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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Last picture that'll be taken there. Yeah, I look kinda like my father's side. No comment. -.-"

Monday, September 27, 2010

life quote Pictures, Images and Photos

I know a boy. Who used to be an innocent guy. He was nice, funny, patient, honest. Recently, he's changed. Drastically. I don't recognize the boy who said that he'd wait for her forever. I'm glad that you moved on, but if you're just going to use an innocent girl just to get over your feelings, then just forget about it. I hope in the future, you'll get played like how you played with the many girls and their feelings.

I know a girl. Who was once a close friend. We were so close that I'd tell you most of my secrets instead of any other people. Now, you're different. You have cooler friends that I guess, you don't need ugly people like me. You don't need stupid and dumb people like me. But that's okay. I understand. I'm just dissapointed. To forget and to ignore is one thing but to talk bad and purposely boil blood is another thing. You're like this devil in people's ear telling each other to hate. What's up with you? What, are you jealous that you're not invited anymore? Or are you trying to break us apart? I just can't believe that the girl in the previous oh-so-many pictures was her. It feels like the girl in the picture already R.I.P.

I know awesome people like Fifi/Nadiah/Fatin/Hazimah/Aini/Farah/Suryani who will always listen and be there for me and will always keep me smiling and laughing through the bad moments.



Exams are coming. So soon. Veryvery soon.
Hari Raya is also ending. That means, I can open all my envelopes already. Mum kept on bugging me to use my own money for my everyday use, stop asking my father for school money. Eh hello, I've been doing that seh. For quite awhile now. Tsk. Dapat duit pun stress.
Other than that, I really cannot wait for school to end. I'm so tired of this nonsense. I have awesome friends but the people I hate pun semakin menjadi. Tkleh angkat uh seh. Right now, I find people who I found boleh tahan, betul perangai cam setan. Tapi the people I thought perangai cam setan, betul perangai boleh tahan. ;)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

"cross the t's and dot the i's"
T.I !! <3

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today boleh tahan best. :)
SS. boring nak mampos.
maths, mr wee come in super late sampai only left 15minutes. Then asked why he say he at canteen eating. LOL.
malaay, kena stuck with zahirah, azim and zul. I want old group back seh. zahirah, farah, astiqah. :(( idk ah what we all do. mendak ah seh malay. i don't want to go malay for the rest of my seconday life can or not? I don't like.
i hated chemistry. Always I kena, always always always. -.-" Cikgu siao ah. like me so much tkya ah nak call every lesson. cheyy. haha.
english go lab sat with aini, nuril and kacau them. and spammed aini nye twitter. lol.
literature okaayla. I like lit. kind of. idk why.
Yay yay, friday jalan raya. =)) Alaa. but sadly won't be following budak band 2 go cikgu ayesha house. nvm la. my friends more important than cikgu ayesha.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hiding something from everyone. Knowing something that crushes your world. Wishing someone would be here to share what you're feeling. Hoping someone would understand that all this was never meant.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My husband/boyfriend/soulmate !


Wooo ! Watching VMA. I slow, I know but idc. But boring ah seh, Lady Gaga keep going on stage. Her baju kalo lawa okay lah. She's so wtf. and Justin Bieber is so WHATEVER sia. =.=" And EMINEM ! WOO! And taylor swift, haha wtf !
School was fun I guess today.
I'm quite lost in maths though. English webcam-ed dengan dearest gang tersayang. Mlayu, buat mepek. Physic, entah uh buat ape. ^^
Me and Fi got new nickname for some out there haha. Si buaye, si ayam, si bapok, bigfatmeanie, si macam faham. Haha. eh they're alot closer to you than you think tao. Guess ah saper.
WOOOO ! Drake performing now ! I lioke ! Kaaay ah bye !

Monday, September 13, 2010

Friends have to be there for each other.
Tapi kalo tu friend peh otak senget beh tebal semacam cam ne ah?
Banyak peh friends be there for each other.
Gasak kau ah .



da katekan orang tinggi.


uhh tau pon

kan aku katerh aku pendek tuu aku pendek lerhhh



Ya alleh

tapi apa2 pun...

kau mesti berterima kasih

kepada allah

yang da buat kau sempurna


yerhh ustazah , ALHAMDULLILLAH ! :ddd




oi ! tkder org sempurna dengs


Oh yes, da buat kau TAK CACAT AH!


haaaaaaaaaaa ^^


Eh aku da gtg ah. Nnnti bsok kau bored ke ape, sms lah aku. confirm peh aku layan. cheey.

Haha, da ah BYE !



sms tau !

jgn lupe



ILY yani jenny !








iloveyoutooo !




"Paris is burning with Serena and Blair."
Woo ! Chuck ! <3


Hari Rayaaa is here !
One thing for sure, I'm kinda glad fasting month is over. I'm not in Raya mood at all. I haven't open any of my envolopes since Friday and thinking of opening it after Raya. Duit mesti sayang, tkmu waste beli bende tk perlu. :)) And haha, I haven't buy Raya bag. I don't even wanna go jalan raya anymore.
First day of school was so shitty. Always like that one. I got English compre, SS and literature homework, Physics and Chemistry worksheets, art manipulation undone. And there's a physic test somemore tomorrow. EOY is really like fck. Holiday pun mesti balek skola. Then you know what? Serious nye fck tu Foo ngan Natasha kater saper2 fail Maths/Science/Humanaties for EOY will not be able to follow their class go post after exam activities. Like wtf sia ! They say we will attend some class at don't know what poly or something. Tu Foo memang suker sangat spoil orang nyer fun. Die da tkder life tkya nak control kiteorng ah seh. Alaaa, sedih ah cam gitu. Confirm I cannot go one ah :(

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sweetsweet holiday. :))
Hehe, I skipped class. both on Monday and Tuesday. It's no use lah. Go, step I pay attention in class. Baek I don't waste my time right? Hehe. ^^ One week holiday, tk tengok budakbudak EV, especially si dieh, heaven maaan. I went to Geylang already, so many people. So packed. Minah and mat reps there betul attitude like fck. Memang mintak kenek maki atas bawah. And guess who I saw? Out of everyone in this world, Zhafri, Faiz, Suffian and if I'm not wrong, Sharell. Haha, diorang tk habes2 gi Geylang. And Nabihan ajak go Geylang tomorrow. I really don't wanna go. Serious ah seh.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I think Nik is quite good as them. very pro. Familiar or not the moves? Haha.

Friday, September 3, 2010

HAPPY 15TH BIRTHDAY, HAZIMAAAH ! Cheeey, Zeemah Temah da kakak kakak ah sehh. Hoped you enjoyed today, hoped you liked the card and hope you liked Step Up 3. ILY, babee !
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY, IMRAN ! Woi, biler mau pergi NS lah ? Cannot wait to see you botak. See you soon on Hari Raya =)))

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Wahh, cialat ah kena berhadap orang2 cam gini forever and ever.
Aku da susah payah puasa everyday fullfull, diorang boleh kate selama ni aku puase yokyok? wah, funfair eh boleh sembarang tuduh.
Eh gasak korang ah sia. biler aku jawab, confirm kenek lecture satu bakul. tk sedar diri betul. nama aje adults.
gimme a fcking space la.


Today school was very the fuun :)
Despite the weather being a total ... Cobaan betul, semakin hari semakin tkde semangat nak puase. Tkper, tahan, lagi brape hari aje.
First period PE, played badminton :DD I lioke but after that veryvery tired and thirsty. I talked to mr Benson about CCA and he said we only have till next year term 1 to get a CCA. Whaatheshit. Idk la seh. =.="
Maths, Mr Wee was being super funny + sarcastic. So different Mr Wee. But of course, we like lahh.
Art, while we were waiting for outside, we always seat the outside Library place. Then me, Fathihah, Yan, Zhaf, Rinny saw these sec 2 girls siak aje eat at first floor like picnic buy water buy food. Wahh, shiok skali. Zhaf and Yan disturbed them like crazy they buat muka and continue eating. Baru sec 2 dh nk step mane punya besar. Anyways, Mr Raz don't have anymore. :((((( i never really do anything. Listen music, shadeshade.
Assembly, no comment.
English, readers theater. I don't understand Miss lim. class da bising still she don't let us read looking at her, she say must look at the class. Otak die lah, tkder orang nak tengok kiteorng beh kiteorng nk bace kat ape? I read veryvery soft because I seat at the most end =.=" Then must do reflection about how our english mark improve blabla. I write all crap. Haha. Happy teachers day sumer kluar. gasak dieh la. But cikgu everytime keep talking to me, smile to me, ask me about stuff. Wahseh :)) She also never marah me when she see me listen song in class.
After school buat the genogram thingy with Mdam Chang. And oohhh, I sungguh the love her. She's so... Idk lah. So like-the-mother-I-always-wished-for. The way she smiles just makes you wanna smile and just makes you forget that there is evil in this world. Wah cheyy, bual2 macam paham. but I swear, I love Mdam Chang. :DD