ever met. And these words I've wrote are straight from the heart. So thank you for a being the most nicest friend. You're the angel of my life that god sent to protect me. I couldn't have ask for a better friend.

I hope Fifi will not cry after reading that.

And a conversation with " Drunk Boy " yesterday on the phone.

Me: Hello?

Him: Hello

Me: Who is tihs?

Him: The guy who you just called drunk on MSN just now.

Me: Oh my god! Darly?! Is that you? Your voice is so different!

Him: Of course la. Hey amira. Long time since i've heard your voice.

Me: Oh! Your voice changed! I still cannot believe that. Haha. I thought you were whose father sia.

Him: You thought i was a mother!

Me: I said a father!

Him: Do i look like a pregnant lady to you. Nah. I'm just kidding.

Me: Same old Daryl huh?

Him: No. I've changed alot.

Me: Your voice especially. Oh, and congrats on making to NA. I'm proud of you.

Him: NT work is easy. Its like primary school.

Me: Haha. And good luck with your drama on 15 November yeah.

Him: Scared sia. Infront of all those people.

Me: You'll do great.

Him: I've got to go. I'm hungry. See you soon ok.

Me: Haha. Bye Darly.

It was a short conversation but totally fun. A note to darly:

Hey! Don't worry, i know that you will do great for your drama. I hope to see you soon on TV someday. You've changed alot since secondary started and i think you've got a great future ahead. I'm seriously proud that you made it to NA. And hope you will continue your great work.

Monday, November 3, 2008

A funny conversation with Jasper. Haha. It keeps me laughing.

Jasper: u in woodland now?
Amira :No. i havent move
Jasper: oo
Jasper:u can come east view wad
Jasper: take 168
Amira: from woodlands to tampines is a long way u noe
Jasper: nope
Jasper: 10+ stops only?
Amira : ur head,
Amira : haha
Jasper: realli
Jasper: 168 my bus stop have
Jasper: take at woodland 10+ stop oni
Amira : how early will i have to wake up huh? i hate waking up early u noe
Jasper: if u dunwann nevermind
Amira : i wan to stay at evss but i cant.
Jasper: why?
Amira : but if no skol in woodlands accept me then maybe i can still stay
Amira : i cant. its to far and i dunno, its like so impossible
nvm nvm
Amira : dont get me wrong yea.
Amira: i reali seriously wanna stay
Jasper: yea i noe
Jasper: but at most wake up at 5.30?
Jasper: leave at 6.15?
Jasper: then sleep earlyy?
Amira : Haha. ur crazy.
jasper: lols ;d


Bored. Tired. Sleepy.
I don't think i have enough sleep these few days. I slept at 12.40AM yesterday. Not only i can't sleep but when i sleep, somewhere in the night at 4AM, I'll wake up. And stare blankly until 5 plus. So what's wrong with me? I'll go researching later.
Planned with Afiqah to meet and just sit under the void decks and just talk. I miss her. I want to catch back on old times. I guess secondary life changed me alot. Unfortunately, she cancelled. So i sat at home, bored. She said that she'd come to the Efair with me.
Oh! Twilight is coming out soon. 18 December. I really would want to go with Fifi. But, i'm already in woodlands. Argh! Why! Why! Why! Nevermind. I can go with..... Who do i know live in woodlands? Aha! Atiqah! She's my best friend from kindergarten. She moved to woodlands. But i have no contact with her since then. How in the world am i going to find Atiqah? I 'm stupid.
Almost a year since i broke up with him. Almost. Actually that was my first break up with him. Then i secretly patched up with him back in April. No one knew about that. And i broke up with him again because things weren't going good. Almost a year. The pain is so unbearable.

2 NovemberAMIRAAAA !
Sunday, November 2, 2008

I'm so tired.
Got home at about 12.30AM yesterday. And slept at 2.30AM. I seriously can't sleep no matter how tired i am! I just feel like taking sleeping pills. But that's drugs.
Bought a few hockey sticks yesterday and played hockey with Shahrul. It was fun. By the way, Shahrul's a bad smacker. Haha. I have a few blue blacks from getting hit by the ball and hockey sticks. Damn, it was painful. I play hockey for fun and not because I'm planning to join that in my new secondary school. So, don't get the wrong impression.
Then received an sms. Which made me so pissed off that i almost shouted vulgarities at my phone. But my phone is innocent. So he asked me a stupid question. And he would think that i would accept it and then he can meet her. A best friend he was.
I'm in a stress mode .
Bright side.
Meeting primary friends soon. Can't wait. At least, they are all loyalty and don't use each other!