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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, May 29, 2009

Yesterday ELearning was terrible.
I didn't do maths and geog. Haha. Me, Nad and Amirah planned not to do. They were just so hard.
Science was the cutest part. I anyhow tick and yet I passed. Haha!
Eng? I anyhow put LY behind the helping words.
Me, Nad, Amirah and Fifi joined conversation and made crap. Haha. Fifi was so fed up with us that she didn't bothered. Guess we were kind of childish? Haha. Yeah!
Everyone's phyched about 5th June. Including me! Haha.
PTC later. I'm so scared and nervous. What if teachers say I very bad in class? I never concentrate? Oh nooooooo.....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mr Peh doesn't at all look like a teacher.

Hazimah's having her heaven on earth. =)

Mr Wong: What time you wake up?
Me: 5:30
Mr Wong: Why so early?
Me: Don't know.
Amirul: She live at Woodlands what.
Mr Wong: He joking or for real?
Syed: The word the people always say when they enter disneyworld?
Other boys: Channel?
Syed: No la!
Amirul: Oh! I know! NICKELODEAN!
This was in Taboo. The answer is Walt. Haha Amirul!
Elinna: How's Hasbul?
Me: Um. Believe it or not. He's kurus now. He looks real mature and handsome now.
Elinna: Can you send me his picture?
Me: Um.... Sorry. I don't have.
Elinna: Can you take for me?
Me: I'll give it to you as soon as I have it okay? Why? is there any ehem2 going on?
Elinna: Tkla. Just wanna see his picture.
Me: Oh. Um. Ok la.

Yay! School's out!
Goodbye teachers. Hello troubles.
First period DNT. All I have to say is that I'm worried about how I'm going to live through it when school reopens. The teacher was at first funny but as time pass by, we were suffering. We can't sleep. Some of his jokes are terrible! And2 he kept on shocking us. What if one day one of us had a heart attack? Ish! And Amirul totally say out my secret. Argh.
Eng. Played TABOO. It was such a great game! And I loved how some of the players made the game so funny and alive. Haha. Especially Musfirah and Syed!
Geog! The very last day Mr Peh will be teaching us. Aww. That's so sad. Musfirah's group won, and we got chocolate. Yay, Musfirah! So... We talked about some things. So. Upstairs are the pictures.
No Mt and did crap in our free period!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Today is so light. A great day.
First one and half hours spend time with form teachers to check marks. And my results, OK, Lit was pretty disappointing especially when I already passed SA1's exam. Guessed my CA or tests must have pulled me down. And I failed maths and science. All in the forties. Damn. My class position: 11! Yay! I was suppper proud of myself. It was really shocking for me. But... I think I must have seen it wrongly or something. Because... I'm like having doubts. I think... Maybe 21 or 31 or some other number. I don't know la!
English, finished watching the movie. It's such a good movie!
Maths. Study. But me, Nadiah and Amirah didn't. We were making craps about stuffs.
Science. Me, Nad and Amirah sat with each other. Finished watching Transformers. I'm just so curious about how they produce the movie. I wanna produce/direct something like that too! And the soldier. The one who rode the motorcycle was soo damnn hot! I kept on saying how handsome he was to Amirah and she got very pissed. Haha. I just love him.
Mt. There was no malay so we stayed in class. Sat with Amirah and Fifi and guess what? We decided to be songwriters. Haha! Amirah started a sentence and just passed the paper around. haha! That was my favorite part of the day. Seriously! We laughed our buts off at our languages and our craps. Haha.
After class got Forensic workshop.
I tell you, it is the most GREATEST workshop I've ever attended. Seriously! It was so interesting and fun! We learnt about investigation and there was a case about a kidnap that we had to solve. First sat with Amirah, Zul, Zhaf, Arina and Fathihah but we me and Amirah kena move. Zul and Zhaf kept on scaring me saying that they were going to take blood from us then kena injection la.
So... The first thing we had to do was measure ourselves and that was so funny. Because whenever Amirah wanted to measure my head, I kept on laughing. I cannot stop laughing just now. Haha! Then we test blood! It was just simulated blood but who cares? I enjoyed it. But.. I still say I'm never going to be qualified to be a nurse. Haha. "Later want to help patient do blood donation must think first what blood can go with what blood. By the time try to recall what the instructors say, the patient die already." Haha! That's what I kept telling Amirah.

Monday, May 25, 2009

School was fine.
Art. Free period. sat with Fifi, Nad and Suryani to discuss holiday plans.
Science. Watched Transformers.
Geog. Watched a couple of shows. And then Mr Peh go and play with the love calculator thing. Haha. I remembered my classmates in primary school went to this site. Haha.We used to sabo each other by writing our names. Mr Peh randomly took my name and put Shaun's and Kalidass name. And you know what, both I kena high scores. The website is just bogus. It's so fake.
Maths. Study.
Star. Watched a movie. I don't know the title. But the movie is really good. Reminds me of my primary school teacher, Mr Muhd Nor. He used to be so funny and nice and never gave up hope on us. And Ben, I am not retarded!
Then... Gohome!
So many people don't have in class. Sooo boring!

Friday, May 22, 2009

God. I will forever love Ryan Seacrest. He's so cute.
Him and Kara do make a good couple. Don't you think?
And Kara looks so beautiful.

Me: Mr Peh, the answer Ozone layer if I put ozone depletion can get half mark for the word ozone?
Mr peh: Ha Ha. No. I'm sorry la.
Me: Ala cher. Soooo close!
Of course I knew that the answer is no. I'm just joking around. But if can, it would be a miracle.
Yesterday purposely didn't slept and watched American Idol till midnight or later. I'm going to miss that show. But I know, Adam will make an album. He definitely is. I also loved B.E.P performance of Boom Boom Pow. Their live performances are just amazing. Butbutbut. I HATE that Bikini Girl for kissing Ryan! Damn! I was so shocked. And so jealous! Haha. And she still has the guts to say "He kissed me back." Or something. Argh! She's a bitch. Anyhow kiss Ryan!
Music. Watched CampRock. I didn't watched but read. I bought a new book! It's Change of Heart by Jodi Picoult.
P.E. Um. What eh......... Oh! Nafaa.
Maths. Practise. No one sat with me =( Haha. But I found out that i can concentrate better with no one talking or distracting me. But after some, I really was getting bored. So, the only person who entertained me was Zul. He was sms-ing me about some nonsense. Haha. We were not really in a mood to study. And argh. Do you know how distracting Zhafri's hair is? He's already so tall and I'm short and then his hair so much more taller. I cannot see the screen. He offered me to seat next to him, but I didn't want to.
Geog. Argh! Another 1 and half more mark then I can pass. Mr Peh was like "I'm so sorry but I can't help anymore." He's a great teacher. Haha. He'll be leaving so, it will be kind of sad. And what's up with the boys and some girls playing with paper balls. It's so childish.
After school got floorball.
Ok. First of all. I'm going to say a thousand times sorry to Fatin and Hazimah. So the truth was that I thought I was just pulling you guys down and so, that was why I replaced myself. And somemore, my specs kept on going off.
So to Hazimah and Fatin, I'm so sorry!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Gossip girl!
So sad, it's the finale. I'm going to miss them. Hope there's going to be a season 3.
It's raining and I wanna go out and buy books!
Me: Ayah, can we go popular?
Dad: It's raining.
Me: We taking car what.
Dad: Well, later I have to take the car and then I get wet.
Me: You can use the pink umbrella. Then I call you 'sutun' a while.
Mom: How is your dad going to drive through this kind of weather?
Me: Ala! Can what. Nevermind ah. I drive.
Dad: (talking to my brother) Your sister have lost her mind.


Kris won American Idol this year. The dark horse wins the game this year.
Oh. I'm so sad. But, at the same time, happy!
Last year, both Davids turned out popular and did their own albums. So Adam, you're still a winner!
But... I really want Adam to win.
Nvm. I love you too Kris!

Suryani: Eh, korang due macam mateer sia. Bisik2 aje.
I stuck my tongue out at her. Haha. She was talking about me and Zul when we were whispering to each other about something. Which is very personal between only us two.

Hmm. I hate today. My results are veryvery bad.
I failed Maths, Science, Geog, HomeEc.
And passed English, Lit, Malay, Art.
No! I hate me. How I wish I can transfer my malay and art marks to my maths and science.
Argh! No! No! No! No!
Malay, watched a movie while chatted with Fifi about holiday plans. I really wanna go to the zoo =(
Then Science. Ben accused me of stealing his pencil box and we were box fighting with each other. haha. I took his bag and he took mine. And at last, it was Ernous. Haha! I told you so it wasn't me.
Then maths, out teacher never come again. So... Relieve teacher gave us english puzzles. Me and Suryani didn't do. But, I helped Ben because I really wanted him to win the prize.
Then get maths paper. I was frozen. Utterly speechless.
Then eng letter writing. Hmm. I was really not happy with my result.
Then art. Haha. I never expected i could pass. And wow. I did. Almost got a heart attack from finding out I passed,
Assembly. I slept.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

No! It must be a nightmare to fail my English! God! Failed by 2 marks. What shit man!
First period was HomeEc. The last day of our lesson. I failed homeEc. :) I got absolutely no problem with that.
Next eng. So, as always, my name first and I already know I that would I fail. And guess what, I was so right. Just hoping that my letter writing and Oral are so much better.
Then Lit. Wow. I passed. I was seriously speechless. Haha! That made my day.
Geog. I don't know where to start. I failed but I was so proud with myself. Because I didn't believed I could get that high. And Mr Peh was like, " Nvm, you still have chance to pass." Yay!
Got a letter to go a workshop for Bio or something or blood. Cool or what? Can be like C.S.I investigators. Haha. C.S.I: East View. The casts are, Amira Shaqira, Amirah, Suryani, Fathihah, Arina, Fatin, Zuhaili and Zhafri. Fifi 's going to make ice cream. Haha.
Malay. Ok! The whole period me and Luqman were talking about the whole bus ride yesterday. Haha. And I'm so happy with myself. Because overall, I passed Malay! And I know it maybe not that high, but it's malay. I didn't expect this. At all. And my karangan, omg, omg. God. I cannot believe my marks. Outstanding, for my standard I mean.
So far...
Compo: passed.
Compre: Failed.
Paper 2: Failed.
Paper 1 :Passed.
Paper 2: Failed.
Karangan: Passed.
Letter/Dialouge: Passed.
Paper 2: Passed.
Paper 3: Passed.
Geog: Failed.
Lit: Passed.
HomeEc: Failed.
Haizzz. So many fails.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Haha Fifi! I don't need your magazine to drool over Chace Crawford.

Blair: You don't sound like yourself.
Georgina: That's because I'm not.
Blair: I don't think Jesus would like that.
Georgina: You can tell Jesus the bitch is back.
Yes! I've watched GG and waiting for the very last episode. Yay!

Damn. What a day. So happy/ exciting?
I don't know.
First, when I reached school, I found out, My phone's spoilt!
I got 9 sms all from callerallert alerting me about those who cannot reach me when they try to call me. Weird!? Then, the message buttons cannot be pressed! Like what shit! It's becoming like Fifi's past Hp problem. Only this one, it was lighter. I blame Fifi entirely for spreading this Phone Virus. Haha. Jk. Jk.
At class, sat back at original place. So, Hello Ben! Me and Ben, throughout all lessons were so noisy just betting with each other about this and that. Haha.
Then Lit, Mr Imran didn't came so didn't get back exam papers. It was really funny when the teacher showed Chace Crawford picture in Fifi's magazine and I screamed. Of course I know him! He's gossip girl's god! Haha! The teacher was like "You watch Gossip girl?" And I was so shock. Didn't know teachers would watch gossip girl. Because he told me he watched it. It was like making friends with the teacher? Haha. Idk.
Eng. watched a movie for the first half hour. Then time to get compo paper. God! You don't know how nervous I was. My hands were all pale and cold. And when the teacher said about some people witting too much for Question 3, I was like, it must be me... But guess I was wrong? So wrong. Yay! I was so happy with my result composition. Second highest is me and the first is Clarisse.
Recess. There were birds flying around me and Fifi's legs. And we screamed. Seriously sia, I can really feel their feathers. Eww.
Maths. Damn Mr Wee never come again. Then luckily got another teacher go through the Paper two which I said I didn't have hope on. And2. K. Maybe I didn't passed, but I was very proud of myself. Because I got something which I didn't expect to get.
Science. Can I say wow? Yes! My result for paper A got me going crazy. And then Paper B... But if I add together, I passed! Woo! I was so damn happy. Just waiting for the last paper.
Malay. Ok. So, when I stepped into the classroom, Azam and Irfan were disturbing me. They were like "Eh, Luqman, tu Amira." And well. They kept disturbing us. Like hell. Me and Luqman at the back were talking about our scores in class when Azam said "Chey kasi nombor sey!" Argh. Azam! Can you stop it? Believe it or not boy, I already have Luqman's number!
Then gohome. It was terrible! I took 293 with Suryani and Amirah and planned to stop with Amirah at her stop. So, Amirah sat with Suryani and I sat alone behind them. Next to me was Luqman and Haziq. And behind me were some mats from don't know where. So... I started panicking and when disturbed me, I ignored them. God! They were so damn irritating. And I was so scared to move anywhere. I was like so silent until Amirah and Suryani kept looking back to see if I was alright. I was stiffed!
They just kept singing the song Pokerface and if their voices were nice, I would have enjoyed it. Then one of them, who was sitting behind me, just kept on kicking and shaking my seat. So, however pissed I was, I ignored them. The allighted right after Haziq and Suryani did. And I was so relieved. I sat with Amirah and Luqman sat with us too. I complaint to Luqman how scared I was and he, as a friend, listened and calmed me down. I don't know how close or whatever we were, until Amirah mentioned something. And2 I met Fatin, Springfield! I missed her so much!! We talked awhile then go our own ways.
Then when I took 168 to go home, all around me, were also mats. Only this time I.T.E mats. So... I didn't have a good ride home.
So... I don't know if this day is lucky for me because of my results and meeting Fatin or an unlucky say because of all the very bad events.
Hmm. Oh. The post is so long. Didn't realized this.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I LoVeee Adam!

Me: Mepek sial dorang.
Khairul: Alaa.. Just relax.
Me: Tak suke ah orang sibuk2.
Khairul: Dorang jealous kot?
Me: Haha.
Khairul: Btw, lame tk dengar cerite.
Me: Yeah.
Khairul: How's life?
Me: Same old, same old.

I'm so freaking pissed, so, I guessed I complaint to Khairul. You know, Zhafri is the one whom I always complain to. Ala. Nvm ah. These two guys listen. So... Khairul is safer because we're from different schools.
Thanks to someone for making this day so miserable.
I just wish I can rewind time. You people are terrible. I will never ever ever tell any of my secrets to anyone. EVER. Not even Fifi, Hazimah, Zuhaili, Zhafri or whoever!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I'm listening to Ryan Seacrest's radio interviews.
Him and Miley are so funny. This got me laughing. Although it was last year.
And I'm going to write their conversation down here. Finally found smt to do. Yay!

Ryan: You're going to be hosting Teen Choice awards right? Don't be nervous, it's live.
Miley: On no, I'm not nervous. Well, it would be alot less nervous if someone hadn't went to decide to take a vacation.
Ryan: Did I say I was out of town that day?
Miley: Yeah, yeah. You did.
Ryan: Well, I didn't think you needed me.
Miley: Yahaa!
Ryan: You don't need me to help you.
Miley: Yahaa! Who am I going to talk to?
Ryan:...... The audience.
Miley: But they're not funny. You can't like joke around with the audience.
Ryan: What do you want me to do? Co-host with you?
Miley: Yeah.
Someone Else: Get Chris Martin.
Miley: That is such a good idea. You are so much smarter than Ryan. But is he funny? Oh! He is kind of funny.
Ryan: You're very clever. but, i don't think he's going to host a teen choice awards.
Miley: Why not?
Ryan: Somethings tells me he's out of town.
Miley:I'd try to get my brother to do it.
Ryan: You don't need help. I said to fox you don't need support. They asked me and I said she doesn't need anybody. You'd be great.
Miley: Yes I do. Who am i going to talk to!? I'm going to be bored!
Ryan: You're not. You're going to walk out, dance, put Mandy next to you.
Miley: Huh! Mandy! That's be great.
Ryan: Yeah. See. There you go.
Miley: We need to call FOX asap.

Oh. There's still loads more. But... I'm tired. How? Can or not I be jounalist?
If only Ryan is younger, he can so date Miley. They're a perfect match.


I Looveee Blayne!

Oh Man.
I suddenly want to play The Sims 2. Don't know what the hell is wrong with me.
It's so boring you know.
Oh Man.
My irritating brother wants to use the comp.
Kapo ah!
Sorry for the so-short post.

I wan More Hats =))AMIRAAAA !
Saturday, May 16, 2009

I Love My Hat!

Omg. These few days I've been SMS-ing ALOT!
From Hazimah to Zuhaili to Zhafri to Atikah ( Woodlands Ring ) to Amirah to Nadiah.
Oh god. I've got to stop.
I'm like... Super damn bored.
Weekends are so draggy.
Been SmS-ing Zuhaili about the holidays and we plan to go out.
Then SMS Nadiah about Art.
Then SMS Zhafri about that boy.
Then SMS Zeemah about that another boy and life and jokes and David Archuleta and David COOK!
Then SMS Amirah about her boy.
Then SMS Atikah about life.
I know! I want go disturb Daryl. Haha.
To that girl:
I'm so worried for you. You're flirting with disaster.

ExamsExams DoneDone!AMIRAAAA !
Friday, May 15, 2009

Favorite character: Alex!
Exams OVER!

Art paper? Hmm. Don't ask. I don't care if I fail.
After school, celebrate! Haha
Planned to watch a movie. 17 again was in the afternoon so, we were stuck in choosing what to watch. At last, watched The Uninvited. We were so kecoh, about lights out, about the seats, about the advert, about everything! ! By we, I meant, me, Fifi, Nadiah, Fatin and Amirah. Yes, The Uninvited is a horror movie for those who are wondering.
We sat like in the middle of the row starting from Fatin, Amirah, Nadiah, Me and Fifi. The cinema was seriously plain. Only a few people were there. Fatin really wanted to change her seat because she was scared because no one was next to her and the whole row was empty after her. Haha. The movie is scary! But the ending is really so... Brilliant. Although it took me hours to understand.
There was one part that made me and Fifi go "Eep!" Haha. All our faces were like "Omg, omg, what's going to happen next?" And trust me, it was so fun! We were like just so close to each other. Haha. And Amirah even complained how scared Fatin and Nadiah was until they were so close to her. Haha! What a greatgreat day.
Now... Ala. No more money.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

B.E.P newest album.
The E.N.D = Energy. Never. Dies
And best of all! The release is on my birthday! 9June!!!!!
I want this album can!?
Haha. Tk malu sey mintak orang.
But.. I so want it !
I'm so bored now.
And you know what.
I've decided that:
I'm so over him.


Kris was awesome! His version of heartless is so... WoW!
For the first time in life, I thought Kris was the best instead of Adam.
If Kris wins, I'm okay with it! If Adam wins, I'm gonna be so happy! And if Gokey wins, I will go BOOO! Gokey go home!

Me: Eh. sejuk sia.
Amirah: Sejuk? Panas sia. Oh. Chey. Aku tau kenape.
Me: Haha. Ah ah. Pasal tu.

School today was...
I hated it.
Maths was terrible. So damn fcking hard. I never finshed any questions at all. 209 and 207 did together. I kena sit in front of Shahren. While Fifi was next to him =))
209 and 207 kept disturbing Shahren and Fifi. Ahaha. I haven't even say anything. Yet. and Shahren was already like "Shut up eh Amira." And he said some other things that was super irritating.
Good for you Shahren!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Me: Eh Azam, Luqman mane?
Azam: Asal kau tanye? Kau suke eh? Tu dieh! Nak aku ambekkan gambar?
Me: Aku tak suke die.
Azam seriously had the verywrong idea. I was asking for Luqman because 208 and 209 did oral and I was wondering where Luqman was. Luqman is seriously just a friend.
Argh. He won't stop disturbing me you know. Then he go to Luqman and tell him don'tknow what nonsense. And then came back to me and said, "Luqman nak number kau." Whatever Azam! Luqman is just a friend!
Oral. God. It was terrible! The conversation was "Something funny you did to your friends."
Ok. So when Miss Nah said this, I was like, OMG. There's so many. But yet, nothing came to my head. I was seriously so blank. So I took some time and then the last year april's fool's joke came to my head so... I spit everything out. The one I pranked Fifi in the science lab.
Only thing, i didn't think it was funny. I think it was so boring.
And science. Was okay. When Miss Sha said that we could start, I quickly turned to the first page and wrote down all the formulas I could remember.
Went to McDolanald's near the Afganistan. But when Zhafri and gang appeared, we cabot and ran to eat at a nearby block. Haha. Then walkwalkwalk. And.. I miss the old place! Like seriously! I even went up my old block for fun. Haha!
I don't want tomorrow to come!

Monday, May 11, 2009

"The girl?" I love how he said this.
"What's her name?"
"Ah. It's not the girl."
Aww. I Looveee Ryan Seacrest!!!!!!!!!!!
And yes, Adam Lambert should win American Idol! And Allison should not have gone home!
Gokey go home la!
Please, let the exams come and go quickly.
I'm boredboredbored.

Friday, May 8, 2009

God! What the hell is wrong with me!!!!!!?????
I'm going to fail everything...
Stupid Amira didn't read instructions and let stress took control!
EL paper, I was so scared and stress, I wanted time to stop for just a second to get a grip of life. And everything was fine, until now! Hazimah told me summary actually 125 words! What kind of idiot will totally forget to read the instruction! Well, the answer is: me.
And then Geog! Again, I didn't read the instruction! Like WTF is wrong with me! I did everything wrongly.
So Byebye EL and Geog. I'm going to fail.
I'm so disappointed!!!!!!!!

The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of.
You're the drug that makes me so high.
I Love You But I Don't.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Allison Iraheta and Adam Lambert .
Allison, you should be in the top three, not that stupid Gokey! Nvm. I support you always! And I love Adam! Adam all the way!

Adeeb: Hey
Me: Adib!! Hello!
Adeeb: My name is Adeeb.
Me: Whatever. How are you?
Adeeb: Yeah fine. Me, Joyner and Fatin panning to gather all the 6B and meet up with Mr Muhd Noor.
Me: .... When? Is Mr Muhd Noor still teaching? I thought he want to study?
Adeeb: Teacher want to study?
Me: Haha. Can what...
Adib!!!!!!!!! I miss him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My malay compo! Sucks!
I'm going to fail.
Like argh!
I was soo busy with my dialog when i totally gave no damn about my compo!
Oh no.
I'm so worried.
Maths, paper 1. I can't say a thing. SoSoSoSo hard!

I'm Bored.
I need to study anyways.

I saw a metta kid who looked exactly like Zhafri!
Seriously, I'm not joking!

mickeys trying to make me go to rehab (!)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Birthday My Dearest Brother, Whom I Have No Blood Relation With, ZUHAILI!
May all your wishes come true. And good luck for all your exams.
Stay fun, crazy, flirty and loveable always.

Exams are officially on.
So... Won't be positing that much.
Depends really. I only have two hours. Soo.... See my mood la.
Today morning, rained! And when it rains, I get up, happyhappyhappy. Weirdly, the rain just makes me so happy!
Today is also the first day I talked to Shahren. About Fifi. See, I'm a good bestie right Fifi?
The very first day of exam. EL Compo first. I'm scared. I think, my story is a drag and so boring. And... I think... I'm going to fail badly. I'm praying for at least a pass. Next was MT paper 2. OKOK la. I studied like hell yesterday and in the bus so... Guess it kind of paid off. But.. I'm still sure I'm never going to get a high mark... EVER.

Lit first. BORING. The lesson is really, argh! Eng, own revision. Maths, teacher never come. Again. Science. Wow. Science. I don't know. When Mr Cheah told us to "Study hard for our exam." personally, it was really... Sad. Because, you know, we really have not been great students to him. And. I'm really hoping to pass my science. Malay, Luqman.... Is crazzy! But fun! Zhafri sat next to me and when we did listening, he was making so many crazy and funny shit jokes. Went home taking 293 with Suryani and Amirah. And Luqman and Haziq were with us too. I talked alot with Luqman until Suryani and Amirah called us a couple. He's just a bestie ok!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Zuhaili: Hello.
Me: Hey budak nearly 14.
Zuhali: Haha.
Me: Kau tau tak, aku ngan fifi gadoh?
Zuhali: Asal? Please jangan.

Haha! I'm so going to sabo Zul.
People, Zuhaili's birthday is coming. 6th May! The very first day of Exam! Haha.
He didn't let me tell anyone about this. But, haha!

I'm so pissed today.
My lips are terribly swollen because my brother decides to get rough and hit the remote on my lips. Actually, just an accident, but I swear, he was happy it happened.
I've decided not to do malay, karangan because I'm freaking stressed and tired.
Art, did nothing.
Science, was crazy. Not the class, ME!
Geog, sat with Zhaf and chatted.
Maths, Mr Wee never come. The relieve teacher, hmm, I started disliking him when he opened his mouth to talk.
Star, clean the tables. And my skirt is damn dirty! Thanks to Zuhaili! Actually no. The class was empty and only me, Zul, Amirul and some other people were there. I helped Zuhali to clean his table and, I sat on a wet table. And there goes the skirt. Amirul also kena! Haha!
Everything went so well until...
I was already pissed with Hazimah. And then Fifi made it worst. And yeah, we fought.
The weird thing is that we always end up fighting because of or something that has to do with a boy. Always.
But Fi, you were a pain in the ass. And maybe, the whole body. You should know, what you've done is not just a joke for us to laugh at the end. Because, you should know, the one's suffering is not you. Never you. It's time I tell you the truth, you behavior's making me and maybe everyone else, pissed. Your jokes are way too much.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Hafiz: Eh. Budak tu dah minah ah.
Me: Shut up ah.
Hafiz: Mentang2 da sec2.
Hafiz: Alamak. Malu ah nak cakap.
Me: Eh, cakap ah.
Hafiz: Aku nampak ---------------------
Me: Oh my god. Macam mane sia?
Hafiz: Eh betul la. Monyet tu----------
Me: Da ah. aku taknak dengar. Takya describe k .Primary 5 da tau ni sumer eh.
The second conversation, paham2kan aje la eh. Haha.

Yesterday ended up at abang Mazlan's wedding with a black Tshirt and black pants. Cool or what, going to a wedding wearing normal clothes. Haha. People stared, that's one thing I hate. I hate wearing all those baju kurong. It was so damn warm.
Was supposed to help but I ran off to my grandparents house and stayed there since no one was home. Both my grandparents are in Malaysia. So.. Haha! I got the house all to myself!
Mom scolded me saying that I don't want to mix around with my cousins.
And I have to admit, I was seriously mute when I'm with them. Yesterday, my head was so stress. Don't know about what and why.
I only talked alot with Hafiz. I missed him. Seriously. We haven't met since nenek passed away. Although we're cousins, we only talk behind everyone's back.
That's how terrible life can be.
Because sometimes, people won't get over the fact. People won't let bygones be bygones.
People will try to find your mistakes. And tell others how terrible you are.
Soon, you realize, the ones so close to you eat their words and get influenced.
In other's eyes, you're a rat.

Grandmother's gone. When will the two of you realize that there's no point in trying to make my mother look bad.
No point.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Gossip girl! I love this show. Like Crazy.
I'm bored like crazy.
Brother's sick. And yay, the house is so quiet. Haha.
Wish could go out. But.. I wanna study. Sounds weird sey.
Omg. I'm bored.