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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, January 30, 2009

Me: Zuhaili, Amirul tau tak pasal the ehem ehem?
Zuhaili: Tak ah. Cumer kau ngan Zhaf ajer.
Amirah: Tau pasal ape?
Me: Ader ah.
Amirah: Eh bilang ah!
Zuhaili: Takleh ah. Aku ngan amira adik beradik so dier tau la.
Amirah: Aku ngan Zhaf pon adik beradik pe.
Me: Too bad.....
Erm School today was............? Can i say so tiring! Yes!
Music was nothing. Made EXCLUSIVE noises. Haha. Now, that's what I call a DAMN good music lesson. Ahaha. Going to have test seyy. How in the world am I ever going to pass?! I never even pay attention. Note even 1 note, i know! Shit! Ok, whatever. I'm going to fail. And I don't care. And the conversation happened in music! I was with Zuhaili then we made so much nonsense. Like brothers and sisters!
P.e was terrible. Always last!
Then health check up. Boys got in first. Then girls outside waiting made so much noise. We had a blast! Me, Clarisse, Mun Ee, Sheena, Fatin, Suryani, Nadia and Amirah played concentration. I screwed up ALOT! Haha. Sorry eh!
Then goeg, talked crap the whole lesson because all of us didn't bring textbook. Haha. Good class eh?
Then go home...........
Ok. I was browsing through Youtube when I came across this. Ahaha! I miss this day. And Fi, see if you can find the guy who you stared at and stepped on my shoe! He's in the video! Ahaha.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Class was really beautiful! I liked the whole green things on the wall! It was seriously nice! Even though it was halfway, THE CLASS LOOKED SERIOUSLY GOOD! CHEERS TO ALL WHO DID THE CLASS: FATHIHAH, CLARISSE, SHAWN, SHEENA, AND MORE OF YOU.....
Argh! I was seriously embarrassed sia just now! Ok, so i reached school at about 7 plus. Then you know, at our school gate, there's s this light yellow gate thingy right? So i didn't use that gate or whatever! I used the normal huge gate, and the security guard went "Girl! Girl! Go outside and take the gate!" And i firstly ignored him and then he shouted "Eh! For your safety eh!"
And i was seriously pissed! Because first, there were NO cars! Second, I was already IN school. And third, EVERYONE was watching me. And Zuhaili was also there. And then when I was completely humiliated, I did what he said. Cibai sia the security guard! Like hello! I can see if there is a car or not! I'm not blind - yet! Just because he's old doesn't means that he's more wiser! Please! I've met four year olds better than you! What am i doing babbling about the security guard!? Argh!
Then lessons as per usual. Bla. Bla. Bla. I complaint to Zuhaili about the security guard because he was also there. in the scene. And while we were on the way to Malay room, i talked with him. And you know what? He's getting a hell lot taller! Because he's almost as tall as me! But almost only! Haha. I still beat him. And someone even disturbed us from the back saying " Eh macam couple sia! " OMG. Zuhaili is a best friend okay! Nothing more, nothing less.
Then Malay, cikgu was talking about giving birth, I don't know why, and she said that it's going to be as pain as stomach cramps but only worse, like ten times worse. And Luqman turned to me and actually said " Good luck." That was seriously down right evil. Haha.

A video with an interview with Ed Westwick! So damn hot sia! And his accent is really nice! He hides his accent in gossip girl. Is that cool or what?!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Me: Amirul, why you so quiet? Got problem with Gf eh!?
Amirul: No la! You ah! You have boyfriend at woodlands right?!
Me: Nonsense seyy you!
I don't know how to put this. Haiiz. Let me write it down. Errr........ I HATE MYSELF FOR BEING SO NICE! PLEASE, GOD! I DON'T WANT TO HAVE ANYTHING WITH HIM! OK. i'm fine now. Wow, that helped. So by all the caps, you probably can figure out that I'm living in hell right now because of just a boy. And fcuk! He's not even a bestie. At least, that's what I think.
School was fine, aside from me being so stress about my whole life. And friends. And love life. School was fine. Home Ec first. Amirul was so quiet! I was so bored when he was quiet! Seriously! Never thought i would say that. Huhaha. Yeah, the conversation happened in Home Ec. We spoke Malay of course, but I converted it to English to non Malays readers.
Then Bla, Bla, Bla....
Then got this course thingy after school. I thought it was photography session so i went. Because I've been skipping for so long. But ended up at course with some other secondary two students. Seriously, me and Nadia were like planning to Cabot, planning to get out of the class. But we couldn't. So i had to join a group with 4 205 guys and Adilah from 208. The guys were seriously damn nice. And I enjoyed their company. They were NOT dirty like how some 209 guys are and they were VERY MATURE. How i wish 209 had boys like that? And Adilah is really NICE!
And then reached home at about 6 plus? I think.
Oh and Luqkan is also a gentleman! Haha! He gave me his table when my table was missing. Ahaha. How I wish, Zuhaili, Amirul and Zhafri can be like him. No, actually forget I said that. The three mats are just as fun as haunted mansions!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Argh. So bored. So bored. So bored. Here is a very cute video on Gossip Girl. Hope you like it. It's seriously cute. Ahaha! Love them so much! I swear I do! Gossip girl rocks! This is a seriously short post. I just want to add the video in that's all. Today I spend the whole day at home so nothing interesting!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

So yesterday was a blast. Diya made a mess in the kitchen. Haha. Watch the video. It's seriously cute. BBQ was canceled because most of us couldn't make it. I mean, Kak lin is in Japan, and I miss her. And dads and moms couldn't get day offs because of Chinese new year. So yeah, everyone is busy at this moment. So decided to postpone it to next Saturday. I don't understand. We just had a BBQ in December. And then there will be another one in this coming march but my family is not going. We're going to go Brisbane! And I've got a job in researching the places there. Dad says we can go to seaworld, dreamworld and movieworld. OMG. I'm going to be in a world of fun! Wish can go further like L.A or somewhere else but mom scared of planes. Haiizzz. The generations of mums spoil the fun for kids. Some pictures of Diya. The fun of being a kid.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Read Red Sky In The Morning. And that book is seriously touching. And surprisingly, I CRIED! I never ever cried through any other book, even The Kite Runner. But this? Yeah, I cried. Especially the part when Ben died. You should read it, you'll like it.
Err. I don't know what to blog about.
I'm planning to go our with Atikah these few days. To go Library and Timezone. And do other stuffs. Or maybe I can... I don't know. Oh, school can be a drag but school holiday can be a bore! Argh! And I'm stuck with my so irritating brother! Anyone want to trade him for anything? I swear, I hate him.
Zuhaili found out about my family financial problem. I don't know how but yeah, he did. He asked me on Friday i think. He's the closest friend next to Fifi and Hazimah. Maybe even in between them! He knows so many secret. And I know his secrets too! Haha! And no, I'm not telling anyone! Even you, fi! Haha.
Browsed through Youtube and here's a video. It's kind of old. But I love it. Pussycat Dolls are the best! Love them!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Dad: Wake up. Go eat your cough medicine.
Me: Why? Later how to go to school? Sleepy how?
Dad: ( Laughs ) School? It's still one in the morning la!
Haha. I've been so sick these few days and my voice was like shit because of running nose. And cough.
( Everyone Damn Dead ) ( Hazimah suspected that I was taking a picture )
First period was music and it sucks. Big time. Because the teacher is like shit and because i hate Music. I mean, i love songs and everything, it's just i hate learning the notes and whatsoever. I sat with Clarisse, Zuhaili, Jun Hoa, Amirul and Arjun. Clarisse didn't talk much because she was reading. And I talked alot with Zul and Jun Hoa. Jun Hoa is not that bad. I don't understand why some people hate him so much. And Zul was, as usual, fun and nice. And Amirul was, as usual, funny.
P.e next was better than some other times i guess. The teacher treated us like primary school kids but I liked it. Because, it was better than running round the school. We had to sprint to do some activities with this heavy ball and run back to our group. And i tell you, the ball was seriously heavy. It weights about maybe 3 or 4 Kg. I think ah. After P.E, everyone, the girls mostly, were like out of breath and all going to collapse.
Recess was the same. As usual.
Then continue with lessons. Mr Peh, or whatever it is his name is, our Geog teacher, is actually not that bad kind of teacher. OK, maybe his teaching lessons are boring but still, I think he's really nice. And Mr Jeremy too. I think, they look fierce, but are totally nice people.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

( My FAV Couple. )

Home Economics was so KECOH! Seriously, when Miss Fadila said that followed register number partner, i knew straight away that Amirul is going to be my partner. And i was kind of relieved because we both are close friends and that he's no stubborn ass. So we did an oatmeal biscuit first. It was seriously HILARIOUS! Amirul was like so noisy. Do this lah do that lah. The thing was that everything i do, he'll make a joke. And I kept laughing. None stop. I mean, please, people want to concentrate on cooking but he can make so many jokes. Almost everyone disturbed me and him like " Cheyy Amirul and Amira ah!" and "Korang macam couple seyy." and more. And me and Amirul kept on fighting about the size of the biscuit. I wanted it small but he wanted big ones. Haha. You people should hear our arguments. You'll drop on the floor laughing. Next did pudding. We still did fight. But overall, Amirul's has been a great partner. And his cooking is not bad.
And life went as per normal. I got a fever that noon but mom and dad don't want to bring me go Doctor.

Jasper has got to stop scaring me off my seat. Seriously, two times already! Zuahili also! Made me jump sia! First period was MT. Let me tell you People are making stupid comments comment about me and Luqman. And it's all gossips. And whatever OKAY!? I'm only a friend. Or maybe a classmate.
Then assembly: I enjoyed the fashion show. The lion dance was maybe kind of cheap. Hehe. Each class was so MEREPEK. All like so crazy do the dresses. Haha. 209 was amirul, as a girl. The guy was like "Are you a guy or a girl?" And Amirul made this girl voice and everyone in the hall laughed! He was really great. And then the winner was 208.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Zhafri: I never take ! Amira la!
Me: Eh where got!? What are you talking about sia? What you lost?
Fahrisah: My pencil box!
Me: I never take. Confirm Zhafri one!
Fahrisah: Zhafri!
Zhafri: Eh where got!? Do I look like a thief?
Me and Fahrisah: Yeah!
School today was fine. Again, FINE. First period was Lit, i was bored and read all the poems on other pages while Mr Imran chatted away. My mum said that Mr Imran used to teach her when she was in secondary school after looking at his picture in the yearbook. And i loved some of the poems. I know, it's so not me to love poems but i think I'm starting to love some of them. Then English, Miss Sha had to attend coarse, so did situational writing alone. Then recess.
Science, where the conversation belonged. Zhafri accused me of stealing Fahrisah's pencil box, which i didn't. So i accused Zhafri back because he's always like that. And the fight went on and one until me and Zhaf pointed Arjun. Arjun was all blur like sotong. And Zhafri looking so smug, said " Whoever whose keeping Fahrisah's pencil box likes her. " And Arjun turned and threw Fahrisah's pencil box at Zhaf. It was seriously hilarious! So Zhafri was not guilty after all. Huhaha. But he was so kurang ajar you know! He said " Amira panggil Zuhaili." So i called Zuhaili " Eh Zuhaili, Zhaf panggil kau." Zhafri acted like so blur, " Mane ade!" That was seriously not funny OKAY?
And OMG! 201 boys asked for Fifi's number you know! Because we were walking when their group saw us. " Eh korang due 209 kan?" I mean like duh, they see us everyday in class sia. And i looked at them and nodded. Then they started disturbing Fifi. I only smiled and walked away. One advantage of being an ugly bitch like me is that NOONE will care to disturb you. And then I heard one of them called my name "Amira!". Ok, how the hell do they know my name? I mean if Fifi's name maybe they know from one of them who was Fifi's primary schoolmate but me??? I know none of them. And this is the second time I heard them calling my name? How they know sia??
After school, stayed back with Fifi and Fathihah to study. Well, i studied at least. Hehe. And i'm really stressed out. I mean, hello people! Streaming here? Not worried ah you guys?! Even Fifi can like gossip here and there and she said that i slept in class that's why I'm so stress. Is that true? Even Zuhaili said that he's stress. And she's not? Up to her la. Not going to but in her life.
Tomorrow studygroup.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Dad: Where are you? I'm outside the library.
Me: Oh. I'm finding the.. the... the
Dad: ( Cuts me ) The exit of the library?
Me: No lah! Finding your car la!
Dad: Quick la!

Haha. Ok this was my conversation with my dad, who is seriously funny but sarcastic at the same time.
First lesson for the day was art. And it was OK i guess. I mean, i did managed to draw the buildings, ugly ones especially. Then next was errr.... Science! OkOk la. I understood the subject. But i can so study on my own. Because Mr Cheah's or whatever his name is, teaching is like a short cut way, he gives us way much rests. I rather study on my own. Then recess, with Fifi. My eyes were so teary just now because of maybe lack of sleep and people thought i cried. Faiz even looked at me and turned his head because i looked like i was crying.
After recess, was Goeg! And hell! I got C for my quiz thingy. And i must do correction! I was rushing for time sia! And it's not fair!! Argh! And then Maths, i totally didn't understand a word Mr Jeremy said, I prefer calling Mr wee, Mr Jeremy. Because my eyes were so teary and i was feeling so unwell. I was having a fever at that time. And my mind was flying elsewhere sia. So and then Star.

Lunch, went to sit with Fifi, Amirah, Nadia, Suryani, Fatin and Musfirah under a block and ate. We decided to go to class late because we don't care about punishment. And guess what? When we reached class, we were the only ones there because the others haven't arrived. So much for being late huh? Haha! Enrichment was great. OKOK. Nadia is really great and nice you know. I really got close to her today and she's really a nice gal.

Went to the regional library with Amirah and she teached me maths. I understood everything clearly when she teached. And after that, don't know how the topic started but i told her everything about my family problems and she said that my problems were so... hard. And yeah, i even cried because of the flashbacks. And she's the second person who knows my problems. She's a great friend. And i should spend more time with her.
And to that someone, ( You know who you are )
You're my best friend and i guess it's okay for you to like him. I mean, i have no right to stop you liking him. Sometimes, i think, you put in even more enthusiasm about him than i do. And yeah, he deserves a girl like you because you're thousand times prettier than me. And I don't deserve someone like him. Besides, it's also time that you change someone in your mind that just Mr Z. So i guess, i'm going to surrender. And let you take my spot. I really don't mind. You don't have to be jealous. We're friends. And i guess sharing is something we have to do. Haha. I just want us to not fight just because of a boy. Because i've faced that problem before and i don't want it to happen again. Don't feel guilty okay? You're better for him than me.
To that other someone,
Asking me for a stead just because you're in an uncormtable spot doesn't means that it's true love. I'm never going to be a replacement. For you or for anyone else for that matter. And i hope you know that you're seriously getting on my nerves. Seriously, you should know me better because you're the one i'm recently closest to.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

I so need a job to get my own money to buy my own things. Because i was this so very very beautiful dress that i wanted to buy so i begged my mom. And you know what she said? "I'll buy for you when we board the plane in March alright?" Ok. That's dull. I mean, March and for boarding plane? That's so wicked sia. I want it for my everyday use not for March! And yeah, my family, because my father's a worker of SIA needs to look smartly dress to board on a plane. Don't ask me why because i don't know alright?! I'm already pissed enough.
Just came back from JB. The traffic jam was unbelievable! Watched Bolt and Angus Thongs and Perfect Snogging. And i love Angus thongs and Perfect Snogging. Because it's so funny and really snog-alicious. Haha. Bolt was okay i guess. Seriously got no comment because watched it in the car out of boredom. Kak Sharifah said that she's coming back to Evss! To sec 5! How great is that?! I'm so happy! She really has been like a true sister to me and i really love her like she has the blood as i do.

Ed Westwick is soooo HOT!


Friday, January 16, 2009

[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says: Hello
Amira Shaqira! says:hey
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:amira, i got beaten up .
Amira Shaqira! says:omg. why? are u okae now?
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:not so . my chest bengkak . my parents tak trimer
Amira Shaqira! says:but wat hapen? u kene bully or u were in a fight?
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:in a fight uh . **************** ( Private Stuffs )
Amira Shaqira! says:So hu started the fight first?
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:he uh . he start msg me
Amira Shaqira! says:and did he get hurt too?
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:i beat him tk kuat . he beat me very hard
Amira Shaqira! says:Khai, ini psl pumpan ehk? Please, can u tell me like evrything. Coz its so suspensing for me.
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:actually his fwen stare at me . then i stare back . then after that he msg me mepek uh . macam tk puas hati uh . then i got beat up after school at the school toilet . they took video uh .
Amira Shaqira! says:OMG! Terok sial. U suld report to the police or the principle or something becoz this is serious bully and offence
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:i report to the school . guarantee he kena caning . Amira Shaqira! says:Ok. good. I feel so bad for u seyy. When did all this happened?
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:yesterday . after school . at the school toilet ******** . when primary school, tk macam gini uh . adib slalu tlg aku uh .
Amira Shaqira! says:Have adib and the others know? Hizkil, your friends?
[c=26]>>>>. : : K H A I : : . <<<< [/c=1] says:i told adib . he said bilang cikgu/ parents .
Amira Shaqira! says: Yeah. everyone's gonna say that. wish i can help you out somehow.
I really feel bad for khairul. If this was our year, Adib, Hizkil, Joyner and Andre will NEVER leave Khairul alone like that.Anyway............. At school. Received an SMS from " Ehem! " And i was shocked like shit. Never ddi get an SMS from him since the say i apoliqized to him. Ok, so the conversation was just a fun thing because he was bored. So, i guess, there's no harm puting in here. And i bet Fifi's dying to know.

Him: Hey. You now what school? Me: Hey. I'm still in East View. Haha.

Him: When did you move? Me: .... 16th December. But I'm still schooling here. Long story don't ask.....

Him: I don't mind if you tell me. Me: You're not schooling? Anyway, i wanted to come back here. And here I am. Hehe.

Him: I'm at the airport doing some maths stuffs. Me: At least, it's better than sitting in a dull classroom. You must be bored.

Him: A little. But I'm looking forward to go Mcdonald's after this :P Me: Yeah Whatever :p

Him: My school the best and knows how to relax. Come join here ah. Me: ...... Dream On. Iwant to stay here.

And that's the end. So not much. But yeah, it was really cute. And Hazimah and Fifi were like so curious. Espicially Fifi because firstly i told her this unknown number SMS-Ed me. And she got all exicted. During recess, the junior, the one i said who loves to disturb me, walked past me and i looked away. So then when he saw me he disturbed me lah, what else? Fifi couldn't hear what he said so thank god. And suprisingly, when reached school, Hazimah was in front of the gate and she said " Eh you never look there ehk ?" And she pointed to the guy. So i stuck my tounge out and went staight to the bathroom. I don't know what gotten into me sia. I guess, I really have gotten over him and even when Fifi said that everything Hazimah told us what a misunderstanding, i still don't have any feeling. I really don't know but he's really not the one i used to like. And this goes to Fifi and Hazimah: I'm not and i never will be/get jeolous if he wants to state with anyone. Because i have way better stuffs to worry about than him. And i'm serious.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Won't be putting in any car pictures in this post.
Woke up really late and I'm surprised that i'm not late for school. I don't know if I'm really lucky or the journey from Woodlands to Tampines is not that far. Whatever it is, I'm grateful I'm not late.
Amirah is so merepek, she say that got a secondary four guy just now searching for me. And that Jalil or Jali kept on looking at me. OK, two reasons why i don't believe that got a secondary four guy wanted to see me. First is because, i don't know any of them at all. Second is because Amirah have tricked me something like this before. Last year she said that she gave my number to a secondary two guy and i panicked. In the bus, she was like " Ok, fine if you don't believe me, tomorrow I'll show you. I don't know his name ah but i know his face." So how obvious is that? And about the Jalil thingy, i know, it happens all the time, he likes to stare. And coincidently, i walked past him. So, no surprises.
In malay was so embarrassing! Amirul! He was so argh! I was doing a presentation with Hazimah, Zhafri, Fatin and Luqman. And i kept on asking Zhafri to move because my legs were tied up with the wires. And while i struggled, i read aloud my group's work. And Cikgu Nurul was like " Tepikan sayang. " Asking us to readjust the paper at the visualizer. And Amirul said " Kuat sikit sayang!" To me, in front of the whole class. I know he meant it as a joke but it was seriously embarrasing! And the whole class laughed. Zhafri was so fed up that i kept pushing him until he walked over to the other side. Haha.
All odds went to Home Economics first and i'm really happy. Because Fifi, Hazimah, Zhaf, Zul and Amirul are there too! If only we can get back like old times.... I miss them. but hopefully, with all of us in HomeEc, we can get back together again. If Only.........
I need to talk to Daryl. Regarding someone.

Hey Daryl! if you're reading this, then i really do need your help. It's about " Ehem! ". I'm really stressed out because of him and you know, i think, it's happening again. You need to tell me what to do because there's no way,i'm going back to my old mistakes. You mostly know what i mean, and i don't even need to say the name. I'll meet you as soon as possible, but not at E-Hub okay?
Loves, Amira

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

See? How cool is this? I can stare at it for like hours and never get bored. Ferrari F430. Remember that!
Woke up late just now, kind of overslept but wasn't late for school! Cool right? Whatever.
Classes went as per normal. And malay kena sit at the back of the class! Shoik sia! With Fatin next to me and Zhafri and Hazimah next to her. Never will get bored in malay. I hope. And somemore, Fatin, Zhafri, Hazimah and Lukman are in my Malay group! And they kept on disturbing me and Lukman just because we don't talk. How childish is that?
And Jasper, my name is AMIRA SHAQIRA okay? Not Woodlands alright? Humph!
And I Love This Angel: Roshdiya!

I'm missing these two special people? Chitra and DARYL

Monday, January 12, 2009

School was great just now! Not so great but... At least better than some other school days.
Mr Jeremy's teaching is making me insane. I mean, he's going way too fast. But the weird thing is that at the end of the lesson, i understood everything!
Art was really crazy. My group was really making so much nonsense. And we didn't paid attention to the teacher. Hey, it's art! Never will and have been an important subject for me.
Goeg was sleepy all the way. Don't ask me what the homework was because i don't know!
And the rest was a bore as usual.
After school was enrichment. It was fun! Because the activities were fun!
and I sat with Amirah and she's awesome. I love her. And in front of our table were Zhaf, Zul, AmirulArjun! They were hilarious! BTW, Zul is Zuhaili. Fifi, from far, looks like she's not enjoying her life. Haha, poor her.
And just now, this East Spring guy , OMG so gatal sia! I was walking back then he was sitting with his girlfriend, Ngee Ann girl, on a staircase and when they saw me, they stopped whatever they were doing. And the guy disturbed me! Yucks sia!
Gtg now...... !!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Been watching Gossip Girl these few days and can i say i absolutely love it? Yes! I can! And my favorite character is CHUCK I love him like crazy!
School's starting tomorrow. Argh!
Hung out with Diya just now and she's crazily great! I love that girl! And having algebra workshop tomorrow. Why must school be so cruel!? And it starts on 2! I thought 2:30! I had some plans already!!!! And Elinna, Hassbul's friend, is living in Australia now! How cool? Her school starts on February. Good luck girl! I have nothing to blog about anymore. Bye!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Camp was wonderful, great, sad, crazy, tiring, terrible, embarrassing, hilarious and most of all memorable.
This is going to be a very long post! So since it's long, i'll make it colourfull.
First you have to pity us because, we camped on St. John's island. There was seriously nothing on that Island. No shops at all, vending machines, nope. The toilets had NO DOORS! Insects there were as huge as my thumb! Bed sheets on bed were like don't know how long never change.
First day was OK. Took a ferry and on it, most of the pupils got seasick including me but it eased once we were further on the sea. We were the first to reach the island. St. John’s Island was beautiful! The water was pure blue/ turquoise! We could see through the water because it was so clean! So anyway we played a game first with our instructors. Instructor Ernest and WeiHong were very nice. But i was closer to Weihong because he was group one’s, which I’m in. Lunch was terrible, no comment, but hey, we were all hungry so heck care right? Went to check into our dorms and the bed sheets were like shit. I don’t know how many years have they been there without anyone touching or washing them. We forgot out sleeping problem and played the first game which was Amazing race. I was in group one without any close friends. Fifi, Hazimah, Amirah, Mun Ee, Zhafri all of them and some more were in group two. My group was me, Clarisse, Ain, Amirul, Zuhaili, Syed, Arina, Kang Le, Fathihah and more. We got lost during our first task and WeiHing helped us. But we ended up slacking by the sea and enjoying the se breeze and forgetting about the competition because WeiHong wanted us to enjoy. Winning was not our priority that day. But we, 209, still emerged as the winner thanks to group two. And then, we washed up. So those who were curious about the toilets having no doors, I didn’t use the toilets. Instead, i used my brain and bathed another way. Hazimah found a pail and i was like “Eh, we take the pail and we take our water bottled and we bath like Kampung style ah! In the cubicle so faster and much safer.” And Hazimah agreed. And we bathed. It was a hell lot faster and best, there were doors! Ahaha! Sleeping time, me and Fifi combined our beds and let Hazimah sleep with us because she was bedless. It was seriously hilarious setting up our sleeping bags because i kept on complaining that it was so cold and Fifi was complaining about the bed and Hazimah was complaining about how she can’t sleep. I was the first to sleep because i was seriously tired. And i pulled my sleeping bag all the way to my head because i was too cold and Fifi and Hazimah we chatting away.
Second day was.... Woke up and washed up as usual, like kampong style. First game was Gladiators and it was the most exciting game ever! Water Bombs! I didn’t play because the competition was tough. One wrong step and the whole class get drained. First round was 201 Vs 202 Vs 205 Vs 209. We got seriously wet. But we had fun! First round, we and 202 ended up as a draw. And the second round, 202 really wanted revenge from us and they kept on attacking one after another. But at last, neither of us won, 201 was the winner. At last, when we ended the game, Suhaid from 202 took the leftover water from their class and threw at us. And so did everyone else so we were the wettest class because everyone, one after another, threw water at us, in revenge or in sobotouch, i don’t know. After that had camp fire preparations and it was terrible! During lunch, Ernest, our instructor, invited me and Fifi to play a small whacko and i knew him more, he was really nice! And like WeiHong, he’s really caring and funny. Skip all the way to camp fire, we ended up as fools. We were totally blur and blank. And we got so embarrassed because everyone laughed at us. And we just did our cheer and sat back to our seat. I won’t say what happened exactly but i say, it’s our fault, the singers because we were as soft as mouse. After campfire, WeiHong and Ernest assured us that we did our very best but we put on sad faces all the way.
The last and final day was really sad. 202 won the whole competition. But we suspected it, so no heart attacks. Final song with WeiHong and Ernest was on the ferry back to... Ferry terminal? Was titanic and it was very sad. Ernest and WeiHong are two most wonderful instructors and it hurts to say the last goodbye. But, we took a lot of pictures, but i have no idea how to get it. How i wish i brought a camera or something.
So now, here i am, suffering from voice lost, sunburns and blisters. And my skin is totally ruined! Because of sunburn and part of me is white and part of me is brown! How to wear short sleeves sia? Oh Oh.
Few Notes Which Was Interesting:
Hazimah said that i MUMBLE in my sleep. Omg!
Fifi said that Hazimah wanted to hug her when she was sleeping. Haha!
At night, the place looks like a ghost town.
In the ferry, Hazimah pretended to vomit and i panicked like shit.
Had to wash toilets. After washing up the toilets, it looks ten times cleaner and we should have done it on the first day.
And more... I wish i can write every single thing in here but i can't because it's already too long.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Oh. Again, I'm Damn Tired.
So third day of school and how was it?
OKAY i guess.
I love Mr Imran's teaching because he's so hilarious and he's really great! And even the others said that. He's meant to be a great teacher you know. During literature had a blast! And English went as per normal with miss Shah teaching, no one can get bored. And then maths was confusing but i understood what Mr Jeremy was teaching. And then Malay was ok i guess. Cikgu Nurul is not that bad. Well, except that she uses perfect Malay that i can't understand.
I found out that he's now in 303! What a waste! His classroom is on the second floor! That is really boring sia. And then after school I was walking out of school with Hazimah when she was like pulling my skirt crazily and said "Amira! Amira! Him! Him!" Of coarse, Hazimah said his name la. This group of secondary three kids, who looked so much like Mats, walked past us and he was one of them. And you know what i did? I looked down while blushing. Yeah. That's stupid. I looked up for awhile to see him and looked at other ways. And He's So DIFFERENT now. I don't know, from total innocent much to a total hotstuff much? Yeah, that's it. I knew that i was blushing terribly because first, i felt it and he was exactly next to me. How can I not? OMG. That was so embarrassing sia.
In Malay, you'll never guess who sat next to me? Zhafri! Get it Zhafri, the one my best friend had had a crush since I don't know? Last year? So when he sat next to me people from everywhere was like "Eh Eh!" And they were disturbing me and him. People Read This Wisely Will You?: I Am Not The One Who Liked Him Ok? Why don't people get it? Why can't they disturb Fifi who was just behind me? What's so interesting about me and Zhafri that you guys don't see Fifi in the back? There is absolutely nothing going on with me and him! Get it? Nil. Nada. Kosong. Zero! Nothing! And Fifi in the back seat said something about suffering. Something like that then she said " I don't think so." (Well, it was not the exact words but it was something like that.) Fi, if you were jealous then just say it. Haha. No, no I'm just kidding. I know you've gotten over him. Or have you not? Hehe.. :) :p

Monday, January 5, 2009

Daryl is so getting crazy with the whole microphone thingy. Boy, OK fine, I've heard you voice, like so many times already. And i love your new voice! Seriously!
Ok school was FINE just now. But i was like so drunk. Ask Fifi, i was so sleepy that i didn't paid any attention to her and always like " What? What? What la?" Hehe.
The new teachers are OKAY. And i have seriously Nothing to write about. I am trying my very best to maintain everything in life. Time especially. Because I am so damn tired.
So Here's New Expectations you guys Are Going to Expect From Me:
- I will NOT be hanging out in school or anywhere else after school.
- I WILL be working ten times harder than how i used to on my studies.
- I Won't talk much.
- AN hour on the computer. Half an hour for whatever fun purpose and another half for continuing of story.
- I Will try to focus only on education and not think about that secondary three kid. But i think it's impossible. Hehe.
Why you ask me am i suddenly a Miss So Good Pants? Here's the reason why:

make-up assesment says:
all im saying is that
make-up assesment says:
your parents are nice enough to fulfill your wishes
make-up assesment says:
and they are trusting enough that they allow you to continue your studies in evss;for whatever reason you have
make-up assesment says:
so in return its just fair you have good grades and make sure you are in express stream tru out
make-up assesment says:
and make it to the JC and then the uni
This is why. From a very special someone who told me this. So I'm really grateful. To everyone around me. Who have been putting in so much effort that i choose to ignore. My family, Fifi, My cousins. Everyone for that matter. So, I'm going to change. And if i don't change, I'm going to go hit myself so hard that I will be covered in bandages.
To Fifi: Sorry for being so inattentive to you just now. And maybe for the rest two or three years.
To Daryl: When Can i Meet you Soon? I need to talk to you. It's been a rough life lately.
To Adib: The video was FANMADE so please, don't start your ridiculous nonsense.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

This is a fan made video. But, I'm psyched! OMG! Whoever who did this i a real genius. Watch it. It's amazing!

New Moon. Fan Made trailer. Enjoy guys!


( I was in the center of them so i edited the picture because i looked like shit.)

Oh, Oh, Oh! I'm so happy!
Went Causeway Point and Library with Atikah, Syahirah and Kak Yaya. And it was a blast!
First, planned to meet her at her house but accidentally missed a stop so just changed to meeting in front of library. And i waited and waited and waited. To tell you the truth, i don't know who i was searching for because I haven't met Atikah for years and years! Then this women came up to me and said " Amira! How are you!?" And it was their mom! I was as blur as a sotong and was like " Err.. Fine." And then after that the mother, Cik Siti, and Syahirah went to causeway point first leaving me, Atikah and Kak Yaya.
In the library, i didn't talk because i was speechless! I mean, totally mute! I just smiled. Ater browsing the books in the library, we went to TIMEZONE! And that's when the fun started!
In Timezone, we met up with Syahirah. And first we played the motorcycles! Oh my god! I was so bad that i got last position! Hey, i am a beginner you know! Ater the motorcycle thing, we played the cars! I got fourth again. I totally suck in these games. I played the motorcycle again. And got third! I was like " OMG! If my mom knows that I'm here, she's going to kill me." My parents don't agree me going to places like that but it was fun! told Atikah that I'm going to buy the member card soon and we can go there after school or something. And she agreed. I was already beginning to feel like at home with all of them even Syahirah!
And having a blast of fun, went to eat at MCD. So Kak Yaya told me about the schools here and told me a lot of other stuffs.
I totally had a blast! And we promised to meet each other after school sometime to work on our school homework!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Oh Man. I'm So Sleepy!
Went to school, EVSS, today with mom because she wanted to buy for me the books. All the way from Woodlands to Tampines, she kept on nagging on how slow the bus was. But i was seriously grateful she was there with me. She called Miss Sha saying that maybe i will be very late for school. So Miss Sha said ok.
Went i reached at school, i wasn't late. Thank god. And Fatin and Musfirah were the first people to see me. And Fatin hugged me. Musfirah was like how? Why? Good la, Yeahh!
And then i got in school, i was talking on my phone and went Fifi saw me. She was like " Whheeeeee" Yeah, like that. And everyone was like that too. And Hazimah hugged me too.
When i was walking i saw him! OMG! In his senior long pants. he looked so mature. If only........... Not going to say anymore. I think I'm love struck. Again. By him. Argh!
When I was going home with Amirah, i heard this guy saying something to me. So i turned and i regretted what i did. It was HIM, another HIM!! I can't believe it. How can it be? In all the schools there are, how can he come here? So he kept on disturbing me and after this, he will continue disturbing me and soon, my secret will be revealed. Damn! I hate that guy!
And, And, the school, and 209, and everyone, and I tell You: I Never Regretted Not Changing school, Because if I wasn't There, I would miss Out a Hell Out Of Fun!
And I don't care having to wake up at 5:30 in the morning. Although that sucks. BIG TIME!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Miami Ink! I Love Him!
I Love Them!

I Only Love these Twilight Couples. Sorry not much a fan of Bella and Edward.

I Love Selena Gomez. She's so pretty!

I Love her. Second Loved!

Oh yes. I LOVE THEM! Ultimate fan here!
There's still alot more. But I Have To Go Now. Later. Or Tomorrow I Put in.


Had a countdown with Kak Sharifah yesterday. And it was funny because once the fireworks were displayed on the T.V. My house can hear the explosion so we searched everywhere thinking that is was near. But my father told me that they were shooting in Yishun. I swore that the explosion sounded near. Luckily, we didn't panic and got straight into the store ( Bomb Shelter ). HAHA!
For those who have been bugging me asking me why i am going back to EVSS. Here's my answer: It's a long story. To shorten it, I turned down a very huge opportunity. So yeah, just one " NO " leads to something like this which i will regret for life. I have to say that i was selfish and only thought about me and only me.
I have shed tears and have regretted this. And i will make it up. I will promise.
To Mom: I Promise I Will Never Do Anything Stupid Behind Your Back. I'm Sorry.
To Dad: I Will Study Hard, And You Can Give Me Hell When I Deserve It.
Ok, that's my death note. Now, time to jump of a building. No, No. Just Kidding.
Ok. And OMG! My school stuffs.
- I only have three books which is Math, Science and Malay textbooks.
- I Have To Borrow someone's uniform.
- I have to wear normal school shocks.
- Same school bag.