Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Live everyday like it's your last, because you never know what might happen in the next day


"They know already you know."
"How they know?"
"____ know."
"How ___ know?"
"Through twitter."
LMAO, Luqman is so funny! XD


Me: Goodluck.
Shahren: Oh, thank youu.
Me: How you feeling? Nervous?
Shahren: Nervous sia.

Hello ! ^^ Today's the fourth day of school and I've got to say, although it's tiring and all, it's not bad. At least you know, I don't seat around at home and do nothing. So far, Physics have been great because Mr Goh is teaching us!! Wooo woo woo! But Vinay is still teaching plus this another new teacher so altogether it's three teachers, urgh. But everytime Vinay and the new teacher come and wanna teach me, I say I understand but in the end, I'll just go to Mr Goh. Haha, because I understand Mr Goh's teaching unlike the others. & my malay oral olevel is in next Tuesday. Feels so scared! Especially knowing that there's two people we'll have to talk to. Now, that is just plain scary. Anyway, goodluck to all my friends who are taking. & also, tomorrow I got a freaking annoying stupid maths re-exam but I can't study because my freaking exams paper are m.i.a. Urgh, I hate whoever who set this stupid thing. Waste of time and paper YOU KNOW!


& the best part is that you actually know that you're a dickhead

Sunday, June 26, 2011

See that's my number one babe right there! <3 youuuuuuuu Afiqah!


LMAO , Ryan in the back so cute or what. XDD

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Ladies and Gentleman , that's how you actually do it, ROFL . =D


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

“If Cory could write a song for Finn, what would it be about?”

Cory: Chicken. Roast chicken…My name’s Finn Hudson. I like to eat chicken. Yeah, chicken. Finn Hudson. I don’t know. Finn’s a simple guy, you know what I mean. I think he would write a simple song about eating chicken.

Monday, June 20, 2011

LMAO, they're so freaking cute and Victor laughing at the start is so funny. LoveQuest!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Awesome video , how I wish that's me and my gfs going around the country having fun like them. And the last part is so freaking cute when they fooled around in the airport! Haha, DTrix throwing Hok's bag away, poor Hok. That'll be like me doing that to Fifi in the future, hekhek ^^
*goes in limo*
Ryan: Whats up you see this is how quest rocks , this is how quest rolls.
Hok: Welcome to my crib
Ryan: (falls down in limo.)
Steve: *shows abs.*
Victor: Aw, come on there's kids watching.
Steve: Hey Feng
Feng: :D
Steve: You look like Victor
Fend: -.-
DTrix: Hey say something to the ladies man.
Brian: Shut up........... Ladies. :D
Ryan: This taste like school.
Ryan: Excuse me.. Where I can find the toilet?
Victor: Hey how did it feel to perform?
DTrix: Yo, whatsup, it was cool man. It was cool to see my boy twister you know he was opening up for us... You know twister opened up for us. It was cool you know what I'm saying? We used to listen to listen to his music now he's opening up for us. You know sometime you hot and sometimes you not.
Victor: That's what's up.
DTrix: I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding. It was dope yo, I don't even know we have fans here.
Victor: I don't know frickin mexican people love quest. Who would have thought?!
Ryan: So Hok's been waiting for his bag, but it's been over there.
Victor: *goes to Hok.* Where's your bag?
Hok: *ignore.*
Victor: oh oh, Hok knows something's up. He knows.


Class BBQ was really awesome yesterday. I look forward to more class outings. Thank you Misses Chua for being such a great teacher. And despite the drama, to those who ended the night with tears, stay strong .

Thursday, June 16, 2011

This is my ten thousand times watching this for like a few months already , DTRIX *meltzzzzzz* he's so freaking cute!

"Oh he's a virgin like the jonas brother."
"Jonas Brothers are freaking dope. I love the jonas brothers. -.-"
"sing a chorus line. 5, 6, 7, 8, burning up-"
"burning up my heart when i'm with you, cuz when we are apart the feeling-"
"Ohmygod that is not the jonas brothers."
"why? it's just as good."

LOL, Dtrix you are so cute. Iloveeyousomuch .
And the end he's like "I'm not interviewing with you guys again, you guys are nasty." HAHA, priceless. Loooooooooveeeeeeyousomuch, D !

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

"DAP says nude squat case ‘humiliating’, demands Home Ministry response"

Hey, did you guys read this news? I can't believe this is real. Like seriously? Malaysia, wtf? Two women were made to squad naked just because they didn't stamp their passport. Why don't you just hang them instead then taking away their pride? This isn't by law they're punishing these women, this is by their animal attitude. This is disgusting. You're not only dirtying your own name, Malaysia but also the muslims because of just what you think was entertainment for you making the two women squat naked, people will think all the muslims are sick just like you people.


20 hottest woman artists

20. Taylor Swift but she's too skinny.
19. Selena Gomez, she deserves better but because she's with Justin Bieber, I put her 19, hmmmph.
18. Kim Kardashian
17. Emma Watson
16. Fergie
15. Emma Roberts
14. Heidi Klum
13. Nicole Scherzinger
12. Rihanna
11. Jennifer Aniston
10. Jessica Szohr
9. Eva Longoria
8. Avril Lavigne
7. Diana Argon
6. Ke$ha
5. J.Lo
4. Emma Stone
3. Naya Rivera
2. Leighton Meester
1. Blake Lively


20 hottest guy artists ;)

20. Neyo
19. Adam Lambert
18. Ryan Reynolds
17. Jesse Mccartney
16. Penn Badgley a.k.a Dan from Gossip Girl
15. Logan Lerman a.k.a Percy Jackson
14. David Henrie from Wizards Of Waverly Place
13. Eminem
12. Zac Efron
11. Adam Levine from Maroon 5
10. Aris from Quest Crew
9. Taylor Lautner
8. Enrique Iglesias
7. Ed Westwick a.k.a Chuck from gossip girl.
6. Mark Salling a.k.a Puck from Glee
5. Jet Li from Pereotics
4. Ryan from Quest Crew
3. Darren Chriss a.k.a Blaine from Glee
2. Chace Crawford a.k.a Nate from Gossip Girl
1. DTRIX! from Quest Crew


My 10 thoughts about these artists.

1. I do not like Justin Bieber.
2. I do not like Demi Lovato.
3. Lady Gaga sometimes scares me.
4. Darren Chriss is not gay although he acts as one in glee. That's like super awesome and brave of him :D
5. Although I love Ke$ha ttm, I think sometimes she tries too hard to get attention from her music videos :(
6. I think that Rihanna tries too hard to get attention too from her fans after the whole Chris Brown incident. But I still like her.
7. Blake Lively and J.Lo are the sexiest woman alive.
8. Robert Pattinson is super freaking immature.
9. P. Diddy is a big joke. He's not cool.

10. DTrix girlfriend should be me!! ;)


I'm sorry but I'm lazy to take my camera and upload the pictures. Maybe some other day. In the meantime, Azam gave this to me and it's nice especially since there's Ke$ha! Except I realized he missed out the H in birthday. Haha, but that's okay. Ke$ha is everywhere so I very very much love it, thank you very much :)
Anyway, yesterday went out with the girls to celebrate my 16th birthday. The surprise started with us going to Pasir Ris going to the 11th story of this unknown block and walking down the stairs and taking the lift down and walk and we ended up at Nad's house, see I told you it was there ;) We watched two movies and then Nad's cousin came. They're so cute and there's one part when they wanted to go home they hugged Nad's leg and Nadiah couldn't move, lol. So funny. Anway, despite everything, I had a great time and I appreaciate the very awesome gifts and their time and the polar thingy i do not know how to spell them. Thank yoou girls, I love you all! Thank you Fifi for the suprise and the very beautiful present, I wore it yesterday and it was very nice! Thank you Nadiah for letting us celebrate at your house and the very nice shirt, I love the colour except it's a little bit too oversized. haha, but nvm, I love it and that's all it matters. And to Fatin of course, for being there and also the scrapbook you said you haven't finish doing, so rajin do scrapbook, haha ^^
And also thanks to all those who wished me, from the awesomest Aini who was first, to the lovely Farah who gave the longest message, to the awesome Azam that gave me the picture with Ke$ha name everywhere, to the amazing Pek who asked me to choose between byy and A, to the beautiful Afiqah who wished me through text and twitter and texted me again at night to tell me her "Farhan Shah" wished me, to the sweetest Ben who texted me in 30 minutes to midnight, to the Bilieber Nik who wanted to be last, to the long primary school friend Syeakin who was really last. And also to the rest of you on FB and twitter and sms, thank you. Also not forgetting to the amazing family, for the cake and present.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

"Mdam Tasneem, Miss Dasimah coming?"
"Ala why?'
"She's on holiday."
"Why Amira?"
"I want talk to her."
"Pasal apa?"
"Justin Bieber ah. He win seh yesterday in mtv movie award"
"JUSTIN BIEBER!? Ya allah. Ingat nak berbual pasal art."
"What? Haha, I don't like him ah."
"Kau sumer tak suker, kpop tak suke, justin bieber tak suker. Ape lah! abeh suke ape?"

Mdam Tasneem is sumpah so cute, lol. Today's the last day of art, Idk but I feel like I rather go school this week too since on 22th we have to come back. Honestly, what the hell happened to june holidays? It's like they took our first two weeks and last week of holiday. -.- Anyway just now art was fine. Reached school like crazy early and Azam was there and Nik came after a few while so sat with them and talked with Azam about MTV movie awards and talked with Nik about ABDC. Then went up and combining with the N.A students is not bad, Mdam Tasneem makes if funny interrupting in people's conversation and talking to us like she's our friend, lol. I don't mind having art classes with them again :)

Monday, June 6, 2011

Yo’ not that I’m biased at all, ya’ll my favorite dance crew . Period . Being together, you guys, everybody needs to understand this, it’s beyond a championship title, beyond the trophy, it’s beyond the 100,000 dollars, it’s about a brotherhood and some of the greatest times of my life was spent with you guys and I want you guys to know no matter what happens, whatever route you guys take, always keep that brotherhood because that is why we were America’s best dance crew, that’s why we produced the routines we did, and that’s why tonight you guys were so absolutely amazing . -Dtrix on Quest Crew’s ABDC Season 6 finale performance to “Party Rock Anthem” by LMFAO

DTrix, I love you to death , you made me tear up :'(

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"I think it happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you've known forever don't see things the way you do. And so you keep the wonderful memories, but find yourself moving on."- True Believer, Nicholas Sparks


"I've spent so much time avoiding arguments and smoothing relationships with the people around me, this confrontation is painful." Perfect Chemistry , Simone Elkeles


"Sometimes I think the human heart is just a simple shelf. There is only so much you can pile onto it before something falls off an edge and you are left to pick up the pieces." - House Rule, Jodi Picoult

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Just gonna update random stuffs since i'm bored.
Next week onwards there's no more coaching ^^ But for art students on the last week onwards must come back to school to start doing out final piece. I've got 3 more layouts and then 12 color schemes and then to a few more sketches. Still have to paste all the artworks on the boards and then last but not least after the months and months of preparations, I'm gonna start on my final piece. & also not to forget, when school reopens, we're gonna have ss essay test. Then we'll be going to our new maths band class. i'm same class with Fifi, Fathihah and Afiqah so that's pretty awesome. :) Hmmm.... What else to say? Ohyes... There's been a few misunderstandings these few days and i hope things will go smoothly with me and the girls when school reopens :) Goodluck to the FNN students taking their olevel practical !

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Amira . says:
i just wanted them to see over their imperfections, aku admit F kadang2 bossy, kadang2 ngada2, A aku no comment ah, but diorng nye background... aku tk sampai hati nak benci pasal compared to diorang aku ade a perfect family
Nurul says:
Yeah, kau tau kan H suka ckp lepas, and she sometimes dont mean it.
Amira . says:
tadi die sms aku die ckap die try get along with f
Nurul says:
Yeah, yknow what.
Amira . says:
yah then tweet aku pun aku tweet lepas and aku don't mean it -.-"
Amira . says:
Haha, ah'ah lah!
mesti tau punya!
aku tkde app tk cam kau
Nurul says:
HAHAHA. 4 june, okay, aku save kat phone aku,"the day amira turns to monster"
jap eh. aku ader texy
Amira . says:
Haha! okay2
Nurul says:
okay dah. hehehehehhe.
aku kacau mj dgn ____
makkkk, aku kene marah sia
Amira . says:
Haha tkmu lah!
Nurul says:
Tak la. aku tk kan sebut nama egg, duh
tapi dia tak heran ah psal ___
Amira . says:
aku mean tkmu kacau, lama2 dieh suka siaa!
kesian egg nanti tkde chance
Nurul says:
Suka ____? tak la. aku rasa lelaki ni, susah nak suka orang
the susah nak suka orang, tapi susah nk lupakan orang
Dont worry egg.
Amira . says:
Haha MJ ape, _____
Nurul says:
a'ah sia.
Amira . says:
ehhhhhhhhhhh haha btw ape krng nak plan untuk bdae aku ni since korang dah bilang bilang aku?
Farah pun blng aku semalam
Nurul says:
Aku tau, nie lain sikit
bluekkkkkk. tak boleh.
Amira . says:
share share lah cikit cik aini
Nurul says:
tak boleh.
orang tua tua tak boleh
Amira . says:
aku bribe kau ngan cookie ah amacam?
Nurul says:
Tak boleh!!!
Amira . says:
bluek ah
Nurul says:
besok pagi, aku dah plan nak beli kat kedai mama.
Amira . says:
tanye farah confirm die bilang punya
Nurul says:
hahaha. aku dah ckp dgn dia tadi, jangan bilang kau
jap eh. aku nak kencing
Amira . says:
aku belikan yng special punya
haha kay