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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, October 30, 2009

When behind bars.

Muka Faiz tk menjadi ! Hahaha.
Graduate at staircase

Here's some silly pictures and some other pictures of the final 3 days.


Hey !
Today marks the last day of secondary 2.
Wahh. Sad sey. Never thought this day would come. End of secondary 2, end of lower sec, end of 209.
I'm gonna miss that class a whole lot. So many ups and down we've gone through together.
Anyways, Miss Sha showed us a videoclip of our road along 109 and 209. So sad. We changed alot. Haha. I felt like crying knowing that there won't be a 209 next year.
Thinking about it makes me realize how precious a day can be because we won't get to live the same day again.
Then, get report book. My results okay lahh. Promoted to sec3 express. Woohoo ! Then now, stressing about which class to take.
Celebrated birthdays.
Get class tshirt, my one is a little too big. Haha.
Uhm. I think that's all ?
Oh yeahh. Watched Transformers revenge of the fallen after that.
then that's pretty much the end .
ByeBye 209.
After school, went lepak with Fifi, Amirah, Nadiah. Fatin sat with us for a short while.
then after taking loads of silly pictures, went MCD.
After that, we watched movie. Love happens. Halfway the movie, Amirah and Nad got really restless. I guess you can say that you really have to understand the story to like it.
Then after that, we bought icecream shared and ate at rooftop. Haha. Suap2 each other.
Haiz, idk how life is gonna be if we spilt next year.
What a short year it has been.
When something ends, a new thing will begin.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Hey !
Today is second last day of school.
209-209 went EastCoast. But some sec3 also have.
First me, Fifi, Nadiah, Amirah, Suryani, Musfirah, Fatin, Najihah went cycling. Halfway, we lost fifi and Nad. Haha. Then decided to go our own way. Me and Zeemah cycled at the back because Hazimah scared so I accompany her. But then don't know how me and Yani can speed and challenge then we leave the rest behind. Haha. She won seh but both of us like want to faint already. The others like damn far behind. Then we stopped for some time to wait for them. Cycled back, Suffian disturbed because he cycling opposite me then I was alone . Don't know what, he suddenly turned to Faiz and say "ah, ni, ni, ni ! ........" then he shout some things. Hahaha. Kind of irritating but funny also. While cycling saw Shahren, then I looked at him and somehow got distracted and accidentally crashed against Suryani. Paiseh seh. Haha. My skin terkopek. After that, things so kind of out of control. started to get bored. blablabla.
After school, went lepak with Fi, Hazimah, Nadiah, Najihah, Amirah, Suryani, Fatin, Musfirah for awhile planned to take pictures but we were really bumped out.
Again, these are pictures from my phone, pictures are with Fifi.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Miss Sha : Good morning 209.
Ben(mouthtalk.): you 109 sia.
Me: Shuddup !
Hey !
Today went out for class outing.
Me, Fifi, Ain wear 109 class tee. Everyone comment. Say why wear lah, you not sec 2 ah. Blablabla. Eh. The shirt as long can wear, what's so wrong about it ? Semangat 09 ah ! Haha.
Then went around Changi. We were like the only class there and the other express classes went to some other place.
First was museum. Studied History. boring seh. Cannot taahan !
Then went see the huge canon blast thingy. Then took pictures with the girls.
Then went Changi Village to eat. I hate that place seh. So many cats. Everyone start disturbing already. Haha.
After that went to the beach. Were given each a flower. Must do the respect thingy for the soldiers. I thought can wish seh. Haha. Then do one minute silent, then let go the flowers in the sea. I don't care, I wish my wish come true.
Dont know why the class like kept disturbing me and Ben. Especially Najihah. Omg.
I feeling so unwell seh. But the pain keep coming and going coming and going. I cannot tahan !
Then after school went Pasir Ris with Hazimah, Ben, Amirah, Zhafri, Arjun, Amirul. We hung out after that. Amirul and Zhaf damn Iritating seh. Then me and Ben pranked them. Then joked2, laughed, oh yeah, got one part I was so damn fed up. After that me, Amirah, Hazimah seperated and we hung out under the void decks.
The pictures are with Fifi, so..... I guess you're gonna wait for a very long time.
Meanwhile, these are some pictures I took.
Oh and to Khairul, I'm really sorry I cannot go. I was feeling unwell. And the pain just keep appearing and dissapearing. Next time, we watch other movie ah.

Omg. I hate my stupid fringe.
Argh. Stupid wind.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Omg. They look so cutee ! They took in the studio since kak ayu graduate. Wow ! So cute lahh Diya and Haziq !
Hey !
Just now, first period check2 marks.
I only remember I got 64 for maths. Haha. Forget ahh. I passed everything except lit. by 0.5 percent. Haha. Heck care ah, Lit.
Lit, sitsit talked.
Malay, half a period.
the other half went s.a.c for streaming talk. 204, 207, 208, 209. Crazy seh. they give classes and choices like shit.
305 and 306 science class and A maths.
307 is POA and A maths.
308, dnt
309A, Art
309B, HomeEc.
Like shit seh. All my harapan want take pure bio crushed.
Argghh ! I really thought about it and I'm really reconsidering 307. But the problem, A maths ! What if I cannot take it ? My maths like shit. Omg. If i take it must work twice as harder. And.. ala. My cousin also take seh. scared later people think I wanna compete. ah. what shit la... !
Pening ah. I whole day think about it. padahal long2 time for submission. however long it is, it is gonna come right ? Ala. 309B sudah. But... Okay. I think I'm gonna stick to 307. Heard that Hazimah and Zhaf are also taking it ? Hmmm.
Then watched movie when got back to class.
After school, something happened that got me so freaking pissed. alamak. Ish. You know or not, I just feel like cursing that girl with every vulgar in the world. But, I shouldn't and I didn't. Just feels like maybe I was being too emotional and sensitive.

Fifi, Fifi, Fifi, tengok Paris nyer necklace ? Nice right ? Btw, i', finding that for your birthday. Haha. Nolah. Actually yeah, but very hard to find in Singapore.
Haha. I ruin the suprise seh. Wakakaka. Just wanna show you the necklace lahh, Fi.

Monday, October 26, 2009

I'm so freaking disappointed.
Goodbye Literature.
Got back Lit and Malay marks.
Malay paper 1 passed.
Malay paper 2 failed.
Malay paper 3 passed.
So overall, 56/100
Not much. But hey. Still pass. And I really don't care for level position or whatsoever. I think mine is 206 ? I saw my name in between Nik and if i'm not wrong, Farid name. I think only because I cannot see the screen clearly.. If I'm wrong, then I must be dreaming or something. But I saw some names very clearly. Haha.
Literature marks is the really most saddest marks.
Pass but I really am not happy with my results.
My mum asked me to let it go, but I just can't.
Just so sad.
This just means that I won't be able to go to Lit class next year. Well... So much for dreaming. Such a waste I threw so much effort in Lit. Haiz. Nvm. Will be taking history.
But really, when you've put in so much effort in something and when it just goes down the drain, it's really sad.
Well. Byebye Lit. I won't be seeing you for the rest of my life again. I'm gonna tear up my paper when I get back.
Oh yeah. You know, so paiseh . I took this quiz or don't know what thing "love meter" or something like that. Then Skali kena Nazrul and Shahril. Nazrul one is public, but Shahril one, they go send to him ! Omg. Paiseh gilaaa ! Later at his page he's get this "BlaBlablabla loves you by blablabla percent." I know because I once kena from Benedict. Omg ! Paiiiseeh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just realized the jerk you are.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I have never been this bored in my whole entire world.
bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored. bored.
Argh ! boring seh !
tomorrow planned to ponteng.
but fifi call ask to accompany her go shopping.
ahhh. habes lahhh.
oh yeah. im "frustrated" with zhaf. stupid ah.
everyone on msn dead.
yani say hi to me then I reply she never reply back. funny or what ?
amirah, i sms her she never reply.
ben, dont know doing what.
My twitter rosak.
I just wonder how everyone out there can not be so bored.
Ohh. I so long time never watch Gossip Girl. Dont know where to get the episodes.
Then EMA also coming. Haha ! No school !
Imma be quite busy these coming weeks. dont ask me why.

Katy Pery perfomance was small but so damn good. She makes the show starts in a very lively way.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

I'd die in a heart attack in a house like this.
Watch it, very funny and shocking.
I wonder if the dolls is a human.
Tanendra so funny, "run where the crowd run and ask questions later. "

Friday, October 23, 2009

I'm super freaking pissed.
Some people just can't seem to be able to accept that they're simply not needed.
She's insanely beautiful but has an attitude of a bitch. Michelle from ScreamQueens

Today school nothing much.
OhOh ! I passed History and DNT ! Sososososo happy ! I just need to know 2 other subjects, Lit and Malay. I wish I'll pass. History mark quite satisfying. 32/50
DNT was not that good. But hey. I don't care for getting the highest mark. I don't like how some people just so nuts and boastful when they get such high marks. 52/100
Maths, do ownwork.
English, checked History paper at library with 206. Had "such fun"
DNT, checked mark, then talk2. And I really liked the joke Zhaf and Amirul got me in. Haha.
After school, kena forced to stayback with Yani . then went interchange with fifi.
Yayayayayay ! My brother is going to sleepover my granny house. Ha ha ! Yay !

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A step closer.

God, you're such a prince charming.


Hazimah: Eh. Ur voice okay, you know.
Me: Ha Ha. Kelakar seh.
Hazimah: No. I'm serious.
Me: Yeah. Slalu cam gitu. Nanti kat phone jer okay. If I sing live, confirm sengau seh. Tak bercaye tanye Fifi. She get very irritated by me seh.

I never knew how boring life can be when the exams ends.
My results are in. some of them. okayokay lahh.
English is really disappointing. Science, I didn't get that much but also, I beat my own expectations. And maths, my god, I got 30/40 for my section A. Ahhh ! I'm so happy for maths although not that much. IDC ah. As long pass seh !
So. Well, it's not much to show off so, I'm just putting it here. plus. I think more have done a lot better.
English : 59
Maths: 62
Science: 61
This is my conversation with my father when he just came home from work and I haven't even open the gate for him. Haha.
Me: Ayyyaah ! Please, give me extensions ? Please. I passed something which you and everyone else will never believe ! One day !
Ayah: What is it?
Mom: She got a little for her english.
Ayah: So ? I expected you to pass English what.
Me: No laah.
Ayah: Open the gate please, first.
Me: Klahhh.
Ayah: So, tell me all your results.
Me: Uhm. I passed the three main main subjects.
Ayah: Which is ? Malay, malay, malay ?
Me: No . Uhm. English. Science. Maths.
Ayah: Okayy. So, how much ?
Me: Ah. How much? You don't need to know laahh.
Ayah: How much ?
Me: Uhm. Science, 61.
Ayah: Okay.
Me: Maths, 62.
Ayah: okay what. Above 60. Like this, I can reconsider .
Me; Huh! Serious ? Yayayayayayay!
Ayah: Eh. English ?
Me: English, eh. Uhm. You don't need to know. Yayayayayayay !

So, read that, fifi ? He's reconsidering !

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fifi, Amirah, Ben, Zhaf and Shawn came my house. then we watched movie, friday the 13th but so dirty. Haha ! Then quickly change to drag me to hell. ben penakut seh. Haha. Then the boys play around with my brother while the girls do tour at my house. Haha. After that went causeway to KFC.
Tired but fun.
Ben and Zhaf like my brother. Haha. Kla. Want him, adopt him la. I have absolutely no problem.

They bullying Faiz. Haha .