Monday, August 30, 2010
 "I think my kasut da tkder friction seh. Licin, macam nak jatuh." LOL, yelah Fifi. XDD
~~ Blog ni belum mati. Yet. Monday, as usual veryvery mendak. School holiday coming, I like. :D But sadly, Monday ngan Tuesday already have class. Tsk, kacau ah. Thinking of skipping. :) Physics, stuuudy. Starting of the week already so mendak. English, readers theater. I think my group the veryvery last group haven't read. Nervouuss. But as long as everyone don't pay attention to us and do their own stuff then that's fine. Sat with Nuril and Farah and singsing. Juuust the way you are - specially dedicated to Farah. Hehs XD Literature kinda fuun. Fi, Me, Aten, Nad sat one row and we did crap. Don't know what write sumer artist name kluar then play the game thingy I forget the name again. Maen ngan dorang tk kecoh. Tkper, baru first try. Laen kali, laen kali. It's supposed to be read out loud so we can all laughlaugh loudloud. We were like so in our own world cam cikgu tk pat depan. Kalau lah sume lesson cam gitu kan shiok. Chem, do presentation. i never do anything. diri situ ambek nama. kinda feel guilty but i really hate chemistry. and ape lagi the teacher. make me no semangat . but i felt bad not contributing to hazimah, aini, rina and nuril. oh. and rina and yanti raped me seh ! =.=' terus miss lim walk pass us and was like "what you all doing?" and make weird face. LOL ! Saket tau, sampai terantuk2 sumer. STAR, betul tkde semangat. Blaja pasal job interview. =.=" SS, no comment. thenthen go int with nad and aten . you know, Rina and Nuril recently said something about our gang. say something like "eh korang boleh tahan rapat eh." yang, now also I realize kiteorng boleh tahan rapat.
Labels: Just the way you are.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Aku rindu anak anak S.I.A Biler nak gi Australia lagi? Biler nak gi Vietnam lagi? Biler nak gi Hong Kong lagi? Biler nak gi Malaysia lagi? Biler nak gi China lagi? Biler nak gi Indonesia lagi? Biler nak gi share chalet together lagi? Biler nak pergi farm beh naek tu bende lagi? Biler nak merajuk together gether biler tk dapat bende lagi? Biler nak kasi kangaroo ngan koala makan lagi? Biler nak jalanjalan beh jumpe kubur lagi? Biler nak makan kat restaurant india blood tu lagi? Biler nak pergi tempat windmill tu lagi? Biler nak naek kereta sampai langgar kangaroo lagi? Bileeer naak jumpe and pergi holiday together gether lagi?
Labels: Biler lagi?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I remembered when we were on the phone. But there was no talking but hours of crying. Do you remember?
There are times when I really want to go up to you and say "I wish we can go back to how we were two years before when we'd laugh at the most silliest and stupidest stuffs. Where you'd give a reassuring smile whenever I had to go up to speak to the class. Where our names were recognized as besties. Where you would always be next to me and won't let me do anything stupid. Alone." =)

Friday, August 20, 2010
 I know this flame isn't dying. ~ Today was funfunfun ! I like like like ! Pagipagi was raining like hell. Woodlands already ended so I didn't expect Tampines to be raining but it was raining like hell. Thank god, Fifi helped me. Art, Mr Raz never come. Very kecoh they try find a teacher for us. Then Miss wong and another come. two cikgu skali sia. Do our manipulations and we're supposed to pass up by today. Thank god I finish already. 2 whole hours of air con + listen to songs = Heaven. Then went AVT, air con again and do the malay skit thingy. My group kecoh. We ended like creating our own lines. Idk sehh. I be the drug person but kinda ruin ah because we're not prepared. Idk what to say "special edition" sumer kluar. Hehe. ^^ When we finish I think cikgu said like "sape jual drug kat farah?" then she say "naughty amira." Something like that. Hehe. :)) Maths, talkedtalked with Aini, Rina, Hazimah. Then played the game thingy I forget the name with Yanti, Hazimah, Aini, Rina, Farhanah, Nik, Zhaf, SR, Qinah, Was, Fee, Marf, Miqah. Haha. Got one "Nik masterbate tangan Zhaf." That one was the funniest. XDD Kay bye. Later going JB house . =.=' Honestly, why can't I have a normal weekend like everyone else?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hey ! Today like so lost soul. Haiya. PE do art / watched others perform. Maths was fun. Seat with Aini, Hazimah, Nuril and Rina and joked around. I like. I like. Being random with girlfriends is veryy fun. <3 Art, Dayana sat with us. Tell you she kecoh nak mampos. So funny and noisy. asik2 kiteorng kenek marah pasal die joke tk habeshabes. Mepek beh random. Hahahaha ! Mr Raz fed up seh. Besok kenek pass up 10 manipulation. Wait long long lah cher. Assembly, 309 performed ! They all look so cute . Tapi I realize not many people clap hand. But they've done great. and all teachers kept asking me what "M" stand for on the classtee. 306 and 301 okay laa. English, aku tk tau ah ape aku buat. Even hazimah admits that Miss Lim always pay attention to me. =.=" Sumpah, i don't like. Cikgu nak carecare ni aku tk minat ah seh.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Bila lah boleh aku tido sampai da tkle tertido lagey?
 Yay, aku finally ade time update. -.-' Sungguh the busy. Haha, with what also i don't know. Bulan puase like chasing time sia. So many things to do, so LITTLE time. :( I've done some tests already but I'm still busy with the others and then there's the malay thingy which we're supposed to do a skit about drug dealing. My group me, Farhanah, Najihah, Arina, Farah. I kena be the dealer. Hehe . paiiseeh la sehh ! Beh act at AVT lageyy and cikgu will be taking our video. Ape hal seh ! And then I've got the 20 sketches for art to finish, at first punye la semangat and now.... sumer dh kena flush pat toilet bowl. Malas laa sehh. These few days, like always, tkde mood nk gi skola. Only looking forward to Literature / Art. And eeefff seh, tomorrow the cute physic teacher don't have anymore. Gonna be back to the old days, study with Misses quack. i don't like. Maths teacher da tkde, Physics teacher plak datang balek, sibuuuk ! Harap2 die tkde ah besok ! PLEASE !
Labels: Dtrix loove
Saturday, August 14, 2010
 Argghh ! I HATE YOU, AZAM ! =.=' Told you don't do it already right ! -___-" Mustmust finish 2 Chemistry worksheets. Mustmust finish 20 art drawings. Eh , got SS test or not ? Ohmygosssh.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
 Heeey ! I got no mood to update but because Nad just now ask me to so naahh. TQ for reading my blog. Today's just the second day of Fasting Month and sumpah, it feels like it's already the twenty plus day. I don't know if it's just me but after PE lesson, most of the malays were like so dead in class. PE was supeer fun. Played soccer like hell. Didn't felt the thirst at first but after the game ended, fuhhh, haus semacam la seh. And the teacher not going to teach us anymore ! What seh ! :'((. Cher, don't go laaa ! :(( I'm glad to say that tomorrow we're starting a new thing for Art. Wee ! smilebigbig ! Assembly was 308 ! Awesome ! So cute or what their performances? Congrats girls/ guys. You guys really showed Mr Kahar you guys are worth of a class. And 307 was good too, DYNAMITE WOO HOO ! Eng and maths, no comment.
Labels: as days pass you look more like shit than perfect.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
 My table at school sungguh da jadi macam drawing block. I spent the whole day drawing on there and listening to music in class. And kay, I just wanna say I know 309 is the sungguh semangat class must win in everything thingy and sungguh united and loving class but I don't like how they are forcing everyone to get involved in the class perfomance. I just wanna seat with the 308 girls, caaan? Honestly, I miss being in the same class with them. :((
Labels: It's about who stayed by your side no matter what
Sunday, August 8, 2010
 I wrote a veryvery long post. But then I deleted it because this is what I'm feeling right now: "FML !"
Monday, August 2, 2010
 I ♥ my girlfriends. :)) - Monday seems so dreadful and it already feels like it's Friday. Gosh, I've been thinking about all this. And even though I really want secondary life to end, we all only live one secondary life. And I really don't know how my future will be like with me like... this. First period, Physics which was totally slack-ish. English, went lab. I seat at the most end with Farah and I slept. I felt like loner and if Farah weren't there, I bet I already was. But will it be weird if I say I like it being a loner? I slept the whole one hour, hehe. Lit, went to the same lab again. LOL. This time got all my 308 girlfriends <3 . Sat with Fi and she very membekak. Chem was ...... Star, listened to SG NDP songs? SS was fuun! Natasha never come ! ahaha ! First joked around with Nuril about the OMG. Then ajak-ed Rina and disturbed her. Haha, then Hazimah joined. Disturbed them like hell, especially Rina. She cute lah ! I love to disturb her ! Hahah ! Labels: Tetot.
Monday, August 30, 2010
 "I think my kasut da tkder friction seh. Licin, macam nak jatuh." LOL, yelah Fifi. XDD
~~ Blog ni belum mati. Yet. Monday, as usual veryvery mendak. School holiday coming, I like. :D But sadly, Monday ngan Tuesday already have class. Tsk, kacau ah. Thinking of skipping. :) Physics, stuuudy. Starting of the week already so mendak. English, readers theater. I think my group the veryvery last group haven't read. Nervouuss. But as long as everyone don't pay attention to us and do their own stuff then that's fine. Sat with Nuril and Farah and singsing. Juuust the way you are - specially dedicated to Farah. Hehs XD Literature kinda fuun. Fi, Me, Aten, Nad sat one row and we did crap. Don't know what write sumer artist name kluar then play the game thingy I forget the name again. Maen ngan dorang tk kecoh. Tkper, baru first try. Laen kali, laen kali. It's supposed to be read out loud so we can all laughlaugh loudloud. We were like so in our own world cam cikgu tk pat depan. Kalau lah sume lesson cam gitu kan shiok. Chem, do presentation. i never do anything. diri situ ambek nama. kinda feel guilty but i really hate chemistry. and ape lagi the teacher. make me no semangat . but i felt bad not contributing to hazimah, aini, rina and nuril. oh. and rina and yanti raped me seh ! =.=' terus miss lim walk pass us and was like "what you all doing?" and make weird face. LOL ! Saket tau, sampai terantuk2 sumer. STAR, betul tkde semangat. Blaja pasal job interview. =.=" SS, no comment. thenthen go int with nad and aten . you know, Rina and Nuril recently said something about our gang. say something like "eh korang boleh tahan rapat eh." yang, now also I realize kiteorng boleh tahan rapat.
Labels: Just the way you are.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Aku rindu anak anak S.I.A Biler nak gi Australia lagi? Biler nak gi Vietnam lagi? Biler nak gi Hong Kong lagi? Biler nak gi Malaysia lagi? Biler nak gi China lagi? Biler nak gi Indonesia lagi? Biler nak gi share chalet together lagi? Biler nak pergi farm beh naek tu bende lagi? Biler nak merajuk together gether biler tk dapat bende lagi? Biler nak kasi kangaroo ngan koala makan lagi? Biler nak jalanjalan beh jumpe kubur lagi? Biler nak makan kat restaurant india blood tu lagi? Biler nak pergi tempat windmill tu lagi? Biler nak naek kereta sampai langgar kangaroo lagi? Bileeer naak jumpe and pergi holiday together gether lagi?
Labels: Biler lagi?
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I remembered when we were on the phone. But there was no talking but hours of crying. Do you remember?
There are times when I really want to go up to you and say "I wish we can go back to how we were two years before when we'd laugh at the most silliest and stupidest stuffs. Where you'd give a reassuring smile whenever I had to go up to speak to the class. Where our names were recognized as besties. Where you would always be next to me and won't let me do anything stupid. Alone." =)

Friday, August 20, 2010
 I know this flame isn't dying. ~ Today was funfunfun ! I like like like ! Pagipagi was raining like hell. Woodlands already ended so I didn't expect Tampines to be raining but it was raining like hell. Thank god, Fifi helped me. Art, Mr Raz never come. Very kecoh they try find a teacher for us. Then Miss wong and another come. two cikgu skali sia. Do our manipulations and we're supposed to pass up by today. Thank god I finish already. 2 whole hours of air con + listen to songs = Heaven. Then went AVT, air con again and do the malay skit thingy. My group kecoh. We ended like creating our own lines. Idk sehh. I be the drug person but kinda ruin ah because we're not prepared. Idk what to say "special edition" sumer kluar. Hehe. ^^ When we finish I think cikgu said like "sape jual drug kat farah?" then she say "naughty amira." Something like that. Hehe. :)) Maths, talkedtalked with Aini, Rina, Hazimah. Then played the game thingy I forget the name with Yanti, Hazimah, Aini, Rina, Farhanah, Nik, Zhaf, SR, Qinah, Was, Fee, Marf, Miqah. Haha. Got one "Nik masterbate tangan Zhaf." That one was the funniest. XDD Kay bye. Later going JB house . =.=' Honestly, why can't I have a normal weekend like everyone else?
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Hey ! Today like so lost soul. Haiya. PE do art / watched others perform. Maths was fun. Seat with Aini, Hazimah, Nuril and Rina and joked around. I like. I like. Being random with girlfriends is veryy fun. <3 Art, Dayana sat with us. Tell you she kecoh nak mampos. So funny and noisy. asik2 kiteorng kenek marah pasal die joke tk habeshabes. Mepek beh random. Hahahaha ! Mr Raz fed up seh. Besok kenek pass up 10 manipulation. Wait long long lah cher. Assembly, 309 performed ! They all look so cute . Tapi I realize not many people clap hand. But they've done great. and all teachers kept asking me what "M" stand for on the classtee. 306 and 301 okay laa. English, aku tk tau ah ape aku buat. Even hazimah admits that Miss Lim always pay attention to me. =.=" Sumpah, i don't like. Cikgu nak carecare ni aku tk minat ah seh.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Bila lah boleh aku tido sampai da tkle tertido lagey?
 Yay, aku finally ade time update. -.-' Sungguh the busy. Haha, with what also i don't know. Bulan puase like chasing time sia. So many things to do, so LITTLE time. :( I've done some tests already but I'm still busy with the others and then there's the malay thingy which we're supposed to do a skit about drug dealing. My group me, Farhanah, Najihah, Arina, Farah. I kena be the dealer. Hehe . paiiseeh la sehh ! Beh act at AVT lageyy and cikgu will be taking our video. Ape hal seh ! And then I've got the 20 sketches for art to finish, at first punye la semangat and now.... sumer dh kena flush pat toilet bowl. Malas laa sehh. These few days, like always, tkde mood nk gi skola. Only looking forward to Literature / Art. And eeefff seh, tomorrow the cute physic teacher don't have anymore. Gonna be back to the old days, study with Misses quack. i don't like. Maths teacher da tkde, Physics teacher plak datang balek, sibuuuk ! Harap2 die tkde ah besok ! PLEASE !
Labels: Dtrix loove
Saturday, August 14, 2010
 Argghh ! I HATE YOU, AZAM ! =.=' Told you don't do it already right ! -___-" Mustmust finish 2 Chemistry worksheets. Mustmust finish 20 art drawings. Eh , got SS test or not ? Ohmygosssh.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
 Heeey ! I got no mood to update but because Nad just now ask me to so naahh. TQ for reading my blog. Today's just the second day of Fasting Month and sumpah, it feels like it's already the twenty plus day. I don't know if it's just me but after PE lesson, most of the malays were like so dead in class. PE was supeer fun. Played soccer like hell. Didn't felt the thirst at first but after the game ended, fuhhh, haus semacam la seh. And the teacher not going to teach us anymore ! What seh ! :'((. Cher, don't go laaa ! :(( I'm glad to say that tomorrow we're starting a new thing for Art. Wee ! smilebigbig ! Assembly was 308 ! Awesome ! So cute or what their performances? Congrats girls/ guys. You guys really showed Mr Kahar you guys are worth of a class. And 307 was good too, DYNAMITE WOO HOO ! Eng and maths, no comment.
Labels: as days pass you look more like shit than perfect.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
 My table at school sungguh da jadi macam drawing block. I spent the whole day drawing on there and listening to music in class. And kay, I just wanna say I know 309 is the sungguh semangat class must win in everything thingy and sungguh united and loving class but I don't like how they are forcing everyone to get involved in the class perfomance. I just wanna seat with the 308 girls, caaan? Honestly, I miss being in the same class with them. :((
Labels: It's about who stayed by your side no matter what
Sunday, August 8, 2010
 I wrote a veryvery long post. But then I deleted it because this is what I'm feeling right now: "FML !"
Monday, August 2, 2010
 I ♥ my girlfriends. :)) - Monday seems so dreadful and it already feels like it's Friday. Gosh, I've been thinking about all this. And even though I really want secondary life to end, we all only live one secondary life. And I really don't know how my future will be like with me like... this. First period, Physics which was totally slack-ish. English, went lab. I seat at the most end with Farah and I slept. I felt like loner and if Farah weren't there, I bet I already was. But will it be weird if I say I like it being a loner? I slept the whole one hour, hehe. Lit, went to the same lab again. LOL. This time got all my 308 girlfriends <3 . Sat with Fi and she very membekak. Chem was ...... Star, listened to SG NDP songs? SS was fuun! Natasha never come ! ahaha ! First joked around with Nuril about the OMG. Then ajak-ed Rina and disturbed her. Haha, then Hazimah joined. Disturbed them like hell, especially Rina. She cute lah ! I love to disturb her ! Hahah ! Labels: Tetot.
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