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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Dj L@m3 says:

Dj L@m3 says:

Dj L@m3 just sent you a nudge.
Amira Shaqira! says:
Hey. about the other time. Im seriously sorry if i hurt ur feelings

Dj L@m3 says:

Amira Shaqira! says:
Haha. i was seriously worried.
Amira Shaqira! says:
it wasnt me.

Dj L@m3 says:
call my hp i telll u something

Ok, so after talking with this Dj L@m3 on MSN, I got seriously happy! We continued our conversation but i can't put that here because he gave me his number so it's kind of personal. So after talking, he made me laugh like real lot. Oh, I miss that dude. I wish i can meet him. Haiizzzz... So after we finish chatting on the phone, this is on MSN.
Amira Shaqira! says:
Lucky ur my best freind you noe that

Dj L@m3 says:

Amira Shaqira! says:

Dj L@m3 says:
finish disturbing

Dj L@m3 says:

Amira Shaqira! says:
Omg, u are so...................

Yesterday, did you guys watch Miami Ink? OMG, it was so good! And i just watched it and my mom already scolded me. Okay, i know it's about Tattoos but it was real good! And gosh, I so love Yogi! He's so cute wanting to have a tattoo on his head. And the others were like your head? Haha. It was so cute!

Miami Ink: Yogi Rocks!


Yes! Yes! Yes!
Oh, Thank God!
Finally, my parents met Atikah's dad! We were at causeway point and i was at the library checking out the books there. And when i met up with my mom she was like "Guess who i met?" And i just shrugged. "Atikah's Dad!" And i jumped like crazy! You know, I was so happy! Atikah, FYI, is a kindergarten friend which is the nicest girl, I've ever met! Unfortunately, her parents got involved in an accident and her father was with bandages. I told my mom that i wanted to meet Atikah and she said she will call the mother soon. OMG! I still can't believe it. She is currently in Woodlands Ring Secondary School and i wish i can go there. Oh, I wish, I wish, I wish, I can meet her as soon as possible. I don't know how or why but i think it's obvious:
We're Meant To Be Friends Forever!
Kawan Sejatiku: Atikah

Monday, December 29, 2008

Something weird is happening and let me warn you first:
I was chatting with Daryl when suddenly " I hate 6-b " came out from the screen and it's from my account! I didn't type that! Then next, "U Sux". Ok, none of those were me! OK? I'm terribly sorry Daryl. I wish i copied the chat and paste it here! I think there's a hacker or something. And i think it's from my primary school. OK, i so need to find out who. Or Darly's playing an uncensored joke. I think it's a hacker.


Oh. My body's aching like crazy.
I'm Totally Tired.
The BBQ yesterday was so FUN! Here's the flashback.
Went to Sembawang. We played ALOT of games because none of us wanted to swim. No, actually we only played two games but over and over again.
First, they, the kids, played volleyball. I just watched but when my father, probably the noisiest and funniest person, joined, that's when everyone joined in. Even aunties and uncles! We played like, i don't know, four or five rounds? Then we break for awhile because Magrib.
Then, at night, we played captain's ball. At first it as just us teens and kids but the adults came in and the game started getting harsh. We played three rounds when Imran came and said he wanted to play so we regroup again. Then, we played like eleven or ten rounds without any break. I got really tired so i just sat next to Imran, since he's the other group keeper, and defended. But he was too tall for me and unfortunately we lose, my group, i mean.
After finally getting a rest my aunt, Mummy, who is a policewomen, pretended to be a P.E teacher and did these warms up and we were all suppose to follow. It was funny because while we doing the warm ups, people walked past and laughed WITH us. Not at us, WITH us. It was really not embarrassing because people walk past and they were like " Hey, this family is really fun!" People were like that you know!
After everyone was seriously bumped out, we just sat and talked. Syarah told me that she's very excited going into a girls school, and girl, i wish you good luck Kay?! And Imran told me that he's not going to be in East view any more. That's sad. It will be hard to meet him. I think he's a great guy and brother too. Next, Kak Farah, said that she played soccer and she's really good! And we talked and talked and talked.
Syarah kept on disturbing about about the mats beside us. And "They" were serious mats. They smoked and there were tattoos around. Still, they were pretty friendly you know. You see: You Can't Just Books By It's Covers. Oh, and to Syarah, I think the the one wearing white and black hat is cute, don't you!?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Oh My God. I Hate Myself Seriously!
I just bought The Princess Diaries: Third Time Lucky. It was fun and okay. I loved the book. Unfortunately, love it too much until i finished it at night. And i just bought that book last morning! Oh, my parents are so going to burst. I must get a job at Causeway Point and safe my own money to buy more books. Too bad, underage! When is it I can go and buy another book? Another month from today. You know why? Because my parents are saving pennies like crazy, that’s why. What? Why? When? How? Everything is Confidential of course. Only a person knows about this, and she’s the only person that can and will understand my desperate problems.

Oh and for those who don’t know yet, I’m still going to be in EVSS! East View Secondary School! Read that people! Yes! Yes! Yes! But, But, But. It’s only for a few weeks. At least it’s better than nothing, am i right? Zuhaili said that there were a lot of secondary ones. Hopefully, none of CZPS juniors are there, those who don’t know me at least. And hopefully not that kid who disturbed me like hell! Precaution: If that kid comes to EVSS, He Is So Going to Embarrassed the Hell out Of Me. You know why? Because he will keep on shouting my ex’s name at me. And won’t give up until i explode at him. He knows my Ex from soccer i think, yeah, and they’re really close. And I won’t tell any of you, my ex’s name. If you know, then shut up. Ok?

Having a BBQ with cousins later at Sembawang and so jumping to go! Let me see, what are we going to do, first there’s swimming in/at the sea. Then, eating. And more swimming. And then games! And then board games! And then Cycling! Ok, I’m psyched. Hopefully, my phone won’t die, so i can take pictures. See, this is why I need a Camera: because I’m always going out nowadays and my phone sucks.
Things to Do.
-Buy School Books!
- Find Uniform! Or Borrow! Or Buy! ( Going To EVSS For A Few Weeks. )
- Find School Stuff. ( Apparently Lost Them)
- Ask Imran If He’s Going Or Not.
- Teach Mom How To Use New Washing Machine. (She Keeps on Waking Me Up Early In The Morning Just to On It For Her.)
- Fix Internet Correctly. (Wrong Wiring.)
- Forget Discovery Travel and Living. (Ditto! Ditto! Ditto! )

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Uncle Khaled called and said that 'll be getting the results tomorrow. Hopefully, i don't get that damn school!
Things i hate about that school.
-The CCA"s
-The Tight Rules.
-The School Itself.
And one more thing worries me. Uncle khaled is a teacher there! OMG! He's my father's best Friend. I'll have to call him Mr Khaled right? What if i called Uncle khaled in front of the class or something. And i have to behave because i'm afraid that he might complain to my father! No No No.


It is so like me so forget where i live. Haiyoo. Can you believe it? i got lost. There's so many blocks here in Woodlands that look like mine. Thanks to my brother. Here's what happened.
Mom asked us to go buy some stuffs so we went to the shop. It was raining at that time. The shop are like a few blocks from my house. So after buying some stuffs, we went back.
My brother doesn't want to get wet so i decided to take the shelter. And we ended up waking to another block. We stop at this block and there were only two lifts. my block had three lifts. So we started laughing and walked to another block. There was three lift and we almost get into the lifts. I checked the block number and it was 539! I live at 542! You cannot believe how funny we were.
Me: Can you stop thinking about yourself and just get into the rain!
Faiz: I don't want to get wet!
Me: What's wrong with you!? Every kid loves to play in the rain and you don't!?
Faiz: They're different sis.
Me: You're the one whose different!
We argues while searching for our block and it was damn hilarious!After like 10 minutes of walking and stressing, we finally found our block. When i told my mom about it she went: Your brother ah. Last time, i go shop with him, he also make me lost.
Movies I've been dying to watch
And more....
I've got to go. I'm currently addicted to almost all shows on Discovery Travel and Living. I don't know why but the shows are hilarious and i really like it. Did you watch " Tis Holiday Season"? "Screw them, i'm just going to hit the cente." haha. That was funny.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Few more days to school reopen and i'm still schooless. That's good i guess. Maybe i can go back to EVSS. So pray hard that no school will accept me! Schools in Woodlands are like so different from Tampines.
Just came back from holiday. Fun sia. Anyway, i was going trough my books just now when i came across The Princess Diaries Book Two, Meg Cabot's. I didn't even read that book after i bought it. It's already been a year since I've bought that book. I was bored so i decided to read it and you know what, the book is actually not bad. I'm going to Causeway Point to buy the third book soon. I know, it's so lame! But i want to know what happens next and so on.....
That's all i guess.
BTW, Adib, you can't believe what's on youtube. The three other movies haven't come out yet Haha. Read and watch the interviews then you'll get the details. Haha! Adib kene tipu luhhss!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Interview in Woodgroove secondary didn't turn well. It sucks! I am so taking Fuchun Secondary. Or just staying at Evss. I'm lazy to write what's so bad about Woodgroove but hell, it's a plain school.
I'm seriously bored so i want to blog about the new environment.

- The bus to take to go to my new house is 901. It's the opposite of 109. haha. I have to take that bus everyday.
-I'm living on the 10th story and it's damn high.
-I'm already getting used to seeing helicopters, jets and people jumping out of helicopters with parachutes because i see them everyday. In front of my house there's this huge field where the army practise.
-I see monkeys whenever we drive through Mandai Road.
-There's alot of white birds here.
-It is very chilling here. You can sleep all day.
-Causeway point, the shopping center near my house, rocks! Everything is in that mall! Even Swenswen!

I bought this just now. Nice?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ok, if you want to read my story just tell me and i'll give you. Here is part of it. Just ask, Kak Sharifah haven't edit if for me so the English is not that prefect.

Davis smiled and walked out of the house. I took one last look at Daniel then at Lisa. The last picture of Daniel and Lisa in my head, tears in their eyes, was not a pleasant one. Tyler shook my shoulders softly and we walked down to Davis’s car. I sat in the backseat while Tyler sat in front. The tears in my eyes continued to flow down my cheeks. I never expected that this time would come. But it has now.

Yeah, it is kind of lame. But i've wrote 63 pages already. Might as well let others read it. Hmm...


Kak Sharifah has not been online these few days. I need to talk to her!.Oh, my internet's back. So reach me at MSN anytime you want. Guess what?? Uncle Khaled called and said that the principle of Woodgroove Secondary wants to meet me. I'm not in trouble of coarse. So an inerview in Woodgroove this Friday. Than Fuchen next week. Woohooo!
To him: Don't bring me down with you. You are so busted. Not me, you! Jangan Cari Pasal Dengan Die!!
Just a warning to whoever that may concern. Ha Ha! Syara getting her secondary school result tomorrow. Tomorrow mu cousin, you're going to be a secondary student Hahahas!
To all the pupils who've reached me at my tagboard.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Some pictures of Bowling.


Went to Discovery Center. At first, it was suppose to be me and my brother following My aunt's family. But at last, all of us went. We went altogether, 3 families and 2 cars. It was better than last ime, going with 109. PICS will be updated later.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Yeah! My mum drop me of at Kak Lin's house. So i borrowed Kak Yu's laptop again. I'll be typing fast in case Kak Yu comes back.
6th December.
Movers came with a big truck called citymap. It was huge and long. The movers said they needed to make two trips. So me, mom and Shahrul went to Woodlands while dad waited in Tampines for the next truck. So blah, blah, blah....
Went bowling with cousins at 11 plus at night. First timer. I suck big time at first but eventually got better. I love it! I swear we were the noisiest family there. There were 4 families, 4 cars. Played 2 sets of 10 and the cost was a bomb! $84. Crazy or what?
Ended bowling at 1 plus at night and headed for a restaurant. Finished eating at 2 plus at night. We like vampires, hanging out at night and not bothering to sleep. Next went back to J.B. Reached about 3.30 and that's the time i slept.
7th December
Watched Twilight with cousins in the Malaysia cinemas. I was pissed when some of the parts, the very romantic parts, got cancelled. What you expect, Malaysia what. Watching online was better. Even the subtitles, which was in malay,were too fast and doens't make sense. Even i could translate better malay. Haha. I'm serious.
So skip until today. Nothing fun happened. But tomorrow going to Singapore Discover Center with Shaedah and Annisa. Can't wait.


I won't be able to write much because i'm using Kak Yu's laptop.
Life in Woodlands is OKAY. I love it. I think it's ten times better than Tampines. Don't bother reaching me in Tampines anymore. Just pretend that i'm dead. I had a seriously nice time with my cousins last few weeks. And i've watch Twilight in the cinemas already in Malaysia. Woohooo! And to Kak Sharifah, i'm almost going to my story! Pg 51 beybeh! I'll pass it to you when my Internet gets fixed. My Internet is under a bad breakdown. So i can only use Kak Ayu's laptop. Thanks to her. Pictures of my fun time and postings about it will be posted when i get my Internet back which will be in another 3 or 4 weeks. So until then. See ya!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Shaedah and kak Yu. Both So Beautiful Women.
Diya and Kak Lin. Alala Diya So Sad.

My eyes hurts looking at all the purple. I looked like shit.
The most not handsome Mats. Just joking.
The hot models. Ahaha. Itula CousinsKu Yang Giler Nak Mampos.

There's moe pictures but i'm lazy to upload.


1 Day left In Tampines. Must i be happy or sad? Both. I say both.
Going to be sleeping over at Kak Lin's house today. I won't be online or posting any comment from tomorrow onwards because the computer will be disconnected and i won't be in singapore.
A conversation yesterday night
Someone: Mira, u really changing school ehk?
Me: Yeahlah. Why? I thought you know already?
Someone:Ouh Okay. Then if i miss you then how??
Me: Hahaha. Sms lah.
Someone:Oh Okay. I hope your friendship with her stays forever.
Me: Wow. Today you so nice eh. You eat wrong medicine is it? Anyway thanks. I hope me and you also stay friends.
Someone:You and her are so close and already like sisters. I pity both for both of you.
Me: She's more like a mother than like a sister. She always scold me. and also very caring.
Someone: I feel like i want to cry sia when you say she caring.
Me:Haha. I'm the one who have to cry not you. Don't be too oversensitive lah.
Someone : Ok OK. Klah. Time to sleep. Tc. Bye. Gd Nite.
I canceled some words. because it's too personal. Haha.
Yes, I've got the pictures on Abang Kahwin, will be posting it in another post. Then for another someone:
I've realized you really have changed. Your not you anymore. I'm disappointed.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I've cut my hair/fringe myself. And it's damn ugly. You see it's so damn straight. But still long. My house now is plain so please don't come. I've watched Twilight already! From where, i won't tell you but i swear it's legal. My cousins are kidnapping me and bringing me to J.B to watch Twilight again. The quality in the cinema will be better than the one I've watch. So i don't mind watching it again.
I've been super close to all my cousins now( On Mum's Side ). On Mum's side, all of us have fun and never talk about education. And not all are smart. But on Dad's side, almost everyone is smart and they love to talk about education. So I'm okay with it but sometimes it get on my nerves. ( No offence )
These are some pictures of my mum's side. Long Long Time ago! Back in 2006 .The pictures are kind of blur. Sorry!
One family is missing in this picture.Me and Shaedah celebrating our Birthday.

All the cousins and my grandma. :( I miss her.

All the cousins again.