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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Saturday, February 28, 2009

It's 12:27 in the morning and I'm still up and awake. Writing my story while listening to some songs. While chatting nonsense with Fahd while watching Adam Lambert!!!!!!! I love Him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wakaka! I have no idea what I should do!

Friday, February 27, 2009

I'm Still Not Over Him! Wakaka! Ed is so HAWT!

Hmmm. First period of the day was music. And it was total nonsense. Poor Fifi, her group didn't co-operated. Sat with Hazimah, Arjun and Zul while Fifi's group performed.
Next P.E. Had a few injuries uh. First had to do sprints. And there's this one time that me and Fifi banged into each other and my specs accidentally hit my eyes and fell off. It was painful. I had to wait for a few minutes to get back to normal. Then played Captain's ball. It was rubbish. The girls actually played rougher than the boys. I hit my leg against the chair a LOT of time. And it did hurt!
Then recess. Next was Maths.
Jafper and Yang Xan changed place for awhile. Me and Suryani were joking and when I laughed, he said it was his first time hear me laugh. Huh? Serious eh?
It was overall OKay. Mr Peh is very nice. But stupid Kalidass created problems over and over again. He sent me an SMS saying that " Can give me chance? Mr Peh say that if you guys give me chance, he will give me marks!" Fcuk ah! Who want to give him chance sia! We did the work and he will deserve the mark. No way. So, when I said no, his face was really..... I don't know. Angry? Sad? Whatever ah! Padan muke tak nak contribute kan!
Then Mr Peh called all of us to stay back. And in front of Mr Peh, Nadiah, Suryani, Syed and more, I was like giving Kalidass a good scolding sia. And Mr Peh went all " Ok2. Calm down. Let him choose. Its either A) You do the.... Your members will grade you or b) You do on your own and pass p to me by Sunday."
What's so wrong with doing the bloody thing and passing it up. So, I went like this, " Why can't you do it on yourself? It's still 12:30! You can do it! Your tuition starts at 2!" And Kalidass argued with me! And the Mr Peh again, stepped in, " OK2. If you want to do the ...... Your group mates will grade you very low and you will fail. If you want to do on your own, you can because you still have time." Haha! And then Kalidass, looking so pissed accepted. "And you see, your classmates are good enough to help you." Mr Peh said about me and Nadiah!
So, forcefully, I stormed to the library with Nadiah. And I helped him!
And because of him, again, I get scolding for staying back and I just can't stand this anymore. So I have something to shout out here!I hate how the both of you are acting! But, that's not the point! I'm in SEC2 for heaven's sake! I have projects and others! And I don;t even want to stay back in the first place! Stop it with the overprotective thing! Because I'm not tasting any freedom!!!!!!!!!Ed Westwick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Love Him!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Sorry for changing the blog skin. I know, the older one was nicer. But something wrong happened, so while I fix/find a new skin, I'm using this.
School was fine. And a thousand times sorry to Fifi for dragging you to the library with me and made you walk in the rain.
First was MT. It was boring. As usual.
Then science. Something happened that made my hands cold again like how it used to turn last Thursday, when it was time to perform. So, I realized that whenever I get too scared, I automatically turn cold/numb. Touch my hands, you'll let go a shiver. Why must Thursdays be scary? Last Thursday performance. Then today, something happened. The malay peoples should know this. And it's not about the test because I had confidence that I will NOT pass. But, serioulsy surprisingly, I PASSED! By half mark. Haha! At least pass seyy.
Then Recess. Then Maths.
Can you believe if i say I didn't know what the hell I was doing during the test. And this time, I'm sure, I'll fail. Because I was so blur and I couldn't concentrate because I was too scared.
English was once, boring! Did some practice work. Miss Sha said that next lesson will be fun since CA is over. And tomorrow, she'll be giving back COMPO! Well, let's see how I do. Still, NO. confidence in it.
Assembly was great.
After school went library with Fifi. And she was trying so hard not to laugh in the library loudly because I made a LOT of jokes. Wakaka. Kesian.... When we came out of the library, it was raining so since, I kind of dragged Fifi to the library, I accompanied her till the rain decreased. We walked around shops and anyhow entered them. And finally, Fifi gave up and just decided to walk in the rain. Haha! Fun right Fifi?
And Jafper is playing the same tricks as what Zul always do. Why did i fall for it? Should have known he was joking!
And guess I had nothinfg to do that I studied Tamil from Fahrisah. Siala. Hard sia. Have to really turn your tounges! Haha. I practised in Arjun and he laughed at my Tamil. Argh. Haha.
And Suryani said that I write good! Here's our conversation.
Suryani: What subject you want to take ah next year?
Me: I don't know. Lit?
Suryani: Lit?
Me: I want to be a writer what. Have to learn literature ah. I think.
Suryani: Oh! No wonder your English so good! Your ending the other day very good you know!
Me: Eh?
Yay! I'm good in writing? Woah. Never knew. Is it a talent? If it is, then I guess I found mine!
So far marks.
English: Don't Know.
Maths: First test: 12/16
Science: First test: 8/ Over 20. I think. Second test: 20.5/40
Malay: Dialouge: 13/ 20 ( I think ). ( Time You All Know My Test Result ) 11/50
Literature: 13/ 25 ( I Think )
Geog: Don't Know.
HomeEc: Ermm. 75. I think.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I think............
I think I'M falling for someone else. Oh oh.
I think I won't be able to sit at the back of the class in malay again!
I think Luqman was sick in malay class. ( I Know! )
I hope.....
I HOPE CIKGU DON'T CHANGE MY SEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was bored. Haha.


Just when I realized that I didn't bring my phone, I knew today will so not be a good day.
Was super bored on the bus on the way to school. Luckily, I brought my MP3. But unluckily, it cannot work!!!!!!!!!! Argh Fcuk! So both going to school and coming back form school, I stared plainly.
And the day went super bad without my phone! :'(
But..... Home Ec made my day. Kind of actually. For the first part of school only.
Made Chicken Pie! Wheee! Amirul was great! And shared food with, Amirul, Zul and Hazimah.
There was one part, made me very angry. Kalidass!
He said that he needed help on the project. Since Suryani sabo-ed him, he insisted that we help, and me, as someone who can't stand seeing someone down, said that I'll help him. So recess, I sat with Suryani, Nadiah, Musfirah and Fatin. And then, me, Suryani and Nadiah went up to the library. And guess what? Kalidass never appeared! I was seriously pissed. He said that he was sick so he spend the recess in the toilet and then after a while he admitted that he forget!
We purposely came back to class late after recess, and Miss Sha didn't come.
Then did work. And played Thruth or Dare with Hazimah, Suryani and Amirul. They were like crampping at my table. Nadiah, Ain, Zahirah and Arjun joined. We stopped playing because we were getting bored. Then, me, Hazimah and Zul were in our own world. And Arjun and Amirul was in their wolrd while Nad, Zahirah and Suryani were in their owns. Me ,Hazimah and Zul were talking/ gossiping as usual. haha! Then we came up with so mannyyy nonsense like this march holiday: Going to the zoo.
Geog, was OK. Well, during this period, you can obviously see who's matured and who's not. And apparently, almost all the boys in 209 are not matured enough to handle talking about Sex and the population of people in the world. Kalidass, from his seat, can say this to me, " Eh, tell Mr Peh can help me give chance." So when I said " NO!" He wasn't expecting a no because his face turned shock and he came to me and asked " Did you just said no." And I nodded. You see, I actually offered help but he was taking advantage! Kalidass, now, I won't help you because firstly, you don't give a damn about your work. Secondly, you think that you can take advantage of me. And lastly, you think that I will take your side forever. Well boy, I just got two words for you: Fcuk off! If you don't give a damn about your marks, then why should I bother helping?
Then malay.
I failed my test so bad. But, i told my parents already. They wasn't surprise and I still can ask them if I can drop to NT malay. Hmmm...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pictures of class performance. 209, that's right! I only uploaded two because these two are nice. The others are like........... Well, if you want to see more, go to Fifi's blog.
Aww Man.
I think I'm having a fever. Serves me right for playing the rain again I guess.
Did the career thing and the answers were not satisfying enough for me! Don't know what they give me. Fund Manager la. Therapist la. Nurse la. Hairsylist la. This is all enough. You know what I wanted? At least a writer, director, counselor or babysitter. But Nil! Nada! Hmm. I was seriously fed up at that moment.
Nothing happened. Not much. Amirah didn't come and so many people sat in front of me from Joshua to Zhafri to Zuhaili to don't know who else. When Zhafri sat in front of me, he disturbed me like old times. Haha. I miss those days! Then I was like " Eh, da lame tak macam gini eh?" This time, he disturbed me along with Amirul and Zuhaili. They sit tow rows away from him also can talk and joke around. And my eraser became a victim. Anyhow throw people eraser!
And OMG. I have to say something about Zuhaili. Every science or maths lesson, he will disturbed me. He will be like "Amira, call Suryani." So I called Suryani and he pretended to ignore and then say "Where got!?" Now that's just plain bad! But at least, he wakes me up in class all the time. And after everything, he will come directly to me and apologized.
OH man. I'm seriously going to faint. The fever is terrible. Let me write pointers of what happened.
- I passed Literature! To those suckers who said that the test was easy, IT WAS SO NOT!
- I played in the rain with Suryani.
- Cigku Nurul and Luqman never come. I want to get test paper back! =(
- He walked past class and I was so happy!
- I hate him!
- I hate her!
- Mr Cheah teaches like shit. Even Sheena said that she cannot understand what he teach.
- My friends don't believe that I actually understand Maths. Haha! Believe it or not guys, I UNDERSTAND!
- And, I think my head is spinning off my neck so I better go now!
Oh and2, stupid dares get in me trouble.
=p ( ! )

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Note to Self: Never Wear 3/4 Pants To Grandma's House!
Yeah. I kena sinder, like sarcastic remark! What seyy! 3/4 pants eh! What's so wrong with it! I wear it everywhere I go. Argh!
Whatever. Went to Grandma's house after having fun with Kak Lin, Diya, kak Ayu and Abang nor.
AT Grandma's house, there was a lot of people. And for the first time in my life, I will have to say that it was kind of fun.
And OMG! Does Hakeem have to be so tall that I look so... Short? Ok! This is so unfair! How long has it been since I seen him? Three months? Two months? And he has grown so tall that i think he is as tall as Shawn or Ben! The last time I met him, he was only taller than me by a few inches. No fair!
Played Uno Tower with the kids, since the oldest there is secondary 4, so we played games and forget about our ages. And it was crazy because Uno Tower is really scary. Haha! The boys loosed a lot of times. And, I guess, I did miss my cousins. And I missed the times we used to have. Now, since everyone is growing apart, it's hard to meet.

Friday, February 20, 2009

ARGH! With a big A!
FCUK! With a big F!
I guess, there's no point why I put down everything in here.
So, if you want to know, why I'm so angry, you guys should ask Fifi, Hazimah or Nadiah.
They were there. They saw me shed my tears.
Yeah. i cried in school. Hard to believe but it's true.
Morning started well. Met Fifi before going to school. And entered toegther.
Then many people stared. At Fifi! Haha
Then bla. bla. bla.
Music did presentation and our group did good? I seriously don't know. We were banging against the chair with no idea what we were doing and suddenly everyone was like smiling and clapping loudly for us. And Fifi, was clapping dengan semangat. SO, i thought it was just a normal thing. But during recess, Ben told me that the teacher stood up and clapped for us and even Fifi said we did good. Which was seriously shocking for me.
Then P.E played FRISBEE! Fun! I liked it. Although I never actually hold in during the game. Pfttt! Then when playing with the paring thing was really pissed by Fifi's throw. Which always slid on the ground!
Then maths. Ahaha! As usual. I don't understand! Then, I was so called, trying to understand, when he walked past the class. Then Amirah, Suryani, Fifi, and Hazimah and more looked at me and Zhafri shouted out the word " Azzz!" and worse, Zuhaili shouted my name out loud. Ok, that was seriously so embarrassing!
Then last Geog.
Someone kena canned. But won't mention who. Then Mr Peh talked about Geog project. And Hazimah kena disturbed. And Bla. bla. Bla.
Then stay back till five to do geog.
Me, Fifi and Nadiah had lots of fun. Nadiah was like busy disturbing me with the number three's. And Fifi with... What eh? Oh. Very lame ideas. Well, me and Nadiah were like, " Eh after we write hard2, we send to the government!" And Nadiah, every time I ask her to type something, she will type, " IDK, what to write." And me and Fifi even came up with ideas like policeman for drains. One million dollar fines for littering in the drain. And more stupid ideas!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I'm super happy!
Because performance was OKAY! Maybe, for me, I say, 209 ROCKED THE STAGE! You know why? Because so many applauded and they kept clapping again and again! I'm going to try to type fast because i have tuition in another thirty minutes
So, let's start with the day.
IN science, went to the lab and did some experiments about electricity. And me, being so hyper and crazy was like joking around with Fifi at first, I was like " Zzzz! Eh got sound ah! " So, Fifi laughed again and again. But I guess the electric went to my head, since I was the one who fixed the wires and stuff, I went to the next table which was Amirah and Arina and disturbed them . With the current noise and they were like " Amira, what's so wrong with you are? Hyper eh?" Haha. SO then, I disturbed Nadiah and Suryani and then Hazimah and Mun Ee. Wakaka! Guess, I was really2 hyper. Everyone was like " Eh you so hyper eh today. "
Then maths, I swear, I iratated the hell out of Amirah. Because what I did was lean close to her and sang songs like "Heal the world, I kissed a girl, Matahariku, Hot N Cold and a few others songs. Amirah, in front was seriously pissed. Sorry mirah!
Then English I went silent. My hands turn so numb and cold. Amirah and Suryani were like asking me because I touched them and they said I was seriously cold. Even Ain and Fahrisah and Nadiah and Fifi said so. I hold Nadiah long because her hand was so warm! I was seriously panicking. Because in another hour, we're going to be on stage. And even some cannot concentrate because the atmosphere was so scary and nervous. My heart was going to break.
So dancers went backstage. And well, I did get into trouble. Because of some situation. But put that aside.
So, while we waited backstage for our turn, everyone was scared and nervous. Then, it was our turn. I felt like backing out at that point.
When the curtains opened up, and when the music started, we went out and did our things and I didn't look at anywhere at all. I was sure I was kekek! But who cares.
We did HSM3 Night to remember and when we girls came out with our dresses and when boys came out with their smart shirts. The audiences clapped like whoa!
Then when we changed and when the three or four couple did the couple dance, they clapped and when we did the caterpilla, they clapped again. So when the song ended, sang Heal The World by Micheal Jackson. It was unbelieveable. People who didn't sang during rehearsal, sang their lungs out. I shouted as loud as I can. And when I glanced at the audiences, they were awake! They were wide akawe watching us. SO, in the middle of the perfomance the audience clapped and when we ended, it was like going to cry out of staisfication. Because I know from the appaluades that everyone enjoyed the perfomance!
Woo Weee!!!!!!!!!
Guess that's enough excitement for one day? No way man!
Went to SunPlaza park with Nadiah and Hazimah. And had a blast. played at the slide and we kind of enjoyed it because it was super slippery. Besides, we're still yound=g. So I think we're not old to play on slides!
Then go back to school. And hung out with Fifi and Nadiah and Hazimah again.

This was took by all rehearsal. But the last part was Fifi and Nadiah trying to break into the class!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Zhafri: Uncle, how much?
Uncle: One dollar.
Zhafri: Alamak, expensive sia. Packet drink how much?
Uncle: Seventy cent.
Zuhaili: That one the cheapest eh? The most expensive how much ah?
Uncle: One dollar plus.
Zuhaili: And then the medium one?
Zhafri: Uncle, today you very handsome sia.
Zahirah: Uncle, don't give him discount!

So damn tired. But today is soooo fun!
First period was HomeEc.
I got..... 75/100! Woo!
I kept on sneezing. Haha. And others thought I was crying or sick. But, joked around, since they was no practical, did theory. Which was supperrr boring but I lived through it. With jokes and laughters. You see, HomeEc is the best period to relax. Because it's never hard. Or stressful.
Next recess..... Then skip to geog.
Did group work with Nadia, Suryani and Kalidass. Haha! It was seriously great! Because me, Nadia and Suryani spoke slang english and pretended to have an accent. Haha! Kalidass was like " Should I call my cousin from Australia to speak for me?" Haha. He was abousoltly quiet. And when we asked him why, he answered, " I'm just so shocked. I never thought Nadia is like this. She always quiet."
So, we joked around with out other groups too. Haha!
Malay test was toooo hard. And I'm sure, one hundred percent, I'll get only like 5 or worse, 0! Seriously sia, in the middle of the test, i felt like backing out and just get out of the classroom. I didn't understand a thing.
Then performance in front of Miss Mani. She wanted to see if the performance is suitable or not. So.... She said only one part was inappropriate The other parts were fine and good.
Then rehearsal on stage! It was super warm and big there.
At three plus, we decided to move back to classroom to rehearse.
At three forty or thirty went to Sunplaza park with Hazimah, Zuhaili, Zhafri, Zahirah and KangLe. Had ALOT of fun! Haha. Along the way, disturbed each other. And shared drinks and disturbed outside people also. Haha. We were like drunk students sia. Seriously. Took pictures too! Wakaka! Zuhaili planned to go out there again with us so rent bicycles. But, we went there to do project so people, don't get stupid ideas! The conversation happened when we stop at a mama shop. haha. Zhafri and Zuhaili were so noisy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

( I love this picture! )
I'm super tired.
So, I'm going to blog in fast. In case, there's alot of mistakes here, I'm truly apologize. Haha.
So, first period was errr. I forget ah. What ah? Oh yes, litreature. I can say nothing about the lesson.
Then English. Miss Sha used her english period just to rehearse for our performance. Now, we don't usually get that kind of teacher don't we? I respect her!
then bla. Bla. Bla.
Maths was carzy because Zuhaili can disturbed me from his seat. Look at me and then disturbed me like crazy. And I stuck my tounge at him. Haha. What kids we were.
Then bla. Bla. Bla.
So maybe Siok Fang created a fuzz but we had alot of fun! I had alot of fun at least. With Fifi,Hazimah, Amirah and Nadiah! And Arina and Mun ee and Zahirah! Haha. With everyone for that matter.
So after we danced sang the song and haha, me and Nadiah and and Arina sat on the floor while Mun Ee, Zahirah and Amirah stood on the chairs. Me, Nadiah and Arina kept on changing out actions, first, we waved our hands and then clapped and then we did the some dikir barat moves. And then goofed off with the rest. Yeah! What fun that was...
I love this Pm From.........: Friends are like balloons tied to a string. When you let them go, they go eventually.
Unfortunately boy, I've tried to hold on to the string but the balloon just wants to go by itself.

Monday, February 16, 2009

I pinched myself a few times and checked the name written on the appear and I confirmed it was written: Amira Shaqira. WOOO! I passed my maths! And with a good written by Mr Wee. Haha! When Mr Wee said that 14 failed, I was like argh, I'm one of them. But when teacher gave me back and when I glanced at the paper, I smiled so hugely that almost everyone was watching me. Haha.
Whatever. It's just a small test. Nothing to be proud of.
School was.... Got hit by a sepak takraw ball by some no brained sec one boys! Argh! Irritating sia! Cannot see people studying is it! Alamak, if it's raining, just get the brain that there's no place to play your stupid games la! What? Is it never play will die? No right!
After school, went rehearsal. First, i wanted to back out. But reconsidering that I already have a dress and that it would be kind of fun to dance, I joined again. So, we did the caterpillar. And I had to hold Kalidass. For once, I have to say, Kalidass is very nice. I mean, yeah, he can be this so very irritating dirty boy, but I understand why he's like that. He even told me that he, himself, is starting to hate himself. How bad is that? I pity that boy. And Amirul disturbed us just because I'm being nice to him. How mean is that?
For once, I had this kind of serious talk with Amirul about the opposite sex. And you know, he's really not interested in girls or loving or liking.
Rehearsal was overall fun and tiring. The boys must really co operate with poor Ain.
And to Fifi and Hazimah:
I didn't curse for rain to come okay? I just planned to play in the rain. Haha. Besides, it was fun what!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

The dress above, is it nice? I'm going to wear that for performance on Thursday.
Went JB yesterday. And surprisingly, Mum actually bought me this! It's cheaper in JB.
I was like only joking around when I said that I wanted to see the dress but she said she'll buy it and I argued with her because it was 60RM. So, I didn't want her to waste her money. But she said that it's always affordable in JB. I mean? Huh? It's there something wrong with her! So, she won and she bought me the dress. And..... I don't know. I'm speechless. Because mom bought me this. Because this looks like a prom dress. Because I never thought I would get something like this. So, pretty much, this is my very FIRST dress. I never ever like dresses or skirt. But, desperate times comes with desperate measures. But, i don't know. It's just so argh! I'm so malu! I don't want to wear that in front of the whole lower sec. OMG. What am I going to do?
Hmmm. Whenever I see the dress, I go speechless. I don't know why.
Happy ValentineS day. Sorry, a little late. But still, I did wish right?
Oh oh. I haven't do ANY homework at all. Die die.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's day tomorrow! Step I celebrate only! Haha. I'll be unreachable. Because I'm going out.
Hmmm. School was FANTASTIC!
First period was Music. And I PASSED my test! Woo! I didn't expect it! Well, with some help! Haha.
Then P.e played with these heavy balls and while waiting for Mr Tangs, Zahirah showed me the steps for the dance! It was seriously nice! I loved the whole spinning and twirling! It was, for once, okay? And also, I didn't know why, but I sign-up for Tug O War in games day! So unlike me to join an event. And to dance? Woah! There's something wrong with me.
Then recess, went to class to watch rehearsal. I was seriously speechless.
Maths and geog was alright. Maths was a blur. And Zhaf was talking about Azzz when he suddenly walked past the class. I seriously turned and blushed like hell. Zhaf disturbed me, I smiled all the way.
Geog, watched a video about ... Geography? Yeah! It was seriously so sad!
After school went to T.M with Nadiah, Fatin, Amirah, Suryani and Musfirah. They were seriously fun. Me and Nadiah took a bus to the interchange and we took the same with Zhafri and Faiz and some other guys. Fatin and the others decided to walk. So, me and Nadiah reached earlier and we went to look around. Then we were so fed up that we decided to just go popular because the others took a long time.
In popular, Nadia went to find some books while I browsed through the shelves. In a few minutes, I heard Amirah's voice, which means they already reached.I was like eh sialah, I didn't know you guys were this fun! So bla. Bla. Bla.
Went home. And Nadiah and me are now like BESTIES! Haha!
And Fifi! Guess what!? I made friends with him already! Haha!
And Because Of Him, I'm SUPER HYPER! YAY!
And to everyone,
Zuhaili is not more or lesser than a best friend. He's a best friend/brother. So stop making stupid assumptions. Because obviously, he likes another girl and I like another guy.
To Jafper: Woodlands is pronounced with 'S' okay! Woodland is not the correct name! Haha! Want disturb people,
disturb properly lah!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

School went as per normal.
Everything went okay.
Malay was bad. Science did badly. English was fun? Maths was torturing.
Finally tomorrow will be FRIDAY! Do you know what it means? It's going to be weekends soon! And I can sleep late! And wake up late! Hahaha! Yeah!
Oh man. I'm so bored.
Just now when walking to the regional library bus stop, me and Amirah wanted to cross but I had no idea she meant to cross before the traffic light. So, when she ran across the road, i thought she want to do what, so, I shouted. "Amirahhhhhh! Appeeee! Kauuuu! Buat!!!!" Haha. I thought she was going to kill herself or whatsoever. Haha! So then we anyhow crossed the roads. Haha! It was seriously embarrassing! Haha. Because I shouted!
Whatever. No one cares about your stupid shouting, Amira.
Oh! And I walked beside him just now! Two times! And more and more people are knowing about my secret. And, I'm going to be dead if someone decides to sabo me. Oh oh.
And I'm so relieved. Because someone stop chatting with me since I put the picture of me and Zuhaili. Haha! Bagos uh! I wasn't even yours. But, I don't mean, that I'll be his too.


There's something seriously wrong. My friends are all falling apart.
Hazimah is hanging with Nadia, Suryani, Amirah, Musfirah and Fatin.
Suryani and Amirah are in a fight.
Mun Ee and Sheena are all alone.
Ok. This is weird and bad.
First Hazimah. She's with the others now leaving Sheena and Mun Ee alone. Then, when I asked Amirah and told her that I pitied Sheena and Mun Ee, Amirah said /wrote this: "Kau nak Hazimah kluar dari group kite?" Obviously! Actually Hazimah, I don't mean that you cannot be friends with them but only, take a look at who needs to more. You can hang with the malay girls after school what. Like how me and Nadiah always do. I'm both best friends to Fifi and Nadiah. And you don't see me leaving Fifi alone don't you? It's a good thing Sheena has Mun Ee and us.
Next, it's Suryani and Amirah. OK, first, planned to stayback with Nadiah. So i had nothing to do with them. But I changed my mind and said to Suryani " Ehk, nanti balek, jalan ngan aku ehk, nanti kau naek bus ngan Amirah." Asking her and Amirah to walk with me to the bus stop and letting her take the same bus as Amirah. So she said okay but then changed. She said she must go home QUICKLY and must take some other bust stop at some other place. And Amirah said she'll go home with Suryani .So, then me and Nadiah planned to go home together and that's when Amirah jumped in. She wanted to follow us. So, Suryani was really angry and upset. And she stormed out of school. Like seriously sia, very the.... Childish ah the behaviour. Both Amirah and Suryani.
To Amirah: Why are you so IN LOVE with Nadia? I mean, you changed your mind right after you heard that Nadiah and me will be going to the bus stop together.
To Suryani: You can't always expect things to be the same. Just because of one simple thing you want to start fighting? I've been giving you days and weeks going back with Amirah. No ones likes to go home alone and I understand. But at some circumstances, you have to. Like me! Haha. From woodlands all the way to Tampines, I'm alone. And I'm okay with it. Some more, you live nearer, so please, don't fight over one small problem. Me and Nadiah were like so stressing over the both of you do you know that?

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

OMG! What the hell is so wrong with me!?

I was browsing through the Internet when I came across this website with a couple picture. And the next thing I know, is that my heart felled heavy and I was almost in tears! Arggh!

I want you back. I seriously miss you. I've never felt anything like this before. It;s pretty obvious, I still do love you. Because I miss those times when you'd send me home. I miss those times when we sat together ignoring everyone who stared! I know deep inside, when I just say I like or love someone new, you're actually still there. Silently, I'm missing you now! And I feel so mixed!

I'm stupid.

Missing an exboyfriend when I'm the one who broke off the relationship!.


Haha! Super Hyper and Pissed!
Someone is getting on my nerves. Actually, it's not someone, its a few pupils! Bluek! Gi mampos ah wannabes!
Hmmm. Schoool?
Homec was so ARGH! Seriously, Amirul is...... ARGH! I can't describe. Yeah, we did had fun. But, he was seriously being a neat freak! And the whole chickens gave me, as if i eat sia! Then leave me alone with the chicken! What kind of partner are you! While Amirul was washing, I went to disturbed Hazimah and Zuhaili. And, thanks Hazimah for suap-ing me! Haha!
Then English and geog. Then malay. And malay was so sleepy! I almost slept. But i doodled Azzz name on everywhere. Even the table and even my hand! And thanks to Zhaf, almost the whole class knows I like Azzz! and the name Azzzz, is made my Zhafri. So every time he will be like "Azzzzz!" Haha.
Aku sayang Azzzz ah! Haha! Fi get a new name for him! Because the nickname Azzzz is mine!
To you:
You are so over now! What the hell is wrong with you? Sometimes you're the plain old bestie I used to love, sometime, you just plan to be someone else. You know what? Continue on acting like someone else and you'll regret it. Because not only me, but others are also starting to dislike you. You should start loving yourself because you are pretty! And it's not a curse! You are thousand time more beautiful than me! And you are very very great! So, don't be a bitch! Because now, you are one!
I want you back. I miss you too much now. Just can't stand being so far from you

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

( Sesuai Ah )( NOT my bf! )

( Nice! )

( Er? Fighting Over A Phone?)


Let's start with yesterday.
One word: TIRING! I got home at 7:40! Haha! Crazy sia.
First period need to do punishment because I never bring whatever thing teacher asked to. And must write 200 lines of " I must remember to bring my art material next lesson." I was seriously okay with it. Just for your info Mdm..... I rather write lines than hearing you talk your stupid nonsense about art! Although its damn tiring, it's true. I was fast because when I reached my line, Zhafri and Fahrisah were still at their sixty. And so, when i reached 133, teacher say give Chance do until 100 only! Like seriously sia! Waste my foolscap and ink and time and energy!
Then school went as per normal. Bla. Bla. Bla.
After school went Marina Barrage! It was tiring but great! Firstly we got separated into groups and I was so lucky because Hazimah and Zuhaili were with me. But then change and got together with Fifi. So took alot of pictures and even took with Zuhaili! And we were seriously, the three of us, me, Hazimah and Zuhaili were seriously so kecoh about the pictures. Fifi was the good girl and did the sums. Good for you! Haha.
Then went home with Asyura. Is that the correct spelling? Don't know la. the Astiqa from 208, yeah, that girl. We were seriously talking non stop! Ahaha. She's really nice! And fun! We talked alot from guys to the activities and others. And I even asked her if she was jealous with me and Luqman and told her that there's nothing between us. and she explained to me everything from why and how and when and so on. And thank god, she wasn't jelous! And I have nothing to do with Luqman ok! I just wanted to set things straight so Astiqa won't get mad with me.
Reached home at 7:40 at night. And my tuition teacher was already there waiting for me. Haha! Luckily, my tuition teacher is my cousin. So she understood. And then straight away study and after tuition study some more until 11?? Yeah. Around there. Siao right!?
Ok, I guess. Everyday's ok. I was seriously lazy to go to school and I even woke up at 5:40! But I wasn't late. Weird you know. Then school had lit test first. During the test while I was doing the first question, i accidentally slept! Haha! I didn't realize it. My Imran knocked my table really hard two times and woke me up. Hahah! embarrassing uh! Then math test was OKAY! HARD a little la! Ahaha! Ok. I'm so tired. Buh bye!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Amira Shaqira! says:
Ni sape?
I Hate Posers says:
Amira Shaqira! says:
ish. mestila. takkan alien kan?
Amira Shaqira! says:
I mean namer?
I Hate Posers says:
Amira Shaqira! says:
I Hate Posers says:
Amira Shaqira! says:
Amira Shaqira! says:
eh sape seyy ko? Tak pernah nampak sia. at least blng la aku, ko class ape.
I Hate Posers says:
Amira Shaqira! says:
sec 1?
I Hate Posers says:
Amira Shaqira! says:
Oh. Ill find you in skol. tengok uh.
Haha! I’m seriously jumping in the inside. Because I’m working on this one project, my own, and I’m dying to see the results. So, anyone knows the shortest guy in 103? He’s so irritating sia. Faiz told me he’s going to be bold. Not going, IS! He is bold! And he showed me his picture too! OMG! He is so...... Don’t know what to say uh. Can’t wait to see everyone’s reaction tomorrow. Haha! Somehow, today, I made ALOT of new friends on MSN. How? I don’t know. And even Irfan chatted with me. Because of Zuhaili and blog.
And I have to say:
I thought you will never be like this. But girl, I think, you need an attitude check! You know why? Because you have completely change. In secondary one, I loved you as my best friend. But now? Look at yourself! I don’t even have a word to describe you. I’m controlling myself from calling you a bitch.
Seriously, I’m trying very hard.
I know what you’re going through. You’re angry with this girl who grabbed your crush. When it comes to that, I can’t say anything because loves happens. When that girl started acting evil then we started hated her because she’s a real bitch. And all of us were by your side.
But now, you’re becoming like her? I don’t know if you actually think she’s cool or because you think you don’t get enough attention. You are great and you don’t need to copy someone else’s attitude. Because that someone else is a bitch and you’re not. Get this into your head: Loves happens and life moves on. You can’t expect everything to remain the same. Get your old attitude back or soon, everyone’ll realize the new you and you’ll become a bitch too.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I was bored. So.............................


I have no idea what had just happened. Or who was Faiz talking to.. He added me in a conversation with a few pupils. I think all of them are from EVSS. I know that's true. Man, I should really interact more. Whatever.
Mom should really give me a good break from my studies. Here's what happened.
"Ma, can i go out with Atikah today?" I asked INNOCENTLY.
And there she goes. " You every time go out. These few days you've been coming home late then you want to go out some more. Stay at home la! Go and study! Atikah also need to study you know!" And she blabs more and more.
I just can't seem to understand. If parents were to sit in our chairs and live our life for a day, they would understand how stress their children are at the moment. My dad don't give a damn about my studies and said that I have to finish my straight times reflection if not..... How can i finish if my article is in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????? ARGH! FCUK!!!!!!!! He never does think. And my mom won't let me go out because I have to study! You know what? I'm fcuking over with studying. I've tried but I never can understand a thing! All my parents talk about with me is study! And as if I hadn't put 1oo percent of my guts! I had! And they think I just sit around at home and stare blankly! This is the reason why I HATE GOING HOME. So for those who always ask why i stay back, here's the reason. I always just say I want to wait for my father but NO. This is the real reason. Because home is nothing different from school. Home is like school. Home can never be fun. Because home has stuckups parents and irritating brother. Because Home is just school!
Argh. SO not in the mood. And now, i have to find the stupid article on the computer because if not, I'm banned from this computer! AAAAAAAAAARGH!
Wanna get out. Wanna release stress. Wanna get out!!!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

In assembly must clip fringe! Argh! It wasn't that long. Whatever. I took out the clip when the teachers were out of sight.
So in assembly, Suryani and Amirah were like so fed up with me because I was super Hyper. Ahaha. It eased of when class started. Music was SHIT! Chibai sia the teacher. Want give test never even teach PROPERLY. I swear, I cheated! Haha. A lot of us did.
The PE. Bla. Bla. Bla.
Planned to stay back after school to lepak/hang out with Nadia. But we canceled last minute because Library was closed. So then had lunch with Arina. And she's really great! Again, I made close friends with Arina like how I suddenly did with Nadia. And then after that went back into school and hung around Fatin. Then everyone got home! And went to their respective CCA so I was like a fool, ALONE! Sad huh? So, I sat alone outside the library and studied. But when the NCDCC group came, I left for the canteen. So at first, I saw him but I was like seriously, argh! Not excited at all. I was talking to Nadia on the phone when he crossed me. I ignored him and continued chatting. And you know what? We sat at the exactly same time. He was sitting near me. I won't say how near. But, it was seriously the best view I've ever had. Haha. Then I got excited. I SMS-ed a few people because I was bored and I needed to get my eyes of him. So, I SMSed Fifi ( And She was Jelous ) and then Zuhaili ( Asking him what time his CCa start and asking him to come school quickly because I was lonely. ) and my Ex ( asking him about when will another event come up ) and Mun Ee ( asking her what time she finished St. Johns. ) Oh, Oh. And Hazimah! ( Asking her what time her competition ends. ) Haha. Sialah. I wasted alot of my sms! Now then I realized! So after a while. Bla. Bla. Bla. GO HOME!
He was so himself sia when he's alone.
Now, That's the one I liked. Not the mat you are now!
And Fcuk sia. There's someone so stupid on a song so loud from upstairs. Sialah. Deaf or what sia! Lagu tu kalau sedap OKLA!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm so stress. Seriously. I'm starting to ask myself why am i still in express stream. I just can't stand it. MATHS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGH! Science!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MALAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HOMEeC!!!!! As usual, always the most best class. Not because HomeEc is easy. Nope! It's because it's always fun! We didn't cook but played a few games. Amirul sat beside me, duh! And then, he moved to some other places to disturb some other people. So, Zhafri was the one who disturbed me. He kept writting " Amira love Amirul " on my workbook! Evil sia! And then played game! Miss Fadhila asked us to choose our groups and mine was with Hazimah, Amirul and Zhafri. I know, where's Fifi? She's in another group. Obviously, you guys should know why Fifi wasn't in our group. Had the most fun! The game was seriously hilarious. Zhafri and Amirul were very funny! Then lessons went as per usual. Bla. Bla. Bla.
Thursday/ Today
Err.. I hate half of my day. Well, at least when I get home, I hated it. I enjoyed my time in school. But the science test, I did a whole lot of RUBBISH. I'm going to fail. And I'm confident, 100 percent. Then English, COMPO! Yeah! I enjoyed it. And not sure if i will pass or fail because my story sucks. As usual. So after school stayed back with Nadia and Hazimah and had a blast! Haha. Why not? Nadia is seriously nice. She and us have gotten so close with each other that she already threats us like her best friends, beside Fatin and Musfirah. Then go home. And that's where everything went wrong. Reached home and ate dinner and took a bath and then started studying. I wanted to revise through maths because I didn't concentrate in class. I was clueless about what Mr Wee was talking about so I didn't paid attention and doodled on my hand. And then, I was stuck. Because what Mr Wee taught what seriously something BIG in algebra. And so, I really regretted it. So, I realized that in maths, one time you missed out something, you will regret it. Because in maths, there's no such thing as going back. And so, I have to ask Mr Wee for help. Or Zuhaili. Because he said he can help face to face and not on the phone. Tomorrow also have MUSIC test. How stupid is that? A test? For music? And i haven't Even have the music book. Oh how?! Argh! Fcuk! Fcuk! Fcuk!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

School has been just fine over the last two days.
Er... Lessons went as per usual. But during Maths, Fathihah suddenly told us all that we had to have our handbooks because Mr Ee is coming into our class. So MOST of us didn't have it. And I borrows from the next class which was 201. Sialah. Like so embarrassing seyy! Because I asked Amira Zaidi from the back door and the teacher Shooed me away! And almost everyone was watching! Including Mr E.z. But in the end, I was safe because this Indian girl borrowed me. Thanks god! And that girl too! Wondering why Mr Ee came to our class? The answer is because he wanted to talk rots.
Today/ Tuesday.
Nothing happened during recess. And everything same old. So, nothing interesting. I got 15/20 for my english compo! haha! I was seriously damn happy! Ahaha. But, I'm sure Clarisse beat me. She must get better than me one... :(
Then stayed back to do homework. And bla. Bla. Bla. Nil happen.
And I just found out that Amirul is seriously cute! As in brotherly cute la! I think he doesn't like to be around girls. Obviously. Because when he was chased by a group of secondary three boys and when the girls asked him if he was alright, he stepped as far away from the girls. Haha! I saw him getting of the bus just now shouting which means, he won sepak takraw! They won! Yeah! I think ah. I'm not sure.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I love Ed Westwick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Went back to JB on Friday at one plus. Then the security door was spoilt. My house in JB need thumbprint then can go into the lift area. So, we went through the swimming pool door. Haha. Scary sia the place at night. But the breeze was super cool! Then bla. Bla. Bla. Annoying sia. Condominium property also spoilt.
Next day, went to giant. At the entrance, exactly at the entrance, got LION DANCE! I was so excited. Because I love Lion Dances. Seriously, I do. I watched for awhile but when my brother started crying, I had to take care of him. He was so pale that I enjoyed watching him fear for his life. Aha! I know, not a good sister but who cares? He have been bullying me so it was time i had revenge. Haha. Then we went into the giant, crossing the two very cute lions. Although the lions were blocking the entrance, we managed to enter it. I don't know how but we did it. - My brother, barely! Haha. He almost fainted. Then when we thought it was over, the lions went into giant! And they performed in there, luckily we were in the car section. So my brother already started crying and my father was the one brought him to one Exit stairs. What a great day, that day has been.

SO I'm back at home today. And i need to get my geog homework done. if not, I'm dead. So until here! Take Cares people! ( i know, lame post. )

Another Ed Westwick picture. Hehe. I'm really bored. I love this mother chucker! Haha. His name in G.G is Chuck, so that's why it's mother chucker.