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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Sunday, February 28, 2010

I still have h0meoworks not completed yet and I don't feel like touching one at all. Tomorrow there's school and it felt as though the weekends pass by so fast.
You know, I'm not even sure about my malay marks anymore. I might see everything wrongly. Maybe it wasn't even my name.
I'm stuck in art, it's getting on my nerves and I really don't know how to draw the skirt. And don't get me started on the shading.
I swear, sec 3 life is hard.


Have you ever maybe for a second thought that by saying those your hurting other people's feeling?
Yes, you are disappointed with your own self but that does not give you the reason for you to be just like that. Maybe have you reconsidered that I actually studied and tried my best? Have it ever came across your mind that just because we're placed in another standard than you all that we don't and won't have a chance in beating you all? Or is it because you actually consider us to be so stupid so that's why you think it's impossible?

Just because we're band 2 students doesn't mean that we can't get high marks. And just because you're always getting high marks doesn't mean that you own everything.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Mom says it's because she has PMS. "
"Do you even know what that means? "
"I'm not a little kid anymore. It means pissed-at-men syndrome"
Lol. :DD


"I finally understood what true love meant that you care for another person's happiness more than your own, no matter how painful the choices you face might be."


Friends don't call each other names behind each others back
Friends don't hurt each others feelings
Friends are there for you when you need them
Best friends don't call you a wannabe minah.
Best friends don't lie to you and pretend that they care
Best friends don't act innocent when they know they're guilty
Best friends don't lie to you in the face.


Friday, February 26, 2010

Hey there.
Today was great as school ended early.
First period, Miss Nah never come . :D
Then Lit, Miss Chua never come :D
Maths, did test. I found it super hard. I don't think I can pass.
Malay, I passed my test. It's a waste that I needed another 1 mark to reach an A1. But it was good enough that Cikgu highlighted my name as one of the distinction. But distinction is for a1 right? entah lah. But, I'm very satisfied.
After school lepak with Fifi and Hazimah at canteen.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

It felt like a long time since I touch this computer. Padahal satu/dua hari jerk.
Anyways, there were lots of tests this week and tomorrow will be seating for maths.
I've been continuously sick but forced to go to school. I try not to eat my medicines as they really act like drugs on me. they really knock me out good.
and school has been pretty much the same crap.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Waste my time doing it, the stupid canteen mascot. It's ugly, I know.
I'm not in school again. It's getting a lot worse.
medicines don't seem to be working. All it does is knock me out for hours and then when I wake up, my fever goes higher. so I'm not even sure of going to school tomorrow. but my parents are really really fed up with me. again, it's not my fault I fell sick. But I don't mind getting more mc.


Monday, February 22, 2010

2 days mc, 1 week excuse PE.
Maybe tomorrow will go since got malay test. I think ?
Lol, i think I jangkit from Aini ah.
Saket ape ni, Mira.
Sms-ing Aini now, boring arh.


I'm not in school since I'm sick :D
It's truly killing me but because i get to skip school, I don't mind.
I feel like everything's different now.
I don't know my friends anymore. And worst, they just don't bother anymore.
I wish everything can go back to normal.
Isn't it better for all of us that way?


Friday, February 19, 2010

i feel like killing my goddamn phone.


anyone of you can go into Amiqah's blog? I can't.


He's got somebody.



Lol. I just somehow love this photo.

Today was cross country.
Met Nad, Aten and Yani at bus stop and took 28 and we ended up reaching Bedok Reservoir super late. But no one noticed. Lol.
Had loads and great fun. Tiring but had a blast.
Jaguar won, woohoo! And 309 won, woohoo!
Then walked back to tampines. and went kFC with Ain, fathihah and hazimah. And that's all. More pics but my comp won't work. so maybe next time. Most of it my face very shitty so maybe don't need lah.
Oh yeah. My phone went insane. If you get a call from me just ignore it. Idk why but it's so freaking slow and it ends up calling people up. Paiseh seh.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

SURYANI (: says:
aku tertekan
Amira . says:
aku terpranjat beruk sia!
SURYANI (: says:
ahahahhaa .
Amira . says:
gi ckap ngan dieh sorry ke something. ahaha.
aku ingat aku salah orang sia!
SURYANI (: says:
sorrey2 ,
Amira . says:
aku tkleh stop ketawe
SURYANI (: says:
perut aku saket siaa ketawa ,
Amira . says:
tu ah!
kau tak tau aku nye reaction nampk nama dieh
SURYANI (: says:
ahahahaha !
Amira . says:
hahaha. aku terpekik shit kuat sial
SURYANI (: says:
aku nk tekan nad
tertekan dia .
hahhaa .
Amira . says:
SURYANI (: says:
kat bus stop kol 7 uhh kay ?
Amira . says:
aku sampai around there. tengok traffic
SURYANI (: says:
uhh kay
perut aku maseh saket . adoii .
Amira . says:
tu ahh. eh. aku ajak arina tau . jngan marah eh. kesian die sorang.
SURYANI (: says:
its okay ((:

Busted lah!
Yani accidentaly added Syahmi in our convo. Terpranjat skejap alehaleh nama Syahmi. I cannot stop laughing. Seriously. Ahahahaha. saket ah perut. Bodoh nyer, Yani.


Today was super boring.
Amiqah, Fi don't have because of the China thingy. had to admit they were really action about it. No offense. They came back a little different. Nahh. Maybe it's just me.
lessons were a bore because Aini was sick.
Everything was boring.
And i was right, there was a fire alarm just now. See. I knew it.
Tomorrow cross country, Aini won't be going. Miqah and Fi will be with their China friends.
I'm not sure. Maybe going with Yani and Nad. or maybe going with Arina? Or Fathihah? Idk lahh. Or maybe not going at all. :D
Tengok lah mood eh. I'm already so pissed with something.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

You wanna know something?
My mum thinks that I lack smart-ness because of my friends.
Whatever sey.
I'd usually go against her but this time I just can't be bothered. Let her be and let her make her own judgments.
and by actually judging my life and friends, she's really showing such a bad example.
luckily, i have a better open minded brain.
I'm sorry if this is offensive or whatever to you but it's the truth.


I'm so thirsty seh. Idk why. I drink so many different kind of drinks already. But still thirsty. gahh. irritating lah. haus semacam.
first period was eng. i came in late since I was late for school. i don't know anything. just know that miss nah was really pretty.
Maths was so boring. Mr wee is becoming like last year back. so cranky, so boring, so impatient.
PE, played captain ball. shiok. :D
Physics, best kan Aini? aini favorite student Mr ngoh. aku belum sabo kau kat facebook eh , relax. one day maybe. lol.
Chem, pun best kan Aini? Haha. Chem and Physics, I joked around with Aini.
Malay, i didn't bring textbook. I swore I didn't know that cikgu asked to bring. kena diri. then do work. standing up is fun tau .
after school walked with zahirah and fathihah then went Int with Fathihah.
Tomorrow the teachers say that they're not supposed to have quizzes/test. even in other classes.
I think, just out of the blue saying, that maybe, they're gonna do the fire drill thingy. i think ah.
Hmmm. But Idk. bagus lah besok tkde pape.


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I love Will.I.Am part.
Tomorrow school. tsk. like so short like that the holidays. I still have lit, maths, malay, art homework to finish.
I'm home alone since my brother went off to rayond house.
I've never been more happier.

Monday, February 15, 2010

i'm so stupid.


Looks fun.
but I don't like robert pattinson.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Wishing my friends a happy Chinese new year and a happy valentines day. Guess what? That's my kite. Ahaha. Best ah kite-flying. so stress free. i'm gonna do it again tomorrow.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I promise that you'll
Never keep on fallin' to pieces
Misery is company
Cause I know that it's real
I've learned to love the pain
Cause that the only way that I know how to feel

I <3 boys like girls.


Thursday, February 11, 2010

Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm going to look ahead,
And forget that view.
Align Center
Today was awesome. School ended early. No malay. No physics. No malay. No Mr Ngoh. No malay!
I'm starting to like maths. But i don't wanna say it confidently too early. because hazimah said that the new topic we're doing now is gonna get a whole lot more difficult.
English was as usual, boring. Miss Nah diedie believe there were 5 amira's in the class. lols.
SS, got test. I didn't finish. I seriously don't wanna go remedial. I know I'll confirm be called up for Pyhsics because I did badly for my test. And then also I failed Chemistry. Gahh. Mepek ah remedial. I don't want to go seh.
Assembly, got lion dance! I lioke. I love.
Then went under block do Lit project with Nad, fi, miqah. i wanted to go lib with Fathihah and Zahirah actually. But since we needed to give the draft tomorrow. Had a blast. Reminds me of our IPW groupworks last year. Ahaha.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What the hell am i supposed to study for tomorrow's SS test ?

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First period was English. I hate Miss Nah. She looks like a barbie doll. Not that I have any problem with that. it's just that she's super boring. i wonder if she ever heard of watching vids in class, having groupworks, or at least games.
Physics, barely stayed up.
Lit, got test. I didn't studied. I didn't even knew there was test till last night. I asked the teacher after class and I got my repetition wrong for alliteration. Gahh. I knew it sey. buang masa jek buat semangat2.
Malay, do newspaper review thingy. I don't understand a single thing about the article. I read it for more than five times already.
Art, we kena stop our fashion designing to do this mascot for the school canteen. Merepek right. Haiz. Not fair sia. Just because we art they throw all kinds of competitions to art. give the other students take part ah. i still have no idea up till now. Ideas?
SS, I wonder and wonder why I'm just so blessed kena stuck with mdam natasha for three years now :(


Monday, February 8, 2010

Stupid. sejak biler besok ade lit test ? mati.





I am addicted to Morning After Dark - TImbaland feat shoshy, nelly.
Today was great as school ended early.
art was stressing. New students came into our class. One from Taiwan and another from china. the china girl is crystal the Taiwan guy name is ..... idk. but they are very very tall. Thanks Ain and Arina for helping me out :D
Maths, got quiz. I was confident but when kena the paper...............
Malay went to lab.. I wish malay lessons can be just like that. Haiz.
Star, didn't do anything. Went 308 then go out to watch rehearsal.
after school went interchange and tm with amiqah, ain, arina, fathihah, zahirah, syafiqah.

Sunday, February 7, 2010




Came back from JB.
My parents forget give my passport. Kecoh skejap kat checkpoint. Lols.
To amiqah, aku malas lah nak letak tagB. Nanti mesti check2. leceh ah. And2, yang kau ckap kat post ko psal aku eh? Basket sia. GI TANYE ABANG KAU LAH! lols


Friday, February 5, 2010

I'm gonna be out of SG till Sunday. Wish my jb house have wireless.
english so boring. i hate miss nah. she have no sense of fun at all eh? it's everyday work work work. i'm beginning to hate english.
Lit, hehe, I failed the Billy poem. 5/15 . But the Mirror poem got 7/9. Tests coming up.
Maths, i love the current chapter. too bad it's ending. this is ten times easier than standard form.
Malay, something embarrassing happened. thanks to faiz.'-_- then he kept apologizing. Azim do presentation solo. he keep saying me and fatin look alike. pe je.
I hate school.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Hello .
I'm sorry for not updating about school recently.
I'm just so lazy and busy.
But I'll surely update in my personal blog. God knows what personal shit I write in there ey? Lols. You want to read give me your email.
Life's getting more boring and faster at the same time. Everyday same old thing, same old people- which I have no problem with, everyday shitty studies and school.
I want go lepak also cannot because I want to save school money.
School, you're such an asshole. But without you, life would be even plainer.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

They say summer love is fleeting. But sometimes what starts as a fling, can lead to the real thing. A simple trip to the beach can be all it takes to clear our heads and open our heads, and write a new ending to an old story. There are those who got burned by the heat. They just want to forget and start over. While there are others who want each moment to last forever. But everyone can agree on one thing - tans fade, highlights go dark, and we all get sick of getting sand in our shoes.
It's over.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tomorrow got Chemistry and Physics test. I KNOW I'll fail. Wanna bet? Gah. Stress sey. I don't even know what we've been studying in Chem so far.
Physics was insane. Lol. We went down to SAC and told Mr Ngoh that we had check up. But we didn't. Sat around SAC but Mr Vira came and ordered us up. Some went up some others went around school. Fuun. But we kena scolding and kena sit outside class. I swear, seating outside class was even way better than learning Physics.
After school went KFC with Miqah. Then went to T1, rooftop and TM. we got nothing to do. Amiqah crazy like hell. I've got admit, I'm starting to love 2010 better than last year. But it's way too early to decide. Whatever it is, 309 tetap number 1.
Oh yeah, my stupid teacher ask me to do my stupid art again. Stupid betul ah.
I never see him the whole day today :(

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pictures taken from Ain.
School was fun. :D
First two periods was Art. Gah. We had to do this thing for National day competition whatever shit. We had to draw things out of the word Google. Hehs. Sound easy eh? Try ah you. Mine was fucking ugly. Ugly like hell. I'm not meant to be in art, :(
Maths, I failed my test. Mr Wee said that I'm pretty confused with the signs, which I think I am? Idk ah. Anyway, he kept looking at me in class to make sure I understand. What seh.
Malay, cikgu was sick. Half the class wasn't there so we didn't do anything because cikgu didn't want to teach. First half was reading of newspaper then cikgu taught us some stuffs.
Star was really funny. Suffian was writing stuffs on the white board and purposely kenakan Hazimah. Mr Foo came in blahs.
After school went T1 and interchange with Miqah and Arina.
Arina, keep my secret tau. Hehes. Sorry lah I talk 24/7 about you know who.

Nyahahahas. I finished my art. :DD I know it's ugly. What can you expect from someone like me? I took more than an hour to finish this. Hehs. Sempat went down buy glue also.