Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Today felt long.And randomly, I miss Ben ! Haha. Whatever lahh. English, Miss Nah never come. She never come forever also can sey.Maths, practiced the sector thingy.PE, badminton =D Teamed with Luqman and played against Azam and Adib. Awesome lahh dorang. Including Luqman.Physic, I never do. I went out to 308 and talktalk with Nad. Haha. Siak jer kluar class. I very lazy want to even look at that Mr Ngoh face. All because of him I failed my science and will continue to fail it. Chem pun I never do anything. Malay, third day and Me and Adib are still safe. 4 more days to live my life in fear. I'm so happy there'll be no MT tomorrow and Friday. Thank god. After school went lepak with the usual. Well. Everyone should know who they are anyways. I'm feeling a lot better now. Not that stressed except for lisan. Met my father, like finally. And my girls? Well... It's the same you can and should expect. I'm just lazy at entertaining whatever is happening. I don't need people to pretend to be nice to me if they don't want to. And I write what I think it's the truth on my blog. Labels: Fortune and love favor the brave.
Monday, March 29, 2010
 Hey. I feel like I'm currently losing it. I'm losing every right piece of my mind. idk what's happening. idk why everything's so fast. Idk why my studies are going down. Idk why my friends are showing attitude. idk why I'm showing attitude. Idk why I don't meet my father anymore. Idk why my mother won't talk to me. Idk why my teachers look at me in such a way. Idk why and what i'm supposed to do or be. Anways .. stupid bus got me late again and didn't get to see that guy. Sumpaah tomorrow I will be mad if I never see him again. Hahs. School was pretty much crap. Oh yeah, star, mdam chang asked to buy gifts for people below $2, Haha, wth? I think I'm gonna buy the $1 thingy spin the machine then come out like egg inside got toys. Lol. kay. whatever. no. I dont bother with these kinds of shits. Oh, and lisan starts today. I'm so freaking scared. Cikgu is choosing randomly. And gosh, I fear to go to school for the rest of the whole upcoming two weeks. After school was semangat about maths remedial and everything went downhill. Lepak at canteen with Ain while waiting for the rest. Then went lepak with Fathihah, Arina and Fifi. reached home 15minutes to 7 and there goes my freedom.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
wtf. my mother said that cikgu ayesha called her. haiyoos. what i do this time? I also don't know. I innocent sia. two teachers have called up my parents so far. '-_- gah. school is crap.
talk and nag as much as you want but we both know in ten minutes time I'll forget everything. ;D Labels: duduk pat rumah bingit.
 I love her hair. Want cut my hair like that soon. =DDDDDD
Labels: Hayley Williams
Friday, March 26, 2010
Heys. Today was Games Day. Called Adib last minute and thank god he was my life saver. hahs. Went stadium with him because the girls went early because they semangat. After some time went support the tug-of-war. Actually wanted, really really wanted to play but the others were terribly strong. So, the sec4 were chosen. Cheered like crazy sia. Then jump and shout and scream. Swear, it wasn't like me. Haha, semangat jaguar. Overall, jaguar didn't win but jaguar tetap the best . =DDDD Well, I just wanna say some stuffs. I know this isn't the usual me but Idk, I just have to straighten this out. I know that I may have showed attitude to some of you but I swear I wasn't trying to do or show or prove anything. I know that I might get fed up with you guys and might be super quiet or might be super irritating at certain times at you people but I don't keep it. You're a friend and I respect you and I know that I'm not the best person in the world. I don't keep a hate to any of you because I know I'm never ever perfect. And of course to me and to you, I will never be as perfect as you.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hey. Today was ... Idk. Embarrassing. Hahs. First period was Maths. Sumpah I don't understand what's being thought. i think i'm gonna seat up front again. English, was nothing. Then after that Me, Atiqah, Adib, Azam, Filzah and Nik were released. met Fi and Aten and went to hall. Practice but without mikes. We were all freaking out. Then backstage we were sweating like crazy. I called Yani and burrowed her jaguar shirt, thanks yani, life saver sia her. But the shirt was like big. But, IDC. We were the opening act, 309 and 308 shouted loudly for us, shivering like hell. And mike wasn't loud! there were some problems. And you know we kind of screwed up because we were to panic about the mike. Some were really rude and threw rude comments and some cheered us on. But, overall, we ended up like fools . But thanks 309 and 308 for the support. After the performance we were really dissapointed and went down to canteen. And can you believed the stupid misses mani actually scolded us for not talking into the mike. Wth sia. Second perfomances, we were much less nervous. The crowd was much better and nicer and it was alright, I guess. But you know the best part of the whole thing wasn't that people cheered or whatever its when the lit teachers like were really proud of us. :DD
And then lepak with Fathihah and Ain and went home with them and Zahirah. that's all.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
 Hello I'm super lazy to blog about today. Nothing much happened. Arina didn't come school so it was super boring. After school went hall to rehearse. Played with the mike which was super fun. Hahs. Kay. sebaek besok boleh kluar class siang. I'm so scared although I only have like one line. Gahh. then go arina house then lepak around her block and played in rain with fathihah. Kay, BB.
Labels: i wasn't talking about you lah .
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
 Hey . I'm super stressed out and irritated . And grossed out. Lols. Shafiq Harun posted a link on twitter of a picture of a ....... and .... I think i'm gonna have nightmares sey. Ahh. I want vomit. Anyways... Family's in a big mess and school is making me sick and tired. First period was english. thank god Miss Nah had a much easier and stress free thing to do. Physics, I actually paid attention half the lesson. The other half talktalk with Miqah. Lit, teacher suddenly said that there'll be a literature performance this Thursday. She chose Adib's group first and suddenly said our group's name. So... Yes. I'm freaking out. because first, Idk what the hell our group did because I didn't come the other day and second, we'll be acting in front of the upper and lower sec. So. throughout the lesson we were freaking out basically. Me, Nad and Fi were so stressed out . Teacher say last minute sey ! malay, I'm so happy I've got someone to talk to. I changed place and sat at Faiz place behind Adib. Talked the whole period with him and we had to stand up for the whole of one hour because of our IRP work. Well... Adib got me standing up actually. I finished it. But it was fun. We kept pretending to do our work but everything on our paper was shit. Lols, dieh fun lahh. Art, I finished my clothes but didn't have the time to use to skin marker so next week. I thought that we were done with fashion but ended up we had another theme to do. God. SS, I actually paid attention ! Haha. Happy nyer, Mira. After school went lepak around with Fathihah and Arina till 5 and went home. Some stuffs happened that really made me dissapointed, sad, mad, heartbroken.
Fathihah, aku confirm ngan kau besok. Lols.
Monday, March 22, 2010
  Gosh. These few days my mother's been talking crap about me and making really stupid shits saying really stupid stuffs. I usually fight back because I wasn't in the wrong but now, I'm just tired and lazy. I just say yes even if the answer was no. Well. God knows what I've been doing. Cheyywah. No lah. I'm just super tired with all this nonsense. Let her be, I don't care. My life is already miserable and I won't let her make it more miserable. School started today. First day of school was plain painful thanks to my new shoe. I'm having blisters on both side. hurts really badly. Sorry zahirah, fathihah, arina, amiqah that I kept complaining to you guys after school when we were at the malls, seriously was and is still very painful. Idk what to do. Art was "fun". Maths not bad. Malay went lib and did group work. Musfirah was especially funny with her whole shouting of cikgu's name. Then got sextalk. Honestly was disgusting. Me and Aini kept disturbing each other. Lols, aini suker ehh. after school went t1, int, tm with arina, amiqah, fathihah and zahirah. Well. I wasn't really myself because of the whole blister thing. So.... Imagine going back to Woodlands limping? :( Gtg. A whole lot of holiday homework to finish. Shouldn't have skipped school on Friday. Andand, my lisan topic is really on the first time thingy, stupid cikgu. Gahh! Labels: Hazimah ade kawan baru.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"Two weeks together, that's all it took, two weeks for me to fall for you"
Yes. I've finally watched Dear John. Like finaaly sia. Not bad. But so freeaking different from the book, kind of annoyed the hell out of me. Well. Anyways. Guys would surely hate the movie. Lols. So chickflick. I'm gonna be home alone till late night. Awesome right ? Hehes. =D
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NADIAH AND MUNEE! Hahs. Only yesterday I realized that I got these two in a picture with me and their birthdays were on the same date. Lols. Anyways, continue being lovely and awesome girls. Munee, stay smart and adorable always and Nadiah makan ice cream banyakbanyak. Stay lawaa babe.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
 Hellos Today was fuun. Too bad Zahirah wasn't there. If not it'd be more kecoh. Met the girls at Library and talked for awhile. Then we went to TM and CS to choose a movie to watch. I was super irritated with the timings. I wanted to watch Remember me but it was too late. So we went back and fourth the two malls four times and at last asked Syahmi to help look for the timings. Lols. We should have thought about it sooner. Watched Alice in Wonderland and it was okay. Not bad. First part was boring but got better after some time. After that went home and reached home at 7plus.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
 Hey. I'm currently doing my art. I've tried finding inspiration from almost everything. I watched Project Runways, I've browsed through almost every fashion sites and done almost everything. My eraser is only getting dirtier and my paper is getting more planer. I just want something that'd scream Lady Gaga. Ahhh! I need idea ! Anyone ?
Labels: what would lady gaga wear?
Falling in love is awfully simple, but falling out of love is simply awful.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
 HELLO ! Haiyoos. I'm so happy to be back in Singapore. Trip to Mersing was fun. not bad. a lot of chickens. a lot of cats. one monkey, one cow, bumpy roads, beautiful beach, two huge lizards, a lot of insects and blahblahblah. I'm freaking out because Haziq told me that maybe my lisan topic is on "melakukan sesuatu for the first time whatever shit" If that is my malay topic, I swear I will hate Cikgu Ayesha for life. Gahh ! Mepek ah. Just come home already stress.
Friday, March 12, 2010
 Lol, we look so cacat in this picture, but like so nice like that. - "Why did Zahirah and Arina called you and not Fifi and Amirah Atiqah they all?"- This holiday like so plain. No plans no nothing. There's Physics class on Wednesday but either I'm skipping or I'll not be home yet. Maybe I'm thinking of going out with Arina, Zahirah and Fathihah watch movie or something if they want. Packing for Mersing now. I like it there you know. Despite being there so many times. So kampong life like that. And the beach is awesome. Wokays. Gtg. Hopefully there's internet there. Namer aje like kampong life.
 Hello people. I didn't go to school today. I'm not sick but just pure lazy. Haha. Went to take my passport just now and waited for like three hours sia. Anyways, I'm going off to Mersing tomorrow and will be home on Tuesday :)))
Thursday, March 11, 2010
         Fathihah's Birthday Bash.
 Hello. Today was fuun. School ended early and there wasn't malay. :DDDD First period was maths, love algebra. :) English, haate Miss Nah. Ss, hate mdam natasha. Do work with Amiqah. Assembly, loove the presenter seh. How I wish he can be there for every presentation. He was very funny and made everyone alive. Chem, teacher don't have. :DD Do work anyhow and then sat with A  miqah, Arina, Fathihah, Luqman, Nik and Aini. We played this game and Nik was freaking funny. After school went sabo Fathihah. We used flour, eggs and water. She was seriously so dirty and messy after that.. Haha, me and zahirah stole water from this house. Haha. Well, lesson learn, never leave your bucket full of water outside your house unattended. And then they do me. :D Lol, kay fathihah, sorry we used eggs with flour. I know you wanted a sabo but not that terrible. Sorry and hope you enjoyed your sabo at least. We made your dream come true. Hehe. Be careful what you wish for people. Aites, I still can feel the flour in my mouth. Oh oh. Yesterday semakau was super duper super duper FUN! Will upload pictures in the next post. and more pictures from the others.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
girls who can't seem to get enough from one guy Labels: a lot of you.
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FATHIHAH! Hey birthday lady, wishing you a very happy birthday and although today wasn't much of a celebration, hope you had at least a great day. wish you good luck in everything and hoping for the best with you and ehem.
First period was English, Miss Nah didn't come. We had to write an essay which we've not learn before. Writing about pros and cons. Boring like hell. Physics was hell. Lit was hell also. Malay, cikgu never come. Sit with Arina and we had to do 10/9 exercises of cloze passage. Art, teacher come and she was like rushing us like crazy. Then starting doing our designs and stuff. SS, boring. Omg. i was supposed to meet mdam natasha after school. Alaaa. macam mane I can forget sia. arh. tkper lah. I just remembered sia. after school went lepak under block with Fi, Hazimah, Fathihah and Arina. We actually had physic class but none went. I'm not even sure if the others went too. Holidays are coming and I bet everyone's already in holiday mood.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hello.Today was well-fucked-up.First two periods was art. Teacher didn't come. We were supposed to draw three types of flower. And the teacher didn't even give any pictures of what so ever. And the next teacher for the next period brought us down.Maths, seriously no mood. And after what Hazimah told me, I was seriously pissed. Hazimah, you should have told me that earlier. Anyways, I failed my graph test. Sucks.Malay was irritating with Cikgu Rina taking over our class.Star was bullshit as always.after school went to renew my passport. Stupid people kept taking to me Chinese, step i understand only.I hate you too, bitch. I'll be the fucking bitch that you called me and we'll see how great it'll be.
Labels: IHYB ?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
 Guess whose in the middle of them? Lol, Zhaf. Hellos Guess what? I passed everything except science. I got 41 for science. :( Eng, copy lit work. Lit watched a video then teacher asked us to guess the ending. Lol, the ending was so unexpected. Maths, got graph test and I didn't know how to do. I suck big time seh in that thing. Thank god we're moving into algebra again. Malay, cikgu never come. Cikgu Nurul take over. After school went do CIP project with Zimah bawah block. Then Fathihah came. then went back to school and lepak there. Then PTC betul nye tk perlu seh. Wasted my time. after that lepak at canteen and then went Library lepak with Ain, Fathihah, Arina, Syahmi and Zhaf. Kelakar lahh dorang, specially Ain ngan Syahmi. And reached home at 9plus. Pennaaat.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Today felt long.And randomly, I miss Ben ! Haha. Whatever lahh. English, Miss Nah never come. She never come forever also can sey.Maths, practiced the sector thingy.PE, badminton =D Teamed with Luqman and played against Azam and Adib. Awesome lahh dorang. Including Luqman.Physic, I never do. I went out to 308 and talktalk with Nad. Haha. Siak jer kluar class. I very lazy want to even look at that Mr Ngoh face. All because of him I failed my science and will continue to fail it. Chem pun I never do anything. Malay, third day and Me and Adib are still safe. 4 more days to live my life in fear. I'm so happy there'll be no MT tomorrow and Friday. Thank god. After school went lepak with the usual. Well. Everyone should know who they are anyways. I'm feeling a lot better now. Not that stressed except for lisan. Met my father, like finally. And my girls? Well... It's the same you can and should expect. I'm just lazy at entertaining whatever is happening. I don't need people to pretend to be nice to me if they don't want to. And I write what I think it's the truth on my blog. Labels: Fortune and love favor the brave.
Monday, March 29, 2010
 Hey. I feel like I'm currently losing it. I'm losing every right piece of my mind. idk what's happening. idk why everything's so fast. Idk why my studies are going down. Idk why my friends are showing attitude. idk why I'm showing attitude. Idk why I don't meet my father anymore. Idk why my mother won't talk to me. Idk why my teachers look at me in such a way. Idk why and what i'm supposed to do or be. Anways .. stupid bus got me late again and didn't get to see that guy. Sumpaah tomorrow I will be mad if I never see him again. Hahs. School was pretty much crap. Oh yeah, star, mdam chang asked to buy gifts for people below $2, Haha, wth? I think I'm gonna buy the $1 thingy spin the machine then come out like egg inside got toys. Lol. kay. whatever. no. I dont bother with these kinds of shits. Oh, and lisan starts today. I'm so freaking scared. Cikgu is choosing randomly. And gosh, I fear to go to school for the rest of the whole upcoming two weeks. After school was semangat about maths remedial and everything went downhill. Lepak at canteen with Ain while waiting for the rest. Then went lepak with Fathihah, Arina and Fifi. reached home 15minutes to 7 and there goes my freedom.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
wtf. my mother said that cikgu ayesha called her. haiyoos. what i do this time? I also don't know. I innocent sia. two teachers have called up my parents so far. '-_- gah. school is crap.
talk and nag as much as you want but we both know in ten minutes time I'll forget everything. ;D Labels: duduk pat rumah bingit.
 I love her hair. Want cut my hair like that soon. =DDDDDD
Labels: Hayley Williams
Friday, March 26, 2010
Heys. Today was Games Day. Called Adib last minute and thank god he was my life saver. hahs. Went stadium with him because the girls went early because they semangat. After some time went support the tug-of-war. Actually wanted, really really wanted to play but the others were terribly strong. So, the sec4 were chosen. Cheered like crazy sia. Then jump and shout and scream. Swear, it wasn't like me. Haha, semangat jaguar. Overall, jaguar didn't win but jaguar tetap the best . =DDDD Well, I just wanna say some stuffs. I know this isn't the usual me but Idk, I just have to straighten this out. I know that I may have showed attitude to some of you but I swear I wasn't trying to do or show or prove anything. I know that I might get fed up with you guys and might be super quiet or might be super irritating at certain times at you people but I don't keep it. You're a friend and I respect you and I know that I'm not the best person in the world. I don't keep a hate to any of you because I know I'm never ever perfect. And of course to me and to you, I will never be as perfect as you.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hey. Today was ... Idk. Embarrassing. Hahs. First period was Maths. Sumpah I don't understand what's being thought. i think i'm gonna seat up front again. English, was nothing. Then after that Me, Atiqah, Adib, Azam, Filzah and Nik were released. met Fi and Aten and went to hall. Practice but without mikes. We were all freaking out. Then backstage we were sweating like crazy. I called Yani and burrowed her jaguar shirt, thanks yani, life saver sia her. But the shirt was like big. But, IDC. We were the opening act, 309 and 308 shouted loudly for us, shivering like hell. And mike wasn't loud! there were some problems. And you know we kind of screwed up because we were to panic about the mike. Some were really rude and threw rude comments and some cheered us on. But, overall, we ended up like fools . But thanks 309 and 308 for the support. After the performance we were really dissapointed and went down to canteen. And can you believed the stupid misses mani actually scolded us for not talking into the mike. Wth sia. Second perfomances, we were much less nervous. The crowd was much better and nicer and it was alright, I guess. But you know the best part of the whole thing wasn't that people cheered or whatever its when the lit teachers like were really proud of us. :DD
And then lepak with Fathihah and Ain and went home with them and Zahirah. that's all.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
 Hello I'm super lazy to blog about today. Nothing much happened. Arina didn't come school so it was super boring. After school went hall to rehearse. Played with the mike which was super fun. Hahs. Kay. sebaek besok boleh kluar class siang. I'm so scared although I only have like one line. Gahh. then go arina house then lepak around her block and played in rain with fathihah. Kay, BB.
Labels: i wasn't talking about you lah .
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
 Hey . I'm super stressed out and irritated . And grossed out. Lols. Shafiq Harun posted a link on twitter of a picture of a ....... and .... I think i'm gonna have nightmares sey. Ahh. I want vomit. Anyways... Family's in a big mess and school is making me sick and tired. First period was english. thank god Miss Nah had a much easier and stress free thing to do. Physics, I actually paid attention half the lesson. The other half talktalk with Miqah. Lit, teacher suddenly said that there'll be a literature performance this Thursday. She chose Adib's group first and suddenly said our group's name. So... Yes. I'm freaking out. because first, Idk what the hell our group did because I didn't come the other day and second, we'll be acting in front of the upper and lower sec. So. throughout the lesson we were freaking out basically. Me, Nad and Fi were so stressed out . Teacher say last minute sey ! malay, I'm so happy I've got someone to talk to. I changed place and sat at Faiz place behind Adib. Talked the whole period with him and we had to stand up for the whole of one hour because of our IRP work. Well... Adib got me standing up actually. I finished it. But it was fun. We kept pretending to do our work but everything on our paper was shit. Lols, dieh fun lahh. Art, I finished my clothes but didn't have the time to use to skin marker so next week. I thought that we were done with fashion but ended up we had another theme to do. God. SS, I actually paid attention ! Haha. Happy nyer, Mira. After school went lepak around with Fathihah and Arina till 5 and went home. Some stuffs happened that really made me dissapointed, sad, mad, heartbroken.
Fathihah, aku confirm ngan kau besok. Lols.
Monday, March 22, 2010
  Gosh. These few days my mother's been talking crap about me and making really stupid shits saying really stupid stuffs. I usually fight back because I wasn't in the wrong but now, I'm just tired and lazy. I just say yes even if the answer was no. Well. God knows what I've been doing. Cheyywah. No lah. I'm just super tired with all this nonsense. Let her be, I don't care. My life is already miserable and I won't let her make it more miserable. School started today. First day of school was plain painful thanks to my new shoe. I'm having blisters on both side. hurts really badly. Sorry zahirah, fathihah, arina, amiqah that I kept complaining to you guys after school when we were at the malls, seriously was and is still very painful. Idk what to do. Art was "fun". Maths not bad. Malay went lib and did group work. Musfirah was especially funny with her whole shouting of cikgu's name. Then got sextalk. Honestly was disgusting. Me and Aini kept disturbing each other. Lols, aini suker ehh. after school went t1, int, tm with arina, amiqah, fathihah and zahirah. Well. I wasn't really myself because of the whole blister thing. So.... Imagine going back to Woodlands limping? :( Gtg. A whole lot of holiday homework to finish. Shouldn't have skipped school on Friday. Andand, my lisan topic is really on the first time thingy, stupid cikgu. Gahh! Labels: Hazimah ade kawan baru.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
"Two weeks together, that's all it took, two weeks for me to fall for you"
Yes. I've finally watched Dear John. Like finaaly sia. Not bad. But so freeaking different from the book, kind of annoyed the hell out of me. Well. Anyways. Guys would surely hate the movie. Lols. So chickflick. I'm gonna be home alone till late night. Awesome right ? Hehes. =D
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO NADIAH AND MUNEE! Hahs. Only yesterday I realized that I got these two in a picture with me and their birthdays were on the same date. Lols. Anyways, continue being lovely and awesome girls. Munee, stay smart and adorable always and Nadiah makan ice cream banyakbanyak. Stay lawaa babe.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
 Hellos Today was fuun. Too bad Zahirah wasn't there. If not it'd be more kecoh. Met the girls at Library and talked for awhile. Then we went to TM and CS to choose a movie to watch. I was super irritated with the timings. I wanted to watch Remember me but it was too late. So we went back and fourth the two malls four times and at last asked Syahmi to help look for the timings. Lols. We should have thought about it sooner. Watched Alice in Wonderland and it was okay. Not bad. First part was boring but got better after some time. After that went home and reached home at 7plus.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
 Hey. I'm currently doing my art. I've tried finding inspiration from almost everything. I watched Project Runways, I've browsed through almost every fashion sites and done almost everything. My eraser is only getting dirtier and my paper is getting more planer. I just want something that'd scream Lady Gaga. Ahhh! I need idea ! Anyone ?
Labels: what would lady gaga wear?
Falling in love is awfully simple, but falling out of love is simply awful.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
 HELLO ! Haiyoos. I'm so happy to be back in Singapore. Trip to Mersing was fun. not bad. a lot of chickens. a lot of cats. one monkey, one cow, bumpy roads, beautiful beach, two huge lizards, a lot of insects and blahblahblah. I'm freaking out because Haziq told me that maybe my lisan topic is on "melakukan sesuatu for the first time whatever shit" If that is my malay topic, I swear I will hate Cikgu Ayesha for life. Gahh ! Mepek ah. Just come home already stress.
Friday, March 12, 2010
 Lol, we look so cacat in this picture, but like so nice like that. - "Why did Zahirah and Arina called you and not Fifi and Amirah Atiqah they all?"- This holiday like so plain. No plans no nothing. There's Physics class on Wednesday but either I'm skipping or I'll not be home yet. Maybe I'm thinking of going out with Arina, Zahirah and Fathihah watch movie or something if they want. Packing for Mersing now. I like it there you know. Despite being there so many times. So kampong life like that. And the beach is awesome. Wokays. Gtg. Hopefully there's internet there. Namer aje like kampong life.
 Hello people. I didn't go to school today. I'm not sick but just pure lazy. Haha. Went to take my passport just now and waited for like three hours sia. Anyways, I'm going off to Mersing tomorrow and will be home on Tuesday :)))
Thursday, March 11, 2010
         Fathihah's Birthday Bash.
 Hello. Today was fuun. School ended early and there wasn't malay. :DDDD First period was maths, love algebra. :) English, haate Miss Nah. Ss, hate mdam natasha. Do work with Amiqah. Assembly, loove the presenter seh. How I wish he can be there for every presentation. He was very funny and made everyone alive. Chem, teacher don't have. :DD Do work anyhow and then sat with A  miqah, Arina, Fathihah, Luqman, Nik and Aini. We played this game and Nik was freaking funny. After school went sabo Fathihah. We used flour, eggs and water. She was seriously so dirty and messy after that.. Haha, me and zahirah stole water from this house. Haha. Well, lesson learn, never leave your bucket full of water outside your house unattended. And then they do me. :D Lol, kay fathihah, sorry we used eggs with flour. I know you wanted a sabo but not that terrible. Sorry and hope you enjoyed your sabo at least. We made your dream come true. Hehe. Be careful what you wish for people. Aites, I still can feel the flour in my mouth. Oh oh. Yesterday semakau was super duper super duper FUN! Will upload pictures in the next post. and more pictures from the others.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
girls who can't seem to get enough from one guy Labels: a lot of you.
 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO FATHIHAH! Hey birthday lady, wishing you a very happy birthday and although today wasn't much of a celebration, hope you had at least a great day. wish you good luck in everything and hoping for the best with you and ehem.
First period was English, Miss Nah didn't come. We had to write an essay which we've not learn before. Writing about pros and cons. Boring like hell. Physics was hell. Lit was hell also. Malay, cikgu never come. Sit with Arina and we had to do 10/9 exercises of cloze passage. Art, teacher come and she was like rushing us like crazy. Then starting doing our designs and stuff. SS, boring. Omg. i was supposed to meet mdam natasha after school. Alaaa. macam mane I can forget sia. arh. tkper lah. I just remembered sia. after school went lepak under block with Fi, Hazimah, Fathihah and Arina. We actually had physic class but none went. I'm not even sure if the others went too. Holidays are coming and I bet everyone's already in holiday mood.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Hello.Today was well-fucked-up.First two periods was art. Teacher didn't come. We were supposed to draw three types of flower. And the teacher didn't even give any pictures of what so ever. And the next teacher for the next period brought us down.Maths, seriously no mood. And after what Hazimah told me, I was seriously pissed. Hazimah, you should have told me that earlier. Anyways, I failed my graph test. Sucks.Malay was irritating with Cikgu Rina taking over our class.Star was bullshit as always.after school went to renew my passport. Stupid people kept taking to me Chinese, step i understand only.I hate you too, bitch. I'll be the fucking bitch that you called me and we'll see how great it'll be.
Labels: IHYB ?
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
 Guess whose in the middle of them? Lol, Zhaf. Hellos Guess what? I passed everything except science. I got 41 for science. :( Eng, copy lit work. Lit watched a video then teacher asked us to guess the ending. Lol, the ending was so unexpected. Maths, got graph test and I didn't know how to do. I suck big time seh in that thing. Thank god we're moving into algebra again. Malay, cikgu never come. Cikgu Nurul take over. After school went do CIP project with Zimah bawah block. Then Fathihah came. then went back to school and lepak there. Then PTC betul nye tk perlu seh. Wasted my time. after that lepak at canteen and then went Library lepak with Ain, Fathihah, Arina, Syahmi and Zhaf. Kelakar lahh dorang, specially Ain ngan Syahmi. And reached home at 9plus. Pennaaat.
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