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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I wish this sort of things will happen for my olevel. I'm hoping for a miracle for everything. The sweet surprise that can blow me off my feet and make me blink twice to see if i'm not dreaming. The feeling of satisfaction and happiness. The feeling of getting from a 2 to a 14, it feels so damn good man. I don't need to get the highest or full marks to be happy and thankful, all I need is a pass. :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Damnnnnnnnn ! Tomorrow's monday and worst I didn't know I've got a test till 5 mins ago. Wtf man. it's on vectors somemore and i know freaking nothing. sumpah, nothing. like most of you say nothing you mean the hard parts but i mean the easy part, the part from the beggining. i don't even know why there's arrows all over the place or that weird ~ sign OMG! I'm freaking out. i can't believe i relaxed my ass off on friday, saturday and sunday . . no one freaking told me. thanks a lot eh. omfg there's a fucking test tomorrow.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Speech day wasn't a total waste of time because Mdam Chang cameeee! MDAM CHANG WE MISS YOU SO MUCHHHHHHHH! :'(

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Anotherrr 6mins will go do art, promisepromise. But I don't think I can finish 12 layouts by today. I rather do malay homework lah please. I so fed up with art, you have no idea how fucked up my art is right now. -.- Morning had chemistry workshop and we learnt how to balance equations and I think I'm getting it. Felt so good to finally understand something in class. Lol XD English, Me, Luqman, Aini and Fathihah combined table and we kecoh talk like no tomorrow. And ohyahh, I get go speech day. miss lim drawlots. And my name kena first, thank godd. Then Aini and Fathihah also have. Azam should dapat too sey! Haiyo. Then malay, Cikgu Badariah talk about me again. I don't remember sangat ah what she said but I remembered she was like "cikgu dah bace 2 karangan expositori amira shaqira..." and she compliment and she say now then she find out why I'm in band 1. Compliment but it kinda hurts ah. Like people always say no offense, but obviously it's offensive ah. I so malu ppl look behind then smilesmile at me. lol. Then my karangan expositori ciku compliment about i get 32/50 . Art, i nva do anything cuz i nva bring art file. malas sey. like i said, my art is very fcked up you've got no idea and when we get the exam art paper, i'm gonna breakdown NO JOKE coursework halfway pun belum habes then expect us do SA1 for art, wtf sia think we got so much time or what? Then physics was damn merepek. Mr Venay teach sumpah tk ikhlas. He was trying to rush everything up so that next lesson we can have our test. wtf right this kind of teacher? then at last, me, fathihah, luqman, aini, wasylah throwthrow eraser dust at each other. Maths remedial was worthless because me and luqman never pay attention at all. We play games and talked the whole way. & omgg it's past 6mins already . okay lah bye. BENCI ORANG BERLAGAK PANDAIIIIIIII!


Hehe happy sweet 16th babe! stay cute, funny, smart, pretty and don't forget to feed your cats food. Cheyy haha, i love to disturb you, younknow remember lagu omgg? ^^ Goodluck for your studies and may your wishes come true today. & ehemehem goodluck to you and him ;) ilyyyyyy, nuril!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Your intentions were good, but you just fcking hurt my feelings. so how's that?"
Today was okay till some part someone ruined it. Pffffffft. -.- Anw, first period english me and Aini talked then I combine table with luqman and we do oral picture practise. Maths, me and luqman talked all the way then skali got this funny thing happen till we both cannot stop laughing and smiling. LOL XD Lit, i always without fail these few lesson kena scold by miss chua. idk why but i think she hate me. chey no lah. she's always saying this that to me for so long but give me 5 mins and I confirm forget everything she said.. chemistry, do lab work. I do with Miqah so kecoh because we scared the thing explode. but it was so funnnnn. Then do work and i so love misses chua chemistry lesson. thank god too cuz teacher postponed the test today. Malay, do kefahaman test. So unprepared. And i do sembarangan, i so scared fail :( Then we had SexEducation talk by Cikgu badariah! I looove her so much seyy. so cute and she's so smarrrrt! We had a lot of fun. Me, Temah, Aini, Fathihah, Luqman and Azam one group. Then there's this activity where we had to act someone hold someone hand and say"I don't like you" but in a sweet way. then I kena with Luqman and so kelakar man he say i don't like you. I already so malu need to hold hands with him in front of one class. aiyo memalukan aje.



Monday, April 11, 2011

LOL, just now during maths mr wee told us he watched this and the way he said about this show so freaking cute and funnny ! Oh , i have such an awesome maths teacher. hehe ^^

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Cross country sumpah gerek!
More pics at FB, i upload 185 pictures but only 111 uploaded so ....... -.-"

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

I get my camera back alreadyy! YAY! I so happy seh, I sent for repair last week and i really wanted to get it before cross country. thank god, it's repaired. :DD I so happy, my camera tersayang. I don't care if its not a dslr or any cool camera, it's mine and i sayang it sehh.
Wednesday, morning had chemistry workshop. Then me and fathihah sat at parade square and syahmi and suffian at fourth floor and they disturb fathihah shoutshout her name. then suffian disturb me shout "amira epok2." lol. sejak biler aje they disturb me. haha. but funny ah walaupun embarassing. Then english I do work so semangat cheyy. Malay, so funny. Cikgu come then she tell us about her life all that. i love listening to her stories, she's so awesome. Then she was talking about one of our karangan expositori and she said "contoh cikgu bagi amira shaqira..." then i was like oh shit confirm i do something wrong skali she compliment me. wah cam tak cayer seh. she say my isi i menang. whatever that means. lol. Art, thank god teacher won't be calling my parents. Physics venay so damn irritating. then got problems at class pun he like no perasaan want to pujuk the girls. bodo nye cikgu, me and luqman so bored we pas letter. so zaman primary school tapi tkper uh, dah terlalu bored. and anyway we talked about benda veryvery personal. Someone hear i die on the spot sia. after school was supposed to go maths remedial but pasal mr wee never teach a lot skipped. Me, Arina, Luqman, Fathihah and Azam went lepak and they so funny haha bbl kosong like crazy then went bck to school and seat in art room do art. and my friends so kecoh pasal epok2. mepekk. haha. my mum take order then at first just givegive aini, temah they all skali now alot ppl want. ala malu seh. tapi tkper, i get money you know. until now i still haven't use my $50 school money. lol. abeh bangga eh. ^^

Monday, April 4, 2011

what am i supposed to say when im all choked up and your okay?


i dont wanna make you cry anymore :'(


Be strong, stay patient, god is writing a better love story for you


I miss old times .


"Asal korang due senyum mcam tak pernah senyum?"



It's better to depend on your bffs than a rebound relationship.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

What happened to art and homeworks? lol XD