Monday, November 29, 2010
But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya Throw my hand on a blade for ya I’d jump in front of a train for ya You know I'd do anything for ya I would go through all this pain, T ake a bullet straight through my brain, Yes, I would die for ya baby ; But you won't do the same. Labels: Exactly what I wanna say :)
I'm so booooooooooored but I dont wan school to start .
Haha, fck work lah . I'm begging to start tuition soon so can like "study harder." mcam faham ;)
 Cute ! :))
Not gonna be in SG for 4 5 6 8 9 10 days . Cheyy, IDK where wan go , when wan go , but please, I wan get out of here. =D
  Loooooove !
Friday, November 26, 2010
 So many options, Poison - sleeping pills - hanging - jumping from a building - lying on train tracks. But we choose LOVE -Same work, but slowly. ;)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Amira . says: Ohh . then now you like drunk or what? Daryl Tfw Sashimi says: nope 3 bottles of bacradi breezer yesterday 1 rum two breezer i pro lar ar ttyl time to chill -----
Uh-huh . =/
aku tk maen kawan separuh masa.
 Random post. Eh I look like holding something in the picture eh ? Where got. -.-" No. I not holding cigg eh krng tkmu nak gila2. Ape aje seh. Suppppper addicted to Grenade by Bruno Mars . Looove the song. Hehe ^^ Eh . Today my kawan tuu balek dari China ? Kan ? =/ I wan go out with my gfsssssss ~~~
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
    Ice cream, phones and lots of rain. :) Went out perfectly although it was a last minute plan. Fuuuun ;)
Eh shud up lah telling people benda buruk2 pasal kiteorng. Telling people you have a fckin problem with us when YOU were the one who created it in the first place. I wonder dah brape ramai orang kau dah bilang untuk buruk-kan namer kiteorng sumer. I wonder ape cerita kau dah twist and turn and bilang orang sumer. Eh aku pun boleh ah, bilang orang pasal KAU, pasal how kau buat kiteorng sumer macam dirt recently. Kiteorng pun boleh sia tapi kiteorng sumer tk kuase. Orang tanye kita tk kuase nak explain. But you know what? THANK GOD, yang kiteorng dah hilang kau. Thank god yang aku dah tak kuase pasal kau lagey. God has his reason why he's doing this, and obviously the reason dieh ade-kan masalah ni untuk tunjuk yang kau kawan yang paling buruuuk dalam dunia ini. Pfffft. -.-"
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
 I want that bracelet on Angelina Jolie and Julianne Moore and that necklaaace on Paris Hilton. Pleeeaase. Snake jewelry ^^
You may know her as "barbiegoeswild" or "telur" or "Wakawaka anak angkat" or "whatever" or..... , but I know this girl as my best friend whose turning sweet 15 today. She's a great girl and very awesome too. She's sweet and kind and well... Annoying. But that's pretty much alright because everyone's not perfect. She tries to be perfect and tries her very best in everything she do. She loves fashion and she's very patient. She can be mad crazy sometime and some other time, she can make others mad crazy. She's in China now and I hope she's having a great time there. I hope she's doing well and is healthy and I long to hear her stories of her trip and of course about her faaav teacher, wakawaka, when she comes back. Fifi, happy 15th birthday ! Though you're in China , I'm sure you'll read this post someday when you come back. Just wanna wish a happy birthday and may all your wishes come true. You're a different and unique friend and I hope you will stay that way foreever because people who knows you and are close to you are very lucky. Stay awesome, pretty, strong, funny and just you always. We'll celebrate your birthday someday soon, I hope ^^
 When we were bored :)) Sorry kalau terbual2 pasal some ppl out there. ;) Tkmu take it to the heart . ------------------------------------------
Amira . says: haha . die baru sesuai kena panggil kks. NurulAini says: HAHAHA! yeah. she deserve a better guy, i think Amira . says: no . he deserves a better girl . i know. NurulAini says: Hah. yeaaah. kau ah Amira . says: Eh . haha. NurulAini says: eh. suka!|
------------------------------------------------ NurulAini says: tak tak. dat aku kawan dhe dhe belum suka aku, so botton line, rooster ader possibility. Amira . says: of what ? ape sal aleh2 rooster kluar dalam berbual ni ?
NurulAini says: entah, aku tgh boring la buka topic uh ----------------------------------------------- NurulAini says: eh, tumblr shutting down. kena hack. Amira . says: LOL ^^ tu aku dah tk bersalah eh . haha. NurulAini says: confirm pasal kau tumblr tk suka kau Amira . says: tk lah. aku da call dieh tadi. kater kau nak pakai so nnti kau pakai teruk so suruh die shut down pasal kan kalau kau ade nnti kau update sumer benda emo so aku suruh tumblr shud down . heh NurulAini says: eh eh whoa, shiok sia kacau aku. -.-' aku emo ehhhhh. Amira . says: chey tkderlah . kau tk emo . kau kan suker post gambar makanan then aku call tumblr suruh shud down psal nnti orng tengok orng temptation tk bagus NurulAini says: HAHAH! Amira . says: esp orng pregnant beh kalo drng tk dapat ape yng dorng nak, kan kecian. NurulAini says: ape ndphone no dhe? Amira . says: so aku call tumblr. oh jap eh. 91139141 . cuber ah call. NurulAini says: tkpe lah eh eh! tolong aku Amira . says: suruh aku call kan tumblr? okay boleh .
------------------------------------------- Amira . says: Blueek blueek . i wonder bile tu budak nak balik sembeleh kambing NurulAini says: kalau dia balek pun, confirm dhe tk reply kau confirm tido Amira . says: Haha. check2 die tertido pat situ eh. NurulAini says: ah.bila drg tgh sembelih kambing orang riuh riuh. abeh dhe relax tido Amira . says: haha. die tutup mata pasal sedih nak tengok then at last tertido. NurulAini says: heh. abeh org kejut tk bangun bangum bangun* Amira . says: HAHAHAHA ! Eh sial lah kiteorng. kawan buruk sia. kecian die. tersedak sedak dalam mimpi psal tengah tidur. NurulAini says: alaaah. joking je la. dia cute la. Amira . says: ah'ah. ------------------------------------ Amira . says: tadi kan 1111 beh aku skali skale ah nak tweet make a wish skali aku tweet dah 1112 tk sempat buat wish. wtfff. -.- NurulAini says: merepek nye 111 kau percaya ni semua Amira . says: tak. tu lah aku nyer first time. beh aku waste just for tweeting. seleeeng sia. NurulAini says: HAHAHA! kesian nye apa wish kau Amira . says: AKU TK SEMPAT WISH that's the whole point pandai. NurulAini says: tau la. aku yang kau nak wish tapi tk sempat pandai Amira . says: aku ? haha. Ntaaaah eh.
Monday, November 29, 2010
But darling I’ll still catch a grenade for ya Throw my hand on a blade for ya I’d jump in front of a train for ya You know I'd do anything for ya I would go through all this pain, T ake a bullet straight through my brain, Yes, I would die for ya baby ; But you won't do the same. Labels: Exactly what I wanna say :)
I'm so booooooooooored but I dont wan school to start .
Haha, fck work lah . I'm begging to start tuition soon so can like "study harder." mcam faham ;)
 Cute ! :))
Not gonna be in SG for 4 5 6 8 9 10 days . Cheyy, IDK where wan go , when wan go , but please, I wan get out of here. =D
  Loooooove !
Friday, November 26, 2010
 So many options, Poison - sleeping pills - hanging - jumping from a building - lying on train tracks. But we choose LOVE -Same work, but slowly. ;)
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Amira . says: Ohh . then now you like drunk or what? Daryl Tfw Sashimi says: nope 3 bottles of bacradi breezer yesterday 1 rum two breezer i pro lar ar ttyl time to chill -----
Uh-huh . =/
aku tk maen kawan separuh masa.
 Random post. Eh I look like holding something in the picture eh ? Where got. -.-" No. I not holding cigg eh krng tkmu nak gila2. Ape aje seh. Suppppper addicted to Grenade by Bruno Mars . Looove the song. Hehe ^^ Eh . Today my kawan tuu balek dari China ? Kan ? =/ I wan go out with my gfsssssss ~~~
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
    Ice cream, phones and lots of rain. :) Went out perfectly although it was a last minute plan. Fuuuun ;)
Eh shud up lah telling people benda buruk2 pasal kiteorng. Telling people you have a fckin problem with us when YOU were the one who created it in the first place. I wonder dah brape ramai orang kau dah bilang untuk buruk-kan namer kiteorng sumer. I wonder ape cerita kau dah twist and turn and bilang orang sumer. Eh aku pun boleh ah, bilang orang pasal KAU, pasal how kau buat kiteorng sumer macam dirt recently. Kiteorng pun boleh sia tapi kiteorng sumer tk kuase. Orang tanye kita tk kuase nak explain. But you know what? THANK GOD, yang kiteorng dah hilang kau. Thank god yang aku dah tak kuase pasal kau lagey. God has his reason why he's doing this, and obviously the reason dieh ade-kan masalah ni untuk tunjuk yang kau kawan yang paling buruuuk dalam dunia ini. Pfffft. -.-"
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
 I want that bracelet on Angelina Jolie and Julianne Moore and that necklaaace on Paris Hilton. Pleeeaase. Snake jewelry ^^
You may know her as "barbiegoeswild" or "telur" or "Wakawaka anak angkat" or "whatever" or..... , but I know this girl as my best friend whose turning sweet 15 today. She's a great girl and very awesome too. She's sweet and kind and well... Annoying. But that's pretty much alright because everyone's not perfect. She tries to be perfect and tries her very best in everything she do. She loves fashion and she's very patient. She can be mad crazy sometime and some other time, she can make others mad crazy. She's in China now and I hope she's having a great time there. I hope she's doing well and is healthy and I long to hear her stories of her trip and of course about her faaav teacher, wakawaka, when she comes back. Fifi, happy 15th birthday ! Though you're in China , I'm sure you'll read this post someday when you come back. Just wanna wish a happy birthday and may all your wishes come true. You're a different and unique friend and I hope you will stay that way foreever because people who knows you and are close to you are very lucky. Stay awesome, pretty, strong, funny and just you always. We'll celebrate your birthday someday soon, I hope ^^
 When we were bored :)) Sorry kalau terbual2 pasal some ppl out there. ;) Tkmu take it to the heart . ------------------------------------------
Amira . says: haha . die baru sesuai kena panggil kks. NurulAini says: HAHAHA! yeah. she deserve a better guy, i think Amira . says: no . he deserves a better girl . i know. NurulAini says: Hah. yeaaah. kau ah Amira . says: Eh . haha. NurulAini says: eh. suka!|
------------------------------------------------ NurulAini says: tak tak. dat aku kawan dhe dhe belum suka aku, so botton line, rooster ader possibility. Amira . says: of what ? ape sal aleh2 rooster kluar dalam berbual ni ?
NurulAini says: entah, aku tgh boring la buka topic uh ----------------------------------------------- NurulAini says: eh, tumblr shutting down. kena hack. Amira . says: LOL ^^ tu aku dah tk bersalah eh . haha. NurulAini says: confirm pasal kau tumblr tk suka kau Amira . says: tk lah. aku da call dieh tadi. kater kau nak pakai so nnti kau pakai teruk so suruh die shut down pasal kan kalau kau ade nnti kau update sumer benda emo so aku suruh tumblr shud down . heh NurulAini says: eh eh whoa, shiok sia kacau aku. -.-' aku emo ehhhhh. Amira . says: chey tkderlah . kau tk emo . kau kan suker post gambar makanan then aku call tumblr suruh shud down psal nnti orng tengok orng temptation tk bagus NurulAini says: HAHAH! Amira . says: esp orng pregnant beh kalo drng tk dapat ape yng dorng nak, kan kecian. NurulAini says: ape ndphone no dhe? Amira . says: so aku call tumblr. oh jap eh. 91139141 . cuber ah call. NurulAini says: tkpe lah eh eh! tolong aku Amira . says: suruh aku call kan tumblr? okay boleh .
------------------------------------------- Amira . says: Blueek blueek . i wonder bile tu budak nak balik sembeleh kambing NurulAini says: kalau dia balek pun, confirm dhe tk reply kau confirm tido Amira . says: Haha. check2 die tertido pat situ eh. NurulAini says: ah.bila drg tgh sembelih kambing orang riuh riuh. abeh dhe relax tido Amira . says: haha. die tutup mata pasal sedih nak tengok then at last tertido. NurulAini says: heh. abeh org kejut tk bangun bangum bangun* Amira . says: HAHAHAHA ! Eh sial lah kiteorng. kawan buruk sia. kecian die. tersedak sedak dalam mimpi psal tengah tidur. NurulAini says: alaaah. joking je la. dia cute la. Amira . says: ah'ah. ------------------------------------ Amira . says: tadi kan 1111 beh aku skali skale ah nak tweet make a wish skali aku tweet dah 1112 tk sempat buat wish. wtfff. -.- NurulAini says: merepek nye 111 kau percaya ni semua Amira . says: tak. tu lah aku nyer first time. beh aku waste just for tweeting. seleeeng sia. NurulAini says: HAHAHA! kesian nye apa wish kau Amira . says: AKU TK SEMPAT WISH that's the whole point pandai. NurulAini says: tau la. aku yang kau nak wish tapi tk sempat pandai Amira . says: aku ? haha. Ntaaaah eh.
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