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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Thursday, April 30, 2009

I'm SoSoSoSoSoSo happy! And... I don't know the reason why...
Let's start with yesterday.
Clarisse: Davids!
Haha. Hazimah, Hazimah. Just accept the fact that David COOK won the whole competition ok!
First period, HomeEc. As usual.. Great. And kind of tiring. This is either the last or second last HomEc lesson for us. Oh. Sad sey. No more partner with Amirul. But, at least, we're all going to be together in DNT still.
Next, eng. I forget what we did.
Geog, leanrnedlearnedlearned.
MT... Boring!
I woke up so fresh not knowing why.
There was temperature taking exercise and my temperature can never go more than 36. 5. It was only 36.2! Always2, my temperature is just so low. Adeeb even calls me a cold blood. :P
First period MT. Did presentation with Fifi. I swore, she spoilt it. Not me! Well. I didn't know how I did but Luqman said I was loud. Yay! And Fifi just kept on laughing all the way. IDK why. Later, Fifi said that when I read, my malay was so kekek. Haha! No wonder!
Next was science. Haiz. So many things happen. And yay, again. I'm so fine with Zuhaili now!
Maths, was terrible. Don't ask.
Eng. Was a test which I'm hoping to pass.
Assembly a nice talk about stress. The speaker was great! He's really funny! And you know, I enjoyed the assembly more because.................... DumDumDum.
After school, stayed back to study. And then I got even more happier ! Woah! Like, today was the greatest day for me. Seriously! I can never doubt that.
I'm just so in love with you boy.
Do you know that?

I Love the way you closed your eyes. And Imagine.
You're making me crazy. Like seriously!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ryan is so damn funny. This totally made my day although it was last year. I think.

Todaytoday; was boring!
Why? Because NO CLEAR view of himhimhim.
First period was Lit. We're starting on Drama and god, I loove it! Woo! Grouped with Fifi and Hazimah and we had a blast. Fifi made a good Mother !
English was..... I had 12/15 for the Vacab test! Yay!
Maths was boring. I hate it! Hateit hateit! The quiz was sohard!
Science. DotDotDot. BoringBoringBoring.
Malay. Thunders and Lightning made the boys jumped off their seats. Made Luqman so scared! Haha! What happened to the boys now? I was pretty pissed with something during this period. Argh.
Then HomeHomeHome....

Monday, April 27, 2009

Me: Eh, Zhafri, bleh penyekkan kau nyer rambut tak?
Zhafri: Asal?
Me: Cannot see ah.
Ben: What? Why?
Me: Zhafri ah. His hair cover the screen.
Haha. I didn't get peace as Zhafri just purposely made his hair higher.
I'm Currently In Love With Jesse McCartney and David Cook!
Today school was fine.
First period was Art. I swear, art is a serious waste of time. Instead of studying, we just have to put in extra effort to finish our damn exam!
Next was science.... I can't say a word. I was just so sleepy.
Geog, was okay. I worked hard! Haha. Whatever. I hate Zhafri's hair. His hair is already so high, I can't see the screen.
Maths, damn, I failed my retest. Retest eh! I am seriously hating maths.
Star, stupid girl talk.
After school went to library to study. Arjun taught me maths and like finally, I understand! Seriously, I just cannot concentrate in Mr Wee's lesson. I really like Arjun as a friend. He's really just so caring, funny and patient. Thanks Arjun! And Fahrisah!
Then HomeHomeHome.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Wow. I'm home early.
Was suppperr, actually notso, but I was having fun.
First was music. Which was trash.
Second was P.E. Played Captain's ball! And for the first time, I was actually a main player. So instead of always being the defender, I was running around like a madgirl. My group was me, Fathihah, Hazimah, Mun Ee, Siok Fang. Musfirah played for awhile too. The other group was better but we were kind of catching up. There were screaming all over the place. Haha. Oh, and the indoor sports hall was nice. Okla. But kind of dusty.
Recess. Me and Fifi were so happy. Our seat had the best view.
Maths was boring! I didn't understand a thing! And I seriously hate Kalidass's table. So many ManU all over. I put a huge cross and wrote Arsenal. But again, I crossed it again and wrote Amira. And then Ben turned and crossed it and wrote Liverpool but crossed it again and wrote his name. We were busy crossing and drawing on the table until teacher stopped us.
Then me and Amirah played a game which we can't say anything that have the alphabet " S ". I was terrible. And when Ben came into the scene, I lost again.
Geog was revision. My first thought was, "this is so boring. No need to concentrate la." So Amirah and Suryani joined tables and we sat together. But in the middle of the lesson, I moved away from the two of them and sat alone in front and I was seriously focusing and serious. Haha. That doesn't sound like me but it was. Weird.
Boy, I love your face when it goes blur.
I feel so guilty. I shouldn't have ignored him!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The exam stress is taking over all of us, I notice that.
Every one's trying so hard. Even teachers.

I really admit. After that day Zuhaili didn't talk to me for stating no reason at all. Even when we're already ok, we're not. It's like this, I just don't look at him often. I try to avoid him every time. I only talk to him when I have to. I never smile at him like last time. I ignore him. Zuhaili is not my best friend anymore. And, what's worst is that, I can't find the part of me that loves Zuhaili as a brother. And this, is scaring me.

Today was fine. Excluding the stress.
Malay, Luqman was crazy! And the lesson was fun.
Science, I failed my test! By just one mark. Worst, I had wrote an answer 4 but what I really meant was to write D and then, since it was MCQ and don't know how I go and put in numbers, I got wrong! If that question was right, I would have already passed! Nvm Mira. You did better than some people. And, you've tried hard. ( Feelings2! ) The whole lesson, I spent joking with Benedict. He's really nice and great.
Maths, I don't understand Mr Wee's teaching! And gosh! Is Mr Wee being impatient or what! Little only, he want to scold. Um, hello! We're not that smart! Go on and compare but we're still in the lowest express class. And that, my teacher, is something you have to take note off.
Eng, did compre.
Assembly was EVI, East View Idol. Everyone did fantastic and goooo Wasylahhh! She was awesome!
Amirah told me that when I walked past him, his friend disturbed us. Like, omg! I don't and won't believe it sia!
After school went to TM. Bought tracing paper and mom's b'dae present and window shopped.
And then homehomehome.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Today was fine.
And, I guess, I'm trying to deny a whole lot of things today which made my best friends totally pissed with me. With the boy, the best friend, the book, the everything!
First period was HomeEc.
Haha. It was fun.
Sat with Amirul and, he's the best! And then Amirul had to move because he was too noisy and Zhafri sat with me. Joked with him, bla, bla, bla. I tell you, Zhaf just knows me too well.
Eng was okay.
Geog was funny. Go Musfirah's group!
Malay was about the presentation. I had this kind of presentation once during Primary school. Only, last time, we had to prepare chairs and questions and quizzes.
Went home and something happened that made me screamed big time!
And to my two girlfriends:
I really don't want you girls to get in the way. I'm never getting him and so is she. So, what's the point. Guys. I won't get angry or do anything about this. If she likes him, then be it. I'm absolutely fine with me. Ok, I admit, I maybe get jealous but it's good this way. I can forget him easily like this. If she wins him, then that's good because I heck care. I want to forget him, what's so hard to understand about that?
And Zul, I feel like I have a replacement.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I feel like giving up. No. I am going to give up.
I hate writing. Like seriously.
I give up on witting!
Hmm. TodayTodayToday.
Lit, test. Eng, did compre at play area. Maths, Mr Wee didn't come. Science was a total rubbish. Malay was boring.
I don't know what's happening but Zul is really not himself.
I mean, OK, at the moment he talked to me, I was distracted by some other thing and I didn't even know that he was talking to me until Fifi screamed.
So I guess we're ok? We are still not!
I know this because I know Zul!
He told Fifi and Hazimah that he wasn't in the mood the other day and that he was having problem with a girl. But, hello! I'm not involved so why does he have to act like that. To me only!
You know what, I don't and won't give a fit. If Zul wants it so much, then fine, we don't need to talk. I don't need a friend like him. I want to know the reason, the very real reason, if he wants to talk to me again.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I feel like crying and exploding.
My two besties.
Amirah and Zuhaili.
Ok. So Amirah, I guess, I'm at fault.
I shouted at her for no reason, actually there was a reason, but I felt it was kind of not-me to get angry over somethign so small.
Zuhaili is the one I'm so stress about.
Never are we like this, excluding our last fight which I faked, this is so different!
Zul never talked to me, never smiled, never! He looked but in a way that I just don't want to describe!
So, recap, I never do anything! During the weekends, I didn't even touch the handphone to sms him because I was too sick. The last conversation was on Fri in Geog lesson, when we were joking with each other. that's all! That's it!
I find it so hard to solve this problem cause there's not even 1 stinking clue! Like, ok, how weird is it when your best friend suddenly ignores you?
Omg. This is so stressing.
Worst, when Fifi asked him, he told her, it was a long story. WTH is the long story? If there was a long story, shouldn't I know about it!
You know what!? I'm going to find out.
If Zul is playing a praticial joke, then thank god, but I'll kill him.
If it's something else, then I just hope that I'm going to get my best friend back.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Mom: You ah, always get sick when exams are coming.

I'm in a fever right now but I'm getting better every second.
I'm totally hoping I can drag this fever till Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday.
The last time I checked, my temperature was 38 point something.
The fever started last night at 1:10. I woke up and went to mom's room to get blankets because it was so cold and I couldn't sleep. So, mom realized I was taking the blanket and she knew something was wrong and she gave me the very huge pill that I just can never swallow.
Seriously. I hate medicines.
The next morning, which was today morning, went to doctor. Bla. bla. bla.
I seriously choose the wrong time to get sick because
first, it's on the weekends!
and second, dad's not home!
I seriously want dad to come home. He joined this fishing competition and won't be home till tomorrow afternoon.
I really miss him.
The house is dead silent with him not around.
So, on 18 April, the first time in 2009 I get sick.
I'm bored. When I'm sick, I just cannot sit still.

I hope, I hope, I'll get so sick until I don't need to go to school.
Current mood:
Missing My Dad.

Friday, April 17, 2009

My Sister's keeper! The movie.
The book I'm dying to get back!
OMG! Here's the trailer. And Fifi, I wanna go watch with you! If it ever airs in Singapore. Look at the trailer to see if you're interested k!


I'm still thinking if should go to China or not.
I wanna to go but at the same time, I don't want to go.
Like, what something goes wrong?
Or, what if I'm missing out a hell lot of fun!?
My mind is so confused.
Hmm. TodayTodayToday.
Music, didn't gave a fit about what the lesson. Sat with Fifi, Zeemah, Sheena, Mun Ee, Clarisse to do work then moved to Amirah, Zhaf, Zahirah, Fatin, Mus, nadiah, Zul. They were telling each other ghost stories.
Then P.E. I sucked in Standing Broad Jump, BIG time. I don't really care. But, yay! I passed sit ups. 34! Haha.
Maths, the retest was hard! I only knew how to do the the first and last page. The graph........ Expect a zero la.
Geog was fun. Suryani and Amirah sat with me and, they made alot of noise. I was busy... Sms-ing Zul. He was telling me some crap about Amirul asking for me stead. I will never believe that! Amirul is just a brother.
After school, went to TM with Ain and Zahirah. Yeah, I guess, it was a shock. Even for me. I was never close to them. But after today, I found out that they were great! And, Zahirah is reallyreally fun. We got closer telling each other secrets, one after another. Haha.
Then go home.
And chatted with Fifi for 55 Min while watching Indiana Jones, Crystal skeleton or whatever it is. Argh. I'm bored.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Adam! I love you!

I need a break from school. Like seriously.
I hate this day.
People involved should know.
And what more, I should never say anything.
I can't run away now.
You see. This is the reason why I choose not to like anyone.
Thanks guys. Thanks so much :(

Today was terrible.
Malay was boring.
Science test, okla.
Eng, did groupwork with Ben, Amirul and Clarisse again. They are awesome. I Love Them. And no one can beat Ben in Scissors, Paper, Stone !
Assembly, some talk about going overseas. Which I'm not interested in. I suffered instead. People involve should know the reason.
After school, met Shahren at the traffic light. He was with Nabihan. When he jaywalked, he shouted something like " only Kentals never jaywalk." Argh. I wanted to walk to prove that I wasn't afraid but Amirah was pulling me as though I was going to get into a fight. Whatever Shahren! I'll get you back one day !
I wish to point everyone. But, right now, I'm the one whose deeply hurt.
If only......

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I forget. Again.
This time, my HomeEc stuffs!
Like seriously!
What is so wrong with me?
HomeEc first. We did Baked Rice. And wow, the compliments were one after another. So, thanks so much for Amirul, we did a great job.
Eng, did a group work. Miss Sha asked to form a group. And first me and Zul planned us two with Amirul and Fifi. Then Suryani but in. Then Miss Sha thought that it was a little unfair so she decided to form herself. Which ended up, me, Amirul, Clarisse and Ben. NVM. All I familiar with. Haha! Did our work, with Amirul making stupid jokes like how ...... It's disgusting to talk about.
Geog. Was, for once. Fun. And understandable.
Malay. Okay. I failed my malay. 12/30
After school get new EZlink. I dont understand why so many ppl made such a big deal of their
faces. It's the same isn't it?
Went to do art. And thank god, I've finally fnish it. No more stress. But, it was soooo ugly! In comp lab, sat with Amirah, Zul, Zahirah and Zhaf. And joked and laughed like there was no teacher.
Guys. I won't admit it.
Because part of me doesn't like him.
While, you guys should know the other part.
I don't want to like you.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I've been so buys these few days.
Exams, tests. All in one shot.
Monday/ Yesterday was okay. StudyStudyStudy. Got sexual talk which the boys really enjoyed. I seriously felt like vomiting. Enrichment, for once, I had to admit, although how Sleepy I might be, IO paid attention. Kind of. I liked the instructor's English! like, OMG, can I talk like him during Oral!? I wish I can!
I lost my book!
I'm so sad and angry with myself.
Losing my book was like losing someone who reallyreally love, but only this is something.
I planned to collect money and buy the book again, but after reading, I might sell it back. Or maybe keep it. Like seriously, the book, is worth keeping.
Since I was in bad mood half od the days, I scolded and argued with alot of people. Especially Fifi and Hazimah. I'm so sorry guys!
Lit, Mr Imran never come and so this fierce art teacher came and relieved.
Eng, Miss Sha was in high moods. But, when she gave us compre to do, we were not.
Maths. The quiz was not a quiz. It's a test! Haha. What shit am I talking? The quiz was superduper hard. I have no confidence.
Science, I hated that period. But liked it when Zul kena scolding and he jumped of his seat when Mr Cheah banged the book against his table.
Huhaha! Good for you Zulhaili!
Malay, forget to bring Malay Text Book again and Faiz was the hero. Thanks Faiz.
After school, went to buy HomeEc tests things. Im so worried for tomorrow.
Amirul, Amirul, please come and never get sick!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Porsche 911
Dad, can I have this for my birthday? Please!
I've finally watched FAST AND FURIOUS 4!
The movie is fantastic, awesome, great, thrilling, fun! It's just so WOW.
I loved everything, every part, second, minute of it.
Like omg, i love the guys, Dom and Brian. And the cars, Brian's car, the blue one, especially.
Went out just now to Harvey Normal sale.
I wanna buy laptop!
Dad say my birthday haven't come so cannot.
Okay, so is he really buying me that on my birthday?
Part of me pities him like crazy but another part just wants my birthday to come as soon as possible.
The only thing I want so much right now, is the Porsche 911 and a laptop.
And freedom.

I Love Flo-Rida!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Fifi didn't go to school today. It was a little boring.
Went to school and saw him walking in front of me. Wanted to catch up with him but Hazimah spoilt it.
First period was MT and it was okay.
Second was science, did an experiment and accidentally drank... I forget ah. All i know is that it was poisonous. And quickly rinsed my mouth. It was tasted so.. argh. Yucks! I just can't describe. I was a little hyper, and I told most people that it tasted like coke. But only tentimes worst.
Recess. Hazimah kept on telling me that boy kept looking at me. I denied it but I knew the truth.
Maths, the test was damn hard! And I tell you, im gonna fail this one.
Eng, was okay. Did a quiz in the comp lab but my comp was not working so Miss Sha gave a hard copy.
Assembly, was fun! Haha. Arjun dressed up as a bali kind of guy. And the hosts were amazing. But at last, we didn't win. And disturbed Shahren for asking about Fifi and he disturbed me back. Like Wth? How did he know all this?
Detention, was super fun! Haha. Never have I thought of saying that. Sat with Nad and did our work anyhowly. Haha.


You're never going to believe what I'm gonna say.
Well. Believe it or not, it's just so true.
I'm gonna make my blog go public a few days from today.
This is because, I found out, who have been telling my mom what I said in my blog.
And it turned out to be someone, I least expected, someone I loved and trusted so much.
So, why am I putting it back to public?
Because I'm tired of hiding.
I'm tired of hiding of whatever I'm afraid of.

I explained clearly to my parents, that I was super flaming at that moment, and as teens, we do that. We just let go of whatever wrong things we see in their, the adults, eyes. And it is up to them if they'd want to believe me or not.

I'm gonna try to act like how you act.
I'm gonna try like I don't know that you were the one. All this time.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Calvin Goldspink is sooo hot!

Today is such a rough day.
One bad news to another.
First thing, dad decides that starting from next week, he's not gonna let me use this comp till after my exams. So, expect very late postings because my exams starts on 6 May till 15 or 17 I think.
Next, I've got a detention tomorrow and my mom was informed by that.
School started with HomEc. To say the truth, i used to think that Amirul will be the best homeEc partner ever! But now, I starting to have doubts. But I love him, as a brother and I must be veryvery patient when I'm with this matrep.
Eng was when the hell started.
Wrote " I have been disrespectful and I deserve my punishment." 100 times. Fun or what! Argh! Worst, we did it outside of class during upper sec recess. So embarrassing sia! Then two punishment not enough, tomorrow got detention and Miss Sha had just called my mom to inform her about it. I mean like, what's wrong with her today? She's never like this.
Geog, kena scolding, Mr Peh said that we were very slow and that he needed more time to complete the chapters. But we discovered such a lie didn't we?
Malay healed the wound. For once, I have to admit, malay was better than the other subjects. Because Cikgu was extra nice although the lesson might be a little draggy.
After school went to finish up the art thingy and my art sucked.
Tell me, where can you find a pelican colored blue, pink and purple pelican? The answer is, in Amira shaqira's imagination.
Finished it at around four plus, thanks to Fifi who dragged the time.
Tomorrow maths tests. OMG! I's so scared. Later gonna study. Again.

Amirah, please come to school tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh My God.
Not again.
Suryani and Amirah are fighting.
And I'm the center person.

Zul better stop asking who I like. Because I'm never going to tell him. And guys, stop saying Springfield guy because I said greenview guy. Which is not the truth. Please la, I don't like anyone at the moment. Because I'm so bored with always getting my hopes crush. Fifi, stop making gossips.
Today school was okay.
It's okay for me everyday. Hehe
Before school, met up with Amirah and sat under one of the blocks while waiting for time to pass for school to start. Amirah ated while I talked to her about almost everything.... Mr Kwan saw us and we kena warned.
"One more time I swee both your faces, I send both your names to Miss Shanta okay! " Yep, he said that.. Argh! He say got residents complaint about us. WTH! We never do anything at all! Aiyoos.
Parents that walked past thought we were so bad until got teacher scold !
Lit was suppeer sleepy.
Eng, hate it!
Maths, okayokay.
Science, Mr Cheah exploded. Joked with Ben, tried to snatch his file to see his drawing and he said play scissors paper stone and if i win, I get to see. Well.... I lose.... But I outsmarted him another way and he gave up. Hehehe. And wow, he's drawing was amazing. Zul and Fifi nothing to do say we very cute. Well, korang lagey cute tau!
Malay, Luqman was crazy. Chatted with him about his SYF and he said some almost wanted to cry because they were too nervous.
Oh yes, one more thing to add.
I love my blogskin! Haha.

Where are you PrinceNotSoCharming?

Monday, April 6, 2009

You seee!
I'm so sad.
This was me and Imran on msn.
Imran: Want to follow?
Me: Go where?
Imran: Watch Fast and Furious la.
Me: Oh. I wan!!! Ala. But shy2 ah. Go with who?
Imran: Maybe with my Gf or alone. Not sure, no plans yet. But only on fri and sat I can. Thurs cannot.
Me: Alaaa! Im not gonna be in sing la! So sad sia.
Imran: Haha. Good luck. I know I'll be watching.

I wanna watch la!
3 more days.
Gotto find someone.
Mum asked to call Atikah and just ask. What if she's like Fifi?
Not all girls want to watch shows that have explosion and CARS!


Me: Who you want me to invite?
Faiz: Fifi, Adib, Hizkil, Joyner, Zhafri, Amirul.
Me: How am I going to contact your two brothers? Adib and Hizkil have been so busy with their life, we don't contact.
Faiz: Ala, I want them to come.
The problem with having a brother that is too cute, in other people's eyes, is that many wants to take him in as a stepbrother. My brother thinks Adib, Hizkil and Shafiq are his brothers. Brother, you will never be related to them either way or another.

Finished my second story!
I should be happy but I'm not. Because I have nothing to do anymore!
NVM. Must think of another story.
I'm thinking of making my blog go public again. But still reconsidering it...

School was irritating.
Thanks to Miss Fifi Nurina.
She and me and some other people should know why. The others, don't busybody.
But, don't worry people, we're still best friends. Don't you know, irritation doesn't get in out way?
First period was Art. My comp got problem because my hands were just too curious. Hehe.
Next was science, okayokay.
Geog, okayokay.
Maths, Mr Wee never come! Yay! Sat with Zul and do work and Suryani but in and joined us.
Star was just a useless lesson about integrity with the teacher I least like.
Lunch went out to eat.
Kena question from police. i swear, we did nothing wrong. They just wanted to do some investigations about what happened to the place we were at.
Went photography and enjoyed myself. Theme for today was water. We took rubbish do you know that?
Went to Causeway point after school alone for awhile then go home at 6:40.
Not the latest record.

I miss my another bestfriend.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Still looking for someone to go watch Fast and Furious 4 with me.
Butbutbut, the trailer doesn't look so.....
I mean, it doesn't look like racing any more.
And the cars don't look so WOW.
Don't care. Still wanna watch.
Really looking forward to go.
NVM. If no one wants to go, then I go alone.
Or, I could just drag Dad.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

I wanna watch!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fast and Furious 4!!!!!!!!
With who, with who?
Confirm Fifi won't ever want to see this. And Atikah, also.
100 percent sure.
You see the cars? So, OMG sia.!!!!
I wanna watch!!!!!!
oh, and watched confession of a shopaholic just now.
Halfway, closed it because it was so boring. But funny.
Nothing happen today.
GTG now, going to watch cuzins, father's side, bowling.
It's going to be a bore.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Currently Faved: ADAM LAMBERT. And... Kris. And.... NoOne.
I'm so tired.
Today is so not my day.
Music, was a bore.
P.E, hurt myself! Argh!
Maths, tired.
Geog, tired. And it was okay. Because there was nothing to do!
And that's all.
I'm bored and sleepy and bored and sleepy.
- My post is getting shorter and shorter.
Zul's Quotes.
"Tak pukul kuat lagey?" He asked when he saw me slapping my checks with a ruler. It was fun okay, Fyi.
"Banyak nyer .Letak ah kat whole collar" He said when he saw me putting my clips on my collar.
Zul, whatever!
Looks like Lady B is determined to have it all. Question is... who with?

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ala. Ala. Ala.
Soo Sad.
Yesterday watched American Idol.
I'm sad not because Adam lost or didn't do well.
He did.. For me.. It was a little not nice. But the judges love it and who cares. He's great!
Well, when advertisement, I go to comp and surfed around. Found the newest episode of G.G. Then dad caught me and asked me to switched off the comp.
So today, I try finding back the video, DON'T HAVE!
I'm sad okay. Why must they remove the thing so quickly!
NVM. I downloaded it. So, just need to wait for 2 hours and 55Mins. Walau.

Today. School. No Word To Describe.
Teachers came back.
So very boring!
Malay, did workworkwork.
Science, workworkwork.
Maths, full marks on quiz! Yeah! And failed in LCM and HCF. All careless mistakes! Grr!
Eng, 100 lines of "I should remeber to follow instructions next time" while standing up. Was so pissed with Miss Sha.
Assembly. Leaders and councilors getting their batches. Congrats Hazimah! Mun Ee! Sheena! Arjun! Fathihah! And others.
Someone, whom I will not put the name in here, stared at me like what sia. I was crept out. The eyes followed me everywhere.... It was reallyreally creepy!
After school, was forced by Nadiah to stayback.
Everyday, my post is getting shorter and shorter.
The candle lights on both the ends.
But throughout the night, neither will survive.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

To that girl,
I won't find fault with you. Because I''m still unsure.
But if it was me then I would want to know, what the hell did I do to you?
I have never backstabbed you Okay!?
You're my bestie.
And, i don't go around telling others about your secret.
FYI, you were the one who told everyone your own secret!
You wrote that post on the 31st of March. And I realized, we were okay on that day.
If you hated me so much, then why do still bother talking to me!?
I hate you for saying that. Because, never have I once, thought you were like that to me.
Okay, so maybe, I asked you to be a little mature, but it was a joke! What is so wrong with you!
A thought kept on appearing in my head but I tried to keep it aside.
On 31st of March, you wrote that about me. You wrote that after school, I presume.
I know I must be dreaming. But I can't help but wonder.
Were you angry with me because of something I didn't do?
Were you........................ When I was so happy?


I'm, again, tired.
Reached home at about 5. 40 plus.
At school, I just can't explain the fights there were.
And Zul was right, I'm not going to side anyone.
And something also happened with me bestie that me heart crashed into a plane.
Won't write down here. Because it's too personal.
HomeEc first lesson was okay? I guess so. Amirul, again, neat freak but also the best partner eveer.
English and Geog.
Teachers didn't came. Yeah! I love it. Haha.
Hate it, what to else to say? Luqman kept on disturbing me with the hockey stick and today's he real hyper. Well, you people don't see it, but i do. He keeps on putting the hockey sticks in between out tables and more..... I don't know what pill he had eaten. But he was fun. For the first time, we chatted continuously asking about almost everything.
Then went after school went out to buy some stuffs.
To Fifi...
Sorry, I didn't tell you about Mr D. It was days ago and I was just to afraid you'd just hate my choice. You know, I thought you'd hate him because of his class. And I thought it was just a small matter.... But... It's over and I guess, there's nothing for me to tell you now.
I'm really sorry.
And to My Most Annoying brother ever.