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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, July 31, 2009

Amirul: Amira, ade sharpener?
Me: Sharpener? Tkde ah. Sorry.
Amirul: Oh, kay. Tkpe.
Zuhaili: Chey. Amirul, banyak2 orang tanye Amira aje ehk.
Me: Diam uh, Zul.
Amirul: Mepek ah kau, Zuhaili.
Najhah: Mataer same ah, due2 clumsy.
Me: Whatever la sia.
Me: Eh, kau tak nyanyi kan aku sia tadi. Semalam da ckap, abeh tadi step sibuk buat kerje.
Zul: Eh, aku nyanyi la sia.
Me: Yelah tu.
Zul: Betul, aku nyanyi kuat gile sia.
Zeemah: Eh, how you sudenlly know alot about 206 ah?
Me: Huh? Mane ade?
Zeemah: Chey. Ade ape2 eh?
Me: No. I went to their blogs yesterday. It was a big coincidence.
Zul: Mira, bile kau ambek matarials kau?
Me: Um. Next week ah atau next year.
Zul: Haha. Next year? Eh, Amira-
Me: Aku tknak ambek POA.
Me: Eh, aku tk suke sia Mr Wong. Die pakai hammer tu abhe ketuk ketuk orang nyer meja. Eh! Aku serious la. Die ketuk, kuat tau.
Miqah: Yelah, mestila kuat. Tak kan die pakai hammer maenan kan?
Me: Ah'ah eh. Abeh sampai ramai termelatah and Firah lagey cakap ngan Mr Wong, "Cher, you do like that, one year I get heart attack sia."
School was........
First period, Maths. I don't understand a thing.
Eng, played game and celebrated birthday. Me, Amirah, Yani, Fatin, Ben, Amirul, Joshua, Syed. I think that's all. Got alot I forget la. Then play a grammar game, my group was me, Miqah and Jun Hoa. We won three rounds. Yay! Thanks to Jun Hoa.
DNT. Mr Wong kept on using the hammer to scare us to death. And haha, Musfirah is right. By one year, we can end up with heart attack. Haha. Zul kept on asking me to join POA next year. Which I'm not interested in. Then, joked around with Fie and Naj. And then with Zul and Amirul. And then with Arina, Yani and Zhaf. Tak habes2 kenek ngan Amirul sey.
After school, went Regional Library with Amirah and Zeemah. Then went to Sun Plaza park to eat and then went to Interchange and T1 with Amirah. Zeemah had to go home.
My two bestfriends are in love with the same guy. I feel bad, there's a feeling which really makes me just guilty. And it's not even my fault.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Me: Bilang aku dulu, asal kau nak buku tu?
Zul: Ala. Please ah. Cerita tu pasal true story sey, I mean the story line bagus sia.
Me: Ala. Aku tau, kau cume nak bace psal the-
Zul: Eh! Tak eh. Eh! Amira! Please.
Me: Aku tau la eh. Boys are all the same, sumer otak-
Zul: EhemEhem!!
Me: E. Aku geli ah ngan kau. Jiwang2. E. Siala.
Miqah: Aku tak tau sia aleh2 aje aku write cam gini.
Me: Disgusting. E. Geli sia. Entah2, kau yng nk send Amirul tu sume kan? Kau write kau nye feelings down abeh kau sign name aku. Hahaha.
Miqah: Eh, set uh, bsok the whole day aku ckap I, U, Arina ckap aku, kau, kau ckap awak, kite. Sape kala, kenek blanja the rest.
Me: Eh, tapi eh, kalau aku, mesti ade exception, aku leh ckap aku, kan ngan Zul, Zhaf and Amirul.
Miqah: Eh, tk adil la kalau cam gitu.
Me: Ala. Please.
Miqah: Tknk ah!
Zuhaili: Amirul attract atention ah. Hmm. Atention sape agaknyer eh.
Me: Ape tengok2.
Zuhaili: Amira, stare kat Amirul aje eh.
Me: Mane ade, tengok aje sey.
Pics of us at IKEA will be uploaded soon. I lost my USB cable. Ala. Wait till I find my other ones or find my one. I know it's somewhere. Haha. Fie's gonna shake her head reading this. "lost again, Amira? You ah, everything lost, haiyoos, from last time, nagnagnag"
Um. First period, IPW. So damn boring sia. Use laptop, update group blog.
Eng, was okay. I love the practises in the grammar book. How I wish every eng lesson is like that.
Recess went library with Miqah.
Science, did a survey. And the very quetion was something about "Do I like school?" Obviously, no. But, of course, I wrote agree. Then went lap to do experiment. Ernest spilled this water, I don't know what water, on my whole table. My skirt and shirt wet. Like wtf sia. I was so damn mad. He already spill can cabot. Bodo.
Then2, History. Teacher say that we're going to have test. How the hell am I going to pass? Miqah wrote a story about me and Amirul. Again. And I'm so glad, Amirul knows me. If not, die2.
Assembly. talk. Yani don't have, really boring
After school went Interchange, Library and walk2 at T1. I was buying time to go home a little late. Hehe. Me, Miqah and Arina made so much nonsence on our way there. Arina had to go home and me and Miqah continued walking2.
Bla. Bla. Bla.
You know how boring life is, don't you?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'm so pissed. Like, seriously.
Today is suchsuch a bad day.
Bad luck, tsk tsk.
Um. First period Eng, never bring book and kena stand and do work for one whole period.
Next, science, I don't know why so many people are so confident that they will pass the test. The paper was kind of easy but please la, don't need to say that you're so confident and stuff like that.
Recess, did malay but didn't finish.
Maths, was just a joke. Seriously! I sat with Amirah and we kind of joke around and didn't concentrate. Mr Wee teach very damn fast.
Malay, at least better than some other days. Amirul joked with Cikgu and everyone laughed.
History, stopped Miqah from skipping class. And let's just say that somethings happen. Bla. Bla. Bla. Didn't concentrate. Sat with Zeemah and then with Miqah.
After school, did IPW at the void deck with Nad and Fie. Had fun, Fie's a blast, Nad's a blast.
Go home, kena scolding because stayback and I fucking lost my $20. Like wtf sia. My wallet's been in my bag the whole day. ARGH! I just got my monthly money today sia!!!!!!! FCUK! Called Zhafri and MiQah and they said they didn't see it. Zhaf said that he'll go to class and help me to check. TQ, Zhaf.
Yesterday, Miqah wrote a love letter and sent it to Amirul. And everyone was convinced that I liked Amirul- which I don't! But, lucky for me, Amirul knows my hand writing and knows that I won't write those romantic stuffs. There's like, I sayang you and like I dekat2 ngan Zhaf ngan Zul so I bleh ngan you and whatever nonsense. Eee! No way am I saying I, You. Haha! That's so not me. From that moment onwards, everyone thought I like Amirul and that we have something together- which we don't!
After school, went interchange with Fie, Miqah, Nad, Musfirah and Zahirah and then went to Ikea without Zahirah.
Pics will be uploaded. Soon. If I got time.
Been suppperrr busy!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Miss Sha so pretty..

The colors nice right? Pink and Blue.

Aiyosss. My face so cacat and like ghost sia.

Here are some pics taken on racial harmony day and the one with Amirah, Zeemah is the day before Racial Harmony Day. =)
Let me see:
Most beauitful girl for that day: Zahirah.
Most handsomest boy: Ade la bdak tu.
Currently sick and must stay at home for two days.
Will blog more tomorrow. If feeling better.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

I llooookkk so cacat!
I've been feeling so unwell. Sick, cough, and running nose.
My voice is supper sengau. And I hate talking.
School's great. Everyone's fine. Expect some people are getting sick, because of me. Hehe!
I'm gonna be free all day. maybe. So. Guess I'll be on the comp for a long time. Yay! But I'm gonna be doing my hmwk. Alot! Math test yesterday was okay. Hope I pass.
DNT was long and boring. I hate it. I don't like Mr Wong although he's funny. He's kind of scary. I can't sleep in that class. Zul wants me to buy Amirul a present. And everyone else also wants me too. Like wth?
Go home, go MCD with Amirah. Bla. Bla. Bla. Went Labrador and dad found a fav spot for fishing. Oh. Die. Gonna go there almost every friday.
Here's some pic we took in science lap during experiment.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Happy bdae Suryani!

Fifi relax one corner.

Faiz trying to catch a tadpole for his science project. And he slipped.

Wow. I never update for so longg!
Hehe! Been busy? Kind of..
A lot happened during these few days/weeks.
So. Let me say some things first. Thanks to whoever the person who defended me on the tagboard. And I'm gonna be finding a new skin and will be constructing this blog when I have time. (Which will be............. ?)
Life has been awesome/miserable.
Let me just write about today.
Zul's been gossiping me with Amirul and people's been talking. And just now teacher wanted register number 2 and 12 to act and Amirul was like "Cher, why never choose no. 1? She good at acting." And everyone started disturbing me.
lesson went on normal. After school, sabo-ed Suryani by surprise. Hehe. Last minute planning and it was a success ! Yay!
So......... Here are some pics I've taken days and days and today.

Aiyoss. cacat sia.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Zul: Sape2 tau ape meaning dream? Bleh translate kan aku?
Me: Hahaha. Idk ah.
Transformers is damn fun! Every part of it was great!
Watched it yesterday.
So funny. I loved Josh so much! And I love how Shia/Sam shouted like a girl! Haha.
School has been great.
I've been super busy to blog.
Idk with what.
Oh. Yeah.
Thank You dearest Zeemah, Sheena and Mun Ee for the present.
David Cool's album!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! He's so hawt.
Love you gals!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Go Taylor!
She sang live in the rain! And her voice is super nice. And she's super gorgeous.
Been busy these few days.
Sorry fpr the short post.
Tomorrow watching transformers. Like, finally, it's about time.