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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Saturday, July 31, 2010

In case some of you were online just now and saw my recent facebook status, just wanna say I deleted it because it was just unlike me to treat a friend like that. I don't wanna be like that. So yea, I deleted it. not because I'm a coward, hell no sia. If I want, I can write/say all kind of valgurs already ah. And if I wanted, I already asked B what's so wrong with her.
But I don't.


You see me bitching around on facebook / blogger / twitter but I'm not bitching around to everyone else. I know you've told at least four or five people about me. Yeah, way to go telling others how bad I am. I needed that , very very much . =.='
FYI. Don't watch " Darah . " I almost vomited watching that. Yuckyuck.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Align CenterWahh, tu budak bitching about me on facebook. Alehaleh aje aku jadi musuh number one dieh. Padahal2. Aku joke die tkleh accept. Die yang BIG JOKE ah sia. Die pikir die BIGSHOT mane tkleh kena joke sikit. Die pikir die sorang je ke pe boleh bitch around and makimaki orang.
Just when I thought everything is gonna be fine forever, someone has to do something or I just have to screw something up. Like, of course, everything is freaking my fault.
Pagipagi aje, Mr Ee da buat lawak. LOL. Gelak sia.
Art was awesome though Fathihah wasn't there. Luqman sat with us and that stupid girl teacher have. mr ras don't have :(( And I'm almost done with the screaam. Happy nyeeer ! only I need to find the skin color impasto paint and I'm done ! :)))))
Malay was kinda fun. Cikgu never come :)) The cikgu was very freaky at first and I don't understand a single malay word he said. I was like seating there and lost in my own world. Then he started talking about paranormal stuffs and then well... Agama. And It felt like kelas agama already. hahaha. But I still don't understand his malay.
Maths, was fuuun too ! Mr Wee today kept joking around, I like I like. Hehs.
After school served detention. Loner because Adib don't have. I read Fifi's mag the whole 1 hour. But Fee came, ade jugak kawan. :DDD
Then lepak with Fifi for a while.
Haiya, so super pissed.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Do you know what happened to hazimah?"
"No leh. why?"
"Idk. She your best friend what. She bad mood."
"YOU also my bestf."
"Yeaaa. -.-"
Sumpaah, that feels like a slap in the efffing face.
Hazimah today bad mood semacam, I want ask her also lazy. She confirm won't tell me.
PE, me and Filzah skipped. Haha, we cabot seat in toilet because Mr Ee go round and will scold those who never wear pe attire. Haha, hide in toilet like we do what crime like that. We were worried if Shanta come in because she was at the office but thank god, nothing happened. Had fun talking with Filzah.
Maths, mr wee is back la. haha, he say someone talk then the saliva go into his eyes. Ew. that's why he kena eye infection or something ? haha.
Art, paintpaintpaint. I lioke the teacher ! Haha. mepek la. Tomorrow must pass up the scream already. Mepeeek la. I haven't even start doing the sand and rough texture thingy. Besok Fathihah tkder, mendaaak la ! :((
Assembly, class perfomances so fuuunny ! Gereeek XD
English, test. I really dont wanna fail eng again. Da cukup da fail sume bende. Haiya.
After that went MCD with Nad and Fi for awhile.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"Asal kau diri pat pintu?"
"I want the paper, she never give. So I want go on strike."
LOL, Nik . =DDD
Morning went met Fifi and Nad and we worked on Aten's birthday card. It's such a cooold day. I lioke maan! But everytime it's cold, my hands will turn super white like got no blood. Weird eh? Haha. But I love that :))
First period, maths, Mr Wee never come again! Weeeeeee! XD
Malay, cikgu looked at me a lot of times thanks to Naj. Haha, she keep talking and make me laugh.
English, idk what we do. I sing OMG to Nuril. Haha, wth?
Physics, I loove the teacher ! Haha, he actually really can teach you know. Miss quack tkya dtng balek sudah.
And NO SS EXTRA CLASS ! Woo! haha, haaappy babe !
After school teman Nad and Fi went TM again. Haha. But I need to go off early.
My cousin coming. Sibuk aje. I have tuition la later. Ish.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Somehow, looking at this picture just gives me a certain "feeling". And I bet my other girls know what I mean.
You know, I don't get people. Why do some people act so nice and friendly when they're with some people when they have no friends and when they do, they threat the others like shit? Kay. I know this girl, she's well... Her. And recently she got new friends. And she's been joining them all the way, which I guess I don't really give a damn. But what's sad is that she actually threats us like really really nice before school or when she's lonely and when she has her friends with her, she will put us one side and like... Idk... Give this face like we're some kind of weird strangers. If she actually wants to be with her friends why don't she just leave us alone? Is that so hard to do? I don't think it's that hard considering the fact that she actually threats us like strangers when she has them.
Malay was fun. And I found out everytime I wanna talk personally with cikgu, I will end up speaking english. Haha, nervous sampai cakap english.
Recess was awkwardly spent with Adib, Haziq, Luqman, Raudah, Hari and Clarrise. Weird eh?
English was funny. Teacher punish us and Suffian stood behind her and did some funny actions and it was super hilarious. Haha.
After school went TM with Nad and Fi. And gosh, tomorrow I have SS extra class. Wtf sehh. i thought of skipping but then 1:15 how to cabot? ISH. I dont wanna learn s.s la.
Babe! Happy birthday! and haha, besok jage kau! Catfight, again! :))) ILY and stay cute and adorable and pretty always. And last long dengan ehemehem kau. XD

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wahhh, today I was just "in the mood."
Hehe. Idk why. Bloody crappy stuffs going on, especially seeing him + her more makes me wanna puke. I realized that I'm no match with that girl. What was I even thinking? Ha. Someone so ugly like me and someone so pretty like her. Of course no one wants the ugly one. how stupid of me. How very stupid of me. And him, well... He's just the type of guy who doesn't know who to treat a beautiful but super bitchy girlfriend right. And her... Well she's a bitch. And one day, they will cheat on each other. If not the boy, the girl will do it. You wanna bet whose gonna cheat on which one first. I think the BOY. ishhh. Mendak laaa!
After school, served 2 hours detention with Adib, Nik and Zahirah. i feel so torn apart. With this one and the another one. Haiya, tk tentu pasal I'm terlibat dalam masal dorang. Hopefully not. And then after detention went lepak with Adib. He fuuun! XD Tomorrow 1 more hour to go and I'm finally off the wanted list. :)

Sunday, July 25, 2010

The worst thing about crossing a line is when you don't know you already have


They say everyone has one person that they're meant to be with forever, I think mine got hit by a truck


Friendship isn't about whom you've know the longest. It's about who came, and never left your side

Friday, July 23, 2010

Haha, muuustt watch last part! Hilarious, Kanye West/Taylor Swift VMA parody. LOL! XD


funnyorfact - The guy who discovered the milk, what the hell was he doing with the cow? #funnyorfact



"Kiwak, 14second kau dengar Pikachu berbual." Art painted the scream. It's a waste of time drawing it out in the first place because everyone ended up painting anyhow. I lioke Mr Raz. Because he no comment, so silent, on the phone non-stop, heck care about us. If that Miss Wong, later one table cannot have many people la, cannot noisy la, this la that la. Wtf nyer cikgu. Plugged earpiece and do work. Orange and red paint finish, then we all try our best to mix colors to get what we need, all hancur sia tapi at last jadi juga. So berfaedah jugak lah kiteorng blaja pasal primary and secondary colors dulu. Hehe. Malay, idk what we do ah. Watched video, taktalk, terus da. Maths, Mr Wee lesson observation. Go lab. Mr Wee smile and laugh non-stop. haha, awww. After school went INT with Fifi and Aten. I need to buy paint ah. I'm deciding to pass up my last term correction. I don't wanna fail anything again laaa. :(

Thursday, July 22, 2010

When you're eyes go small and you only see that one person out of the hundreds of persons there, what does that mean? 0.o


I wore but for awhile.
What to say what to say ?
Mr Wee haaandsome babe!
Budak tu pun! Hehe.
But I don't like today. Made me realized a lot of facts in life. That first, god is trying to punish me by making me realize that I'm stupid for choosing HIM because he is such an ASS.. Second, attractive prizes in EVSS appears to be just snacks. Third, art is never fun anymore. Fourth, taking pictures too much can be boring. And lastly, I just realized how much I miss ____. I know I hated/hate you. But throughout everything and though we always say that we like it better now, it will always feels that someone is missing. But even if you wanted to fix this, it's all over because you're still gonna end up a stranger to us.
Everything's different now.
And omg, please enough with the coincidences. Wearing the same color with the both of you was so sakethati tau tk?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Tomorrow RHD. -.-' Wtfff.
I don't like. I know you see like almost all girls so kecoh and so exicted about it but I'm not. Weird kan. I don't wanna go school wear baju kurung or any other thing. It's like just for one day and people are already like buying contact lense and stuffs like that, glamour habes beb. And suddenly not wearing baju kurung is like such a crime. Me, Nad and Aten planned not to wear already, so we'll see how it goes. And as for me, haha, i got no baju kurung. :)) So too baad la.
After school lepak-ed with Nad, Fi, Aten and Yani was there for awhile. haiya, bulan puase will confirm miss the energy and the gossips and the kecohkecoh. Tomorrow hope to lepak with them again under the same block we were at last yeaar only well... Without Firah and Miqah. But that's okay. We're happy the way we are.
So, should I or should I not?

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

I don't like this feeling. I....... love this feeling. I'm totally hating you. And that's supeeer good! :))
Tomorrow should I go early ? Ish, leceh ah skola start lambat. Baek tkya school terus kan. -.-'
After school lepak-ed with Yani. Told teacher I had to fetch my brother, haha! -.-' so I could skip class photo taking. I don't want take ah! Not like I'm such a contributor to 309. I'm like this no-one sehh. Waste space jerk masuk class photo. They didn't realized I was missing anyway. So, why bother? Lepak with that girl sungguh the kecoh. <3
I've found him! :D :)

Monday, July 19, 2010

Many people are disowning their blogs. I feel like crap. They're moving on to Tumblr now. I'm sorry but I don't want it. So what if I like blogger more than tumblr? Does that bother you? -.- I'll stay here because I'm true to you, haha, cheeyy. :)))
Did friendship band during STAR with Nik and Azam. Shiook! Nik's one so nice ! So noot fair ! Then SS sat with Aini and Zhaf and crapped around. Those two were the only best thing today. Oh yes, I cut my hair. And yeah, it freaking as hell looks like a guy. -.- Pasal ah, not like you all care . Laugh, talk about the stupid hair, I myself know it's freaking ugly!

How I wish both of you don't exist. If everyday is like today, my life would definitely be a little more peaceful.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"of course its good. U don't need someone who don't even know what he wants in his life yet. No offense but u know."- Fifi.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Happy birthday to my one babe best friend who never fails to always be there when I needed someone the most. You know most of my secrets that only Fifi/Hazimah knows and godknowshow you know them but I guess I don't mind letting you know even the worst of me because you're never the type of person who judges. ILY and thanks for replacing my best friend position. You know I know. LOL. It feels like i knew you a lot longer than I knew ehem*. Thanks for being a great friend, Aini. And a very happy birthday to you. May god bless you and goodluck in everything you do. Andandand, tkmu curi tempat aku pat class lagey kay? =DDDDDDD

kay, uhm... Entah ah ape nak cakap, haha.. Happy birthday, blablabla, wish you gooduck and hope you loved your presents.! :))Chey, dengardengar ade budak tu minat dengan cikgu relieve eh tadi? Haha. Happy birthday la, hope you loooove your present. I really don't know what to buy for you ah.


"Just to clear things out, we don't hate you. And if you wanna say that we envy you, then yeah, believe it that way. But it's a joke, seriously. You're a big joke. First, you leave us. Second, you come back. Third, we don't know you anymore. Fourth, we don't want and don't need you in our life anymore. So good riddance."
Art was cool. Plugged in earpiece and listened and do work for the whole two hours. My "The Scream" Ended up really like "the shit." I do use wrong grid. Shitz. Everyone one so niceee ! Mine like .....
Malay, work. Boring.
Maths, stupid test so difficult.
After school went TM and watched Eclipse with Fifi. It was so boriing! Gosh, I felt like sleeping sia. I wonder how the boys the girls bring can even stay awake. Like, wth sehh. Waste my time and money. Beh da lah boring, then the show stopped two times and blacked out. Haha, kecoh.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

"The Scream"
Currently working on this in art. Susah seh nak draw, then have to draw on canvas somemore. hard to erase. And then later paint. Ish. -.-
Today was quite not bad. :D
PE was supeeer fun. Supeeer ! Played Rugby. My group, me, Nuril, Azam, Luqman, Fathihah, Arina, Khairina, Filzah. I think. Then against Jeremy group they all. Shiok. They won, 4-2. But kecooh. Dengan kasut melayang, dengan bola kena bibir, then si Guo Han yang tinggi. :) Next week more rugby. baek ah, I love the PE teacher.
Maths, MrWee mendak la. Besok ade quiz mati seh.
Art, did on the scream. I hate the freaking teacher ah ! Mdam Tasneem never come again. What shit sia her! Seat at table each must be two people, what crap! I have to go behind and sat with Was. Then do the grid box must do the hard one first details don't add then after a while she say add details first. Crap sia. Hopefully tomorrow Mdam Tasneem come. PLEASE !
Assembly best.
English, ears hurt like hell. Cannot stand lah the teacher! Please lah ! Change ah !
After school went jalanjalan with Nad.


Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Nah Nadiah, ni website kau :
Go download sleeq song banyak2.


Friend Quote and Love Quote Pictures, Images and Photos

My cousin friend added me in facebook and he's so irritating ah! Keep asking to meet, skali I prank him then he know. Boleh tahan handsome but his perangai macam .....
School is boring. Boohoo, I'm stuck there for another 1 plus year. Can like something seriously bad happen to me or the school or HER that'll change my life forever ? Please. Something. Something. Something.


Tuesday, July 13, 2010

haha, baek Imran ! Got one picture of us not letting the man side in but Idk where to find it. Haiyas. This was kaklin wedding. :) I wonder if you guys do this at your cousins wedding too? Do you?


I wish that you became more of an ass today because you just broke up with her.


SS, sungguh mendak.
Maths, I owe mr wee a lot a lot of things.
Malay was fun :) Cikgu so baek gave us kuih.
Chem was mendak. The teacher never fail to pick me out seh. Panggil lah orang kat belakang. If you realize she always call the same people. Luqman, Farah.... And then got one question i really don't know how to do. I took Aini paper then she scold and gave marker to Aini and aini did. She saved me seh. But at last you know what? The question the teacher also cannot find the answer. bodo nye cikgu. Irritating ah cikgu cam gini.
English, hate the teacher ah ! Cannot stand her voice. And she's such a coward. Marah lah orang bising ! ni diam, sama cam miss nah. miss nah pun lagey brani ah . ish ! one day, because of her voice my ears will bleed.
Literature, mendaaaak. semakin hari semakin boring.
Lepas skola lepak with Fifi, nad and Aten. Nad was high, haha, duduk ngan dorang skejap boleh jadi giler seh ketawe.


Monday, July 12, 2010

Band 2, looove .

School was mendak. And Idk how long will I have to wait for school and all this crap to be gone. But I think today "my heart was for once in peace." Lol. Why do I need to write about school ? It sucks. And is it disturbing if I say that I don't know which course I wanna take for after secondary school. Everyone like semangat highlight the course they wanna go but I'm lost. No path, no future, go die better.


The smiles and laughter you've shared will always be remembered and treasured. You're a supeeer awesome girl and you're definitely very cute and funny and nice and bubbly and .... Wish you the best and good luck for everything and happy 15th birthday. It's nice to always be with you and no matter what people say about you, you know that we love you and that's all it matters. Happy Birthday, yani! Loveyoubabe!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Congratulations Abang Hyrul and Kak Wati. Muker, chill ah abang. Haha, looved the wedding.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

I regretted not going Lit fest. I have to go Abang Hyrul house la help out with the wedding things. Ish. I got a few sms from Nad at 3AM in the morning. Haha, my handphone rang so loud. She say about the anugerah skrin thing. Haha. I didn't know seh. I went back Jb yesterday night for awhile so.... Then just now morning woke up already too late wanna go Lit Fest. Haiya. Padan muker, tknk pergi sangat kan. Sorry Nad, reallyreally sorry! Monday make up to you by Karate Kid disc. Promise give you!

Friday, July 9, 2010

"Because no matter what, no matter how awesome you guys can be, no matter how cool you guys can be, I've got my own girl-friends. And no matter what they're like, they've been there and stuck with me throughout everything and we're tight. And no matter what you wanna say about us, it'll be no use."
Today was not the best day for sure.
Starting of the day was the breakfast thingy, our class was already well arranged. And then ate MCD. Haha, the passing class all walk past and so.... Jealous ke pe?
Art, finished the six circles.
Malay was the most and only thing best about this day. V.P plus cikgu rina were inspecting our class. Then did groupwork. had fun with Astiqah, Zahirah plus Farah.
Maths was crap. I almost broke down there. Well... Because of something stupid. but what can I say, I am stupid. The class pranked Mr Wee. Surprised him by singing happy birthday to him padahal it's not his birthday. his reaction so smooth seh.
After school lepak with nad then went to tm and cs.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

PE, MrBenson never come. Slackslack, talktalk. And Hazimah bought me a frame for a birthday present. Oh! Haha, again. But yeah, i'm totally okay with it. I use every gift people give me. Even Hazimah's first birthday frame have been used. So I got no problem with that. :) Thankyouverymuch.
Maths, mendaaak ! But I'm starting to be okay with the subject. mr wee let us do groupwork. awww. hehe.
Art, learnt the different pencil styles of drawing like cross hatching, smudging and you know all the other crap I don't even know why we have to know . I gotta pass up my correction next week sia for SA. biler la nak buat ? And I'm starting to hate art now.
Assembly was truly not inspirational.
English was crap. Until now I keep on forgetting her name. Eh ni samer la macam miss nah. cumer miss nah tk jeling orng. and tk berat sbelah! Ish! I hate her ah. I think she's one of the reasons I hate school. Efff her.
then get plain class tee haha, semangat ah 309. tkmu besok kenek buat lawak sudah. pasal la. zhaf wear so sexy because it was quite tight. haha. lepas tu gi int with hazimah.
eh i got so many homework seh. andand, haha, i suck in taptap sia. me and nik played after school. wth seh! i got half of what he got. teruk ke pe? -.-

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



yeah well.
school is crap. crap is boring. boring is frustrating. frustrating is not good. Not good is better than good. good is never fine. fine is okay. okay is no. no is yes. yes is nod. nod is shake. this is crap. and life is crap. and altogether, i hate school plus life plus everything that got to to do with science plus YOU.


Tell me something. Doesn't he look like ...................... Hasbul!
<3<3 <3

Friday, July 2, 2010

Today was a great Friday.
Art was shit . and I've never really wanted a teacher to come back from their M.C but please, Mdam Tasneeem, please come back! :( Malay was seriously slack-ky. maths, had fun with Nuril. Afteeer school was the most awesome part. Lepak with girls and had truckloads of fun ! :) And to Nad, sorry that I can't tell about youknowwhat. It's really "life and death" matter and plus, I think it's a big shock if you knew about youknowwhat. Maybe in a little few years I'll tell you. But now..... Even I don't believe that my taste is like that. It's disgusting and even you won't want to know. I really wish i can tell you especially now we're all so tight and close with the rest of the gang but maybe best for me and you all not to know. Sorry ! :(


My friends are very anti of you, I don't care.
You are an embarrassment, but still appear so nice.
You think you're all that, and to me you are.
I think you're special in every way possible, while I'm no one to you.
I believe that you can change, but no one thinks that way even you.
So why do I believe in these craps?
Why can't I let go of you after how much I've gone through?
you're a serious piece of shit.
But still, I'm in love with you.