Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Monday, November 30, 2009

I never knew that MioTv dad installed would be awesome until just now. Hehs.
Explore2, found out got Gossip girl, privileged, smallville, ghost wisperer, glee and almost everything. cool or what? Haha. I slow uhs. dad got that thing like how many days already? 4 days? Hahas.. Byebye Starhub. Hello Mio. Brother will take control over starhub now. Yes, i got both. woohoo.
I'm bored. arhh.
ohh yeah. I wanna watch couples retreat.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

today trip to Ubin/Changi was canceled because don't know what toilet renovation. Went to East Coast. Had lots of fun. Great family outing. Next outing at Marina Barrage. Besst. Kk. I'm tired. Tcares !

Saturday, November 28, 2009

I don't believe in long distance shit love.
and i don't believe in love too.
I believe in likeness.


Hey !
The face is shit. hahas. took this like around 12 or 1 at night/morning.
my cousin told me that if I don't do good in Art coursework, then I can end up in ITE because it's really hard. then when they ask, I tell them I taking art and Lit. i kind of feel embarrassed. I know lah, my cousin get A maths and blablabla, always toptop. Then they say with full arrogance and confidence Lit easy like shit. Surely I can pass. and at least get B. I keep queit. My lit always just pass or even fail! They always smartsmart.
Haiz. tkpe2. I'm not like them. And I don't intend on being the smartest. let other people take that spotlight.
But what really hurt me was how they kept on saying Lit and Art confirmed I can go through. I'm not that confident. If art they say like that, I wonder if I get DNT what on earth would they say?

Friday, November 27, 2009

Hey .
Guess what?
My father bought this phone, not sure what brand, but it's like an IPhone. and it has television on it. it's really awesome. he said he don't want use then want to give me.
But the thing is he already gave me his phone which is the Sony Erricson, black touch screen.
But also, i feel like just sticking to my old phone.
So, someone help me !
I got three phones and IDK which I want.
Haha. nono. this is not tamak. this is rezeki. Hahas. mcam paham la, mira.
Kay. it's 12am now and I can't sleep.


This is the reason why you should love Shakira.
And watch AMA's.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Dear you,

I don't know if this post will make you cry or whatever but I think it's for your own good. And I'm really worried about you. But if you think this post is a little too much, stop reading and ignore it. Because I'm throwing the truth here. Now. And I'm not gonna lie .
Because you are my friend, I hope you will forgive me. and do correct me if I made a wrong point about this.
First I have to say I don't understand you and your problems when with the opposite sex. And I don't understand how you can cling onto the problems for so long and never let go. Well. If you wanna live a life that's peaceful and worth it and happy, you must learn to forgot things easily. if not. easy to say, you're gonna be a lot terrible than what you're going through right now.
Tell me that you're crying about him now and I will ask you what really is happening and then I say relax and then we both stay silent. But personally in my mind, behind the silence, I was thinking about a lot of crap.
You know thinking about him and then crying and then being so emotional isn't going to bring you far. And it's not going to bring you anywhere. You want answer to your problem, I'll give you one: Help yourself. And you want another one? Settle it and talk to him. That's the only two things I can tell you.
I'm no expert in this, yeah, you can say that and I'm not you so I don't understand your situation. But I'm your friend and hearing you in a condition like this makes me worried. I'm not heartless and I do care. I care more than you think I do.
I wish you the best and I really want you to realize reality. You just have to let go of things. want or don't want, you have to.
Ask me or your another best friend and we can say that he's not worth a thousand or maybe even a million miles. I don't really understand what is happening with you and him but I know it's getting into your head good.
If you actually had end your friendship with him, I'll give you two things in my mind right now, I'm actually glad. And another is that if you wanna continue being friends with him, I won't scold you, you should talk to him and ask him to start over.
At times like this, sounding desperate is very okay.

See. This is how a lit student writes. Haha. cheey. no. JK.
to you, I'm really sorry if this offended you. But I think you deserve to know at least some truth out of me.



hazimah, don't feel stressed out.


Hey !
Today supposed go JB to kampung, not mine, I don't have, but don't know where to have BBQ. Kak Lin's idea. Haha. But too bad, the car cannot go in JB. Must wait two weeks. So... I find it really boring never go JB. I've got a list of things to buy. Hehe. You people know what I always but there righttt.
Anyways, congratulations to Syazah for passing your PSLE ! I'm very happy for you.
Just now went out. then go shop. this group of mats and minah like what sey. They disturb almost everyone. No lah, I never kena disturb. But still, so irritating right? Ish. I hate those kinds of people. Even the naughty ones in EVSS are not like that. Geez. Woodlands2. Ni mesti confirm budak Fuchun. Luckily I never go that school. at least budak EV ade sikit respect and kemaluan. My cousins expect me to change school in Sec3. Haha. dream on. I belong in EV.
Kay. Next week going Ubin. Haiz. BoringBoring.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

i want it badly.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Amirah Atiqah: If you had to set Mohammed Zhaafree up on a date with one of your friends, who would you choose? Fifi Nurina Binte Jasmini/ Amira Shaqira
Me: Woi ! ape aku? First one da boleh.
Syahmi: Hello. Aku sebok kat sini boleh ?

I'm freakking bored.
Basket ah miqah go say me.
and there's my future classmate joining the post.
Andand. I really don't get it but my besties are already asking me plans about next year.
Fifi asked me about somethingsomething and I said asked me next year.
And Hazimah asked me if I'm gonna buy for these people* present for their bdae next year and I told her ask me next year when their birthday coming.
am i supposed to be planning stuff for next year already?
Aw. Lautner follows Swift goes shopping. Hawt.


wow. I'm so sleepy.
and I cannot find any nice blog skin .

Monday, November 23, 2009

Hey !
My father took away my Internet sey.
But I kind of like it.
Internet is like a drug to me this holiday.
You people saw Adam Lambert's performance at AMA?
For that performance, I cannot believe I'm saying this, but I hate him.
Yucks sey. What's his point performing like that?
Come on Adam. You're already awesome.
I love Adam Lambert and I don't care if he's gay.
Judging a person like that is bad.
Chey. Macam paham ah.
New Moon nak keluarrrr...
December sey.
I cannot waiiit !

Sunday, November 22, 2009

I'm in love with Jay Sean now.


just now go wedding.
then got this one boy Hassbul's friend, his hair bronze/yellow like that so hawt. Ahh. Haha. kk. gatal2. tsk. tsk.
His name Shahrul. Hahs.
then talktalk with him since Hassbul have.
he know Sabrina.
Kay. I admit. if my friends see him, I die. if fifi see him, i must put on earpeice. If Amirah see him, tsk tsk.... You all confirm don't like him.
And oh yeah. My car isn't Audi. It's axio. will be having that car for 2weeks or so. but cannot go in Jb. Woohoo ! fyi, the car is freaking awesome. the red car dont need sudah. Haha.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

It's my bestie's birthday today.
Have a very happy birthday and be yourself always.
May you have an awesome day today.
I'm glad that you enjoyed yourself yesterday.
Sorry we made you dirty . Hehs.
Stay awesome always because you really are awesome.
Let's hope for the best next year. Maybe not in same class but Lit class?
Kay. whatever it is, I promise we'll continue to be besties.

Oh yes. I forgot to mention this in yesterday's post but thank you, Benedict. If it wasn't for you, everything won't be the way it was. Thank you and your awesome family's support. Thanks too the others also for contributing. Thank you Hazimah for borrowing me youknowwhat. Thank you Atiqah for actually deciding to come along.

While car is being "repaired" We're using another car. Audiii ! You know, that's always been my dream car. Gawd. Kay. can't wait to see it. I'll take a picture later.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Firstly, wanna wish Fifi a very happy advance birthday.
BBQ menjadi last-minute.
First of all came and then went to fill up the water bombs. But me, Mun Ee, amirah, hazimah stuck in toilet because rain damn heavy.
Haha. But Shawn came to rescue.
All of us damn wet.
then take Fifi. blindfold her and pop the thingy thing at her. She scream here, there. then we make her walk in mud and water. Shiok.
I cannot tahan cold I wear Ben jacket.
Ben, Shawn, Jun Hoa disappear to godknowswhere.
Arjun came and as promised, went to Red House.
Idk lahh. half scary half not. But my feelings like not tenteram. Not easy.
rain stopped and BBQ starter.
Ben came with everything.
ate, cake cake. I just wish I have my USB cable with me.
Then mum called say got accident. they involved in accident.
I really cannot believe.
was supposed to stay till night but the car wreck like shit how to stay?
Luckily my parents and brother okay.
quickly went home and reached around 9.
took a look at the car.
omg. i got so speechless. Arrhhh. Really sey, i felt like crying. The car just 1 year. okay. how wrecked is it? Err. the car number plate don't know where, half of it broke. the behind windows shattered and we used a plastic to cover it up. the lights, omg.
lorry crushed in from behind. and infront also crashed into lorry. both cement lorries.
my brother is at my grandmother's house. He knocked his head.
My mum's neck got problem. I don't know how to describe.
And my father. well. he's obviously really crushed emotionally.
Kay. I felt bad that I wasn't there for my family.
Well. here are the pictures of BBQ and my wrecked car.

the shinyshiny is plastic. the windows gone.
the car plate gone. the car kemek.

After visiting red house.

Hehe. Happy birthday, FIFI!

When stuck at toilet.

Ahh. I'm having a fever.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Kay. Nad was the one who asked me to blur her pictures. Haiz. da lawa2 pun suruh blur picture. But some pictures are nice. So Nad. Sorry. . Later aku blur gambar kau orang ingat kiteorng gaduh ke ape.
And2, the wind was so strong and that is why hair is like shit. Haha. Like what sia.
Just now went Pasir Ris with girlfriends.
Went Ehub.
then burger king.
then beach.
Everywhere we go people come. when we don't have the place so empty.
Amirah kept on wrong bus info.
Had alot of fun.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hazimah: ouch. eh. how he do that sia? his fingernails long ah?
Me: He's an animal.
Hey !
today went school to send appeal form.
then go t1 with Hazimah.
supposed to go out meet Ben at simei.
But my ezlink no money.
and I no money.
All used up already .
Stupid. I forgot bring money.
today do so many art and craft.
hazimah uh. cheyy. no. it's my fault.
she go art sudah sey.
just now checked board again.
People in 308 and other classes. Be happy .

Monday, November 16, 2009

Ahhh. Jay Sean is so dreamy .
I listen to his voice like want melt.
Haha. Ahhh.
Mum called my cousins and told them about me wanting to change class because of friends.
Funny or what.
then say my dnt is so much lower than my art.
more funnier.
wahh. so funny sey.
I so frustrated.
she make me sound like such a brat infront of my cousins.


I do care .

Hey .
Im currently so bored.
tomorrow going back to school to send appeal form.
i'm just going for my luck.
and im praying real hard.
any class would be good but not art.
actually I like art. believe it or not.
but you know, some things are just not worth going through. No, I'm not talking about art.
And as for now, i think imma leave that twitter world of mine there and ditch the tagboard.
i love twitter.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Hey Dol, did "you know, spammers die in hell" ?
I'm kind of confused sey .
Between DNT and Art.
I choose none.
But I want to appeal.
But I just suck in DNT.
But I suck in Art too.
But my art and dnt same marks.
But 309 has only 7 Chinese.
But Hazimah don't let.
But she's in HomeEc with Nuril and Amirah.
But i got Arina, Ain, Zhafri, Fathihah, Luqman?
Ahhh .
Dnt or Art?
Yesterday I like crazy think2.
But today I still can't decide.
Someone. Help me.
Kay. I think art people are:
Arina, Ain, Fathihah, Zhaf, Luqman, Suffian, Amalia, Anis, Saqinah?.... and more which IDK.
Many wanna go 309 sey.
Can uh. We swicth.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Amira . says:
helllp me. Argh .
UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
Amira . says:
tknk art
UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
then why u chose art?
is it ur 1st choice?
Amira . says:
home ec sey
ahhhh ! *something* ahhhhh !
UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
Amira . says:
third art
UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
ur class position?
Amira . says:
do you know. i dont even pass up my art work smpai cikgu kena call my home
and i nver even buy the textbk .
and i never do my art work !
UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
then ur fav subj should be in the 2nd or 3rd choice..
Amira . says:
how can i go art!?
UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
then art should go at the 1st coloum
Amira . says:
asl plak ?
AZMI ! IM SO SAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Azmi gave me shit after that .
He's no help uh.


You know.
My ride's been pretty crazy .
I feel like losing myself .
Where's fifi when I need her ?
I can contact her but I seriously don't want to stress her .
Even Hazimah isn't helping me. She's begging me not to change class. she can uh. she HomeEc sia.
I'm stuck in freaking art. I don't know how to draw.
Mira. jangan mira.
control yourself.


Argh !
Fuck ! Art? Are you serious ?
Art !
i'm so appealing .
ART ?!
Did I saw wrongly ?
ART !?!
ART !?


hawt ! i love ed !
Omg. You know what, I think i'm right all along.
His msn.
Kay. relax mira.
whadeva sey . i hate him also .
But seriously. I thought he's human enough .

Later going school.
I'm seriously appealing .
Now got more than 1 reason to appeal .
Ha .
Kay. I'm still sick.
Whenever I sneeze, blood come out.
It's not disgusting. it's painful .

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Selena Gomez beautiful right ?

I think I know who the spammer is .
I know.
Kay . I'm so sorry for the last blog post to the innocent ones.
People sick like shit then want make people angry .
You realize alot of people already have meet me halfway as their blog song ?
I wanna change uh .
Hmm. What song ah ?
Idk ah.
Oh yeah. I think already. And I think I want to appeal. For 307?


I'm hoping that Zhaf saw wrongly .
I'm hoping that they're changing .
I'm hoping that all this is a dream .


hey .
i've been so freaking sick .
feverfeverfever .
it just goes up from 37.9 to 38 to 39 .
been sick for 3 days .
arghh .
oh yeah . see the spammer .
hi spammer . how are you ?
lamer tak dengar . I don't remember ever stalking you .
i'm so sick i really don't care . Whatever lah .
Spamspam. Next time write your name when want to spam kay .
you know . I got to know that i'm in 309 .
zhaf told me because he checked .
i same class with hazimah and zhafri . and.
syahmi, suffian and most of 206 girls and 7 Chinese.
kay . you know . i'm happy that i'm with hazimah .
but ... the others...
diediedie .
kay . i think i'm going for appeal . But Hazimah don't let.
I don't really want a class with really alot of malays .
it's dangerous .
and some are really not bad.
but still, some malays are dangerous .
Kay .
tell me what I should do.
I'm so stress .
I don't think I'll be able to fit in the class.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Amira says:
Eh. Kau ambek class ape?
zoohighlee!!! says:
Amira . says:
zoohighlee!!! says:
baek ah
semua masuk 2 seh
aku sorang pe
Amira . says:
semua as in ?
zoohighlee!!! says:
kawan aku lah
zhaf, ian, syami, irfan
semua ah
except faiz
Amira . says:
Ala ! Eh . aku menyesal lah ambek 309 !
zoohighlee!!! says:
aku sorang sia

I menyesal take 309B . Really really regret !
Seriously .
But I wonder so many people want take the class then how.
Smart people, go smart class lah !

UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
which should i choose
$1 bubble tea or a small slurpee?
Amira . says:
hahaha. err. bubble tea. cheaper .
Haha .
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
the shop far
711... juz below only
Amira . says:
well. haha . kalau kau nak cheap, kau kenek jalan. kalau kau tk kisa, kau gi 711
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
then choose one 4 me
Amira . says:
err. Haha . tk tau !!! Haha . pening ah .
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
then going BT ah
Amira . says:
Haha .
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
jauh seyy..
Amira . says:
haha. really. its up to you.
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
Amira . says:
ur house tkde air nak minum ? Haha. lagi senang,
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
im burning now..
Amira . says:
haha . i call firefighter for you .
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
touge burning, nose freezing
Amira . says:
i call docter for you .
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
im dehydrating alrdy
Amira . says:
Haha . go drink water la !
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
im dying alrdy
Amira . says:
haha . aww. nice knowing u azmi .
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:
Amira . says:
tk habes2 okay. gi la minum air !
. ; UяuL ɑʒM! ツ says:

Monday, November 9, 2009

I'm so bored .
I think Fifi go already ? IdK sey .
I'm so bored that I'm listening to MJ's song .
Kay. Not a big fan. But a fan nonetheless .
You know. I've been thinking .
I'm pretty confident I'm gonna be in 309B .
Friday is results . Im really scared .
What if kena the same class as the mats . i know some are going that class .
Argh . What sey . Why they cannot go smartsmart class ?
What if I kena go that class alone.
No Fifi, Hazimah, Amirah, Yani, Nadiah . Gawd.
I can go crazy thinking "what if's" you know .

Haha. They so funny.
"Hello. Helloooo."
Wish my brother can wake me up like that and not throw things at me.
"They have a casino"
"Do they?"
"The dream is over. Ha !"

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Finally back in SG.
It's so boring in JB.
Was greeted by Hazimah's sms at checkpoint saying "Amira, I beg you! jangan stead dengan Azmi."
Haha . But relax people. just a misunderstanding .
Anyways people, Fifi is going to godknowswhere tomorrow.
And I'm so sad, but girl, have a pleasant flight and have fun ! Forgot about everything in SG even me. It's you and your family. I'm sure you'll have a great time . And I'm sure I'll survive someway or another . And I'll try to get to know your class . If I can.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sandra Bullock, J.Lo, Leighton Meester, J. Aniston, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift are women who have the beauty inside out.


Hey !
Just to tell you that I won't in Singapore from today to tomorrow .
Fifi's going to godknowswhere for a whole 1 week or so and Imma miss that girl. I don't know who to talk crap with .
Azmi won't stop Sms-ing me. He does it day and night . and sometimes I really lazy reply him .
I'm not sure about taking up work now because I have some things to attend to. Maybe after November I can start . But I see first .

Friday, November 6, 2009

I hate the new MSN .
Anyone know how can we not appear in the thing down the "What's new" post
Paiseh sey .
Argh .


Well people, I love this spot because of him .

Me: Tu cousin aku tau .
Hazimah: Eh cute nyer name die sape ?
Me: Errr. Dotdotdot .
Amirah : Hahahaha. Dotdotdot
Hazimah: Primary ?
Me: Errr. Dotdotdot . Idk ah. I call him adik Hizkil.
Amirah: Adik Hizkil !
World, do you know I feel like screaming and crying and .......... Kay. Let's not get too emotional . Stupid mood swings .
Kay . Just now went school passed form . No. That's not the reason why I wanna scream and cry . Promised Hazimah 10:30 but reached at 11 . I'm so sorry !
After that went MC at CC and hung out . Saw Adib, Fadil ?, Ruslee, Adib brother and some other guys . So paiseh ! Haha . And Adib is freaking handsome . Haha . Seriously !
kay then went back to Chongzheng for EFair . Played a few games
I just miss my school. But it's weird that i felt like a stranger in my own primary school .
Went to my favorite spot . I just love that spot . Haha . Amirah and Hazimah kept saying romantic la .
Then Amirah and Hazimah kapo2 want see my Ex . See already, Amirah want closer view because she cannot see . What sey . Walked infront of him . I didn't even lift my head to see him .I really feel uncomfortable . Idk what the feeling . I kind of just .... I feel sad, frustrated . Idk . it was so confusing . Oh. I know now, I felt heartbroken . Arghh , whatever shit. I still don't know why I feel like this till now . And Amirah say he "boleh tahan hot " Haha !
After that I got no mood to do anything . Ha . I like baru putus hati . Then Amirah and Zeemah wan go haunted house . I tell them go ahead . They don't want . then they threatened go call Khairul and Adib . I don't want ah because first, you know right I wasn't feeling like it and second, after going to the haunted house in Escape I really don't want go any haunted house anymore . I scared I got heart attack uh . Hahas . I scared lahh ! The haunted house in Escape make me scream like end of world .
Then met Khairul and Adib and Amirah and Hazimah ran off go don't know where . Walked around with the guys . then met Farzanah . I really wanted to meet Mr Muhd Nor but he go friday prayers . Wasted sey ! This year never see him at all . I really wanna talk to him about my school and everything ! Argh .
You know. There's alot of haha's in this post . I'm just trying so hard to be okay with everything .
Well. Gtg . Not feeling like myself . I just miss him .

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Hey !
Trip to Science Center was great !
First went to Omni theater.
At first we like jakun .
Then boring .
Imagine 40minutes about Bears . Haha . But they cute laaa.
Then went in .
Took pictures .
Got stuck at this place where we played game . Haha ! Shiok you know ! Press the thing when it go light . Haha . Me, Amirah, Fifi play like want to die . Haha .
Then continue jalan2 .
Then go back to the game to play .
Then home ! So here are the pictures .
Got more pictures but I'm tired .
And haha, Fifi got wet because we made a motto "one for all, all for one ."
I'll end here .

Our highest score ! Woo ! I wonder how the person got 99.

Sorry the video short . I also wanna play .