Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm officially bankrupt.
Have to start saving up for the April babies.
Actually this month, Musfirah, mom and brother.
Brother's b'dae is tomorrow. And no, it's not an April Fool's joke.

School was so long and draggy. Fifi and Hazimah can't sop disturbing me. They smiled and smiled and smiled. And smirked and smirked and smirked! Argh. Whatever you guys think I'm involve in, or feeling on, or whatever it is, I'M NOT!
Miss Sha and Mdm Natasha didn't came... What a record.
Lit was the most draggiest. But somehow, out of the blue, I liked it. Because the story was nice. The Mr Know All.
English, since Miss Sha didn't come, we had to do an essay! Yeah! Haha. But, i didn't do? Haha. Talked and joked and gossiped with Nadiah, Suryani, Amirah, Hazimah and Fatin. But when I started, I didn't stopped till recess.
Amirah, since she found out that I write pages of pages of stories, she kept on begging me to print out my story so she would read it. Sorry girl, there's fifty plus page and I don't have a printer! She also kept on asking me to check her work.
Recess. Borrowed Faiz my Malay book. So shocked when he appeared behind me all of a sudden.
Maths had another surprise test and this time, it was HCF and LCM. Which I forget. Haha. All I can say is that I have absolutely no confidence. I solved a problem sum on my own and I was so proud of myself! Hahaha!
Science, when Mr Cheah came to my table and checked my name, I realized he's actually really nice. And, he's really trying to help us. But, no one, even me, is giving him any support. Haiz. So hard to concentrate in his period.
Malay. I just have to say that I hate so so much. Always have and always will.
The only reason I go to malay is....
I cannot skip.
Luqman is really really a great person.
Fatin is next to me.
Get to meet 208 friends. The 0ones whose okay
After school went to Prima Deli with Fifi, Nadiah, Hazimah to book cake for my most annoying brother which I love. Not?!
Then went McDonalds. And they kept on smiling and smirking and smiling and smirking again. And Hazimah, what you said is so tak perlu, " Die memang, da ade BF pun taknak bilang." She said something like that. If I have a BF, I so would tell you okay.Well, I can laugh out loud when she say that. Because in even two hundred years, I will never get one.
Then went to TM and went to Toys R Us first. The toys there were great but i had no money.... Actually, I have but i wanna buy book. So... Tomorrow then I try find a present for my brother.
Then go to Popular. Bought My Sister's Keeper. It's great.
Since Dad didn't want to take me, i went back home alone. :'(
Haha. Good for me.
I'm tired.
So..... Buhbye!

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm so tireddd!
First period of the day was Art. Which I hate so much. So, I won't talk about it.
Next was Science. I think. It was okay... I don't know what was going on. Mr Cheah is really.... He's just too nice that makes almost everyone take advantage.
Geog was Okay. Sat with Amirah in class, and people, it's not because I wanna talk with her! It's because the heads in front were blocking my view! Then Amirah copied me! When Mr Peh asked Indonesia was ranked as what position and I whispered four and Amirah gave Mr Peh the answer, MY answer!! And her group get points from my answer! WTH! I was seriously pissed. But whatever. It's just one very meaningful point :'( Hehe. I'm being so immature!
Maths, Mr Wee suddenly gave a test. And I panicked like shit! So over the 5 or so minutes he was giving out the paper, I asked Amirah to explain to me and with her help, I guess I did the work okok. I'm not confident if I will pass.
Then Lunch for the CIP trip.
Mr ExcuseMe was a nice instructor. I don't see why most people didn't like him. Especially Zul!
The weather was terrible as we picked up litter on the Pasir Ris beach. Guess we were too busy to take photos, so sorry! No photos.
All I Have To Say Is 7 Words: We Humans Are Killing Our Own Self.
Because the litter was fantastic. We collected 4KG of plastics ( Spoons, Forks, Wrapper And more), Styrofoam and others.
The others collected more. But, that's not what I'm pointing out here!
When we picked up the litters, we realized how suffering it is for living things who live in the water or near the seaside. The litter, so terrible and how can they survive such a condition?
We, whenever we sit in a cramped class or whenever it gets too humid or whenever there's an unpleasant smell, we tend to complain, but how about the animals!?
And, thrust me, it feels really good knowing that we've done something to help these for creatures.
Well. The whole Respect For Nature turned upside down when we entered the whole forest kind of area.
Guess we complaint so much and we didn't bothered. Only joked and joked and laugh and laugh and looked at animals. We were like in our own group minding our business, me, Fifi, Zul, Fatin, Amirah, Suryani, Musfirah, Nadiah, Amirul and Zhafri.
Dad picked me up from the park and I was super grateful because I was super tireeddd!
Well. Here I am. Finally home.
Lesson learn: Never Use Atiqah's Bag To Keep Handphone.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Although I may have someone who really hate me outside, I don't care.
She's one person.
And I have another hundreds of people to look upto.
Sports Day Today.
Can I say it was hell? NO! It was awesome!
ahaha. I had fun. Real fun.
Shouted and cheered for almost everyone, even those I don't know:
Ain, Clarisse, Luqman, Danial, Zuhaili, Syami, Shawn, YangXen, Najihah and more. Which I've forgotten.
Then, played Tug-O-War. First was seriously scared and nervous. And really begged Suryani to drop out. But she insisted that I stay. So, I basically cannot remember the first team we competed against because of the pressure. There were some familiar faces like Faiz, Shahren, Hafizah, Wasylah, Sofian and more which I didn't expect to be in the event. So Bla. Bla. Bla. First round, a Senior came up to us and gave us a techin which was way smart. And who played? Me, Suryani, Zhafri, Sharell and more. When we were about to pull, since Zhaf was behind me, I kept complaining to him about how scared I was. Hehe. And when the first round started, I didn't felt a thing. Suddenly, the people in front were shouting. Which mean, we won the first round.
The second round, I wasn't suppose to be in it, but a senior shouted, " We need one lower sec girl." And I was innocent and since I was standing next to him, he pushed me in. "You're a girl right." He said since I was making this face.
Second round was tough, but we won! Haha. I almost flew! And the third round, I played again! Haha. The third round, we were pulling hard because the other team was angry. And we were sliding and sliding and pulling and pulling till we won again! Haha.
So lowersec, JAGUARS WIN!
Haha. We were like screaming and shouting and jumping like crazy.
Then also get medals. Yay!
And then the winners end up to be.
First position: Panthers, Red.
Second: JAGUARS! Green
Third: Leopard, Yellow.
Then went home. And watched movie. Bla. Bla. Bla.

I'm so happy.
Ahhh! Adam!
OMG! His performances made me melt sia. To tell you the truth, I was really scared. Because everyone before him, didn't do a very goodgood job. So, I was scared if he might spoil it. Since it's Motown Week. But, boy, I was wrong. Way Way wrong.
His performance made me stare at the TV not lifting my eyes. His performance was THE best. His voice was soooo nice. He was so different.
And almost everyone stood up for him. Even, the song writer of the song Adam sung, stood up.
Kara was all " One of the best performances."
But Simon disagreed. " I disagree with Kara. It was THE best performance for today."
I can't find any good vids but this is Ok.


Again, something must happen.
I knew it.
I feel so scared with blogs nowadays. But i just want/need to blog! It's like my wholelife diary.
So... I've made it private.
And will only let those who I thrust read this.
Wondering why?
Because I received, not 1, but 3 very disturbing and hurtful message in my old tag board. Well.... I have a clue it would be one of the teachers. And I won't write it in here who I've suspected..
Someone so very innocent perhaps?

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Today was....
I have to say sorry first to some people. Because of mood swings, I totally shouted again and again in class. And I said bad words to innocent people. And bla. Bla. Bla.
Yeah. It has been, a bad day. Actually, just a boring day, not a bad one.
Malay was OK.
Science, terrible.
Maths, Terrible.
English, sat with Zul, Ain, Suryani, Fatin, Nadiah and Amirah. Haha, Zul was the only guy and everyone kept on disturbing him. We shared ghost stories instead of doing our work. Haha. Good students aren't we?
Assembly.... Good try Fifi! I think you tried your best.
To those who blamed Fifi and Suryani for losing, then I say, at least they have the guts to get on the stage and in front of hundreds of people! And the question were hard and if you could do it, then why don't you go up the stage! Stop pointing fingers to Suryani because the questions were fast and I saw that she was trying very hard to be fast.
Then SEC2 kena stayback sing national antum. It may sound crazy and corny but yeah, we needed to sing again and again. Well... Mr Foo's idea.

Boy. I've been way patient.
You were my brother, my best friend.
You're someone who always say that you're busy when I wanna talk to you and whenever you have something to brag about, then you' d talk to me.
I know that maybe, we're in different sets. You're in Ngee Ann. And I'm in East View. And we're in different streams. But so what?
I've missed the old you.
When you used to care. And Love.
If acting is your life, then I think you suit it.
So far, you've put on a very great drama that had me believing and thrusting.
Show's over pal.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gossip girl is getting sadder and sadder.
WTH is Blair doing with Nate!?
Argh! The vid is so OMG!

Ok. School today was ????
I don't know la.
I was feeling unwell half of the day. So, I guess I didn't attend much. Actually, the whole day I felt so bitter. Don't know why.
Was quiet in HomeEc but when Amirul and Zuhaili kept on playing with each other, joking away, that made my day and I started talking. And Amirul's list of food was soooo cute. I can still remember what he usually eats. Rice with gravy, nuggets, 1 bottle of plain water and nutella!
Hahaha. Zul kept on cmoing to him and distracting him like hell. And I pushed Zul of and he wrote down Azz name on my work. FYI people, I'm so over that guy. I just..... Give up.
Then recess was average.
Then English. I think miss Sha mentioned Clarisse, me and Fifi that we were already good in english. Hehe. People just don't believe because they never see me with books. I'm just a bookworm undercover people. Hehe.
Geog was... So tiring and sleepy and painful. For me it was. Hehe. My head ached terribly. And I'm in Musfirah's group! Yahooo! Got, Musfirah, me, Ain, Fahrisha, Arjun, Zhafri, Jun Hoa and more whom I forget.
Then malay. Hehehe .Thanks to Luqman, I managed to clam down and relaxed. I didn't bring my text book and although I did SMS-ed Faiz in geog, he didn't reply until after school. And he said sorry. That's okay Faiz! Cigku made us stand up and that was an OK punishment. Although I was going to die at that moment.
After school went interchange with Atiqah and Suryani.
And they did a very huge huge huge big big big deal about which bus to go on to go home. And fight fight fight until leave me alone!
I was super angry and pissed. I don't want them to follow me to take 168 but I just need them to accompany me go to the bus stop. They left me alone in the middle of the interchange sia! Like WTH? And, I walked everywhere like the idiot I am. Argh!
When i was in the bus, Atiqah called me and said sorry and that she's taking the bus home with Suryani!
And WTH! I mean, ARGH! Seriously, I replied in a veryveryvery pissed and annoyed tone and hoped she knew I was angry.
I don't want you guys to follow me to take 168, because no one in the right mind, will want to disturb me or whatsoever! I just need someone to show me the way!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hehehe. Its been so long since I updated his picture. Ed Westwick!
What the hell is he doing with his shoes? Whatever. He's still gorgeous.
Anyway. I'm so waiting like hell tor my computer to download the latest episode of Gossip girl.
Argh. There's gonna be so many scandals.
You people should really see it. It's heartbreaking and just great.
I'm gonna talk about shows.
Hehe. American Idol! Obviously, I vote for Adam Lambert. He may or may not be gay but i don't care. His voice is super amazing and he owned the age when he sand " Satisfaction. " was a bomb. But however in love I am with him, i don't think he will win. Because, the Kris Allen is hotter than him for some people. Argh. Adam is already perfect.
Americans, Please, please, please, Vote Adam!
You guys have no idea how bored I am.


Hey peeps.
Sorry for not updating.
Super busy? Nah. Just super lazy.
Actually, I was busy, yesterday i did compo. Hehe. My malay compo, for the first time in life, reach three pages. Well, that's a record. Fifi read my story and she said the last part was..... Shocking. Haha. I know. I made it that way. Huahaha.
I'm very very very very very disappointed today. And sad.
Because the plans we made, the times we worked so hard on. Went downdowndown the drain.
And I don't ever think I want to plan another birthday bash/sabo next time.
You people can just say that it's over so get the hell over with it. But i can't. Because, I have put so much effort into it. My friends have planned and planned and planned like crazy.
And everything ended up a disaster. Yup. Thanks to Amira Shaqira Binte Saharudin. Thanks to me.
It's like so... ! It ended okay for the others I guess.
I will never forget this day. One of the days to put up in my " Disaster Day " list.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Hey lovely readers!

fifi here. hehe! since amira is going out soon, she had asked me to update this blog of her's by uploading the videos taken during the trip to brisbane. so yeah, have fun watching all those videos aites!


I'm asking fifi to upload me the videos so.... Yeah. Hold on.


My New Best Friend.
When i played, The adults came down and shut me up.
What is up with My father.
Uncle Russel.

WildWild West
Bermudas Triangle Ride.

I Dare You To Go Into this cage and feed the sharks.

My Very Future Car.
WildWild West
My Very Past Car.
This Is the very one. Scooby Doo Coaster. How can something so small looking on the outside be so scary in the inside. The roller coaster i was talking about is inside here.
This Thing Just Won't Move!
Do They Look Familiar?

Oi! Look Here La!

Tree Kangaroos Are Me Favoroute!

Draculas Haunted House!
I Don't Understand Why My Father Loves Taking picture Sillyly.

Ho Ho Ho. Eh.. That One Santa Claus. Pirate What Eh?
I'm At Australia! Hahaha!

My Brother Step Ah
( One Of The Biggest Stingray that came to me. )
( The Bermudas Triangle Ride is in the Volcano)


I'm Finally Back.
From Brisbane/ Gold Coast and Malaysia.
What a long holiday.
Sorry for the very plain plain blog.
So.. Guess. I'll start my very great holiday.

Friday, 13 March.
Heard dad saying that flight was at six but it was actually at nine?
Hehe. Sorry guys!
Took off and in plane watched movies, ate, played games and slept! The journey was so very very lone. Seven or eight hours to be exact.
Saturday, 14 March.
Reached Brisbane at... I don't know... Something in the morning. Sorry! STM!
Brisbane was beautiful. Cooling and the place is very relax.
At the airport, some of our food kena take away because they say cannot bring in. What nonsence. Whatever. It's their law.
Then, saw a very very hot, good looking guy and ended up, he was my father's friend's son. Haha! I seriously fell in love with that guy.
Then, took the bus dad had book to Gold Coast, Surfers paradise to our apartment, Trickket Garden.
I have to say. The ride was long and tiring. And Brisbane is really a relaxing place. The people there are so polite and nice and they are all slow and not in a rush like how Singaporeans are. The sky there is really blue and there's not one cloud at all. And all i can say is that, the place is really fantastic. Clean, relaxing, polite, beautiful.
Reached our apartment.
First day was plain. We just walked around the city... The time there is 2 hours faster. In case all of you are wondering.

Sunday. 15 March.
Went Seaworld! Haha. I loved that place. Let me see. The queue to buy the tickets was not that long. First up, took a cable car in the seaworld. Great? Of course.
Then went to Shark Bay and looked at all kinds of sharks. Scary you know.
Then touched.... A shark? Haha! No la. I touched starfishes and a stingrays. The stingrays are really cute. You must tap in the water gently and they will come to you and let you pat their sides. They are really slimly. I tapped and so many came to me and also, the biggest. I jerked and jumped when the biggest one came to me. Haha! Starfish felt like.... A rock?
Then took a ride which was the Bermudas Triangle. Wow. The qeuee was fantastic. We waited like half an hour. And the ride was... Hmm. How to describe. It's a river ride which has some effects like a small coaster and water splashing. There's a video i took but it's kind of shaky so bear with me. Well what you expect?? It's a coaster.
After the ride, we got wet. And then watched 4D movie. And cool but I can say the theater was like budget theater? Hehe.
Then. Walked. Walked. Watched Dolphins, Seals perform. Met the stingrays again. Haha! There's a video on the dolphin doing some tricks. Then go home.
Favouratest part was touching Stingrays!
At night, went shopping.

Monday. 16 March.
First up. A very happy birthday dad!
Haha. My father's 45!
Went to Wildlife Curumbian Park.
There were Kangaroos, Koalas!, Crocodiles, All kind of Birds and more.
Touched Kangaroo! Haha. And when the feeding time, suddenly so many came down to the place and it was like stampede! I panicked because there were suddenly so many! Haha. The walked2. Then go home. That day was not much exciting.

Tuesday. 17 March.
Went to Warner Bros ,Movieworld! Woo!
First ride was Batman simulater. Great! It was like we entered the batman ship and we like cadets in training and fighting the joker in our ship. The simulator moved here and there! Haha.
Then watched WildWildWest. Video have been put up for you all to see.
Then Shriek 4D. Now. This theater is really great! Not budget. Where the chairs can lift you up from the ground one. There was one part when Donkey sneeze and water came out straight to our face. Hehe. Disgusting.
Then walked2 around. We sat down and I begged my parents to go on the Scooby Doo coaster. So, the coaster was in a house, so i thought it was an OK coaster. My brother, seriously said that he don't want. So, my father, pitying me, said OK. And we went to the coaster. Leaving my coward brother and mom behind.
Guess, after the ride, I said a thousand times sorry to my father. Hehe. Because the coaster, was really a real roller coaster. Hehe. How can something so innocent be so woah!
So, here' what happened.
The ride was first was ok. There were ghost and some stuffs. When suddenly, it stopped. And the coaster went up. Way up. Sudenlly. It reversed and stop and tuned. And the tracks lit up! I was like OMG! Haha. And it went downdowndown and turnturnturn! And my father, who was scared of roller coaster really regretted it. I enjoyed myself. Like seriously. And although the coaster was really crazy. I laughed and screamed all the way!
And then. Hehe. I apologized to my father.
Then continued on with Hollywood Stunt Driver,
Woah. It was really... Awesome. Guys who love cars, you should watch the video.
Then. Went back to Aunt's house. And her new house was awesome.
I played Davis's Drums and borrowed Uncle Russel's Guitar. Here. And made so much nonsense.
Yeah. To those who are wondering. My aunt lives in Brisbane with her husband because her husband is ..... Australian.
To say the truth. I don't actually like Uncle Russel.
Wednesday. 18 March.
Went home! Because mom and brother was sick. Spoil the holiday mood ah.
Then. bla. Bla.
Went home and put down our luggages and went back to JB house.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

I was browsing through my camera box when I found an old memory card.
So, I checked it on the computer.
And there was my primary school pictures during the visit to Labrador.

The video has almost everyone in it.
And more.... (!!)
Sorry there's no noise.
Well2. Let's continue.
Went reached at the but stop in front if school met and him walked with him till school.
I kept squealing and screaming like there was no tomorrow. Amirah and Suryani wanted to know but i ignored them.
School was boring with the malay boys away for tournament. Argh.
Then bla. Bla. Bla.
Watched I Am Sam again and I almost cried.
Argh. It was great
Then Bla. Bla. bla.
Reached home, kena good scolding. Whatever la sia!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I'm lazy. So just a summary can?
Well, I'm not taking a No as the answer.
So... Let's start with yesterday/ Tuesday.
First of all, the bus ride wasn't a good one for me. Because all the way from Woodlands to Tampines, I was trying to open my Earpeice box.
But when school started, I was sooo very happy.
School went boring with the Malay guys off to Takraw or Soccer. Either one I think.
First was Lit. Changed all my $1 with Fahrisah. Wakaka. She was very fed up because i got so many $1.
Then Eng!
Watched a Movie called I am Sam. It was suppper nice and SAD.
But, I didn't cried.
Then continue with all the boring2 subjects.
After school went to causeway point with Fi and Mirah.
They were sooo hyper. Because they like/ Loved causeway point.
And Fifi was super crazy.
And then shop3 till I cannot stand the stressness.
And I've got to say, shopping with Fi can be like exercising.
Went home at about four plus?
Then end.
You know why? Because there seem to be a girl who was injured in 107 and we have to switch classes. And 107, is in, FOURTH LEVEL. Argh. Went up and down and up and down taking our books. Argh! And the class is super, ugly, small!, hot!, DIRTY!, cramped!
Argh. Argh. Argh
And worse, my seating arrangement! I tell you I'M SUFFERING HELL. Because of Him.
Luckily, Nadiah was next to me. That one also, first, was Jafper. But Jafper was okay. He's actually nice.
Argh. I have no mood to describe how seating in the front-nest of the front is. Mr Peh keeps on asking me about this and that and I can't daydream and I can't so anything! Argh! I hate it!
Skip all the way to Malay. Which I think, it tentimes better even though I hate Malay. At least I sit in the back sia.
Luqman was very hyper? Yeah. He was. He was great.
And Zhafri made such a mistake. Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.
Hmm. After school went shopping with Fifi, Nadiah and Amirah again at Causeway point.
Tiring like hell.
Then go home in bus met Kak Ayu! Aka. My Tuition Teacher/ Cousin.
Sometimes it feels weird whenever I go out with her. Because It just feels weird to be hanging out with your tuition teacher.
Yes. I wanna shout out to ****. Beware. May contain Vulgar.

Oh. And. I'm Trying my bestest to not feel sad. Because there were so many people who said Adam was gay. I want proof! And the stupid picture was STUPID!
How can he be gay!?
NoNoNoNo. This can't be happening.
People, stop making stupid assumptions.
Adam Oh Adam. Please say you're not a gay.
I'm Currently InLove With you.

Monday, March 9, 2009

( This was a candid from Nadiah. Me and Mirah were tyring to figure out what to do with the box. )


Ah! I don't care what people said.
Adam Lambert is NOT GAY!
Maybe, yeah, he is a goth.
But, gay? I soo can't accept it.
But.... I don't care.
I love him!

Suryani: Eh, what's this?
Me: I don't know, ask Mr Peh ah. Let me ask for you eh. Cher, what's this?
Mr Peh: Oh. This means you have really great words and you elaborate alot.
Me: Oh. Thanks cher!
Wakaka! Mr Peh thought I did a great job on my work but it was Suryani's one.

Hmm. School was great. Actaully, after school was great. I was hyper all the way.
First period for the day was Art. And I did nothing? Yup.
Chatted a lot with Amirah though.
Science, still, I did nothing.
And joked around with Suryani. And Amirul sat behind me and he made me laughed all the way till after school.
Recess. Went to sit with Nad, Mirah, Suryani and Fatin.
Geog. I studied. And took credit for something I didn't do, sorry Suryani! Amd joined tables with Suryani and poor her, she was trying so hard to not laugh at my jokes. Hahaha!
Maths, still, didn't understand a thing.
Then suppose to have CIP at Pasir Ris/ Changi but rain.
Ala. ALMOST Everyone, was disappointed.
Then, went to hang out under a black with Nad, Fatin, Mirah and Suryani.
Played in the rain and took ALOT of pictures.
And sabo-ed each other by pouring water in our water bottles.
Then, here, I am, at home. And BYEBYE.
I wanna surf the net and do other stuffs.
Sorry for the so-boring post.Bussiness Woman Sesat maner ni?
Haha. Perasan ah!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I am currently doing nothing.
And,.... I Love Adam!
And, I'm finding a story-writing contest.
Anyone know where I can find one?
Haizzz. So bored!
Wanna find contests to join. For fun.