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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Monday, June 29, 2009

What I learn in maths today:
Fifi equals to ( The bestest bestie plus The best friend ) equals to forever/eternity friendship.
Wth am I typing?
You guys know what I mean.


Me: Huh! It's not my fault sey! It's the stupid phone punye pasal ah!
Dad: I asked you to change your handphone right?
Me: I want to use this phone.
Daryl: Yo
Me: Hey. You're looking good.
Daryl: Thanks. You got facebook?
Me: yeah but forget.
Daryl: Nvm.
Me: Are going to the concert thingy on 11th?
Daryl: What thing?
Me: You don't know? The anniversary concert?
Daryl: I don't know. Cz is my history. Ngee Ann is my future. Haha. Whats the concert about? Teachers day?
Me: I just said Anniversary. but the ticket is $10. And the venue is somewhere in Geylang.
Daryl: what ! $10 and they exposed kids to the public with prostitutes doing prostitution on the street wtf are they sick.
Me: Wtf u saying sia? Haha. That sounds so like you to be talking like that.
Daryl: Are you saying I'm immature.
Me: No. Im just saying that ur still the way uve been years ago. u know, when we used to talk for hours on the phone and u'd talk about crazy stuffs.
Daryl: I'm nothing like the past
Me: Is that good or bad?
Daryl: I have my fun times and my serious times. Oh, btw, I pierced my ear. My left ear.
Me: I'm speechless.
Daryl: What? Fashion what?
Me: Yeala, I never say anything what. I said I'm speechless.
If you can read this Daryl, I'm just gonna say that I know you, boy. I know the real you because you've been a super great friend. You are still you. You haven't changed. I miss you. I don't want you to be a someone you're not.
First day of school and I'm already in trouble.
Haiz. I went to the Interchange after school to top up my EZlink and buy a few important things. So, my phone went coco again. And I kena scolding for going home late. I dontknow whats happening to my phone. No signal, no signal. So, mom said that she called Miss Sha, Fifi and Amira Atiqah. Aw man. Everything is just a big misunderstanding sey.
So.... Today was.......... Okay?
Had some changes. I'm sitting in the front now, which is so not fun. I hate my seating place. In front of me is Amirah, which I'm happy with, behind is Zhafri, which I'm okay with. Next to me is Sheena and Jun Hoa.
Then lessons.
History with Mdm Natasha. I told some of you that she was going to be our teacher. Haha! What can I say? I know, TOLD CHA! Huhahaha. History is interesting but boring. Idk how to explain ah.
Maths, Mr Wee never come.
Star, played Taboo. A great class game!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Me: Hey, you remember me?
Chitra: AMIRA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Adeeb, you going to the concert? You know how much is the ticket or not?
Adeeb: Me and Joney must sell them sey. They're about $10. I'm not sure if I going.
Me: Aku nk pergi ngan Chitra.Eh. Mahalnyer. Kau and Joyner volunteer eh?
Adeeb: Tk ah. WE must ask more people to buy the tickets I mean.
Me: Oh. Haha.
I will be back in Malaysia on Wed and will be back by Sunday. I think. And going to either Mersing or Desaru.
Oh no. School's starting.
h1n1 please go up. I don't want to go to school yet.
I haven't done any homework and I forget all about them.
I don't think it's that much... Right?

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Man. Whoever the reader is, and I definitely know who she is, she's so wrong.
So, you see, this is what you get for wanting to be matured.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"She said she only want at least one to go to University. And maybe, I say, I'm not going to be the one. I say that I'm not the smartass she thinks I am or any other thinks I am. I just want to do my best and I fail, I fail. I don't see why she wants reputation because I don't. I don't want or need reputation. What's the point? In the end, we're all just going to die."

Sorry if it's tooo blur.
Watched Ghost of Girlfriend's Past with dearest bestie, Atikah.
Had a blast.
The movie is great. I give it a 4 thumbs up.
And after the movie, hung around with Atikah and I confirm will go out with her before school starts again and again. Outside the cinema met up with Atikah's friend. He's 15 and superrr cute and handsome!
Guess what? I'm going Desaru on 25th. Yay! How I hoped we get stuck there or something so that I don't need to go to school.

Boy, how I wished I can let you go.
How I wish you can stop playing in my mind.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Me: Ayah, where's your lighter?
Dad: In the box don't have?
Me: No.
Dad: In the bag?
Me: Don't have.
Imran: Asal?
Dad: Tkde. Amira suke maen api.
Me: I don't know when and what time la.
Syarah: Ala.
Me: You excited eh?
Syarah: Yeahla. I want to escape.
I don't know why but these few days, I've been hating life.
Idk why.
Tomorrow's going out with Atikah. But I don't think I can go, because I'm in trouble. Big trouble.
Then thurs onwards, me and Syarah are going to have a blast with each other ! Haha!
To Fifi, sorry to say this but you're just gonna have to go on and have fun without me.
I'm super busy...
And finally, Amirah broke up with Faiz.
So happy to hear that.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Me: U kenal Elinna?
Hasbul: Grifiths eh?
Me: Yeah.
Hasbul: Ya. Kenape?
Me: She mintak me ur pic. The other day kiteorng chat2 abeh she ask how are u tu sumer.
Hasbul: Elinna?
Me: Haha. Yeah.
Man, the holidays are so short. I wish can be longer. Maybe 2 months? 3 months?
Haha. If H1n1 no of cases go up, school will close right? Hmmm...
Chalet sucks.
My family is not-so-like a family anymore.
Guess, everyone's growing up huh?
Sat, reach East Coast quite late. Then do nothing. Play2 with the babies. Then me, shedah and nisa went up to the room, then the aunties and our other cousin follow. And we talked2, gossip2 and laughed2. I went to follow my dad and Imran go finshing. Bla. bla.bla. Went home at 4 in the morning. Coz, i don't want to sleep there. Coz, the toilet is suppper dirty. And if you know me, if the toilet is damn dirty, I will never go. Haha!
Sun, I had to wake up at nine. And then go there again. Then go play in the sea. Me, Imran and my two uncles went so far and deep ! Then went cycling with Imran, Syarah, Syaza and Syazali. Me and Imran raced and we left the kids behind. Haha! Then of course, he won. But we were so fast that we left the kids far behind. Haha! That was fun. I have to admit, I spend alot of time with Imran than the others. At night, weird things started happening. I was away with my dad because I followed him fishing. And while he finished, I sat alone in the dark. And I kept on hearing footsteps behind me. The feeling is just.. weird. Like, something is behind you. I ignored it and said nothing. WE got back to the chalet at 12 plus. Found out that while me and my dad were gone, the babies cried and cried during magrihb and then some of my cousins got mad and angry till they slammed the door and my mom saw kak shida walking out of the chalet with her baby, Haziq. But when she go in the room, kak shida was there, holding Diya while Haziq was sleeping in the pram. Like, definitely something was happening. Maybe, because of something, that's why everyone was like so moody and angry.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Eminem! I'm addicted to this song. RIP Proof. Poor Em...
Off to East Coast!
I'm bored.
Superduper bored.

Friday, June 12, 2009

"My mother chopped me up and put me in the brief case and then mailed it to the school."
"Hey, breif case Joe!"
"Hey. Do, you know anyone from..compton?"
"This one's goin to all my homies in Sherman Oaks..i know people there"
"I got testicles."
"Ooo. I do have those."
I really love this video. Makes me laugh like hell. Especially the last part.
Haha. And why does Em looks like that? Because he's drugged? No. He used to take drugs. So, it kind of ruin his looks. He's still hot though!

Hmmm. Thanks:
Fifi, Hazimah, Mun Ee, Nadiah, Amirah, Suryani, Zhafri, Shaedah, Afiqah, Khairul, Anisa, Shakira and others (Sorry for not writting your name. ) for the birthday wishes.
My birthday was so damn boring.. Dad gave me a laptap and wow, I love it so much. Thanks! And then nothing much really...
I'm bored.

Monday, June 8, 2009

You have no idea how terrible is food poisoning. From yesterday night to today, I'm so freaking tired. I've been vomiting for every 10mins again and again and again. I get thirsty quickly and then, when I drink water, I vomit out the water. Everything I take in, goes out !
Now, I'm feeling a little better. But still am sick.
And2 I'm so thirsty!
And2, what luck! Tomorrow's my b'dae!
This is so not the time to get sick.
OhOh. GTG!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

' No drugs, no internet. '
Haha. I defitently love Eminem. And .. relax people. It was a joke.
Yesterday kenduri was.........
I can't say.
It was defitently not great.
Because both sides, moms and dads, were all here.
And I was so confused.
My brother ended up getting $450 plusplus.
I'm so jealous. I'm very curious how he could get so much when there's only like maybe 14 or 15 families...
let me see. 4 people gave him $50, some people gave him $20 and some $10 and someone gave him a HSM3 pencil box.
And me? What do I get? 1 present from Kak Lin and it's the Thousand Splendid Suns, no advance bdae wishes and no money !
Guess I'm acting like a baby.
Nvm brother, you see. One day, I WILL get something better than you! Just wait two days. And my laptop is ten times better than $450 plus plus

Saturday, June 6, 2009

An Eminem interview. There is ALOT of fu*k and other stuffs.
And Em is so funny about the Swine Flu!

Fifi: Where are you?
Me: On the road.
Fifi: Yeahla. Where?
Me: I don't know.
Fifi: Read for me any signboard.
Me: Work acess.
I guess before I get so busy I should post about yesterday's picnic.
Hmm. Okay. I have to admit. It wasn't at all like a birthday celebration.
Um. First met up with Amirah in 168 then we took 81 to go to pasir ris park. But someone had told us to stop at Ehub so we waited and waited and waited. And atlast we ended up lost in Hougang. Haha! So we used our brains and I, of course, panicked.Then we were supposed to reach at 11.30 but we reached at 1. Wakaka!
Then everything that was planned was cancelled. What a bummer.
Then chatchatchat, take picture. Then me and Amirah rent bycycles because we were living out of our boredom.
Riding bicycle was fun and I've to say to Fifi, Thank you for you know, the whole bicycle thing. Haha. She should know what I'm talking about.
Then everyone was thirsty so me and Amirah went to buy drinks. So, there was a bride and when we went down, I sped like crazy leaving Amirah behind. Then when I turned there was boy next to me and not Amirah. And the story goes on with Amirah tyres were....... pancit. I don't know how to say in eng. The tyres were flat? Whatever la.
So. I realized yesterday night that Amirah's been having a series of unfortunate events. Haha. And Suryani even told me that when AMirah went home, her bag tore/broke.
So. I guess yesterday cannot be described as a birthday celebration and cannot be described as one of the best days of my life. But it was at least okay. Pics will be updated real soon.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hmm. School holidays are so boring.
Can't wait for tomorrow!
Waterbomb, my first target is Amirah and Suryani! Because yesterday, they played a prank on me and pretended to fight on MSN. So, I exploded and said "Eh, if you two want to fight, then Friday cancel la!" Then I appear offline and found out that they were joking so Suryani called my house and I asked my brother to say I was not home but instead he said "Amira? Oh. Wait ah, she's here." And I shouted at my brother. I was planning to get them back. So blablabla. I'm going to get them back. And they told me that I'm going to be the wettest because I'm going to be their target. But of course, my verysecond target if Fifi.
And Khairul said that he was going to sabo me on my b'dae.
What else to say? ....
I'm so bored. I know. I disturb Fifi now.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I'm so in love with eminem now. I watched MTV movie awards. I hate the part when Bruno falls on eminem. And his butt was right in Em's face. NO ONE would want a naked but in your face. Em walked out of the place, pissed of course.
But of course, it's MTV, it was staged. But poor Em! He was like saying vulgarites and stuff.
MTV movie awards is kind of shit. Because most of Twilight character won. Hmm. I want at least some other people to win some other stuff. I loved Ashley Tisdale and she won best female perfomace or something. And I hated Zac Efron's hair. And Leighton Meester was so beautiful. And2, I loved how Jim Carey said about Swine Flu when he had nothing to say.

Alright people, I say you get jelous!
The new speaker is so damn awesome!
Haha! Mom's going to be damn furious with me for listening my songs loudly with this thing.
But I don't care!
Haha. Nono. I'm just joking about gettting jelous.
Wathed Jangan Tegur with the new speaker. It was like in a real cinema. And2 the show was shit! As usual, malay shows are all shits.




Tuesday, June 2, 2009

New Moon coming out! This is the official trailer. Fifi! I want see this with you!
I don't think I can post alot these coming days.
Hmm. Because Saturday got kenduri at my house, been busy with some stuffs.
Today the TV's rack is coming.
Then tomorrow, the TV is coming. Yeah! new TV!
Then the day after tomorrow, the cabinet's coming.
This just means the house is going to be super noisy.
Hmm. Can't wait for 5th June! YayYayYay!
My cousin is buying me Thousand Splendid Sun for my birthday. And I heard dad said he was going to buy for me a laptop? Did I heard wrongly? OMG!
Hmm. I'm so bored.

And2. I've fished reading Chage of Heart.
It's awesome!
The ending is so damn sad.
I don't want Lucuis to die.
Hehe. I'm pressuring my father to buy for me some more book! Haha.