Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, April 30, 2010

Hehe, girls what do you say ? After exams ?



Hello .
I'm home early . So boring .
Today was really terrible.
English paper 1, I didn't follow the format . 308 and 309 so kecoh about the different formats . Mr Kahar told us to just stick to what we learnt and the english department will settle the thing . But I was so confused and ended doing shitty stuff . And compo was about betraying a friend . I don't like seh . Like almost everytime betraying friend la, this la, that la everything friendfriend, betraybetray . Haiz . I wrote nonsense . No idea already .
SS was super shitty . Lol. Iritating seh . I didn't study about the causes of conflict in Northern Ireland that one come out . Baek kan ? Wasted the hours I spend studying the stupid notes . I did anyhow . And I did only 5 paragraphs for SEQ . SBQ, die .
So no confident in SS. No confident in English . Baek, baru exam start da cam gini . Irritating pe .
Oh yeah . You know what ... I really don't want my birthday to come :'(


Thursday, April 29, 2010

ohmygoshh .
SS driving you all crazy or what ?
ahhhhh .



Hello .
Exams are beginning tomorrow.
Takut ah . I have zero confidence . I've been failing so many subjects . And you know what, straight for Literature, Physics, Chemistry I got 7/25 for my tests . Irritating or what ?
Tomorrow Social Studies and English paper 1 . Yesterday I studied for 3plus hours and today will probably be a lot longer . Hmm, serve me right for studying last minute.
Today was mendak . Teachers are stressing us like crazy . ... Kay bye . Haha, I have nothing to blog about for the first time in life. Oh yeah, I accidentally brought Fifi's phone home . LOL ! So much for the prank . Yani uh .


Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Heys .
Gotta blog fast, later have tuition . Haizzzz. Padahal baru balik .
English, boring. Physics, boring. Literature, boring. Malay, boring. Art, fun . SS, boring nak mampos. School is getting more worse with the exams just around the corner. Idk if it's the stress mood or the slack mood. Lol. Wth am I talking about ?
After school staybacked to wait for Zahirah since she have class. Me, Fathihah and Arina sat at canteen but there was a lot other art students there . All do their art including us. Then Ben finished his class and sat with us and Fathihah went home . Ben so funny seh . Lol, then Yani come out we more havoc . Laugh like got no tomorrow like that . Haha . Okay, so many things to do . BB.


Monday, April 26, 2010


Hello .
I can use the computer now .
Weeheehee. Haha, happy seh .
Art, art, art ... Okay. Did work . Luqman joined us . I think he permanent sit with us lagi best . Haha.
Maths, got 19/20 for maths . =)))
Malay, ADIB MATIN got me really scared. thank god cikgu didn't found out anything . haha, damn you lahh Adib . Good thing that we're lucky. Haha .
STAR, went lab for the career thing . I didn't do. me and aini took took pictures. Lol, besst .
After school slacked with Fi, Zahirah, hazimah, Fathihah . Was supposed to go meet Mr Wee to study but was lazy in the end. Then Mr Kahar also let us joined his class but again, lazy as hell. Haha, banyak nye nak blaja.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

She has a lot of admirers.
5000 perhaps ?
Amongst that 5000 , she choose one .
And why must that one be him ?
And why can't she choose the other 4999 ?



Exams are coming. I've started revision but honestly, I don't see any improvements . I have to start brining back my books already.
I've been focusing so much on Physics that I forgot everything about Chemistry . Miss Sin took a look at my test paper after i did it and ordered me to go to self-study . "-_-
Art is driving me insane. I've finished like 4 pages and still have 6 pages to go but I'm in big trouble as I found out that my topic diedie there must have a person . And idk how to to draw a human at all. It just ends up an alien. I regretted taking the topic . So much for being different .
Maths, I think a little more practices of algebra and graphs and then I've got to start on the don't know what arc thingy and all the semicircles and stuffs.
English, Idk about this . Because I end up failing and failing .
Literature, I'm pushing myself to read the book .
SS, I diedie trying to memorize everything . I think I want Mdam natasha to teach me about the singapore bonding thingy or maybe ask someone .
And well, Malay . I'm dead . Well good luck to the band ones anyway . since you're all so scared of dropping to band two . Well, it'll be better for both of us if we just stay the way were wouldn't it ? We don't like you to join us and you don't like to drop in such a dumb class wouldn't you ? "-_-


It's been awhile since I blogged.
Well life's been terrible for me after the fucking goddamn incident on Thursday . well, it's been days now but I'm still frustrated and nothing was ever same after that day . My father treats me like a soulless lost ghost . I'm stuck in my room everyday with nothing but my phone . No one trusts me anymore . My parents keep a record of all my friend's phone numbers. And blahs. You know how it goes . And somehow, my parents are turning out even worse than some people's parents . It's like I don't even have freedom anymore.
So yeah, I am frustrated, fucking mad. And it didn't even occurred to anyone about saying sorry at all. Well she should know because of her, I don't even know if I have a father .
Anyways, whatever about my father . Idk why I'm complaining here. it's stupidly, my fault anyways. Hopefully somehow, one day, everything'll go back to normal.
Idk when I can use the internet again. But hopefully, they won't confiscate my stuffs anymore. Life is seriously so boring without anything .

And Fifi, I just got your sms just now since I just came back . No, it's none of them . I'm lazy to reply .

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Consequences of conflict in NI.

-Economic cons.
- Social Cons.
- Policial reforms.

- Economic cons.
- Foreign investors are discouraged to invest in NI because of the unstable and chaotic atmosphere - Economic falls.
- Many becomes unemployed as manufactures and factories were being closed down.
- This results in looting as many needs to support their families.

Social Cons.
-Protestants and Catholics are separated socially .
- Do not understand each other .
- Wtf, I forgot !

Political Reforms
- The NI government keep changing laws to satisfy the different groups.
- People get confused and frustrated .
- Gov also feels pressurized because of ... don't know what British or something . Arhhh !
- People cannot get used to be laws as they keep changing .
- Economy not good ?
- Don't know what thingy already .

Okay, I give up. Hours of trying to memorizing and yet these stuffs just can't seem to go into my head. Haha, next time I want test myself like this again . Kay, Bye, nak blaja lagey . Aw, so rajin, chemistry gi mati sudah . Chem go die in hell .


Hello .
Hehe, you know the weirdest thing happened to me . I suddenly forgot everything. And I even asked my mother if one of a relative is still alive . Wtf. . weird.
English, did fileing. I didn't have file and I slept . One of the peaceful sleep I've ever slept.
Maths, did test . Mr Wee helped me :)) And I got back graph test , I ACTUALLY PASSED ! =DD Haha, first time you know.
PE, the boys were very very very funny . lol, ostriches .
Physics , the test was damn hard lorr. Wtf . I didn't know how to do . But I think I'm improving . Maybe at least this time I'll fail with a two digit number.
Chem was seriously suckish .
Malay did groupwork . =) Cikgu Ayesha is really scary with her super huge eyes .
After school lepak with Fathihah, Syaf, Arina and Adib .

I thought the feelings are gone. thought that everything's going back to normal. You all hate them. And they hate you . And I am always stuck in the center . You know I'm trying my best to be on both sides . Don't show attitude . Because I try not to. But it's so hard knowing that you don't like each other . wtf . why laahhh .


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So tired and sleepy . And I'm starting to feel unwell. Gahh.
First period, English. I failed my english seh, wtf . First time fail english . Haiyoo. Give up, give up.
Physics, talktalk with Nuril, sms Ben, revise Literature . Sometime I pity Mr Ngoh, but still, it's not our fault he choose to be a teacher . And he should know that in school and especially East View, there are students whereby they just don't bother .
Literature, Miss Chua suddenly burst . Wtf . Tkya ah nak marahmarah. Got a good and long scolding . Don't like her seh when she's angry .
Malay, groupwork .
Art, the upper sec worked on their art. Cool right ? it was really really nice. Anyways, we're supposed to finish our 3 pages and by next week, 6 pages including layouts. Wtf laa.
SS, haha, we didn't do our test since we needed to do IC.
after school lepak then wait for zahirah and Syaf all then go home . Kay, BB.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Monday already feels like Friday . Wtf. So tiring.
I've got many things to do, art to finish, homework, things to study. Wahhhh . Stress la sia.
First period was art, I kena called up then teacher say that mine was okay so she didn't minus any marks. =D
Second period of art I followed Arina and Fathihah down for the N.E thingy. Haha, skip class lah, so boring. I'm not really invovled in the presentation thingy but no harm in helping and disturbing right ? Ehehs.
Set up the booths then disturb other classes. Then ended up, me and Haziq voted for each other's class. We made an agreement. Haha, then vote like crazy, upper sec recess the 309 came and help vote. nik put anyhow name, haha.
After that went to malay, cikgu came =( Wth, she show attitude seh. Saket tkya nak tunjuk attitude ah. Geez.
STAR, boring nak mampos. Seat with Aini and talktalk.
After school, went inter, took IC photo which I will definitely not look at it again, and then went kFC with Fathihah. Joined by Arina and Amiqah. Sms2 Haziq and Ben and dearest "scandal."
Andand, Haha, Luqman used my handphone sent Haziq"You cute, I like." LOL.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Walking away... Pictures, Images and Photos

I don't have any reason anymore to go online 24/7 and to check my phone every 5 minutes.


it ended up love after years .




Hellos. Yesterday I watched Valentine's Day and I suddenly got this idea for one of my art topic, bloom. Because they said that it has to do with the happiest of time. So, falling in love is the best thing in life, I think. And I got the idea of proposal/marriage . Haha, in Valentine day, the guy was super happy about the girl saying yes to her. So... but unfortunately as you can see, my drawings of people sucks terribly. So... I'm so fed up. Surf and turf will definitely will be a problem for me. So what, night lights ? Ohmygoshhhh. It's seriously too late for me to change anything. Haiz. gini aje da stress. According to Yani, O levels next year must do 60 manipulations.

Saturday, April 17, 2010


kau tetap di hati, tiada pengganti

Friday, April 16, 2010

"It was real, I did the most dangerous thing when I said I love you. If I can get through my fears for you, you can get through yours for me"


Daryl says:
thats why
hey amira
don't let any bullshit dick ass hurt ur feelings
i'll be there for you ok

Thanks D, imyverymuch.


It feels like losing the person most important to you.


zahirah, i can't stand it lahh. Don't hope for anything. He's good, he's nice but you know what's the problem. You know it's wrong. I know it's wrong.
Help me. Gahh. I'm so lost.



Haha, Mr Hafiz showed this in malay . the laugh is super irritating and funny .
I'm home early today. Since both sides, Fathihah's and Fifi's asked me to stay back, I didn't know what to do so I just went home. So to avoid any misunderstandings, i think spending time alone is a better option. Haha, chey . I just don't want some people to say that I'm spending time with others too much . so... I hope i'm doing the right thing. kay, lol, whatever mira, macam paham .
anyways, school felt so fast .
first period was english. finished the letter thingy .
Literature had test . I didn't know how to do then turn here, turn there. haha, but i didn't get to finish in the end . =( I don't think I can pass. Haiz.
Maths, graph test . I didn't know how to do. irritating arh graph. waste of time only.
Malay, CIKGU NEVER COME =DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Hehe . Mr Hafiz took over and showed some videos.
Kay, bye. Nak tengok gossipgirl =DDDDDDDDDDD

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

I miss you .
i hate this awkward time .

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Haha, out of pure boredom during in house.
Haha. I got exactly eight minutes to blog.
Sempat tak ?
I try.
Today never do anything.
Since I was late. Again, I had to seat for in house suspension. I did my art first few hours, luckily I brought it. And then I started getting restless and walked around the office. I asked for permission twice to go toilet and sat with some of my classmates because they were having PE.
Did nothing, look here, look there, disturb the office people, open the cupboards, blahs. Haha, spent the whole time sms-ing Benedict. Fathihah and the others all semangat studying in class. Then slept and listen to music. And since Mr Vira forget to give me recess he released me early at 2plus.
Then went maths class and something happened when you all go home already that Mr Wee laughed at me . Haha, I first time see him laugh like that. Mr wee laugh more please. Haha.
Then went 308 and slacked there for awhile with Fathihah, Zahirah, Arina and Syafiqah. Went down, watched the basketball, Ben scored a lot, then went home .
I hate you because of him. I don't care if you're nice or whatever people say, you're still a bitch .

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Currently chatting with dearest Benedict. Chey, dearest sey. Dearest so - called- best friend.
I was late for school again. wtf. one more time kena in house. baek pe. -_-
English, Physics, Literatute do nothing.
Malay, CIKGU NEVER COME ! Haha, sit with Syafiqah, Haziq, Wasylah, Irfan, Erfan. Arina never come :(
Art, do work .
SS, groupwork. Group 4 with Marfiqah, Rina, Farhanah and Farah. Shiok.
After school slacked in canteen with Fifi, Hazimah, Amiqah and Nadiah. Good times. Chey, ckap macam ape gitu.
Kay. bye.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Today got art exam paper. Very difficult the topics. There's night lights, crush, bloom, surf and turf, twirls, journey .. that's all if i'm not wrong. most people are choosing night light so I'm mabye taking surf and turf or night lights. Hmms. IDK seh. so stress. we have to prepare 30 manipulation, 8 layout and 2 color scheme. So, currently, I'm freaking out.
Maths was awesome. =DD I sungguh enjoy Mr wee's teaching personally. It's so much easier to understand.
Malay, ended with oral. Farid was really really really funny. All laughed like hell.
Star was boring.
Then after school went library and brainstormed on my art like crazy. Got idea already, Hehe .


Sunday, April 11, 2010

11 April 2010 .
Hajar, stay strong.



Illuminati is interesting.


I just came back from the hospital.
My uncle is sick. He tengah nazak so it was kind of sad. I pity hajar. If it was me, I won't be able to even look at my father dieing. A lot of family members are already there and what's worse was that it was at my late granmother's ward, so the atmosphere was even more sadder and intense. The doctor predicted that he left a few hours. But let's hope for a miracle. Hajar, stay strong.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

At the end of the day, you can either focus on what’s tearing you apart or what’s holding you together


Pretty smiles and make-up hide a lot these days


Bored .
Monday, Ben kena blanja me . Haha !
I miss 209. Random sia.
Kay. Bye.

Friday, April 9, 2010

First up wanna wish, Adeeb Springfield a very happy birthday. Hope to meet up sooon. Miss you like craaaazy, deeb. Haha, coincidentally, I uploaded a picture of Adib 309 too.
Today was....
English, I do literature.
Literature was ... Idk. I love literature. Haha. No matter how much the homeworks or the hard work we're given, I don't think I belong to other classes. haha. wth? Okay, anyways, I'm super excited for the coming events that's gonna come. We're gonna be going to watch a play at the esplanade if I'm not wrong after the exams and then there'll be literature festival.
Maths, for the first time in my two years in Mr Wee's math lesson, Mr Wee wanted us to do group work. We did graph. My group was me, anis, aini, rina, nuril.
Malay, I kena do my lisan. When cikgu said my name Adib laughed real loud because he was expecting it. wth.. Haha. Azam and Adib were expecting me to present today. So.... they were right. And I think I screwed up. I looked at the paper all the way and even though I tried to speak without the paper, I end up shaking. Haha. And you know what? I couldn't stand still and accidentally stepped on my shoelace. Haha ! Kay. Anyway my was super fast because cikgu said my only need one thing. So.... But I talked to cikgu after school and she said that she'd look through my paper.
Anyway after school stayed back and studied in school. Wahhhh. So rajin. well. wanna start revising. wanna pass my exams. wanna pass my goddamn physics.


"If you ask me about last year, then I might say that it's true. Boys seemed to be important. There seemed to be someone every time. But now, everything's different. It's not like last year anymore. Two years and it was it. I needed two years to get to the point for me to open my eyes and believe that believing isn't going to answer anything. Believing and hoping will not get me anywhere. Because in a generation of our batch and further above, the heart doesn't speak. It grabs the chance on the first sight because of beauty and image. That's all; Thinking that it was love, squealing when you had the chance of experiencing it. But what is love? You are the last one that I will say "love" or even closest to admired. It was a good two years and I never doubted or regretted anything. Right now it'd be a huge betrayal to say that it's you again. "


Thursday, April 8, 2010

"You and Nate are lucky, no games, no lies."
Poor Blair.



Hey, first up wanna wish Haziq Matin a very happy birthday. Haha, next time wanna be late tell me. Andand, soon I assure you that your handphone will start lacking. Haha :DDD
First period today was Maths. Enjoyed it.
English, readers theatre. My group was bad. as in we mumbled but Fathihah said that she could listen to me a little. But I think I was soft. but whatever, at least we're done with it.
SS, was freaking fun. For once I admit, I enjoyed it. Haha. We went to Itrl2. Then Mdam Natasha, Miss Sha and Mr Farizal have. We blur then our names on the screen we kena separated into groups. I was in group 1 with SR, Fee, Yoolin, Filzah and Suffian. Me and Suffian kena be the volume controller. We had to solve a crime like CSI. Then the suspects were all the teachers. then they gave one by one clue. I think I know why they do like that. So we can learn better how to answer like SBQ questions. Anyway, I miss Miss Sha seh. Haha.
Assembly and Chem was shit after that.
After school lepak at canteen with Fifi for awhile. Then Ben have. Then Arina joined. And then went home.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Haha. Gambaar lama seh. I miss Arjun. Oh, and Ben's jacket! Haha.

Today everyone was kind of in a good mood. Even me. haha.
School was boring . I used my hp and played games all the way through some classes. Lisan, I didn't kena and I'm freaking out because most of everyone have done it. And Adib also already kena.
Anyways,I think everything's gonna be fine. In a way, although it's never going to be the same as before but wounds can be healed. Only in a matter of time.
After school stayed back with Fifi and Nadiah at school for awhile. azmi was there too. He poured water on me sehh then disturb me about the stupid clouds. Haha. padahal so long ago seh my msn about it.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I'm so freaking lazy to go school tomorrow. And the rest of the days of my school life.
Just now morning met Adib, Filzah under the same block. azam was there and he was first timer. Haha. We slacked under block, tooktook pictures and talktalk. And went into school like around 7:45. We had to call up our parents, wtf. Haha. Kesiaan seh Azam. First timer. Azam, I'm so sorry ! Nik joined us although he could go back to class first and we laughed madly towards some of the teacher's pictures outside the general office. Haha. Nik ah.
Skipped English. Haha, came in then miss nah going out. best keper?
Physics, do art. Mr Ngoh asked me and a few other students to stay back because we never pass up even one work but I don't think anyone even did. Haha. sape seh nak layan mr ngoh tu.
Lit, I did my art. boring seh. I seat with Fifi then talktalk. But in the end I never pass up my work. I just go out class.
Malay, continue with lisan. cikgu came :(( I wasn't picked today. Thank god. So... Seeing more and more going down to the microphone just makes me more and more nervous. And with Cikgu being an asshole shooting people with laser questions, I don't have any confidence.
Art, finally finished my art. =DDDDDD I finished my two models on elements and another couple model on any theme we want. I last minute say sunset. cool right? so unique. Haha. whadeva.
SS, shit shit. one thing I love about the subject is my group! Haha. Me, Adib, Ain, Fathihah, Zahirah and Atiqah. Awesome or what? With Adib and Fathihah and Ain. =))))))
kay lah. end here. pennat. Kay, besok I don't think I wanna come late. So, no slacking tomorrow. Stupid teacher ask me change school.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Just now morning no mood go school. Sms-ed Adib. We could actually go in school because it was kind of early. But we went slacked at some blocks opposite school along with Filzah and Haziq. Wanted to slacked near school but scared Mr vira see. Waited for Nik and we went into school quite late. Lol.
Art, continued with the elements models. Then need do two more models, this time one must be boy. And can be based on any theme we want. Havent finish both. Will be getting our exam paper next week. and it's based on painting? and we will have to do 10 prep work? Wth!?
maths, maths, maths......... bullshit.
Malay, was soooooooo happy cikgu didn't come. Well. you know what'd be better? If cikgu woudnl't come for the whole week. or maybe year. =DDDDDDDDD
Star, Mdam Chang also never come. Haha. chem teacher took over. wth her, teach chem. i never listen to art. Mepek nye cikgu.
After school went Arina house with Fathihah. Arina's parents so damn nice and funn. I lioke you know. had real fun and arina battled with cockroach. Haha. Tomorrow, shits gonna begin. Awesomely, i can't care less.


"Hey, don't feel bad. I'm not holding anything against you. I complain about you being iritating but I don't really take it seriously. You've been that way since sec1 so I don't mind. And about us changing... Yeahh. I've got nothing to say. For the good or bad, I don't know what's gonna happen to me. Thanks for the things you said. for the past weeks it felt like i've lost myself. thanks Hazimah. Really appreciated it. But before anything, just wanna apologize if we can't be like how we used to be. I wish it can be like before but we both know that with our friends and ourselves acting new, it's impossible. "
So dramaaaatic, but it's the truth.


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Align Center


Those that can make you laugh can also make you cry.

Yes, I'm home. The wedding at Muah was total... Well, my father said "Don't look at the water." to me after I washed my hands. So... You guess if it was fun or not.
Aside from that, many people, okay not many but some have been actually updating their blogs. And I'm quite happy with one's post. Idk why. It shouldn't really make me happy but I like the feeling. Karma feels good, baybeh.
Yes dear, whatever happened to me happened to you and I'm totally happy that you're facing it. and I'm totally okay with whatever bullshit you're gonna say because we both know that you're just losing. what an awesome game life can be.
Besok skolah. bullshits.

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Friday, April 2, 2010

Bessook balik johor. Lahh.
besok going muah also cause got wedding.
will be back on Sunday.



"the game of assassin is simple. kill or be killed."

Thursday, April 1, 2010

First up, wanna wish my most irritating brother a happy birthday. And I still don't want to watch how to train your dragon with you.
This year April Fool, only fooled twice. First was by Hazimah about something at my hair and second was Nad. Haha. but nad's one like we all a little dead.
anyways, today school wasn't as fun as other days. and for once I came home early so ....
Okay. I have a question.
Let's say, you have all this people in your life.
e= person who you used to like.
A talks about E and B starts looking at you. And you think maybe they're thinking someone is jealous. And A says that someone is jealous but looks at B. And you feel uncomfortable because C likes E. But no one knows it of course. But the others think it's you. Okay. I also don't understand whatI write.But anyways, I get pissed when a talks about E. Idk why.
