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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The happiest people are not the ones who have everything. They are the ones who make the best of anything.


Don't lose track of who you are just because it might be easier to be somebody else.


I hope she remembers who sent her those messages every night to ask if she was okay. I hope she remembers who send her those quotes for her to stay strong and move on. I hope she remembers that time when she looks at her best friend and says, "It's so touching, can i cry?" when her best friend gives her that move on card. I hope she won't forget her surrounding when she's with that guy. I hope she won't take it to the heart if her best friend sometimes doesn't wanna listen to her love stories. I hope she will remember her best friend and not replace her with her boyfriend or other cooler friends. I hope she knows that her best friend only wanted the best for her and doesn't wanna see her sad or heartbroken anymore. To top it all, I just hope you know that I care for you and through thick or thin, through darkest and brightest times, you know that I'll always be there for you when you need or don't need me. I'm sorry if I'm never like your cca friends or can never listen to your love stories and give you strong advises. I'm sorry if I'm not pretty or cool as your other friends. But one thing i can promise you is that, you can always count on me :)


"cool seh, anjing die tau ade tsunami beh save owner die. best eh kalau ade pet macam gitu."
"Kau nak simpan ape sia? Dog dah tentutentu tk boleh beh kucing, kau tk brani pegang."
"Haha! Aku simpan hamster ah. Tapi... By the time tsunami datang, aku masih cari hamster aku hilang pat rumah sia."
"Haha, beh kalau simpan fish macam mane sia?"
Niari was awesome although random but that's how life is supposed to be. Crazy and random right? ^^
Got chem workshop in the morning and it was kind of okay ah. they took our after school and now they took our before school. but i think that misses chua and all the other teachers are so nice for waking up early just to teach us for our olevel. :)
First period was english and I sat with luqman and did damage to his table. Hehe, then the whole lesson we talked crap and he's so crazy. Tak sangke sehh. Actually the last time i lepak with him also he showed his crazy side ah but today is ten times funnier. Malay, cikgu badariah went through paper then we finished early and got like 15 minutes break. Then I solo because Afiqah talk to zahirah. then see aini she also solo because raudah don't have. lol. klakar sey kiter due. And from yesterday everytime cikgu teach and i see all the budak mlayu band 1 pay attention like tomorrow malay o level like that. And lol, I will deff ask "wth am i doing here sehh?" to myself. Art, do work then zhaf seat at my table with fathihah and he so funny talk about random stuffs. He's doing on the architectural thingy sehh, so hard then mdam tasneem ask him change topic, his expression so funny. Then physic, venay is so merepek. I talktalk with aini, skali he ask aini a question then aini smile and he was like "don't smile." HAHA! tkleh tahan sia me and aini wanna laugh. After that was maths remedial with mr Wee. he so funny at first, he was like "you know why I'm talking so much? because the practice paper is with mr lee and right now i don't know where he is. so.... you know yesterday while I was reading the papers, theres this women talk about how animals have sixth sense. they'll know if something bad is gonna happen." so cute sia mr wee talk and talk and talk. Then the conversation just now was with me and luqman and fathihah. lol. XD
After school me and fathihah went bk to do art. then skali naj, rinny, dayana, ain all have. then after some time, qinah, adib, wani and wasylah come. lol, boleh buat satu class sehh, so cool all end up at one place.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I don't wanna start a fight with you because that's just bad. I'm not afraid of you but it's just that it's the wrong thing sehh. Kiter due class sama beh buat ape nak buat muka buruk pat each other kan? I hate you, you hate me tapi skrng Im trying to get over it . I don't mind if you wanna continue hating. obviously i'm not the nicest girl in the world and your not either, everyone has a bad side right? I never tell anyone about you and if I hated you that much, wouldn't I have told people about what you did to the world already? But I'm not like that, even though kau nak bbl buruk pasal aku, i wont go around telling people about you. and i know lah you block me , so obvious lah seh. -.-
So yah , the important thing is that I'm sorry and that as muslims, i hope you forgive me, cheyy ! lol ^^ Your life is already so stressed up so I hope I never make you more stress. So thats why i said sorry. I know I'm being such a bitch towards you. And again, i'm sorry (:
skali if you want tell people i mintak maaf because i penakut or don't want you to get mad or whatever go ahead lah, aku pun dah tk kisah. :)


Monday, March 28, 2011

Luqman feat Amira - Love the way you lie with F.Co
RT @fiqahefron @ Ya la sumpah random man you. Eh btw Zac Efron kirim salam juga!
aRT @ @ Lol amira!! You are so random! Lembu drink what? :D
Britney Spears saper? - Fatin
lol! per jer! haha! - Nuril
& more ;)


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yesterday, really planned to do homework then skali this monster appear at the door. My parents kidnapped him home while bro went out for tuition. Haha, then lastlast, I'm the one who have to take care of him. i lovee this boy so much man :) He so hyperactive, run everywere around the house, jumpjump then scream out so loud. Beh rajin tolong buat house chores. But also, make a mess ah. haha. & he kick one of my glass cabinets and it broke then his face like super scared and he so quiet then he go kitchen and seat down quietly. haha, so cute or what? Then when want to send him home, he don't want. lol ^^
I know I shouldn't even be on the computer but I'm so tired. been doing homework since just now morning. I'm so stressed up that even when I accidentally woke up at 3am in the morning, I thought about my homework. Haiya, art ah make me so fcked up . Mdam Tasneem is gonna call up parents if we don't finish our 30 sketches. Ive done only 9 ! -.- I redid my topic so like a little waste time ah. Last time do gothic brides but it's to hard for me to find original pictures and draw halloween stuffs. So end up, I'm just doing on underwater life. like sec 1 seh -.- Nvm, fashion design tetap best :) All the stupid preparations aje menyusahkan dunia. Dah bye, omg, I have tuition today ! wtf!?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Best friends;You fight, I fight. You hurt, I hurt. You cry, I cry.You jump off a bridge;I get in a paddle boat and save your stupid ass.


"Diam ah. Tadi dah nangis dekat hall, sampai terbaring2." HAHA! XD
Hellooo ! Today was great. School was normal, I'm so happy Mdam Natasha is away, hehe ^^ And even Mdam Tasneem also don't have. Cikgu Badariah is back and I'm so thankful cuz I don't wan to be stuck with that cikgu Rina anymore. I love same class with band 2 and if possible all bands seh but I don't like cikgu Rina. so over. Cikgu Farhanah and Cikgu Ayesha is also better ah. After school went Art Room with Fi, Nad, Fathihah and Temah, cuz I need to use ohp . So funn, and they so kecoh, so funny. Then Nad went for class and we went lepak for awhile. So kecoh esp about mj, pipi, 626, m.l, temah, a.h, Arn, Ken and of course, byy♥


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Remember: even the smallest envelope is heavy for an elf.


Cuz when someone was confessing something, I had my eyes on someone else.



moving on.


If you say I'm quiet, you obviously don't know me .
Don't judge a book by its cover.


Mdam Rina is seriously wtf. Just now malay, band1 combined with band2 then she flashed us our oral marks and when i saw mine was 24, I was like Alhamdullilah walaupun tk high, tetap pass. Then I relax and happyhappy eat sweet then aleh2 she say "amira shaqira" thrice and everyone laugh in this don't know what supposedly "funny" voice. I so lossst seh, why suddenly budak band 2 all laugh cuz mdam rina voice so diff. Ape aje. If she thinks my name is funny, how about hers seh? Ish sumpah i don't like her. Orang dah pass tu senyap aje lah, stop saying that just because Im band 1 I have to do this and that blablabla.. Fikir aku sukasuka choose pe masuk band 1?


Tell people about what I did to dirty my name... but how come you never tell people why I said that stuffs and what you did? Hmmm...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

School starts tomorrow ! Haiya, so much closer to Olevels sia . And the ugly truth; I'm not ready for Olevel and will never ever be ready for it. I can't even do the three maths practice homework. I wish I had two years learning all this stuff in sec4 and then go for olevel. I don't think a year, or maybe 11 or 10 months is enough. Right now, I'd do anything for me to be able to pass olevel. I know wishing upon a star won't help, but effort will. And I'm trying, believe it or not, I tried learning. Woah. Haha. I might look smart or whatever you guys say, but I think I'm dumb. Like I tried learning SS for test tomorrow on Gulf War and idk one thing about it. Serves me right for not paying attention in class. All this Saddam Hussein and stuffs really got me mixed up. So wth, first day of a new term already got a test. And also, the other day, I tried studying Physics from the start and I forget how to count from the vernier calipers and all that stuffs. I'm so stressed! I'd give anything away just to make me smart. Just to pass Olevel and get it over with. I can't help it seh, everyday my parents are telling me to pass Olevel and not make a shame out of their name and it feels like if I fail Olevel, all I wanna do is commit suicide. I'm so pening man . Asal Olevel exists sia? Mati ni sumer tak kluar ape! Waste time aje. Argh. -.-"


To the very pretty girl who turns 16 today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY and hope you have a great day today :)) Stay awesome like how you always are and beautiful always. Present lambat sikit, sorry babe ! hehe ^^

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Friday, March 11, 2011




Tuesday, March 8, 2011



Being ignored is the worst thing ever. Cheyy, no lahh . ^^

Monday, March 7, 2011

I'm sorry I was one of those who walked out when you expected me to walk into your world.




Monday never go school so awesomeeeee! Although seat at home is boring, but still, it's worth it. Because mondays are always the worst with two hours of maths, physics, ss then extra class somemore. I got sore eyes, fever, flu... Doctor wanted to gimme 2 days MC but I asked for one only. Not that I semangat go school for anything but only, I wanna meet my friends ^^ Hehe. My eyes burning sehh, so painful. I hope tomorrow recover ah.


Happy Birthdayy, ZAHIRAH GANI ! ♥
Your suchha awesome person and without fail, seating with you during malay classes will be so fun and kecoh. Stay awesome, pretty and always so nice ! :) And I hope you get that boy, I know how it feels like in your shoes. I hope everything will turn out fine. :D

Thursday, March 3, 2011

"Eh giler sia kau, setiap kali berbual pasal b.y.y kau confirm blush macam orang giler."
Hello Hello !
I got time since to update my t.t never come , so hehehe ^^ Happy sia . First two period was art, mendak liddat . But I'm starting on my first fashion design already . So another 15 models to draw. Wahh , die sia . And then color scheme another god knows how many models. Then literature, I think I'm gonna die sooner or later because I never pay attention like almost every lesson. Malay, cikgu never come because her husband is sick. Hope everything will be okay, I really don't like to see her so sad. She's such a nice teacher, she don't deserve this kind of things. :( Anw, during malay usually I always seat with Zahirah and Afiqah and Fathihah and we always play "truth or would you rather?" but this time I sat with Aini and Raudah and talktalk with them. Then Assembly and SS, Mdam Natasha is so whatever sia . Haha. After school went lepak for awhile with Ali and then tell about B.Y.Y. And then I blush like tomato sia . Wthh ! What's so wrong with me? So obsessed with b.y.y. Woo I lioke yo. Oh yah, Aini mentioned I spelled Venay name wrongly? really ah? Ah heck care lah , i have no fcking respect for him pun . Just now he ask for file then wtf, ask us do content page ourself. Cb sia kau cikgu mamak tk guner.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

"Kau ambek ape ah?"
"Art, senang sia art."
*Me and Luqman stare at each other.*
World sia ! Art class aku stakat first board and 30 sketches sumer tengah struggling nak mampos and you can talk big! Step nak mampos sia .


When you hate the most nicest girl on earth even when she never did anything to you , there's just something super wrong with you. I mean, WHY THE HELL DO YOU NOT LIKE HER!? THERE'S NOTHING TO HATE ABOUT! OMG -.-"


Boys wanna make use of you because you're cheap and easy. But I realized, your making use of the boys also to just..... be a whore?


Today was okay except the part during Physics which I seriously failed my physic test and got the lowest in class, I think . And then to make things a whole lot better, the FCUKING cikgu mamak wannabe orang putih said out loud my marks and give me this don't know what face ah. Idk why but I'm just mad , with myself , with him, with everyone. I just hate Mr Venay . And then the whole lesson, I cried. After class, I found this card on my table and it was really so touching and nice . I'm not sure who it was even Temah all didn't know who. But I kinda guess it's Adib . Whoever you are, thanks so much :) I'm not the type who gets too bothered about marks but i just don't know why this hit me like a slap in the face . I feel like giving up although i shouldn't . I feel like breaking down whenever I think about it. But I won't . I'm just gonna burn away that test paper and forget it ever existed.
