Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Monday, May 31, 2010

Weeheheheheh .
Fifi uploaded the pictures . Faster than I thought she would. Nyehehe .
I'm seriously jealous of Yani going to Philippines and meeting with the cutecute small angels there . Haha. The little kids there must be very very cute ! I love babies, toddles, anyone below 6 are considered cute for me. Idk why . They make people smile. Not only that , but she's going to see this really beautiful place and damn I am super jealous. Hehe . She must kidnap one of the children for me !
Tomorrow is oral and I'm so freaking nervous . idk what to do to prepare and my mother keeps bugging me to read the malay newspaper, I tried to read it but it was so super boring . '-_-Not my fault. And sadly , I won't be able to meet my besties since they're all in band 1 and we have different timings.
Andand, weirdly, my parents have been talking about Arab . wtf ? My father is applying for work there . How many types of work he want ? I'm not so sure about him going there. But if he's going away for Arab, should I be happy ? And just now the company just called him . Whatever it is, I just hope I don't get dragged into all this too. Haha. I cannot imagine going to Arab and living there. Don't get me wrong but ..... Imaginations can be very weird .


Two years ago, everyone loved Miss Nah.


Oral tomorrow, how to speak malay fluently ?

Sunday, May 30, 2010



I'm there for you . But will you be here for me ?

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Idk why but I find this picture very .... adver- like. Haha. Reminds me of gossip girl pictures . Chey. But don't we all look so grown up ? It's so weird.

Hehe , I'm so happy .
Currently in JB . At my house lobby . Got wifi here . But upstairs don't have . Only in lobby . Better sia . Lobby so cooling, no one to disturb me . Heaven :)
Yesterday was awesome . Tame the shrew is so very Shakespeare. Fun fun fun fun fun . At first don't understand a word but it got better after some time . The main character damn cute ! haha. When we want to go there, very kecoh . We got lost . Haha, called nik a few times then miss chua told some direction. We took a taxi last minute and god bless the taxi drvier for being so nice and friendly . We paid only $2 whereas the fare was $3.40 . Reached exactly 7:30 . Haha. Go home, taketake photo . I wish got more events like this sey !

Friday, May 28, 2010

HAHAHA . I really cannot stand . haha, laughing so hard . the other day watched this on e-learning with Fathihah and laughed like shit . Lol ! I don't know who she is but Fathihah knows her , I think . Haha, that was how we found this video.


Later going out at night with the girls for the literature thingy . I got no mood . and i dontknowwhat to wear . haiya . so leceh . my closet so plain . everyday same thing. everyday samesame . want buy no money . so how ? and you know what ? most of my dreams are coming true these few days again . if it doesn't come true , it will have something to do . Like some other day i dream about nabihan talking to me or something and yesterday for the first time he talked to me again in school . so weird ? 3 years since primary school then suddenly ? .... Kay nonsense . just again, stupid coincidences.
watching kimora life in the fab lane , siala i feel kicking this woman face sia.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Your smile takes my breath away and leaves me with nothing to say


It's beautiful how love wipes the tears for you and makes everything feels as if nothing happened.


Just now must be the most embarrassing thing ever sia .
PTC was horrible . Terrible . Arghhh .
First , my mother promised me she wouldn't go and bring my brother but she lied so I was already pissed . That was why I didn't want to talk to them . Then they talked with this teacher who I dontknow . New teacher Syahmi said was the new principal or something, hahs . First half was okay . Skali start about social studies and literature . that's when the crap started. My father suddenly got mood swings and gave the teacher questions that obviously are very stupid. I begged my mum if I could go out but she wouldn't let. I kept looking outside because I know it's never going to end. my father asked why do we have to learn social studies and what will it do. wth !? And my father actually scolded the teacher for combining literature and social studies together . And the teacher tried to explain that it's the school system but my father diedie scolded the teacher for being stupid of combining the two together. And I stepped in and told him it's part of the stupid MOE system. Then start about other stuffs. So long they argue then voices seriously very high, the teacher very fed up turn and talked to my mother but my father kept shooting him stupid questions and kept .... arguing. So, they started fighting and I was so fed up I took my report book and went out. I cried for my father being so stupid and stubborn and for embarrassing me like fuck. Terus Mdam Chang came out with my mother. My mother try talk to me but I talk to mdam chang , dont want talk to her. I begged mdam chang to talk to my father terus they all go in. Mr foo also came in to settle the stupid fight. I called adib and went out and met him, Dayana, Syahmi, Suffian, Faiz and Irfan . Haiyas. Thanks Adib , ily so much. seriously .
And about my results, don't even ask me. I'm only happy with my malay which is only 61. Shitty but still ..


Align CenterAwesome people :) Adib muke cuteee ! lol .
Morning went changi with dad . Then from there went to school . Reached Science Center, we went to the theater first for a talk . It was quite interesting about how Pixar was made and the logo and there were a lot of videos. I enjoyed this one . Then we went down to the exhibition and walked around. It was boring . Seriously . There were only two places that were cool which was one was an eye illusion ToyStory thingy which was super cool . We sat there for a long long time just staring at it . Another was a show which really looked real . they made the pictures as if we were in there . That was all . The others were drawings and plannings of the pixar movie characters. And sorry but we couldn't take pictures at all . Idk why . Padahal bukannyer ade apeape . But there was a lot of manipulation . If only teacher brought us there before our art exam ....
Then me, Adib, Fathihah, Afiqah, adilah, nik, luqman, Filzah walked around science center and we lost each other . I was with Adib then all dontknowwhere go, so we walked around and saw Adilah, Fiqah and Filzah. Then we played the press thingy me, Fifi, Amiqah used to kecoh play. Haha, we got 98 sia ! One more mark then can reach today highest score , 99. Irritating or what!? then walkwalk go some other places and wait outside, found Nik, Luqman and Fathihah .
Kay, later going PTC. I'm so scared . It's going to be total disappointment. And my father is going to be supper pissed.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eminem Pictures, Images and Photos

Today was super meeendak . Idk why . 309 was also kind of lifeless. Also, today must be the most saddest day of my life. Cheywah, macampaham.
English, watched the movie. For once I didn't want English to end. Best ah the show. Oh, now I know the story , Whip it. Haha.
Maths, study.
PE, Mr Ben never come home . Mr Lufy took our class. Most of the girls play their hair. Haha, then Mr peh disturb disturb. Then so bored me, farhanah, shaekah, fathihah played UNO.
Physic, supeer crap.
Chemistry, Haha, I had fun irritating Kharina. She so cute ah , the whole day we keep on disturbing each other. I hate that miss sin. i just don't know why . ish, see her step cute.
Malay/free period, sneaked out and played UNO with Fifi and Nadiah. Kekek, we played outside and tried to avoid the teachers. Haha, I think that was the best, idk why . sneaked out of class just to play UNO with my besties, shiok. Lol. But I got no mood lahh . hmmm hmmm. I wonder why .
Baek, school holiday already . No more heartaches . Tomorrow PIXAR, Friday literature play . So lazy go both . Ish . last week so semangat . now, lazy like shit.


jealous of ther girl that held you cause.. Pictures, Images and Photos

Jealousy ; the one word I fear the most,
And the one feeling I can't get away from.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Today nothing .
Art was the best, of course. I sleep. Then cikgu never on lights and aircon so cool somemore. Haha, shiok.
Monopoly deal is getting boring . I always bankrupt, how? they all uh, sabo me.
English watched a very fun show , for once miss nah made english fun.
Lit sungguh the boring. idk what to wear for friday. i very malas to go.
after school get Ic. while waiting played monopoly deal, and blackjack and a few poker game ?
then went tm with shaf and went home. kay today mendak. and ohmygossh. syahmi / sr keep tagging my ugly candid photos on facebook. if syahmi brings his camera everyday in class and upload the photos in facebook everyday, gonna be shitty.

Monday, May 24, 2010

making the right decisions on the wrong plan, having all the right friends at the wrong places, and making all the right moves at the time.

I've finally got it.



Hey ________
I'm sorry for spending time too much with ____
I'm just trying to make ______ feel what I feel.
But apparently ______ does not have a sense of friendship . and a heart.



Haha, bullshit.
Art was fine. Got so bored painting that I painted my hand. Boring arh , paint. My whole thing screwed already. Geeez. How to sit for Olevel like this ?
Maths, sat with Aini =DDDDDDDDDDDDDD I missed talking to her.
There was no Mt since teachers don't have , hehe, I like you know. :) Watched video.
Star, The class played Twisted except some others did their own thing. I play Monopoly with Fathihah, Arina, Adib for awhile then asked Luqman take over my place. Damn Adib got me bankrupt. then play the phone games with Rina, Nuril and Miqah.
After that serve detention. First stupid mr tang had us. he let us talk. Sat with nik and adib. Me and Nik played taiti. I won 1 or 2 rounds. Then we stopped because scared teacher see. We played pictionary after that and then hangman. Shiok. Adib was not feeling well so he sat one corner. Haha, two hours didn't even feel that long. But kind of boring ah. And when mr Vira took us, he very funny. He kept on picking on Sharell and carried amirudin ? Idk his name.
Here are the pictures.








This is Luqman screwed work. Haha, he calls it abstract.


Sunday, May 23, 2010

chalk art 01 Pictures, Images and Photos

Tsk, I feel so pelaat with this stupid overlapping teeth problem. I hope I can speak properly tomorrow. Yay, besok ade art . -.-

Saturday, May 22, 2010

You can't keep giving someone everything if you get nothing in return.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Chuck bass died. So sweet how he was trying to protect the ring .


Today was Elearning . I went to school because I didn't want to be stuck at home. Haha. had a really great time . But I didn't go online much, idk why seh. No mood . Me and Fathihah watched ghost videos while Hazimah so jakun at facebook .
After that went KFC and Mdam Tasneem called and said that the art thingy was not at tampines primary but at east view primary . Went there , so akward enter the artroom . The primary six all look at us like what sia . Got me, Fathihah, Arina, Rinny, Dayana, Ain, Luqman, Wasylah, Nik, Filzah. Then they started their papercut. at first we walked around help everyone but then after awhile we got tired and just sat with the students we liked. Like everyone made friends. Haha, the girl I sat with was so nice. She was scared to cut her work afraid that it might tore. Then helped her out and we started talking . I can't believe I already forget her name. I know her name very close to pokemon name. lol ! and you know what, the class don't have many malays seh. Nik took care of the chinese students. We had so much fun and the teachers there were so friendly. they bought us drinks and food. I wanna do this again! haha, the students were not so rude and even my brother is terribler.
After that, planned to lepak. Nik was going to teach me howtoplay Taiti. but they went to safra. since fathihah had to go home and arina had her dance thingy, I went home too. I wanted to go seh but nvm la.
Went TM for awhile and otw to bus stop, I almost kena hit by lorry . Suddenly got loud honk, Fathihah shouted my name and pulled me. Terpranjat beruk skejap. thank god the lorry did a last minute brake sia. thank god, thank god.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Five months, that's all it took .


"For more information please check the noticeboard, please call 999/911." Lol! Guess who did wrote that?
My results for the first few days of the weeks were so great but now... Haiyoo .
Maths, we continued studying.
I passed English overall but because of my CA1 , I'm gonna end up still failing . So what's the freaking use I actually passed everything ?
SS, Mr Farizal came into our class. It was kind of shameful for the literature students that only 2 in our class passed compared to the other electives. :'(
Assembly, played this Monopoly card game with Fathihah, Shaekah, Farhanah, Zhaf, Suffian. Haha, kecoh sia all kenakan Farhanah .
Chem, so dead . Miss Sin wants to see my paper on Monday . she always keep her eyes on me sia now . wtf .
After school sat in class for awhile with the 308 gang plus Aishah. They're all so united seh . I wish we all can be like how they are. Haha.
Then went fathihah house with Adib, Luqman and Haziq. Watched Niyang Rapik . And you know what? Haha, I was seating next to Haziq and got the scary parts, Haziq jumped that we all terpranjat ! haha! terus also another part he jumped till the chair moved !
Tomorrow Elearning, confirm Mendaaak . doing at school since I have to go Tampines primary at 2.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Bad, ugly, bad. And the blue extra darks marks were from my paiting just now. Haha , shiok painting then skali didn't realize my work was underneath it. I painted the yellow last minute. If I had time, I'd do toning for the background. So.... I'm actually suprised I got 61. Haha.
First period, English . Haha, I failed my compre 21/50 . Wasted sia . But only like two people passed and many were frustrated with Miss Nah. And I got 35/60 for compo. Hehe. Overall, I just passed, thank god. Lol.
Physics, haha, I got 26/60 . Wasted sia ! But idontcare . I'm actually proud that I can reach 26 .
Literature, I passed ! Nyahahaha ! Teacher said only 5 passed then I no hope already. Skali I get paper check got 5/40 . But haha, it wasn't mine . Panic skejap. I got 20 . Just passed , not really happy with the mark.
Malay, went AVT . Looks like some are going to band 1 and some are dropping to band 2. Haiyoo ! I'm so sad. It's not going to be the same anymore . I dont wanna change . Idk why but I was seriously moody . haiyoo, not this again, please don't say . Ihateyou! got 45/70 for my paper 2 and overall got 58 .
Art, started painting . Haha, Idk how to paint.
SS, just passed . 13. haha, but it was just by luck . then watched a movie .

Monday, May 17, 2010

hello .
Got Art, maths paper 1 and malay paper 1 and 3 back today . So far passed but I'm not satisfied at all. I'm so freaking sad .
Art, I got 61. =( Obviously I'm not happy with my marks. Stupid . Work so hard already . Haiyoo. Teacher not happy with us. Nag so long then we must do "correction" Must do with the tictactoe rule. Haha, screw them . I didn't use any of those rules. Wtf, make my life miserable only. Tomorrow start painting, boleh mati sey!
Maths, Mr Wee was all smiles. So you and I both know math paper was done good. Out of 40, only 9 failed paper 1. I passed 49 but I'm again not happy . I could have scored better. Stupidly, there were careless mistakes on each page. Wish I can rewind time sia.
Malay, haha, I just pass my MT listening. Wtf! I'm like the only one who just passed. But hell, Idontcare. And I passed paper 1, barely . So altogether, I passed . But paper two gonna be sad. I just know it. And they're rearranging the band1 and band2. I wanna stay in band 2 seh! and no offense but I don't want the band 1 to go band 2. confirm they step that they'll get the highest in the class .
star, free period.
After school went lepak under block with Fathihah and then went home.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Hot !


"What you want if you pass your exams?"
"Nothing? wow. and for your birthday? it's coming soon."
I'm tired of you asking me all these and I get nothing in return. I'm tired of getting my hopes crushed. I'm tired of you saying that you'll get me whatever I want on my birthday. We both know that money won't magically drop out of the sky on that day. And obviously , I won't pass all my exams. So you don't get your hopes up too.


Friday, May 14, 2010



I wanna kill you so badly but I'm just gonna miss you.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Haha, we finished Hazimah's face terribly with lots of colors of eyeshadow and other kinds of make up , Lol.
Haha, today's the last day of exams ! No more stress stress.
Maths paper got me so pissed . So freaking difficult. Mr Wee can set so difficult paper then kept on coming into our class . Thanks a lot , cher. "-_-
After that went Nad's house. We watched Niyang Rapik . And Hazimah was freaking funny . She was so scared till her whole face went red and she was shivering. After that we did crap and went online to find out the stupid gay guy and then we finished hazimah's beautiful face. It was very colorful in the end . Lol ! ^^ Hazimah and aten went
Then watched Case 39 halfway and watch Mistik . Haha, best .
I know exams are over but something feels wrong . Idk, I've been having this feeling since just now.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

When we're in love, we're blinded by the facts . And no matter how much that person have hurt us, no matter how painful it is, we don't mind.


color splash Pictures, Images and Photos

It feels like exams are already over . But one more shitty paper . Heard that tomorrow's paper gonna be difficult . I already so lazy study , later tuition "-_- And two more days to my ears hurting like hell. Haiya.
Chem paper, don't ask . I know it's gonna end badly . This one really confident that I'm gonna fail.
After paper went walkwalk. We don't know where to go and ended up at Sunplazapark. Haha, play that spin spin thingy and the playground . Macam budak kecik seh , but it was fun . Arina fell off the spin thingy a lot of times . Andandand! on our way to the library , something seriously funny happened to Shaf. I won't embarrass her but haha, I should have took a video seh !

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

NOTEBOOK Pictures, Images and Photos
Literature paper was crap ! I .... I.... Kay , I think I actually am stupid. I mean, seriously, I think i'm tersesat in express. Okay, the stupid unseen prose was really really confusing . Firstly it was talking about this person name Pinto or something I can't remember, I remembered that it's near pintu, lol. And sudenlly all this characters came in and dogs and puppies . And Pinto was first described as a dog , I think and then the next paragraph they used the word "He" and started saying he was friendly and blahs. And then the next paragraph describes Pinto with fur, white and stuffs. So... I didn't know how to do. And then I got to find out that there were two Pinto from Amiqah, Azam and Fifi and the rest. One was human and another was dog. wtf ! So, seriously, 25 marks gone . over 40 sia ! :'(
Listening, I got a lot wrong.
And then went lepak with Miqah and Zeemah . Kay da bye, I'm really sad about literature .
Is Pinto really the name ? Haha, siak je cakap. And oh yeah , how come I saw Shawn and JunHoa a lot of times today ? Lol, i miss 209.


Monday, May 10, 2010

Light Graffiti heart Pictures, Images and Photos

If we confessed our feelings, would everything be the same ? better ? or worse?
If we weren't like how we are now, would this feeling be here ?


Haha, gambaar lama seh . I look so shitty ! and my hair ! ish, stupid wind . Lol.

Hello .
I think i'm the only one who found the malay paper kind of difficult. whatthehell. die die . Haiya. Malay, you suck. Big time .
After that sat at canteen then Adib gang all there also . Wait for Nad and Fi. Then went regional, saw Khai and then went the normal blocks and lepak . haha, kate jek nak blaja literature. No mood seh . haha, sorry korang wasted your time . But it was fun , like so long time never lepak like that :))))

Labels: ,

Sunday, May 9, 2010


gossip girl chuck and blair Pictures, Images and Photos

You're the thought that starts each morning
the conclusion to my day.
You are all in I do
and everything I say.
You're the smile on my face
the twinkle in my eye.
The warmth inside my heart
and the fullness in my life.



Wishing all mothers, grandmothers and those women who takes care of all the bloody goddamn children of theirs, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY .

Saturday, May 8, 2010

I'm on the hunt for my laptop charger . wherethehell is it ? 15% left, ohmygod.

Friday, May 7, 2010

this is why make up isn't good for girls. No, that's not me. You must be crazy . Lols "-_-


Gambaar sungguh the candid . Lol, but I lioke . reminded me of how kecoh it was .

Todaytoday , physics paper . Haha, difficult lahh . what you expect ? I lose hope from morning already so didn't waste time by studying. After paper went accompany Amiqah go shop . Haha, so long time never walkwalk with her , miss her like crazy . Oh yeah, you know what happen ? She told me this guy called her once at 2am and in the morning when she wanted to go to school and asked if she's amira from woodlands. lol, then the guy flirted with amiqah on phone . amiqah say the voice like mat rep. Lol, no lah, i don't think the guy was finding me . It was only a coincidence .


Thursday, May 6, 2010

physics, go die . go die . go die .
if you didn't exist , my world would be so much better.
my tuition teacher was really mad with me . she taught me for two hours and I couldn't get anything . and now i'm mixed up with all the physics formulas. wtf . wtf. wtf. i'm losing so much hope .


Dream. Pictures, Images and Photos

Because somehow, no matter how impossible it looks, waiting gives me a sick satisfaction .



Maaths paper, =)))))))))))))))))))))))))
Lols , woudnl't it be great if Mr Kahar was the setter for Olevels. The paper was not so diffucult but not so easy . The whole Singapore would be so happy . Lols . But stupid MOE confirm give hardhard one ah . Singaporeans whaat. Geez.
Tomorrow Physics, hopefully there's more definitions to the stupid formulas stuff. I know it's gonna end bad tomorrow. Physics and Mr ngoh , i hate you .


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

You fill me with sunshine Pictures, Images and Photos

Hello .
Yay, haha, finally done with art :))) Just now exam didn't even felt like exam when the HomeEc students left the class. 3 hours didn't even felt like hours seh . it felt like minutes . I last minute used paint to color my background so didn't get to do any toning . Ish . But Was practically saved my life letting me borrow her paint. I think I'm gonna fail badly for my art . Toning sucks, drawing sucks more . and no, you don't understand, art isn't about just drawing beautifully and you can score high . in art, there's laws . color rules whatever shit . and they don't mark in talent, they mark in your prep work . HomeEc people, you guys work hard and get very high marks and us, we work hard but our marks can never reach as high as yours .
after paper went lepak for awhile .
Oh yeah , Naz was so cute at the bubble tea shop just now. lol , I couldn't stop laughing at him.


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

currenlty listening to Not afraid - Eminem .
Yay, eminem ade lagu baru .
Yay, besok art . tkya nak stress cam orang gile lagey . But I haven't finish the stupid 100words , last page . Laazy and tireed and Idk what to write. What to write seh for art ?


Monday, May 3, 2010

Why is it that no matter how much pain it endures by holding on, the heart still refuses to let go?


go die la .
i know what to do .
i don't wanna talk never disturb you right, fucker .
baru on computer je da bising nak mampos. Align Center


It don't matter what you see.
I know I could never be
Someone that'll look like you.
It don't matter what you say,
I know I could never face
someone that could sound like you.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I love you, Muhammad Aizat bin Amdan
Hehe .


Sucks, I know . I find it so irritating having to follow the stupid color rules. I need to redo arh . does it really have a warm and cool effect? what only , warm and cool colors. Whatever seh .
I managed to almost finish my art . And read my literature book . and study maths and physics. Haha, thanks to my father who took away my laptop. Now currently chatting with aini. We planning for outing . I miss seating and talking and disturbing her in class.

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Lol, Benedict Zhang drew this when he was waiting for his Axel with me . Nice right ? -_-" Thanks for the idea, Ben . -_-
You know what . I'm so pissed . My parents are so noisy . They kept saying that I spend so much time on my art . Well yeah, art is on Wednesday and I still have four color schemes to do. And the stupid 100 word essay . They don't understand seh . But also, I'm not sure why I'm wasting so much time on it . Not that I'll get a good mark . Even our teacher said that it's impossible to get an A1 in Art. Haiz . Boring ah study other subjects . Exams, you suck, no joke .