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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Monday, February 28, 2011

Amira Shaqira ♥ B.Y.Y

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Saturday, February 26, 2011


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"Are you ready........... Hello Amira Shaqira Binte Saharudin. Saya ini Farah dan saya sedang menggunakan telefon bimbit emak saya. Amira Shaqira, kamu sedang membuat apa? Saya sedang menaip mesej ini di telefon bimbit emak saya. Hahaha. Saya tidak tahu kerja rumah apa? Apakah kerja rumah yang perlu dibuat Amira Shaqira? Jangan asyik fikirkan byy, amira shaqira. Mari, talk to me baybeyh. Lol. Selamat malam amira shaqira....." - Farah ♥



Temah: Amiraaaaaa! Ade semut!
Me: *kills.*
Temah: Haha, banyak punyer tkmu bunuh semut eh.
Me: Oh ah'ah eh. Haha. Tu bukan bunuh, itu cumer a pat on the back.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Never to forget, mine and temah reaction when seeing something super disgusting . HAHA ! Okay on a serious note, omg, rabak siak tu budak . I wan vomit sia .


I wonder if you know the meaning maruah ?
If you don't, it means, self respect/ pride .
But then again, even if you know what it means, I don't think you have it.
So go on, do what you want . Because it's your life and the one whose gonna end up regretting is not gonna be me or your friends or him, it's gonna be you .


Yay, finally can update ^^
Haiyoo, life's been so stressful . Idk how to explain. You know how people always say that you don't feel that the world is spinning even though it is? Now, literally, I can feel the world spinning. God, it's just everything about school and ask me the last time I've bought any accessories or went to watch a movie or went shopping, I'd tell you that it was way back in December. I'm not sure how I'm gonna able to survive till November, how I'm gonna live with this much craploads of homework and tests and things to do. The amount of homework is too much that I don't bother handing any in anymore. And then, there's the test and quizzes like every single day. I don't even bother to know my marks anymore because there's too much that I don't know which is which. And then there's beloved art. Sungguh the stress, I admit I love art but the whole 30 sketches and preparations is making me go crazy seh. Imagine almost everyday reaching home at 6+ just to do freaking art and the funny thing is, it never gets finished. Leceh2, I just hope that in the end, it's all worth it seh. Oh yah, on top of it all now, I got the responsibility of doing the stupid play for literature as a scriptwriter. Baek . Ask me back in January when school just started then I'd be super excited but now, sorry ah, I don't even have the time to complete my homework, so how can you expect me to write a script? HUH!? -.-"

Saturday, February 19, 2011

My favorite kena kicked off alreadyyyyyyy ! WTFFF ! Voice so nicee :'(

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Today was quitee fun . English do compre, Maths did the trigo practise and Mr Wee is succha awesome teacher teaching me personally several times because I didn't understand and patiently helped me. Unlike some teachers- ehem mdam natasha- who jeling at me when I did my ss wrongly because I didn't know how to do. Also, Mr Wee smells good and he said something about gossip girl ! OMG! Ha! In your face, farahh :P ! Anw, then lit was kinda terrible because Miss Chua first time, I think, shouted at our class. And she threatened to cancel our trips to watch plays. :( Chem, do the metal worksheet thingy and vandalized Temah table. Malay, groupwork and did karangan expositori with Fathihah and Syahmi. Star, we did CIP which we have to go to houses and tell them about the dengue(spelling?) mosquitoes or whatever lah. We nva do, lol easy cip hours earned. but I had fun watching and waving at other classes at other blocks . lol. Then dismissed and went lepak till 4plus with Fi, Temah, Nad, Farah, Yani and Aten. There was this one thing Nad said made us laugh like hell sampai muka merah2 hahaha. ^^

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Valentine's day>Day of board 1 dateline for art>2 hours of maths>maths test>social studies test>social study extra class> fcking hell


Once upon a story, Telur fancys MJ while DD is in love with Pipi.


There are many things in your life that will catch your eye, But only a few will catch your heart


Forever can never be long enough for me
Feel like I've had long enough with you
Forget the world now we won't let them see
But there's one thing left to do

Now that the weight has lifted
Love has surely shifted my way
Marry Me
Today and every day
Marry Me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Together can never be close enough for me
Feel like I am close enough to you
You wear white and I'll wear out the words I love you
And you're beautiful
Now that the wait is over
And love and has finally shown her my way
Marry me
Today and every day
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will

Promise me
You'll always be
Happy by my side
I promise to
Sing to you
When all the music dies

And marry me
Today and everyday
Marry me
If I ever get the nerve to say "Hello" in this cafe
Say you will
Say you will
Marry me

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Hey ! Saturday morning sumer orng shiok tidur snoring like hell, me and the other budak band 1 terpakse go remedial. But it was worth my sleep I guess, because boleh tahan uh fun and cikgu Badariah didn't wanna stress us up too much. She bought us oreo, chocs, biscuits.We did filling and like always, whenever I get my malay papers back, I feel like breaking down because like always, I never meet cikgu's expectation and I'm fucking myself saying that I'll be able to stay in band 1 after the SA1 . Cibei. Stress sia . Sat with Fathihah, Zahirah and Afiqah and laughlaugh and I suke tempat duduk sayer. Hahaha. Kay, anyway, I'm kinda fed up with seseorang jugak psal idk, you know the meaning KACANG LUPAKAN KULIT? Cb, aku rase cam gitu with you. Haizz. She made my day kinda moody seh. But at least, there was Joe and Pipi today, how lucky they were in school too :))

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

"I like to see couples that I'd never think would be together, be together. 'Cos then I'll know they'd last as they must've seen each other at their worst therefore can accept each other though they're not their dream guy/girl. When you see them, don't say "Eew, they don't match." Instead, pray they would last cos they'd support each other though they don't match on the exterior (: How long can looks last anyway." - Farah Diyanah .


I wouldn't risk this friendship for anything because I don't wanna lose someone like you to the other side of love; hate.


This girl make this guy whom I've wasted liking for 2932032239 DAYS so karat and now, nobody wants him because he's her leftover.


When you give that "I don't wanna talk" attitude, as your kawan rapat, I tell you that I'm always here if you wanna talk and show you that I'm concerned about you. And then you give the "fck off" attitude so I seat one side and give you some space and time so you can cool down or do whatever your mind wanna do by yourself and then you go around saying "oh this person is my best friend because he or she doesn't leave me whenever I'm down unlike some other people." And finally I go, " WTF SIA!?"


Lawa sangaaaat kan? Ni when me and telur/ me and Aini tkde kerja during Lit and chem . LOL ^^
School's starting to be more tiring . Idk if it's just me or it's really becoming more & more stressful. One thing for sure, my homeworks are mostly not handed up on time because there's just too many and I can't find time to study because of the pile of homeworks.
Today was at least less tiring than yesterday , but nonetheless still tiring lahh. Anw, we had english which we did idk what but Miss Lim looked like she was in a good mood, smiling like wtf. No joke, kinda creepy . Maths, the good news is that I'm with Mr Wee back and he's getting more funnier and awesomer as days pass :) But the bad news is that I'm lost because I don't freaking understand what we're currently learning. Lit, super boring lorr. If I had known, I should've took Geog. Now, I'm stuck wondering if i'll ever be able to pass for my olevels. Chem, study and how awesome is Misses Chua. I love her sehh. Hehe . Malay was kinda okay because we did groupwork and cikgu grouped us wanting us to mix around with others. At last, I got grouped with Rina, Qinah, Fathihah, Syahmi and Farhanah. Best kan? All budak 409 :) STAR, we went to look at mosquitoes. To think the school run out of stupid lessons to do. Lol. But it was kinda fun and cool ah since the mosquitoes are real not fake like how everything else is in the school. Then went to "find" the mosquitoes around the ISH, like wthh. Tkde kerja laen pe? Dapat jumper betul2 then padan muker, report straight to the MOE then the school shut down. :) After school go out seat with gfs for awhile while teman-ing Telur and Farah ml class start. So good theirs at least today, band 1 is on saturday morning. Just when I thought I can sleep forever after Friday. Arghhhhhhh. -.-"

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Align Center
Kiteorng pun celebrate CNY ;)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Baby tersayang, Aiman

Happy Birthdayy, Hazik :)

Awesome time with beloved girlfriends


CNY Celebration + Hazik Hakim Birthday Party

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Eh sial ah kau , da lah hari tu aku mimpi pasal kau ngan ____ , aku bangun tidur terhantuk batu. Kepale aku ade benjol tau."
"Hahahaha. Ni sumer kau punyer psal ah. Aku belum bilang zahirah sia psal ape jadi tadi. hahahaha."
"Haha, eh skali besok aku bangun tidur terus terhantuk lagi kuat berdarah sia . aku gi skola pakai bandage pat kepale, kau tau ah ape jadi eh. Aku nak claim duit insurance ah."
"Hahahaha, merepekk."


Woo , sejuk per . I lioke . ^^
First period, eng . We do test . Idk what I do uh. I do anyhow . I hope, super2 hope that, I'm able to pass . Kalau tk, waste my time only write panjang2. -.- Maths, Lit, Chem , idk do what .Malay, hehe Cikgu tk datanggg ! Happy sia. Teacher gave work but me, Zahirah, Afiqah and Fathihah never do . Instead we play truth or would you rather and laughlaugh . Others all semangat buat kerja, pfffft band 1. Star, bodoh nyer boring learn about marriage . eh if i want to get married then I ask for your opinions ah . teach us so early step until we dah besar can remember. i can't even remember how to do last year math stuff sia .
Anw, to the GIRLS , Im sorry i can't make it besok . I know it's important and it's been long since we spent time together since we're all so busy . Sorry kalau krng sedih ke ape ah , tapi kita masing2 ade responsibility. I know it's always hard for us because when one's free the other isn't. We'll get that day, insyallah but in the meantime, we don't need to hang out after school to prove to each other that we're still rapat what . Anw, sorry lah I can't come :( Krng nk , just go on . I can't go because my cousin got to bdae party for her son, wth 2 years old also wanna do party. pffft, I'd do anything not to go sia . And Temah has to maybe fetch her sister from school . I'm sorry but you and me, we all have responsibilities right? :)