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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Monday, August 31, 2009

Adeeb: Kau nak balik skola tak? Aku pergi tapi aku tunggu kan Shahrul dulu.
Me: Takla. I'm going out with my friends. Tell Mr MuhdNor I said Happy teacher's day, kay?
Adeeb: Sure. Kaes.
Me: Thank you.
Khairul: Tadi you go back CZPS eh?
Me: Tak. Kau?
Khairul: Tak. My school dismissed lambat.
Me: ouh. Did anyone called you? Adib ke?
Khairul: Tak. Adib ade contact kau? Die senyap sey.
Me: Yeah. He called me just now.
Khairul: Adib going back?
Me: Yeah. But he went with Shahrul.
Khairul: Tkperla. Nanti Efair aku jumpe MrmuhdNor.
Me: He invited me to his house for HariRaya.
It's great to hear most of my primary school.
Today, teacher's day celebration.
Fun. :):)
But you know, if school turns out fun, home will be hell.
My mom is so noisy with me because tomorrow I want to go out with Fee to buy Hazimah b'dae present. What sia? Like that also want to scold. Then can say somemore "Just now you go IKEA why never buy anything?" Funny or what? That girl bought me David Cook Album then I want to buy her IKEA CHEAP things? What kind of manners is that? ARGH! CB! la! Fuck them la! Just got scolded for wanting to do IPW tomorrow. Ape salahnyer sia, holiday pakai time buat IPW? Does not mean holiday, cannot go anywhere sey. What do you think I am? Primary school? Orang nga keja masa, tktau. ARGH!
Anyways... Let me calm myself.
School started bad for me. First, my fringe and my hair was so, argh! I needed to ask Amirah to help me to tie. Haha. Then my shoes were wet so I had to use back my primary school shoes. And I had to pull up my socks because got blisters. I seriously looked "innocent" with the long socks and primary school shoes and short fringe. But ended up, Hazimah was worst. She wore a wrong pair of sock. One with line and one without. Haha.
The concert was okay. Mr Hafiz performed which got almost all malay girls goosebumps. So, almost every one has this on my blog so I'm gonna write it now. Mr Hafiz= The lead singer of a band called "Merah." So, that's the reason why so many girls went crazy. We got an artist in school. He sang I'm yours and one of his hit song. Then other performance included these two girls dancing which made guys crazy, singing, blablabla. Then the one I liked the most was when the teachers danced to HSM song. Haha. Mr Wee so cute or what? Then Miss Sha so pretty. Hahaha. SHe won most inspiring teacher. Woohoo!
After concert go to class. We all sat in a circle and were given each one water bomb. Miss Sha was led into class blindfolded. Then someone shouted "THROW!" And we threw at Miss Sha. She was drench. Our class was damn wet. Haha. Got videos, later put them in. After that Miss Sha must do scavenger hunt for her present. She so cute sey. Then Zeemah sang "You belong with me" To miss Sha with a few other people while Zhaf played the guitar.
After school went IKEA with Fee, Miqah, Nad, Aten. Took pictures and will update later coz now the blogger picture uploader cannot use.


It's 5:15am now.
After sahur cannot sleep.
So I on comp coz I'm damn bored.
Today teacher's day. After than going IKEA with deareast IPW groupmates.
Bought new earpiece. For $23. Now, no money to buy Hazimah present. IDK what to buy sey.... Argh.
Oh. Yeah. I chopped off my fringe. Like WTH sia! Sosososososo damn short. Never in my life have my fringe went this short. Try clip, cannot, try do everything cannot sia. Haha. Buy extension ah. Haha. K. Don't merepek.
kk.. Bye. Hopefully later take alot2 pictures.
I wanna play game in popcap.
Addicted to "Hot Mess." Cobra Starship..
Today's Gemini Horoscope.
Love: Appreciate all that's happened before and you'll be in an even better position to recognize real love when it lands in your lap. That means taking a more impersonal and big-picture stance about your own life.

Life: Nobody seems willing to come out and say what they mean today -- how frustrating is that? You should just wait it out, because pretty soon, the ice should break and everything should be clear again.
I'm bored. And sleeepppyy!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Dementri= Hotness. <3<3<3<3
Alice so cute!
Can't wait for NewMoon!
Addicted to Rihanna, KanyeWest, JayZ "Run This Town." now.
Yesterday went Geylang with cousins. Damn hot. Then many people. Then saw Luqman. Haha. Bored sitting at home.
Here are some pics...

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Me: Eh! Aku jealous sey! Camne kau leh dapat highest for english?
Zhafri: Haha. Aku kan dengar English shoeng
Me and Zhafri: Hahaha, sheong
Zhafri: I want to go Sing Sheong.
Me: Hahaha. Kate aje suke English.
Friday, checking of marks. I didn't like my marks. Passed everything except Lit, not 1 A at all. Not like I expected one. Ha .And then everyone was like brag got one or two a's then tell me then argh! Don't like to hear people brag about themselves.
First period was Maths. Got back test. Failed by 3 marks. Then do retest confirm fail again. Mr Wee helped me with one of the questions. Haha.
Eng, compre. I'm so jealous Zhaf get the higest for english.
DNT, I passed my test and get two extra marks because teacher wrong count. Yay! Haha. Then go T1 with Zeemah, Fee, Arina, Miqah and Arjun. Then take2 pictures. Kk. That's all.
Not much things.
Today buka at KakLin house. Don't wanttt... So shy uhs.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

The past few days have been really okay for me.
I passed almost all subjects expect Lit. Like wth sia. When I got the paper back, I really lose hope. Nvm. I passed History, 10/15! Haha! I thought most of my friends got higher than me. And was so shy to say my marks.
P.E, played skipping. Then Malay, cikgu never come. History, did nothing. Maths, I forgot what we did. Star, looked through some of Miss Sha's pictures. She never wear scarf. Pretty gile sia! Even the boys, who are always so arroagant and stuckup, said that she was pretty.
After school, acrchery. Last session, like finally. Take2 pictures, joked2 with everyone and sat with Fee and Zul. Fee kept on saying that we stead. Haha. Funny or what? Then Arina was like "Eh, why Zuhaili always sit with girls ah?" You don't know eh Arina, Zul is flirtatious.
Me: Eh, panas sey. Panas, omg!
Fifi: Awak sebenarynye tu panas pasal awak terlalu overexcited.
Me: Haha.
Me: Faiz, leh ambek video?
Faiz: HUH!? Video?!
Zhaf: Awak tengah buat ape?
Me: Haha. Tengok video2.
Zhaf: Video ape la tu?
Me: Omg. I'm not looking at his video okay?
Mr Loot: Ala. So long what.
Fifi: Yealah cher, then later must edit somemore. Then got project.
Me: Yealah, with IPW.
Mr Loot: Ipw eh?
Me: Haha.
Mr Loot: Tomorrow K. I promise. I busy la.
Me and Miqah: Busy play handphone?
Music, free period. Lit, I failed my test like I mentioned above. I have lost all hope.
Malay, my marks are okay for me. Not too high, not too low.
Maths, like hell. Did quiz but Idk how to do.
Science test so damn hard like crazy!
After school went library, so damn shiok. Haha. Interviewed, Miss Sha and Faiz and then Cikgu. Faiz so blur sia when I ask him for the "interview", he like so panicked. Me and Miqah kept on laughing when Miss Sha did hers. Oh. Yes. Me and Zhafri "Fought" on MSN. I wrote "Zhafri Tak Handsome" and he wrote "Amira love Kalidass" as his PM. Which is so false? Why? What happened? Because I never admit that he is handsome.
Wed/ Today
Zhafri: Amira, say it.
Me: No way.
Zhafri: Say!
Me: Wait, long2.
Weird sey today. Idk, but I'm feeling sososososo wrong.
Eng first, did practices and Zhaf was still threatening me to say that he is handsome. No way! Then Science, studied. Recess. I'm so truly, terribly sorry to Fifi.I feel so guilty sey.
Maths, like shit sia. Malay, did oral practice. I did with Luqman. Then people kept on disturbing us because we so "comfortable" around each other. WTV ah. History, chatted with Zhaf, and then with Zul and Fee.
I'm so sorry, Fifi.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

I don't understand why so many people say Giuliana so ugly? Really meh? For me, she's beautiful sey. And I don't understand why they say she rude? She's nice, okay?

Benedict: Not when, what?
Me: Ohhh.. Um. congurency and samilrity and map scale. I think.
Ben: congruency and similarity la
Me: Whatever la. Idk, the spelling.

I'm bored sitting at home. Got tuition soon. I really need to start revising for science.
This coming Tues, got test. Die sia. Science so hard.
Hmm. Yesterday break-fast at Grandmother's house was kind of not-bad. Haha.
It was actually fun. Not boring like always.
Abang Faizul came back from NS and he's botak! Haha. Then we chatted around with the adults. When time to buka, not enough space for all of us, some had to stand while easting. Haha. Our family's getting bigger, that's why.
Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored. Bored.
Mon, got Archery and ClassPhotoTaking. Ala. Don't need to go both can? Lazy sia. Yay! It's raining here. From last night sia, thunder, lighting, heavy rain. I cannot sleep while my brother slept so damn peacefully. Put bomb next to him also he won't wake up sia.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Amirul: Alamak Cher! I study so hard already sia, then test postone?
Ben: Yalah cher, you see Mr Zaihan study until the stomach so small sia!
Me: Haha. Kate Amirul nak jadi Mr Hafiz?
Zhafri: Takla. Die Mr Zaihan.
Me: Hahaha. Abeh kau?
Zhafri: Mr Imran. Arjun, Mr Vira.
Me: Hahaha. Mepek la korng.
Haha. Amirul, Zhafri and Arjun are naming themselves after teachers. Haha, they want to be Mr Hafiz. Hahahah.
I'm home early today and I'm so damn bored.
Planned to go out with Chita, but she canceled last minute because she had a class. I was so sad at school. :(:(
Today so boring sia.
Amirah came back! God I miss her!
Now Yani never come.
Besok puase! Will be break-fasting at grandma's house. I don't like sey.
First period, Maths. Mr Wee was happy for a short moment. Haha. To those people who knew, I liked that moment too. Then sat with Amirah and joked around. It's great talking to her again.
Eng, did compre and Miss Sha was also kind of happy. Idk why.
DNT got test, i surely fail. All I put was "Screw thread." Almost everything I put that. Then me and Zul kena scolding because teacher want to talk to us but we walk with each other very slow and ignore him. Wakakaka. Then do practical.
Walked home with Zahirah and Fathihah.
Not much happen ah, today.
Oh, yes, did I mentioned, that he's a cutestuff. Haha. paham2kan jela ehk.<3

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Me: Amirul! Lepas skola!
Amirul: Ala. Tknk ah. Malu sey. Ah! Besok ah, atau next week.
Me: Amirul! Zhafri, pujuk kawan kau ah.
Amirul: K.
Me: Huh?
Amirul: K, besok, besok.
Me: Amirul!
I’m addicted to “Krazy” Pitbull and Lil John. So damn nice sia the song. I like!
Amirah never come again. Idk why. She said today come back school. Call down want to pick up. Then Yani went home because she was sick. Then most of the boys were not in class so very little people.

First period was IPW. Hate, hate, hate.
Eng was exchanged for Assembly and we had to EngCompre. But Miss Sha wanted me and a few other students to do something else.
Science was a little fun? Yesterday Mr Cheah like so crazy then today so happy till jump2, play prank on me sia! Wth. Mr Cheah, you know. Weird sey him. Then do some experiments. Me and Fee so blur. Haha. But we had fun.
History firstly sat with Zhafri, Amirul, Ben, Arjun and then sat with Fee, Ain and Clarisee. And then with Zeemah, and then with Zul. History is always like free period. Zul step want to study sia. Haha.
Assembly, since there were no Chinese boys excluding Ben, the class was a little smaller. And then we played Taboo, Pictionary and Sheared. Amirul was seriously funny. Haha. There was once when the girls won a guess which was “Ramp.” And he was like “No! The girls say Ramp without P, no! Cannot!” Then he pretended to run outside madly. Haha. Then Zhafri was also funny.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Me: Aku tak paham sey. Miss Sha suke nah call aku.
Zhafri: Mesti uh, pasal kau slalu diam.
Me: Mane ade.
Me: Eh, okay pe. Asal la kau nak malu?
Zhafri: Malu ah. Suare aku tk sedap.
Me: Eh, ok la. Kau kalau nyanyi on phone, bleh tapi in class tkleh, K?
Me: Eh, abeh takkan aku nak ckap ngan Faiz? Malu kan?
Zhafri: Ala, ckap aje la. Confirm Faiz tolong kau.
Me: Ala. Kau ni tkleh harap ah.
Zhafri: Tanye Amirul ah.
Me: Amirul? Kau tau, dari tadi aku sms die, die tk jawab2, nak mintak tolng dari die? God. Senang ckap eh, laki sume tk leh harap.
Zhafri: Alaaa.................
Omg. Omg. Omg.
I saw my oh-not-so beloved cousin whom I have not met for maybe a year now, Hizkil! Haha. Yeas, I used to hate him but it kinds of brings me this pleasure seeing him again. And god, his skin is terribly tanned. His skin color used to be like mine last mine but now....
And I'm so happy that Zhafri is finally okay. He's more than fine now. Hyper and crazy. Now I don't know which side of him I prefer more, the emo type or the irritating one.
First period was Eng. And I my report marks were not that satisfying but it was a surprise for me because during the paper, I forgot the format. I got 19/30. Not that bad luhs.
Science. Mr Cheah is so like what sey. He kept on shouting like hell. Then slam everything. Think what? His school property? Our class thing sia, if spoil how? Tsk. Tsk. HotTempered people are hard to understand. He from mad like hell can go to nice like hell. Haha.
Maths, boring sey. Zhafri and me talked the whole lesson. Mostly about craps. And kept on throwing eraser at me. I was seriously pissed. Then when I want to borrow his eraser, he don't let me and say that he will erase for me what I want. Then I hand him the paper, he erased all of my work. Like, Wth sey. Then he kept on singing. Haha. Zhaf, Zhaf. And suddenly I missed his emo moments.
Malay, test. I seriously hate the paper.
History, sat with Zhaf, Zul, Amirul, Arjun and then they joked like crazy. Haha. ILthem. Seriously. Then was joined by Fee and Zul joined us and Fee and Zul has this love/hate relationship which sometimes really pissed me off. Not that I'm jealous.
After school, went Fatin's house to do IPW. But ended up, having girls hang out time. We cooked and haha, we were so kecoh. Then watched Anugerah. Then weird things started happening. Haha. Then go home and saw Hizkil!He was getting off the bus while I was getting on the bus. Haha.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Me: Zul, asal ngan die?
Zul: Aku tak tau.
Me: Die buat aku stress sey.
Zul: Haha. Entah ah budak tu.
Amirul: Amira, ape kau buat ah kat sini?
Me: Aku kan nga ckap ngan Zul.
Amirul: Abeh tkya diri kat sini, diri la sbelah die.
Me: Ya, allah. Ape kau?
Me: Merepek ah korang.
Hazimah: Huh? Asal? Asal?
Me: Tk. Naj and Fee kate me and Zul stead for one month.
Hazimah: Huh!?????? You and Zuhaili stead? Omg. Why you never tell me? Huh!? Oh! No wonder both of you so close eh. Omg. One month somemore.
Ohno. Ohno. Ohno. Shit. Shit. Shit. Pain. Pain. Pain.
Argh, stupid stomachcramp. Ah. Can die sia. God.
Can you believe, I took my bus at 6:40 and was not late for school. I should try 6:50 bus. Hahah.
Zhafri is still emo, but a little better. He keeps on making this innocent look on his face that makes me and Zeemah laugh.
First period was Music. Me and Fee discussed about something. Then did crossword but ended up chatting again. Haha.
Lit, Mr Imran never come. Kind of dissapointed because never get test back. But, good ah he never come. I sat with Fahrisah. Then she turned and talked2 with Zhafri. But Zhaf was still in a bad mood so I didn't join them plus, I was doing my work. Then Fahrisah mentioned something about Zhafri being matured so I interrupted them and made this face, "Zhafri? Matured? Zhafri???" And that made Zhaf smiled for the first time for that day at me. Haha. And then he asked Fahrisah amongst all the Malay boys in the class, who is the most handsome. Haha. Fahrisah admitted that it was him. I told Zhaf that I will never say that I choose him. Haha. I choose Amirul or Zul ah!
Malay, chatted alot with Luqman. Haha. Didn't know why we were so talkative. And, omg, I was surprised that I got 31/40 for my Malay Compo. For me, that sounded so fairytale. Haha.
Maths, I hate that subject. I started going emo too because I was in pain! And I was so sick! Zul kept on asking me if I was alright. Haha. Tq for the concern. And Kalidass asked me why I'm always so quiet? Eh, my problem ah sia. Rather than being so noisy and irritating. I quiet never harm you, right? Haha. Chey. Step gangster sia. No la, me and Kalidass already okay. He even wanted to give me brownies. Haha. I forgot to take them from him. I never eat ah those. Coz phobia. Last time I eat brownies, I kena foodpoisining.
Science, emo too. My stomachcramp terrible sia. Ending lesson, Zhaf almost wanna tell me something but ended up didn't. I don't know what is the oh-so big secret he wants to keep us out from? Oh. And he kept on asking me this veryweird question about something which no one should know but I don't understand the question. Every time I ask him to elaborate, he said "Nvm ah." Like, he was scared of something. Is it me or is Zhaf getting really weird?
After school, went interchange with Yani and Raudah.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Haha. I so step ah. Haha. This is what I did out of boredom.

Zul: Sape ni?
Me: My father. Die buat parody Didi Cazli's song. Haha.
Zul: Haha.
Me: Kau tau tk ape maksud parody?
Zul: Haha. Tak.
Me: Zhaf! Ape die? Aku nak tau!
Zhafri: Tkle ah.
Me: Suryani!
Yani: Tkle ah. Aku da sumpah ngan die.
Me: Tapi...... Eh, Zhaf, slalu nye kau bilang aku ape2. Ape sey kau.
Yani: Die trust aku.
Me: Eh, aku slalu ngan Zhafri okay.
Yani: Aku kenal die dari primary school, okay?
Me: Aku rapat ngan die dari sec1. Oh! Wait! Zhafri sendiri ckap kiteorng kawan dari baby.
Me: Jun Hoa!
JunHoa: What? Not me.
Me: Stop it la sia.
JunHoa: I'm not playing with your hair.
Me: Then who? Ghost ah?
JunHoa: Zhafri!
Me: Zhafri behind, cannot reach me sia. And somemore, he so quiet sia.
School was great today. Not much happened though but still I'm somehow happy.
First period, P.E. Played badminton with Miqah at porch near 206 guys.....She, Amirah, I meant, was awesome.
Malay, did some filing. Boring sia.
History, joked around with Shafiqah and Amirah and then turned to talk to Zhaf. He was emo again. And i hate it. He's so quiet and so dull. So boring. Then I kept on iritating him and asking him what happen and everything. Somehow, Suryani and Amirul knows everything. I was fedup. Zhaf usually tell me everything. Sad sia. Haha. No la. Then turned and sat with Zhaf, Amirul and Arjun. I love them, seriously. Fun as hell.
Star, since Miss Sha didn't come, we had free period. I continued seating with the boys and Suryani sibuk join us. Haha. We played truth or dare, me, Zhaf, Yani, Arjun and Amirul. Amirul. Amirul kena dare alot of times. Haha. It's fun playing with him. My dare was to say "I love you" to Zhafri. And I didn't want to. Lucily, they didn't force. Then Naj, JunHoa and Zahirah sibuk joined us and we became bored. So, we went back to our usual places. Me and Fee chatted while Zul kept on disturbing us. While stupid Kalidass kept on throwing paper balls at me. F-ck him ah! Ish! Mak. Setan hitam tktau ke pe sakit! Bodo. Then I complaint to Zul and JunHoa.. JunHoa scolded him in mean and harsh words while Zul scolded him normally. Haha! Padan muke, Setan! Bodo! F him la. Think what? Funny isit?
Archery sat with Fee and chatted. I never do because I long time never do, so like paiseh sey. I forgot how to hold the thing and stuff. Zul kept on coming to us and sitting next to me and we chat with each other. Everytime we chat, Fifi must interupt. Haha. No la. And2! Zul showed me a few pictures of Amirul which is a to-die-for pictures. Like, seriously! I laughed my head off! But, only us three, including Amirul knows about it. Haha!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Here are some pictures I took because I was sooo sooo bored.

Guess who is that?

This is the craps I found. Good for recycling.

This weekend didn't go back to Malaysia. Boring sia. I never thought not going out can be this boring.
Been organizing my files and papers because I was bored and my drawer like shit. So many papers. Haha. I threw most of my worksheet out. Because some I didn't even do. Most of them are maths worksheet. Haha.
Here's a video. Miley, JoBro, Selena, Demi. I think Selena is the prettiest.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I see Twitter everywhere I go and guess what? I found out that it's really boring.
I meant, okay, so I was damn bored and wanted to check on it. And, I was so damn clueless. But I love how not many people I know is on there. I can like, write down everything down. Without having to be extra careful. Haha.
Today was so sleepy. And gosh, the weather! I don't know how fasting is going to be like. I hope it'll be rainy and cool or cloudy.
IPW, first period. I kept on complaining that the class it damn hot. Me, Fee, Nad and Amirah talk and discussed and as usual, laughed.
Eng, boring. Do Compre.
Science, went Lap and sat alone at first. Haha, at first I like want to sit alone and really just be alone, not emo-ing but you know, just need some time to put myself together. Haha. Something like that. Then I did my work and quietly studied. Then people start to think I sad la, I lonlely la, whatsoever. Then, Hazimah came and sat next to me and totally destroyed the scene. Haha. Nvm. Having her next to me is really fun and I'm just happy that we're like old times.
History, I'm gonna gonna gonna so fail in the test. So damn hard, for me atleast. And this is what happens to people who don't bother in class.
Assembly, we had to stay in class and do maths. :(

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

I thought they were the best on the carpet. Haha. Taylor Lautner is so hawt. And Selena is so beautiful.
Amirah: Zuhali suke Amira!
Me: Eh, mepek ah kau!
Zuhaili: Haha, ape aje.
Amirah: Betul, bile2 aku cakap gitu, die da senyum.
Zuhaili: Eh, daripada kau, Amirul!
Miss Sha: Nadiah, talk!
Nadiah: Eh, I talk already.
Naj: Cher, Amira cher, she from just now queit.
Arjun: Yeah cher, this one.
Miss Sha: Amira, talk! I don't want handwritten work from you only.
Me: Cher, I talk sey. Nadiah quiet.
Nadiah: Eh, where got?
Amirah: Ah, gaduh la korang.
Me: Chey! Amirul suke budak pumpuan tu ah!
Amirul: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Aku tak suke die.
Watching Teen Choice, yesterday only stopped at part two.
Sean performing. Again. Hahaha. He's cute uh. Like Zhafri. But obviously, he's lip singing.
Ha! The Jonas playing a dare game. I don't like them that much. I don't get why so many people are so crazy for them. Haha. Joe kena dare cut his hair onstage.
Yay! Yay! Taylor Lautner win!
Today was so-not a good day. I'm so depressed.
I fought with a bestie. And someone thought that we fought over Amirul.
209 kena change class. Go 106. 4rth floor. I hate that class. So damn dirty and small.
Hmm. First perdiod was Eng. Went to Library. Did somethings. Arjun, Miss Sha, Syed, Nad, Naj, Amirah, Yani, Fatin kept on pestering me to talk. Haha.
Science, study but I'm just so stressed up. So, I just had my head on the table.
Recess, went to sit with Fee, Arina, Amirah and Fatin. Fatin and Fee so cute fight over phone. Haha.
WTF! Robert Pattinson won Male Hottie? Eh! Chace Crawford suppose win!
Maths, hate it, hate it, hate it.
Yani said that Amirul wants to know about her friend he saw in a picture. Haha. I kept disturbing Amirul that he ended up shouting and knocking my table so loudly.
Malay damn dead. I almost slept. And when want to go back, Cikgu asked I sleepy. Haha.
History, I admitted, I slept. And then I felt someone playing around with my hair and I seriously thought that it was Amirah. Ended up it was Kalidass. At that moment I really coudnl't stand it anymore. I was so sad and wanted to scream and cry and went straight to the toilet.
Then nothing more.
I hate this day. Argh!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

"It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone"
It's time I say that you're, after all these months, just a crush.
Someone like me will never get a boy like you.
Haha. I was so dumb to be falling for you.
So, so, dumb.
Waiting list? Haha. I can't even stand out from all the other girls.
Opposites, differences.
I'm putting out this fire.


Me: Mirah, nak challenge? Aku nga bored gile.
Amiqah: Challenge ape?
Me: Sape bleh tido dulu.
Amiqah: Mepek ah kau. Confirm kau menang.
Firah: Huh!? Kau suke *?
Me: Eh, mane ade. Mirah mepek ah.
Firah: Eh, kalau kau suke mesti bilang siang2 tau. Ade waiting list sia.
Me: Makk, waiting list?
Me: Ah, okay, ye.
Yani: EH, seriously ah, Hydir baik.
Me: Ah, okay, ye. Makk.. Yani, gi blakang la.
Yani: Tknak.
Me: Miss Sha, see Suryani, she stand so close to me sia.
Miss Sha: Suryani.
Yani: Kurang aja sia kau, Amira.
Me: Haha!
Me: Yang mask to mepek kan.
Fee: Ah, abeh sampai budak tu nangis.
Amirah: Suare die sedap?
Me: Tak ah.
Amirah: Camne?
Me: Cam gitu ah. Ah! Tak! Macam Fifi nyanyi. Hahaha.
Fifi: Eh! Abeh, sape tau macam awak nyanyi ke?
Me: Eh, tkle, Amirah maseh tu ckap my voice nice.
I'm just joking, Fifi. I don't have a nice voice. And your voice is super nice. Like, Adam Lambert. Hahaha.
Teen Choice Awards 2009, I missed it.
Omg, Omg, Omg, I wanna watch! I wanna watch!
Watching part one. Leighton and Chace just won. Yay! Love them.
Today school was so...
Almost everyone, mostly talking about Yani and Hazimah, was hyper. Idk why. Maybe semangat nationalday haven't used up. Haha.
Omg ? Ellen just won best twitter. Haha. And she said that she'd put Zac Efron and Robert Pationson number on her Twitter. And give people money if they become her followers.
Parade Square, Yani was so noisy about her Rentak and anugerah and whatsoever nonsence. Like, Okay I know, Hydir hot, Hydir nice, Didi nice, handsome. Seriously sia! From when I meet her, to when go home. Till I had to "Shh" her in front of Miss Sha.
First period, was....... Music. Me, Miqah and Fee were just talking and having fun with each other.
Lit, so boring. Jun Hoa kept on disturbing me. I wish can get back Lit test. I know I'm gonna do bad coz I do anyhow.
Recess, watched Fee learnt how to use Iphone. After one whole recess then Fee learnt how to type ABC. Only. Hahaha.
Malay. I never have been so lonely. Luqman don't have coz he kena cut hair :( So, damn boring sia.
Eh, siala. Zac Efron win best comedy? Huh? Just for 17 again? What sia. Jim Carey is supposed to win!
Maths. Damn boring. Fee and Zul love to disturb me from far whenever I get sleepy. Haha.
Zhaf was in a bad mood. Boring sey, he never talk.
Yay. Sean perfoming Fire Burning. I'm really addicted to that song you know.
Science, me and Mirah were talking nonsence and making craps out of nothing. Hehe. I passed Science! Yay! But, not so happy with the results uhs.
Then walked home with Miqah and Ain.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Zhaf: Asal awak ketawe?
Me: Hahahaha. Aku tk;eh percaye lah kau tengok cerite tu. And stop it sia with the awak, kite.
Zhaf: Asal? Best pe cerite tu. Aku- Kite slalu tengok kat computer.
Me: Hahahahah! Abeh, dehtu, Amirul?
Zhaf: Chey! Nak tau ajer eh awak. Amirul dieh diehard fan Pokemon. Sampai tengok dorang battle terpekik name pickachu.
Me: Hahahaha! Amirul, kau suke Pokemon eh?
Amirul: Ape?!
Me: Zhaf kate kau suke tengok pokemon.
Amirul: Mepek je, Zhafri!
Me: Hahahaha. ABeh, tu, Zuhaili?
Zhafri: Oh, Zuhaili diehard fan digimon.
Me: Abeh, tinggalkan aku ah?
Amirah: Sorry ah. Abeh dah ramai orang, aku dahla paiseh nak letak kat mane. Terus aku da letak coin tu kat dalam kotak aku cabot ah.
Me: Kau tau, dahla ramai orang abeh pulak kau suruh aku letak. Abeh aku nak jalan satu aunty ni die tarik aku suruh letakkan dieh. Abeh, laki tu ingat aku sengaje nak letak lagey. Die da tersenyum.
Amirah: DIe ckap thank you kan?
Me: Ah'ah.
Amirah: Chey! Amira seyyy!!
Me: Relax uh, takya kuat. Suare die sedap sia.
Amirah: Die cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Me: Eh, tapi aku serious, between S* ngan Amirul, aku prefer Amirul.
Zhaf: Cheeyyyy! Amirul!
Me: Zhafri!
Zhaf: Haha. Kla.. Dalam class ni sape paling handsome?
Me: Uhm. Plus cine kepe?
Zhaf: Tak ah, melayu ah.
Me: Hahaha! In between korang tiga, uhmm....
Zhaf: Aku kan?
Me: Tak ah! Amirul ah. Haha. Tak ah. Zul.
Zhaf: Abeh aku?
Zhaf: Cheyyy!!!!!!!!
Me: Zul! Takmu tengok diehla! Takmu cakap ape! Kau tau, suare kau buat die lagey sedih ah.
Zul: Eh! Aku kan kawan die. Aku "risau".
Me: Diam uhs Zul.
Zul: Diam uhs Mira.
IPW, Boring! Eng, sat at Ernest's place because Miss Sha wanted me to change place. Then joked around with Fee, Naj and Zul. So fun sey sit with them! Then me and Zul kept on "arguing" with each other. Haha. Recess. Science, teacher never come. Sat around and talked. History, talked with Zhaf. Then did a test, maths test from Austrailia. Damn hard. Everyone ended up doing anyhow and copying. After school went to TM, CS, T1 to find red shirt. Me, Fee, Nad, Miqah, Aten, Yani planned to wear same thing. Sad sia, at last, we coudnl't find the same. We were all so tired that we gave up. And Aten and Nad bought the same shirt, me and Miqah bought the same shirt.

Yani: Aku ngan hyper.
Me: Obvisouly.
Yani: Haha. Camne kau tau.
Me: Kau asik ketawe2.
Yani: Asl ngan PM kau?
Me: Tkde. Zul and his rumours la.
Today NationalDayCelebration. First concert, watched Wushu, Silat and Indian Karate, I forget the name. Then Indian dance and NDP perfomance. You guys were awesome!
Hmm..Then go back class, I kena choose to cheer. Die2. Me, Fee, Zul, Nad, Sheena, and some other people. We were the first class to do cheer. Scared like hell sia. I was next to Zul and I kept on complaining to him. Then did cheer. But we didn't win. Nvm. And Now, I kena sunburn. Ah. Painful sia.

Celebs of the dayAMIRAAAA !
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Kim is so beautiful!

Gabe Saporta is so damn hot!
I still love Eminem! / Slim Shady!

She wins it today. J. Lo is beautiful. And can you believe she's already 40? Omg!


I'm uploading in Microsoft for days I've missed. So, I can just copy and paste. Hehe.

Zhafri: Mak, dp cam minah sia.
Me: Mane ade. ABeh kau nyer bukan cam mat?
Zhafri: Manee ade. Aku abang2.
Me: Yeah rite.
Zhafri: Abang handsome.
Me: Ehem!
Zhafri: Amacam ngan scandal kau?
Me: Sape?
Zhaf: Zul and amirul.
Me: Mepek la kau. Kau tau pasal korang kawan2 aku da suke Amirul.
Zhafri: Sape suke AMirul?
Me: Hmmm.
Zhafri: Amira! Bilng uh! Kiteorng kan kawan dari baby.
Me: Haha. DumDumDum.
Zhafri: Blng uhs!
Me: Jap. aku nk wish Faiz Happy birthday.
Zhafri: Oh kay. Cpat ah.......... Da?
Me: Jap, Faiz ckap thank you, mesti write welcome.
Zhafri: Amira!!!
Me: Jap! Nk chat ngan die dulu.
Zhafri: Eh, CB la.
Me: Happy B'dae Faiz!
Faiz: Thanks ah.
Me: Haha! Da tua!
Faiz: Eh mane ade. Baru 14. Blum 41 kan.
Haha. Zhafri, Zhafri. Happy Birthday to Faiz. You're going older to 41 still what. Haha. Today, do nothing. Sit at home, chat in MSN, study. How I wish every weekend is like this. Haiz.

Zhaf: Habes kan uh.
Me: Tknk ah.
Zhaf: Tinggal sikit jer kan.
Me: Ala. Kau habes kan la.
Zhaf: Aku habes kan, kau buang bottle kay?
Me: No way. Amirul, nak tak?
Amirul: Tknk ah. Kau da minum.
Me: Zhaf nyer la.
Amirul: Oh. Tknk ah.
Zul: Amira! Ikat la.
Me: Skejap lagey la.
Amirul: Kau rebond eh?
Me: Huh? Eh, mane ade.
Me: Kau tengok ah, Zuhaili, aku tak ikat, die2 action marah2. Abeh bile aku ikat, die ckap aku tak ikat lawa. Makk.. Cari pasal sia budak tu.
Miqah: Cheyywah! Amira !
Me: Don't even think like that.
Zul, Amirul and Zhaf kept on disturbing me about my hair. Haha. Amirul, I never rebond and Zul, I'm ignoring you, like seriously. Hmm. Pe. Malay. Recess. History. Maths. Star. During star did a cheer and grouped with Fee and Arina. Our cheer was more like a rap? Hahah.
After school got archery. Then home. So damn tired. Got tests tomorrow. Lit and Maths. I really wanna pass Lit! Maths too!
School was dead. Music, free period. Lit, test. Ohmygod. I just think that I'm not going to do good. It was so hard! Even though there were only two questions! Recess. Malay, cikgu said I made her day yesterday because I asked her a question. Haha. Cute or what? I asked Cikgu a question on Mon and chatted a very long time with her about my story. Haha. Then Maths, bored like hell. Get back Eng, report. And Miss Sha commented, "Amira, this is a great and excellent piece of work. Keep it up!" Yay! Haha. Then Science, did a worksheet. After school went to Ikea to do project again. We were like so paiseh ask people around, doing surveys. Some even looked at us in a weird way, and tried to run away. Hmmppphh. Think what? Not embarrassing uh to this kind of survey? Thick face sia.
Me: Kau mesti2 jage buku tu. Jangan kotorkan
Zul: Aku tau la. Aku tk macam gitu.
Me: Eh, laki sume tkleh trust.
Zul: Ehem!
Me: Betul eh. Kalau hilang, kau kenek bayar.
Zul: Makk. Aku tk cam gitu la.
Zul: Kau suke Amirul eh?
Me: What do you think?
Zul: Aku tau kau suke.
Me: Why u say that?
Zul: Pasal kau suke tengok die abeh senyum2.
Me: Salah ke?
Zhaf: kau buat ape kat sini?
Me: Balik ah. Aku teman die.
Suryani: Ehem!
Zhaf: Asal U tk blng I? I leh teman u.
Me: Eee! Haha. Amirul, naek bus ape?
Yani: Ehem2! Nak tau aje budak tu?
Me: Eh, mane ade. Die.. Tapi...
Yani: Ape kau nk ckap?
Zhaf: Suke admit je la.
Me: Aku tak suke die la.
Yani: Slalu orang ckap tak suke, suke.
Me: Abeh, kau suke Zhafri?
Me: Nad, kau tau buat?!
Nadiah: Aku tak tau!
Me: Same ah! Aku nyer paper kosong!
Nadiah: Same ah!
Fee: Friday, kiteorng pakai same2 ah baju merah.
Me: Memang sume orang pakai baju merah pe.
nadiah: Tak. As in design same. Jiwangs same2.
Me: Ohhh.
Fee: Nak tak?
Me: Insyallah nak. Hahah. Entah. Tengok ah.
Eng test was sooo damn hard! I was running out of time and forget to put some points in. I'm going to fail! Nononono!Science, Mr Cheah never come. Sat with Naj, Fee and Miqah first then moved to sit with Arina and Fahrisah. Recess. Malay. Maths, Me, Nad and Naj didn't do the quiz because we didn't know anything. Haha! History. Then HOME!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Taylor Lautner is a hotstuff <3
Taylor Swift is always beautiful.

Yay! Found my Usb bable. Haha.
Umm. Got nothing to blog about.
Tomorrow monday. Got Archery. Ala. Feel like skipping sia.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Eminem wins always! Mariah can stop acting like someone else. Dissing is Em's job. Hahahaha! Padan muke, Go Em!
Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift are going out in an upcoming movie! Aww! I love Taylor Lautner sey! Not that I'm jealous but I think Selena Gomez and him made a better couple. But. I Taylor Swift is okay, I guess. There was even a scene where they kissed. Awww. Can't wait to see the movie. I confirm want to see because got Taylor Lautner. :D:D
Hmm. Today, never go out. Like, new record sia. Wish every weekend can be like this...
Bye. Bye.