Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Sunday, January 31, 2010

you can't go around wearing your heart on your sleeve, because motherfuckers got knives.


grrr. malasnyer nak habeskan art.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Today's Friday.
This week kind of passed super fast. I think. For me ah.
First period was English. Did Vocab and I like what Miss Nah was wearing. It looked really nice on her. Miss Nah should just go off to modeling and stop teaching. lols.
Lit, watched Paranormal Activity and Orphan trailer and did our work. I wish we can watch Paranormal Activity in class sey one day.
Maths, moved to another new chapter. I felt so sick so I didn't pay attention and Idk what was going on. And the test, I know it's a confirm fail. If pass, idk what to seh. haha.
MT, did groupwork. Blablabla. I'm so mute in malay class. It's so sad that i don't have a close friend sitting around me. :(
After school went interchange and KFC with Hazimah.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sorry yesterday never update. didn't have enough time.
yesterday was a thousand times better than today. Today sat in class and rot.
Miss Nah came. and she's so boring.
maths moved into a new chapter which I lioke. much more easier than stupid indices.
SS, copy notes.
Assembly was giving our prizes thingy. stupid old man talked for don't know how long.
Chemistry was, as always, shit.
today nothing much happen ah. Hazimah was sick and she was super irritating. she say she feel like dying. wtf? lols.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

forgetting about someone isn't easy.
giving up on someone is torturous.
i went through it all.
only to know that you're making it all go to waste.


Gah. i looked terrible.
First period was English. Miss Nah didn't come. :D Did work and then chatted with hazimah.
Physics. Mr ngoh also didn't come. He had to go to the zoo to accompany his friends then monyets. lols. did work, copied actually and continued chatting with dearest hazimah.
Lit, was really boring. I honestly don't understand what's all the stupid literary devices. wtf sia need learn all those stuff. -_-
Malay, presentation was okay. I think. For me ah. It was nerve-wrecking at first.
Art, went artroom. The teacher never come. And the relieve teacher step nak mampos. i don't like her although she can be kind of nice. Me, Arina and Fathihah had a good laugh with Jeremy. We should know why. lols.
SS. I passes the quiz. but just by 1 mark. but at least passed. Ss is boring shit.
After school went lepak with hazimah, Arina and Amiqah. And Arina, you know that we love you. You don't have to change. We'll always be there for you. :D
Aw. I realized I spent a little time with the 308 girls today.

Before and after. i'm not done with it yet. still got a lot to do. Gahh! it sucks. i wanna redo but very lazy and leceh. and we'll see. i don't think it'll even reach a B or even C.

it sucks. big time. this is why i hate art.

Monday, January 25, 2010

hey !
today was all bullshit and crap.
i was sick and still am. so hoping so much that I won't be able to go to school tmorrow.
First two period was Art. Teacher never come again. :D But we had to do our work and somehow, the penknife just didn't like me today or any other day. So, I gave up. Chitchat with Fathihah, Ain and Arina. And the relieve teacher joined us. He's Zahirah's Gani the fan. Lols. Idk ah his name. he so kekek sey. but nice and friendly.
Maths, bullshit and crap and Mr Wee teaching sucks. I've been complaining since sec2. and I hope sec 4 he won't continue to be my teacher. If not, I kena stuck with him for three years sia. That is not good. not good at all. speaking ah, mira. lols.
Malay, watched presentations on our projects. me and nik will be doing tomorrow. nervous sia. honestly saying, I think I'm kind of thankful I got into band 2. there's like less people. anyways, cikgu showed us Azim's one and everyone laughed like crazy. I can't even explain it but it was so damn funny. lols.
star, crap. suffian made it funny at first. he was going all around the class. then watched the sony meatball movie. I slept but Mdm Change woke me and asked me to pay money. '-_-
school's becoming boring, boring and boring. useless.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

just came back from JB.
got fever.

Friday, January 22, 2010

I won't be in SG tomorrow and Sunday.


Finally today's friday!
First period was English. Did vocab exercise. Idk how I'm gonna live with Miss Nah's teaching. she's obviously too boring.
Lit, did groupworked. We had to speak english. and we planned for our project. Our group is me, Fifi, Nad, Miqah and Aten. Just right. :D We talked crap and laughed like hell. Lols. I laughed so hard that by the time maths, my voice gone.
Maths, the test was damn difficult. i didn't expect that it'd be that hard. mr wee mepek ah. i'm gonna fail. i know it ah.
Malay, went comp lab again. did my work with nik. Then we did our powerpoint slides with paint. he's really a smartass in drawing on computer. like I just give him ideas then he drew it. we had trouble saving our presentation so had to stay for awhile.
and that's it. i'm home so early thanks to amirah atiqah.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

First period was Maths. I understood. Hehe. Didn't slept.
English, kena surprise compre test. Mepek ah the compre.
SS. Quiz and then learn SEQ. Boring sey.
Assembly, a very touching talk.
Chemistry did experiment with Amiqah and SR.
After school stayed back with Zeemah to study and watched the UG rehearse for CCA fair.
And if i fail tomorrow's test, hazimah is going to kill me.
i wonder how people can look so very pretty and have that swag.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Gahh. Ignore my lame ass shitty face. i looked sick.

First period for today was English. Did vocab. I lioke.
Maths was shit.
P.E got relieve teacher. we didn't do much. just sat around and joked2 while watching some play badminton.
Physics went lab. sat with miqah, aini and hazimah. did experiments. amirah not semangat so I do. haha. idk how do actually. i did crap.
chemistry, so damn boring. i slept. a lot people slept. i remember me, anis, the chinese girl next to anis, amalia, marfiqa, farhanah and a few other people sleep. teacher also heck care.
malay. I kena partner with Nik for malay project. we went to comp lab after that. Nik decided to draw on paint our work. and he drew a bird first. it was beautiful. i meant it. he's not bad. really funny. then even cikgu said that it was nice.
thenthenthen, home.
like finally.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

today finally I learn what the meaning of halo is.
surprisingly, i survived school today.
first of all, a very happy birthday to nuramira. i'm not sure if this the correct spelling. but you and i both know her anyway. hope you have a wonderful birthday today.
first period, eng. crap.
physics, more crap. today hazimah switch off sey. i'm the one who pay attention. sort of uh.
Lit, shiok. get to listen to my favorite song. I know straight away the song Halo by Beyonce. Lols.
Malay, did some work. I kena called up to say out my answer. thanks to naj I got partly wrong. and i couldn't talk proper malay after that. nyahahs. no wonder I kena put into that class.
Art, teacher never come again. first we gather as the art gang and discussed about the classroom deco. then sat with arina and fathihah and ain.
S.S. mdam natasha is shit. ben's right. she so boring lah. cannot tahan. and then she divided us into three groups: durian, banana, rambutan. I group durian with the 207 girls, hazimah, amiqah, aini, zhaf, suffian, and 206girls. kekek sey. we kena go out answer question on board. I know nothing you know. hahas. someone sabo-ed me, i think zhaf or amirah or hazimah. but suffian sabo-ed zhaf then he kena go out. all his answers invalid. buat penat jek stress diri. and when zhaf sabo-ed suffian, we helped him by cheating. hahas. sumer da start kecoh giler.

Monday, January 18, 2010

why this world needs money?
money. money. money. money. money. money.
I think it's goodbye to JB house and car.
and soon, my phone line.


gahh. I should have gone lepak or something just now.
I'm home surprisingly early today.
First period was Art. teacher never come. and until now idk how to sebut her name. haha. Sat back with Arina, Ain and Fathihah. We needed to draw the side of our shoe. lol. everyone so damn kecoh. then they take out their shoe and put on the desk. suffian go take off his shoe and put on his paper. haha. he started first. then after finish drawing, we talk2. Arina and Ain talked about their ehem. First time I listen Arina talk a lot. I also kalah man. But she's awesome.
Maths, I sat at the back. Besst sey duduk blkng. Around me was Ain, Fathihah, Arina, Syahmi, Wasylah, Luqman. Ain and Syahmi very funny. they keep fighting. their argument very funny. And I found out that I concentrate more when I'm at the back.
MT, learn a few stuffs. Azim kelakar sey, now then I know. Haha.
Star, boring giler babs.. Sat with Hazimah, Aini and Ain. Hazimah and Aini worry about "some stuffs." Haha. then 403 if i'm not wrong very noisy. miss sha looked tortured.
after school, went home with Arina and Zahirah.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

besok Monday.
besok skolah.
besok art.
besok mlayu.
besok star.
besok tknk gi skolah.
besok balik siang :D

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Amiqah, Yani, Nad, Fifi,
check your blogger emails.


-bENEdiCt. says:
Amira . says:
what la ?
-bENEdiCt. says:
Amira . says:
wth mia?
-bENEdiCt. says:
missing in action
means never see you online or anything
Amira . says:
hehe . you got problem ah? haha.
got la. you blind.
-bENEdiCt. says:

Amira . says:
wow. random ah you. i tot you very arrogant already
-bENEdiCt. says:
now i very humorus
I MISS 209 !
Amira . says:
'-_- . thats why ah.
-bENEdiCt. says:
209 ..
Amira . says:
haiz. haha.
-bENEdiCt. says:
Amira . says:
eh, mdam natasha ur form teacher ah? Lol
-bENEdiCt. says:
Amira . says:
LOL. hahahahahahahaha. she like shit sia. i c u like kena toture . Haha.
-bENEdiCt. says:
she wasted me 30$
in 3 days
cut hair
not happy
Amira . says:
siala. she got problem sia ! wtf?
-bENEdiCt. says:

haha. Aw Ben. I miss this boy.


Nothing to no one now, Mira.
you won't know anything anymore.
Align Center


eh. kiteorng gaduh ke tak ni?
im in love.
yea rite.

Friday, January 15, 2010

homework ape ah? Step I do.


crazy asshole .


macam mane nak skip school on monday eh?


I heard a couple having sex in a tent.
think i'm gonna get new specs. Like Mun Ee one.
Goodnight you all damn bloggers and readers.
May I dream of him in the sweetest way possible.



Thursday, January 14, 2010

I have a feeling that Monday's gonna be different.
Or maybe not?
god knows. Maybe...
hazimah will be close friends will Amalia?
Amiqah will be close friends with Syahmi?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Hey !
I managed to skip camp.
everyone is frustrated with me. not everyone lah, but my friends.
yesterday thanks to fifi, they sms me beg me to go. amiqah call me and we ended up fighting. she say later hazimah with adib then she loner. sorry ah girl. tapi takkan lah hazimah will leave you alone. but.. whatever, we're not talking now. and i can't believe this happened just because I decided not to go camp.
morning sms-ed fathihah asked her about something. then this no sms me ask me i go or not. end up to be Kalidass. Haha. he say he go then ask me why i never go blablabla. anyways .. in the morning went cemetery spent my time cleaning up grandmother and grandfather grave.
Hope the girls are having loads and loads of fun. Girls, I'm really sorry.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Me: Like this you want them to give me tuition? tkya sudah. kenek halau sey. da ahh. nak step mane nyer besar. ingat die da jejak university bagus sangat pe. I also can ah step in and out of university. and my brain won't be as huge as hers. macam gini budak cam die buat perangai, baek2 masuk Ite sey. eh. mom, tell Cik kalau nak gi rumah die* jangan bawak anak2. nanti kenek halau.
School, today, so boring. tkleh angs man.
in the morning already I kena marah with amirah because i smile2 to myself. -_-
first period was Eng. boring giler sey. sec2 eng was never THIS boring.
Physics is going to kill me anytime soon. Mr Ngoh will be there at my funeral continuing to kill me. Grr. Irritating ah him. although he's super nice but.... everyone slept seh. Haha. Physics end we all like want to pengsan already.
Lit, i don't know how to do sey. luckily Mr Farizal come and do some talking stuffs so we safe from work :DD
Malay.... I wanted to skip malay. seriously. Dahlah boring, then Arina never come more boring. then me and Naj send some songs through our phones, the people around me thought I sms-ing. Because i didn't really hide my phone. I just put it there. Naj kept calling my name then I kena turn and talk to her. Like paiseh sey. And I think Azim was talking about me and her? He said something like "waste duit sey. da dekat cakap jer ah." I think ah. Because I was not trying to listen to anyone but accidentally terlisten. I accidentally look at him weirdly. Haha.
Art.. Must do the thing with the penknife. art is gonna suck the blood out of me. But Suffian and zhafri changed places then they sat infront of me and fathihah. they very very funny sey. the teacher asked us to clear out the rubbish then Suffiyan hide the litters in a small basket under the table. Hahas.
S.S, i forgot bring my book. and this time real forget eh. not purposely. Mdam Natasha say that teachers declare 309 the "minahs" class. wth? Haha. then Amalia shout say the guys all bapok.
After school went CS with Hazimah.
Camp bessook. Lahhh.
Oh. Have I ever mentioned that my cousins are assholes?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Cikgu: Nur Amira? Where are you? Not here ah. Nur Amira? ....... Just now I called was Amira Shaqira right?
Me: Yeah.
Cikgu: nur Amira where are you? You are, Amira Shaqira?
Me: Yeah.
Cikgu: I call you why never raise up you hand!?
Me: Huh? Cher, just now you called me already sey!
Azam: Eh. Amira, kenape sedih? Luqman tkde eh?
Me: what? noo.
Azam: she like Luqman, you know. then luqman also like her.
me: wth? mepek sey, azam.
Hahdri: whose luqman?
Me: ape aje.
Azam, i don't like Luqman !
Damn the teacher ah. Pretty but no brain. Call me already then paiseh scold people. Alamak.
Apart from always being dumbstruck whenever I look at him, I think today was okay.
First two periods art. irritating seh. teacher always ask us to draw the lines thick then she say my one to little must add in more details. Grrr. Ain kept complaining. Haha.
Maths susah sey. I need professional help :'(
Malay, terrible. The stupid teacher go make me like fool when she was the one who paiseh. and I didn't mean to be that rude to her. Haha. padan muker ah sey. tak sepatutnyer I get scolding like that. Got homework, idk how to do sey.
Star, did this reflection on the earth thingy. I copy Miqah and Zeemah. Mdm Chang talked about camp form then Miqah sabo me.
After school, went rasa 21 to eat. was supposed to do art but lazy plus, i didn't have the cardboard the teacher gave to cut.
Lahhh. besok art lagi. I'm starting to hate it. bnyk nyer best eh hari tu.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

walau. Homeworks are killing me ah.
step I do only.
Oh yeah. I think i lost my camp form .
tkya gi sdah.
mepek ah.

Friday, January 8, 2010

"They say there are no accidents. Sometimes reality comes crashing into us. Other times it dawns on us slowly, despite our best efforts to ignore it."
I'm over you, Mr Fantastic Fox.
The 1 year or so wasn't a mistake.


Naj: Cikgu panas ah.
Cikgu: ..... kipas tu rosak. awak tengok da senget da .....
Syahmi: ... tkper ah. kene Nik pe.
Just reached home from school.
Finally today's Friday. First week of school finally ending.
Ftt, teacher say only Sufiyan haven't pass up all the forms. But I also never give all leh. The money also I never give. lazy ah. Lah. tkper lah. cikgu tk panggil safe ckit.
First period Eng. Like wanna die sia. Miss Nah every time finish lesson say "so fast end already" Kelakar pe Miss nah.
Lit was fun. Kind of ah. Teacher asked to draw things about Lit. I draw few expression masks, music notes, books and some other stupid stuff.
Maths, total hardship.
Recess, accompanied Fifi do her vice chairman work. Lol. Kekek sey we see her stress. Pity her. Then meet the other girls cuz Yani bought my drink already.
Malay, A few people change place. Then I surrounded by Rini, Azam, hahdri, Syahmi, Faiz, Sharell, Adyln? . They all around me. Idk any of them that well so I was damn mute. Cikgu went through the textbook. then got this smelly garbage smell. Everyone all say Sharell. Haha. Not bad ah malay class, the guys really funny.
After school staybacked with Fifi, Nadiah, hazimah, Fatin. Went buy Pizza eat to celebrate the awesome last day of first week of school. haha. Then we excluding Fatin went back to School. I do art work while the others do their stuff.
Oh yeah, first time in my whole entire life, Fifi complimented on my art. She say my art nice and the lit drawing also nice. Wahh. Good job, Mira. Haha. Ape ajee.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Now that I know your true colors, life just feels so empty.

Hey People.
Today is a little stressing.
So hard ah sec3 life. I think I need tuition. So much for not needing tuition. -_-
First period, maths. Mr Wee never come. :DD
Eng, me, Amirah, Anis like wanna sleep already seh. Like damn super boring. We keep complaining very sleepy.
S.S was a little better. mdam natasha semangat. 308 so damn noisy. pity Fifi seh. Don't give up, girl. Be strong. Remember what miss sha said.
Recess was a little silent. I planned my art work.
Assembly stupid camp talk arh. Wtf seh. Then they do spot check on fringe. Blahs.
Chemistry lasted for so long. Our teacher so cute smile here, smile there.
Lahhh. i so lazy want go school ah tomorrow. because of him. because of her. because of everything.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Today was fine.
First period was Eng. Miss Nah asked to write about something interesting that happened during school holiday. I anyhow write I get to know my uncle better. LOL. Idk lah. just now super sleepy.
Maths, Mr wee was okay. I understand. so, good job Mira.
P.E, was okay. Was supposed to run but me, miqah, Fee, Marfiqa, Aini, Shaekah, farhana, the rest of 207, gang walked. The guys also walked, as in Zhaf, Syahmi and Sufiyan.
Physics was super boring. I hate it seriously. Seriously. Seriously. I cannot understand like a single thing. Irritating arh. I hate physics!
Chemistry was a lot better.
Malay. I don't like ahh. We all kena separate. I was surrounded by Hahdri and Shahrell and Nik and Azam and Amira my class and another girl, I think Rini. Idk ah. Nik and Azam talk to me. At least they keep me entertained. I feel so trapped ah sit there :'( Someone help me.
Went back with Zahirah.
BB. I need go do something.


The biggest, most biggest, mistake of my life was falling in love with you. You don't have a life that's why you go around finding faults with just about everyone. You think you're all that but hey, you know what, my foot look better than you. You can be very funny at times, charming too I have to say, but what's the use if you're so full of yourself. Now I know why people just hate you. and omg, I hate you too.
Day by day i'm starting to forget you. thank god.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

super heartbroken .


Mr Foo: Which one, based on last year, did you like? Or you prefer? Or or DNT.
Me: None.
Mr Foo: Which one you like more?
Me: I don't like both sey. Cher, you send me to 307 ah can.
What can Mdm Natasha do to.....
Be understanding, be nice, give more practice and not be unfair.
Comments ....
I get sleepy and distracted very easily.
Hehe. If I could bold those words on the paper, I so would.
Second day of school.
Went to school early in the morning to meet Mr Foo. He said this "can I beat you up?" Haha. he was joking. then he introduced me to this new teacher, the x student. I ask him what he take but he change subject. Haha.
First period was english. miss nah very nice.
then physics. haha. the teacher so funny ah. he say "matter" so semangat we all laugh out loud when he say it.
Lit at last got the same class with Fifi, Nad, Aten and Naj. So little people seh. I lioke. Most of 209 people also.
Recess sat with girls.
malay students went to Avt. And I hate the class I'm in. Because of the teacher. Grrr. And I have no friend. As in, I got ah, syafiqah and Arina. But no close friends. they all in the other class even Zul .
Then Art. Honestly saying, I liked it. Only got like 16 of us and we all malay. Haha. we discussed some things. And it's kind of interesting. But O level's art gonna be very very hard.
Then Social Studies. I gave Mdm Natasha my form upstairs. but she not bad ah today. But Idk, because I was in La La land. I was so happy about something which I'm not sure what. Wth me?
After school, met girls then me and miqah went to KFC.
I always come home late I got no time for myself seh. Lahh. Kk. bye. later gonna be doing some studying and research. Wth happened to me?

Monday, January 4, 2010

lahhh. tomorrow 5:15 must wake up already.
mak. mepek ah.
I don't know how to sleep early ah.
I'm freaking nervous for tomorrow.
And I shouldn't think of this at all.


I think this really fits what happened today.
I never knew how 309 was till I was in 308.


"Eh, mataer kau tak datang?"
The first day of school was so woah.
I don't think most of you people get to go through this. Haha.
The starting of the day already, it rained in woodlands, like damn damn heavy and the wind, gosh. And the bus came like super late.
We didn't really reach school on time and went to class late. Luckily our classes were just next doors.
Our form teacher is Mdm Chang. She is awesome. So semangat and so nice and so ....
did some stuffs, and found out my name wasn't on the list. wth? haha. i panicked. like always.
then talked2 to the teacher and she tried to settle some things.
And my classmates are pretty okay.
Zhafri kind of changed. Idk how to say. He has Syahmi with him. Syahmi, I got nothing to say about him ah. He's well.... him.
Recess sat with dearest girls. We talked about a lot. Haha. it was like he never had the chance to talk before.
then went back to class. we watched sony whatever chance meatball. IDK. the tittle is very hard to remember. me and miqah didn't really watch it. we talked about.....
then I was called out by Mr Foo and he said I'm going to 308.
And when I left it was really sad looking at Atiqah's eyes to Hazimah's eye. The guilt, you guys don't know how it feels.
And when I entered 308, whoosh. they shouted Zuhaili's name. Wth? Shout lah my name. They disturbed me, even that Irfan. Already like that, I go to the teacher she greeted me like shit. Asked me my name and pointed me to a seat exactly next to Zuhaili. Kelakar pe? -_- Beh da gitu cikgu due2 buat bodoh. be nice ah. where's welcome home feeling? I mean, I don't expect them threat me like a bloody queen or something, but at least be human.
Chatted with Zul, Fifi, of course she was so happy, Nadiah, Fatin. But I was really uncomfortable. 308 was, no offense you people, boring and .... Idk. very unwelcoming.
and after school I went to talk to Mdm Chang to see if I had a chance back to 309. I didn't know what I was doing. And she talked to me and we did some things and now, Mr Foo gave me till tomorrow morning to make up my mind for 308 or 309. that's really nice of him. seriously. but.. idk. i'm confused. I'm hoping and praying that whatever the decision I make will get me somewhere at least.
After school went TM with Fifi, nadiah, Amirah and walked to interchange with Yani. I'll miss this. I will .

Sunday, January 3, 2010

besssoook !
i'm not ready.
i'm going to die.
Eh. I haven't cut my fringe.
Gah. heck care.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

why is everyone so crazy about justin bieber?
He is arghh!
I don't like him!
His song is nice but sounds like a girl.
tell you, once he hits puberty he's gonna go down.


"Hi mom. Hi dad. Home already? time really flies when you're reading... the bible?! Ewww."

Haha. LOL Bart.


"Mira, if I cut your face with a knife, I bet no blood will come out."

Stupid. School is starting.
My parents keep on asking what I'm gonna do with my money.
I keep telling them nothing then they keep asking.
geez. it's safe in the bank. i won't use it.
like I wanna buy something.

Friday, January 1, 2010

"adik, I wanna vomit"
"go outside lah."
"adik, close the fan"
"adik, can help me take blanket?"
"when i die, I will not pass down my will to you."
I've been sick in bed all the way.
i knocked my head against the wall just now. don't ask how. very stupid. i know.