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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Aku bace semua kau nye post dari sec1."
Omg, haha, it was kind of touching idk why. To the person who said it, haha, you're seriously awesome ! ILY, babe !
School started late today. But I went out as per normal to meet Fifi. We lepak under block then went to school.
Maths felt quick. Mr Wee said his mind today slow a little because he yesterday sleep late. He also said he was sad Portugal lost. haha, mr Wee? He's so different from last year.
Malay, I was quite happy. I sat behind Farhanah. Wanted to seat with Shaf and Arina but they too far but cikgu also made a few changes. Luckily I number 10 in the class so I don't need seat in front. Hehs XD Then she jokejoke then talktalk .
English, did pairwork with Hazimah. We talked. Lol. Eh, teacher ask me to find 5 words and tomorrow write on board. wtf? what to write seh?
Physics, thank god the teacher never come. I hate her ah. I dont want her to come. Forever and ever.
After school sat around canteen with Fifi, Nad, Miqah and Aten and then went to int with Nad. Kay bye. Yay, canceled tuition. I'm sick.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

He makes me feel like a little girl with a huge crush.


"Whose on duty today clean the board, Amira and Shaqira."
Haha. -.-
Today was a little better. I think. Idk, as long as youknowwho is always with youknowwho no day will ever be the best.
Now our timetable is totally very different.
First period was SS. First period of the day already so dreadful.
Maths was kinda okay. Glad that they didn't change Mr Wee.
Malay, I passed oral and that's all it matters. Re-band. Won't be seeing some faces anymore and some really familiar faces coming in. Zul, Farhanah, Shahren and so on. I was reallyreally glad that I still stayed in band 2. =DDDD
Chemistry was so scary. haha. the new teacher like what seh. Call out everyone write answer on board. But honestly saying, i really understand chemistry better.
English was fun. Me, Zeemah, Aini and Miqah teamed up and we were supposed to do some stuff but we ended up talking and joking. Haha. We miss each other like crazy because of the stupid seating arrangement. :(
Literature was mendaak. Cannot open my eyes sia. Haha, me and nad buat our test anyhow. heck care la. just second day of school and already have.

You know what? School is just crap. I only love school, before, during recess and literature when we're together with my 308 girlfriends.

Monday, June 28, 2010

love has its own way of speaking.
jealously has its own way of showing.


biler abang bb nak upload gambaar?!
I want that picture like crazy :(


heartache Pictures, Images and Photos

First day of school, serious load of crap.
At this moment, nothing matters.
i just wish that God loves me enough to give me strength to get over this. Over him.
And to Miqah/Zemah, I really don't care about you two wanting to be BFF or wanting to tell stories about your poly life. I'm not interested and we're not talking about you girls behind our backs. So chill la.
And my dreams were right, Art is on Thursday and Friday. WTF!? Shit man. And sadly, Mexico failed me. AGAIN :(((


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ex-CZPS, remember this? Who I am makes a difference?
The night of our P6 camp, when our teachers called us one by one and told us such speeches and made the whole hall cried? HAHA. Goooodtimes. <3


hell starts tomorrow.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Congrats, KakLin.
I'm suppeeer tired.
there were still a whole lot work to do but parents send their kids home because we all cannot tahan anymore.
We haven't even sit since morning. so many people, so many things to do..
Siala. I never know that weddings can be this tiring and leceh.
Seeing all the uncles, aunties working, my cousin better appreciate them better and she owes them alot because they really work like hell. Without them, her wedding wouldn't be such a success. I had fun nonetheless. Seeing Hassbul was great. LOL. he was so hawt.
Well, after today, I've learnt to respect and appreciate my uncles and aunties a whole lot more. I'm sure when they all go home, they'll be hanging their legs and sleeping like pigs.
It's almost 12AM. I think my parents are gonna be home till like 2 or 3. Awesome :))


Argh. Yesterday was tiring. Supeeer tiring.
There were so many things to do everywhere. And you know what? Most of my cousins went up and do makeupmakeup. Dorang pun nak kawin ke pe? There were only like 4 of us working from kitchen to carrying the plates to washing the dishes to eveeerything la! Then at night when everyone go home already then they come down. bagus eh. -.-I wanted to go home since my house is near but pity the other 3 working. Ish, kalau skejap lagey dorang nak makeupmakeup, Idk what to say sia. Thenthen, you know my cousin husband have two children already and when they saying the prayers and all that during the nikah one of them, my age, cry like hell. wtf? so embarrassing.
Haha, kay. Bye. Today everyone in pink, my eyes will hurt.

Friday, June 25, 2010

DRAKE Pictures, Images and Photos

Loooooove. <3


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Argh. I feel barely alive.
I'm supposed to be there already, helping out. But...
I saw Kalidass just now at geylang. haha. go there wanna buy the chinese baju for saturday but the kedai dont have. i merajuk terus go home. Lol. dont care ah, saturday. wanna help buat ape nak lawalawa, not the like baju will even help me look nice. I feel so sick. like shitz maan.
And to Fifi, stay strong okay. With the spammer bitching around and with youknowwhat, just relax. Maybe its not your luck. But Karma happens you know. And soon, all of this will turn around to be something really good and nice and awesome. Don't stress, the spammer is such a loser sia. EVERYONE GO SPAM HER FORMSPRING !

Wednesday, June 23, 2010




"amira, c'mon, not this again. u know i love u for who u are. i dont go for materials. and who says im that girl from town? im just like u, like everyone else, ok?"
Die bace twitter orang eh. -__-'
Yeahyeah, Fifi.
And my aunt is pregnant with her 8th child. eh die tk penat beranak ke ?


I'm so pissed. -.-
My brother kept putting alarm at 5 or 4 or 3 in the morning on his phone. Lagu kalau soft and slow boleh ah ni lagu rock mane entah. mentangmentang baru dapat phone. Ish. Then weirdly, he sleep like dead person and I'm the one shocked like shit wake up. Idk if the budak sengaje wanna prank me or he don't know how to tell the time. Issssh. -.-' My father say next time put the phone right next to him when he sleep. Set ah. XD
Saturday kena kerja. Maaaan.
And oh, Mexico failed me :(((

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

MEXICO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I never wanted to be that girl who stares at you when you're not looking, I don't want to be that jealous girl when you talk to someone


When you realize you didn't matter at all to someone, you begin to wonder if you ever mattered to anyone.


No matter what, your name will appear after hers.
No matter what, I can't escape the truth.
No matter what, I've got 1 year and 6 months stuck with the both of you.
No matter what, I will always love you.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I can't bare seeing you dead, blogger.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ashton Kutcher Poster of &quot; Killers &quot; Pictures, Images and Photos

Tadi watch this with Bestie. Shiok nak mampos ! Even though the movie was kinda crappish and totally oneshot, excuse la because it's ASHTON KUTCHER, the hottest guy on earth. Lol. and plus, it was veryvery funny. Had a greaat time.
kay bye.
haha, orang india makan muruku.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

haha, pompan ni banyak spammer sehhh. she like got no problem people call her minah only. -.-


tengah spaam Fifi nyeer formspring. sorry Fi. shioook.
going mersing i think. soon. i think ah.
siaala. school reopening.
here comes heartaches.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I want hair like hers.


Isungguhtheloveyou !

Monday, June 14, 2010

Haha. Ohmygosssh, what great times. 209 rocks !

I'm on the verge of deleting facebook. but.... later cannot catch up and contact other friends easily. Hmm. maybe I be like nadiah . skejap activate, skejap deactivate. tengok la kalau rajin
hmm. Oh yeahh, i guess I'm done with my homework. I'm not going to do maths because I dontknowhowtodo and I very lazy to the whole stack of paper. And i'm definitely not gonna do Physics because I lost my textbook. Hehs XD and malay... laterlater then I do. and literature... halfway reading the book. gotta say the story is becoming more interesting. kay I got nothing to blog about. i think tomorrow kluar watching karate kid. i want go cycling with my girlfriends but miqah and hazimah have the poly thingy the whole week so...

Sunday, June 13, 2010

She wants it but they always says no. She had no hope and they think that she don't understand them. They are ready with specially designed clothes while she seats here alone and wondering about what they have promised her. She wants them to know too that she is capable of being just like them. She wants them to know that she's not just the anyhow crap girl. she will turn up. with the same thing she've worn to every event. they will be beautiful bridesmaid. she will be the same old plain girl.



love Pictures, Images and Photos

I want to tell you how I feel
but the words I cannot find
they're all mixed up with my thoughts
that are running through my mind

I've been keeping it locked up
because I know there's not a chance
you never look my way
you don't even take a glance

You don't even know you're doing this
toying with my heart
I wish I could just tell you
but I don't know where to start

Should I tell you how much you mean to me
or how bad I want to be with you
if I were to say these things
how would you react, what would you do

Would you never talk to me again
would you never look my way
that would just bring me back
to where I am today ?

Friday, June 11, 2010

I see the Philippines pictures on facebook so jealous ! If only I could rewind time. maybe me, miqah, fifi, nad all should go skali seh ! confirm hell loads of fun ! Maaan. wish i can lastminute go for the china thingy. =(((

Thursday, June 10, 2010

LOL. Took from Aziz Ansari twitter.
"I'm not sure what my parents are trying to say but it looks like they're wishing me good luck. And anyone can tell me where they've got the 39 pictures of me?"

Yayyay, another 2 hours babe !


Haha , business is much harder than I thought it can be.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I just realized how ugly I looked today .
And youknowwhat? My mum should consider closing the door when she wanna mengumpat about me. She's been talking bad about me since just now. Sumpaah I don't understand whats up with my parents. it's like they don't love me anymore. Till now, no birthday wish.
"Why must she go out today? She didn't let us buy her a cake but her friends can? She ignored her brother. Her brother is so sick here. She didn't think ah that her brother at home sick. "And well she mengumpat more of course la. And then also what my father said recently totally hurt me. Like really ouch. He was talking about going to Arab for his work and I said go lah. you come back we won't have any financial problem anymore. I don't mind at all you going. And you know what he said "Yeah la. You like it right if I go? I bet if I go in a few years when I come back I'm going to see you ending up in ITE." Well yeah. thanks Dad . thanks so much . What crap am I doing writing everything down here? I just never guess that my parents are being like this. is it because of me ? Or what?


ohmygossh. I broke my bracelet ! :(((


AHAHAHAHAHA , datang bulan bang ? Marah nampak ! Gi mampos !


Today's 9th June, so you know what that means ?
Tomorrow's 10th and my friends are coming back from Philippines ! :DDDD
And well.... I turn ugly 15 today too :(
Morning , woke up so unwell. Wanna vomit like shit. Can you believe that until now, none of my family have wished me. Great huh ? They're too busy entertaining my sick brother. yes, he had to be sick today. but heck care anyway. Thank god I was going out.
Met Atiqah at the Airport then I was like supersuper clueless because Fifi and Nadiah dontknowwhere. And Miqah suddenly brought me to the cornercorner and Fifi and Nadiah were seating there with the brownies cake and food which was Spaghetti. And how touched I was more when they told me that everything was homemade. They wasted their time, money, effort for that and girls, I appreciate it more than you can ever imagine :):D Then Miqah went off to meet Fee and we went jalanjalan.
To the girls,
Thank you for making today possibly the best birthday ever. Thanks so much for putting in so much effort in all of this. Thanks for being the family that I've always wanted. Thank you for the wonderful presents , love it and you have no idea how much I appreciate them all. I wish I can express more . I feel that thank you is just not enough. But I hope you girls get the message here, I'm really happy and I think you saved this birthday from being the worst day ever. I love you girls very much. :) I hope our 20years old dream come true, in fact, i wish that our 20yearsold dream comes true.
Sadly, some people whom I expected to wish me , didn't . Gee, thanks -___-'
Andandand, I'm super touched by Suryani who sms-ed me all the way from Philippines .

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

I am kinda worried for tomorrow. Shitz ah. a few more hours :(


ohmygossh. she's so downtoearth !

"I was banned from disneyland. Because I went to Disney prison."
"im not flying because theres a duck on this plane!"
"They spend billions and billions of dollars building a wonderland for kids and then they're stunned and surprise that kids would want to sneak in?"
"I travel so much that I need a travel size dog."


Wishing my beautiful and lovely cousin Shaeda, HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY !

Monday, June 7, 2010

If you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?

Kesha/Fergie because I love her.
Justin bieber because even though I hate him, a lot of people will be watching.
Eminem, so he can trash Justin Bieber and make my show a lot more popular. And I love him too.


omg , my father is actually serious about working at Arab.
I honestly don't know what to say.

Align Center


MTV movie awards was such a disappointment. Twilight owns everything seh. Two years go, I'd be so freaking happy, now they have got to move on. Channing Tatum or Zac Efron should have won Best male instead of Rpatz. Sandra Bullock should have won Best female instead of Kstew. Something else should have won for best movie instead of new moon. hmmm... Well, all throughout the movie it's all about Taylor Lautner, Kstew and Rpatz. Wasted my time. I like them but... Overall the show still sucked as there were too many freaking beeps as they kept saying fuck you a whole lot of time. and then, performances were super boring. Blablabla. What a disappointment. But I've to say, Kstew looked the most beautiful and amazing ! And haha, what's up with Scarlet and sandra bullock kissing ? MTV is becoming more and more crap-ier. LOL. :D

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Hey .
School holidays are such a bore. But boring or not, I'm like enjoying every single minute of it. Because when school reopens, feelings are going to be torn, a lot of things going to happen. And plus, I've not been getting into much trouble recently and god knows what will happen when school reopens.
Recently, my dreams are playing tricks on me. It's super irritating. It's like torturing me in every way possible. Like almost every night I will dream of him and her. They're either going on dates, holding hands and ... well you know the rest. In life they're already doing that and why must my dreams show me more. And then I keep dreaming of weird stuffs like our next term time table. Sadly art was on Thursday and Fridays. I hope not. And then, oh yeah, a lot of fire going on. More weird.
I'm going out with my BFF this Wednesday. I think. I don't know really, I'm not so sure about it. because obviously, Amiqah will be busy with godknowswhat or pokai or lazy. And then Hazimah will have camp and she already told me that she won't be able to wish me on that day. Suryani is in Philippines having the time of her life. Fathihah is I think busy with the Art YOG Mdam Tasneem choose her. And the others.. well they're the others. Always ignorant.
Anyway , guess what? I've bought a malay storybook :D Haha, it's so weird but I'm trying my best to improve my malay. I don't know why to say the truth . I don't really give a damn about malay. But now... ?
And yay ! MTV movie awards is TOMORROW !

Friday, June 4, 2010

"Last tango, then Paris."
BFF <3
Wtf is Leighton wearing ? But both of them are always beautiful. :) I like what Blake is wearing, she always look beautiful when she wear like this.



Thursday, June 3, 2010

Being the someone-then-nothing-then-someone-then-nothing person in your life, how am I going to answer that question?


To those going Philippines tomorrow, Suryani, Benedict, Shawn, Jun Hoa, Khairina, Marf? , Farhanah, Hanani, Raudah and others, wish you guys a safe journey and have fun ! take care !


it's amazing how one day someone walks into your life and you can't remember how you ever lived without them.



Benbenben , happy birthday ! And haha , like I said last night , wish you good luck in everything and miracles happens on birthdays sometimes . You'll never know . Good luck with youknowwho and have a safe and fun journey to Philippines tomorrow. Will miss you . Annnnd , buy me souvenir you know ! =DDD

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

falling in love is easy, but staying in love is literally not that easy.


Fie, fie! unknit that threatening unkind brow,
And dart not scornful glances from those eyes,
To wound thy lord, thy king, thy governor:
It blots thy beauty as frosts do bite the meads,
Confounds thy fame as whirlwinds shake fair buds,
And in no sense is meet or amiable.
A woman moved is like a fountain troubled,
Muddy, ill-seeming, thick, bereft of beauty;
And while it is so, none so dry or thirsty
Will deign to sip or touch one drop of it.
Thy husband is thy lord, thy life, thy keeper,
Thy head, thy sovereign; one that cares for thee,
And for thy maintenance commits his body
To painful labour both by sea and land,
To watch the night in storms, the day in cold,
Whilst thou liest warm at home, secure and safe;
And craves no other tribute at thy hands
But love, fair looks and true obedience;
Too little payment for so great a debt.
Such duty as the subject owes the prince
Even such a woman oweth to her husband;
And when she is froward, peevish, sullen, sour,
And not obedient to his honest will,
What is she but a foul contending rebel
And graceless traitor to her loving lord?
I am ashamed that women are so simple
To offer war where they should kneel for peace;
Or seek for rule, supremacy and sway,
When they are bound to serve, love and obey.
Why are our bodies soft and weak and smooth,
Unapt to toil and trouble in the world,
But that our soft conditions and our hearts
Should well agree with our external parts?
Come, come, you froward and unable worms!
My mind hath been as big as one of yours,
My heart as great, my reason haply more,
To bandy word for word and frown for frown;
But now I see our lances are but straws,
Our strength as weak, our weakness past compare,
That seeming to be most which we indeed least are.
Then vail your stomachs, for it is no boot,
And place your hands below your husband's foot:
In token of which duty, if he please,
My hand is ready; may it do him ease.

cheyywah . literature students, remember ? hehs . XD


I'm one of those people who hate you . =D and I bet I can find 10 in two days. asshole.


Thanks for making me feel like a replacement all this while , b .


The kid has swag . Not joking sia , he really does .

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

"Hello ! What you want for you birthday ? :D"
"Hello ! :) Apa saya mahu untuk hari jadi saya eh ? Saya mahu basikal boleh ? Dan sebuah rumah yang besar. Terima kasih ya ! ;D Hehe . "
"Wth ! serious laaaa !"
"serious ? Maaf tapi saya tidak tahu apa saya mahu. saya tidak mahu menjadi tua. Lagi 8 hari , saya akan menjejak umur 15. Saya akan mendekati kematian. :( "
LOL ! nak cakap melayu pun tak perfect. Sape lah ni budaaak .


happier Pictures, Images and Photos

I feel like crap . I feel like the worst person ever in this world. The worst friend in the world. :-(
MT Oral just now. Met Shafiqah and went into school . Then seatseat and chat with Mong. Then went up to AVT . Freaked out like shit . And what's even more scarier was that I kena Cikgu Rina . And my turn was the fourth but Erfan wasn't there , so kena third. More more scarier. Then my turn , Nik called me and Faiz out . We read the text and haha , I freaked out . So hard ! About smoking . and there was 4000 . Idk how to say it in malay . I asked Nik and Faiz . Haha, sempaat. Then when come my turn , Idk why but at first it was okay but then blood started boiling , like I was so freaking embarrassed . And i can even feel my face going red. Idk why ! Then go to the conversation I said alot of english . I said "punishment, then, look down, because, interview, parents." And more english words. Haha ! Cikgu Rina kind of smilesmile because I was trying to hard to change the words and I kept looking up . Some of them I didn't know how to answer and kept quiet and listened to Faiz. I was so very gagap . At last Cikgu Rina said I was lancar and quite good. =)
Went down , sat with Fiqah , Erfan, Hahdri, Amin, Saqinah, Farid then one by one came down and went home with Arina and Shafiqah.