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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Monday, August 29, 2011

 logan: can’t k-dawg. updating my swag app for even more swagitude!


Selamat Hari Raya to all the Muslims out there! :)
I'm tired as hell because these few days I've been staying up all night and sleeping for only two hours to complete my boards for art since my dateline is on Wednesday. This is what last minute work leads to. But honestly, I'm innocent. Months ago, I did my 30 sketches and since my topic was about sea creatures I drew almost all of them to sharks to whales, stafish, fishes, jellyfish and everything. I even was done manipulating them. But after so long then Mdam Tasneem told me that I've only got to have four main animals. Wth right. So I had to redo and so now I've got 10 sketches of shells, 9 sketches of starfishes, 5 sketches of seahorse and 3 sketches of Octopus. God help me. I need to add more for seahorse and octopus but I don't know how to manipulate them anymore. So zzzzz... This is what I've been doing all night and all day, drawing, shading, colouring, cutting, pasting. & now I'm supposed to be continueing my work but I'm so sleeepy... Zzzzzzz. So much for being excited for Raya..............

Friday, August 26, 2011

Do you wanna know a secret?

I am supposed to be diong my 30 sketches and 8 boards and cut out my final piece NOW. Dateline in....zzzzzzzzzzzz..... FOUR DAYS!


"Yalah, I see you and him like getting semakin rapat sey. so cute." - Fiqah.

"Omg serious? Kau suker dia? Aku tk expect sia! Eh tapi dia handosme sia. Serious." - Zahirah

TGIF people! Woot woot!
Anyway today was awesome, kinda. First period was Chemistry, I asked Yanti to seat with me since Amiqah didn't come then we kept talking about her BFF lol. She keep sindir that girl then the girl quiet only. Then Literature, borinnnnnng ttm. English, Miss Lim wasn't there then me, Fathihah, Luqman, Arina, Wasylah, Yanti sat together and read MJ12's blog. Bulan puase I brani, after this kirim salah sudah MJ12. Haha. Recess can you believe we ended up talking about Angry birds? haha. Telur, as usual, asked what's Angry Birds and how to play it. Lol XD Maths last period had test which I don't know how to do at all. I think I screwed like hell. & then after school went library with Pek, Zahirah, Shaf and Afiqah and Naj joined and we talked and laughed and gossiped and you know... All that stuffs. They are so awesome, so understanding and ohmygod, I didn't know that Shaf didn't like.... She said she until now don't wanna accept that girl twitter friend request. So funny or what. lol. Then Naj left us and the rest stayed and ended up sharing a lot of secrets and they kept asking me to like A. Wth? Fiqah say she look at us during class so cute, wth? Fifi, Afiqah, Azam, Luqman, Zahirah, Arina all think me and him like so cute. Aiyoo I like want to..........

Thursday, August 25, 2011

I love them like Santanna loves Brittany, woo ! <3


Perfect Chemistry Trilogy <3

Forget team Edward or Jacob, I'm on Team Fuentes. Upstairs should be the real Luis for Chain Reaction. Alex is hot like hell and he is from the music video Hot n Cold and Carlos which is in the middle looks like Joe Jonas but mmmmmmmm damn these mexicans they are so sexayyy.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Hello guys, I miss you as a real crew. Dtrix when you coming back? Booohoo! :'(






MiraSandoval - Spending my Friday with @ woo! ^^ She so early already book me. Chey. Jk. Hope got nothing on that day. Ajak Shaf skali hehe XD
ZarahVorguen - @ Hahahaah!!! Yeahh baybehh AWESOME TIME <3<3<3 haha! Yeap insyaÁllah Shaf will tag along baybeh *wink wink*

*me and bro watching malay news.*
Bro: Kakak, they say they find three alligators. Ohmygod.
Me: Noo. They say 3 budak maut lah!
Bro: Oh really ah?
Me: I don't know how you going to pass your malay.
Bro: -.-
Luqman: You know... your skin so unique.
Me: huh? Ape yang unique nyer? Sama ape. Macam Nuril, Fee.
Luqman: Eh dah bagus orang puji. Can I do experiment? Something please.
Me: Uhm... No.
Luqman: You take off your skin put on mine. Let me white.
Me: Hahaha, man. Merepek pe. Tak unique lah man. diorang pun sama ape skin.
Luqman: Diorang laen. Diorang gi pakai chemical yang kat lab tu.
Me: Ape aje.
Haziq: I want to go toilet.
Me: Me too.
Fathihah: Ah aku pun ah.

Hello hello ^^
I think I might be the only blogger left, everyone has upgraded to tumblr. But that's okay. I have tumblr too. I have blogger. Best of both worlds :)
Anyway fasting month is about to end soon. & that means Hari Raya. And I am not excited. I think I might be the only person again to dislike Raya. It's just... Idk? Call me antisocial or anything but idc. I just dislike going to people's house. Especially if they have pets, ehem, cats. I don't really care about the money and I'll be like give me, don't give me, I don't really give a damn because I kinda feel sorry for those mum and dad giving duit raya and what if they have lots and lots of nephews or cousins? Thinking about this just makes me scared that when I grow up I'll end up having to give the kids duit raya. Aiyo menyusahkan dunia only. Chey world. Haha XD
Today was fast. Everything is now. In a blink of an eye, I'll be seating for O's. First period was SS and fcked up Foo had to take over because Mdam natasha didn't come. Mr Foo like got nothing to do always take out class. His presence is very well not needed eh please. He's so crap. I tell you if I could black magic one person and can get away with it, considering it's not a sin just for once, I'd so put a spell on him to go far far away and never come back to EV. Urgh. Okay anyway after that was English which i spent doing art & then physics practical and I was like dying there. The practical was two pages full of instructions and it was last year's one. And it's so confusing! I really wanted to cry out loud. But I did get to finish it thanks to the beloved Amiqah who helped me through although we're not allowed to talk at all. & maths was crappy, don't ask me why. And I finally found out Azim hates our group. Trust me the feeling is mutual. I don't hate Azim. Or Naj. I just hate that the two other guys can't stay still and act like kids. Like LM always plucks out T's white hair and putting it on people and scarring me. & them always fighting and making so much noises. And just now idk what they were doing spitting blue ink out of the pen's tube. Idk, even with Mdam Rozi having our group seating infront of her desk, it's no use. Art, did work. Like crazy shit work since our dateline is coming so soooon. Chemistry remedial, I was left alone since Fathihah and Arina had oral then Luqman asked me sat next to him so we talked and he's so funny and animated. & then Azam came and combined tables and seating between both of them is like so torture. They'll make you laugh your ass off. Azam and Luqman kept dancing and it's so suprising that no one in the class saw it. & they keep joking and joking. So much for being bored to death without Fathihah and Arina. Hahaha. XD Anyway after remedial went to Temasek Poly with Fathihah, Arina, Luqman, Azam and Haziq to get a few stuffs and they're all so funny. Then me and Luqman were talking and we were the furthest behind and disturbing the rest because Arina and Azam were like far infront and Haziq and Fathihah were walking together and Luqman was like "let the couples walk first." then we look at each other and laughed because we didn't realize that we're also walking boy girl. But's its so funny. Every time they see EV kid they stopped for awhile like see superstar. LOL. Anyway after buying our art stuffs, went home and I kinda like T.P. Hmmm.. Might consider it as one of my poly.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Bedok - E!Hub - Beach

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"Love you Mira thank you so much! <3"

Today was epic. Deff one of those days that I'll remember forever. MT Olevel results was given out today and ohmygod, the pressure before getting it.... You've no idea how it was like.The wait felt like hours and hours and what was worst was that, Cikgu Ayesha posted something on FB that got almost all the malay students so scared. I couldn't stop talking about it at home, in class, in my mind. I was shivering all the way and my hands like always were cold as ice when we were in the hall. & then the time came, and I being the was to be announced my marks and it was soo scary since I'm register number 1. Alhamdullilah, I got a B4. I am so thankful but at the same time I kinda wish I've done better. But ... My results have proven that I've improved so much in my malay and I'm proud of that. I don't think of re-taking because I think I'll get the same. I got a merit for my oral so thank god too for that. The feeling after knowing such an achievement is crazy and then Mdam Tasneem and all the teachers asking and going all thumbs up. It is so amazing. A big thank you to Cikgu Ayesha and Cikgu Badariah who have guided me through and of course, the amazing friends and family for giving endless support. Congratulations to those who deserves their A's & also to those who did not reach their target and ended up in tears in the hall, cheer up! You've got a second chance so go for it. You'll do better, I know it. Especially to you, Afiqah. I know you'll do great. We've been partners during MT once and you were the one who had always helped me out. I'll pray for you and like what I texted you, I will always be here and supporting you all the way!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

I am just in love with him ohmygodd, cute ttm! <3 And lol, his tie is so long! haha loooove!


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ohhh, mini warbler I wanna hug him too! <3




Bolin 1

If only my art was this goood, imagine that!

Friday, August 12, 2011

2009 ~

2011 ~


2010 ~

2011 ~

It's actually kinda true. The past 8 months and 3 years is all blur to me. I mean, so many people come and go and eventually come back. It's so weird. Is this how secondary school friendships supposed to be like? Okay prepare everyone, major flashback now.

When the hell did me, Fifi, Nadiah, Fatin, Suryani, Hazimah, Amirah Atiqah, Musfirah, Najihah become close and split up?
Did me, Hazimah, Amirah, Fifi, Ben, Zhafri, Zuhaili, Amirul really went Hari Raya together?
Did me, Fifi, Amirah fought with Nad, Firah, Fatin in ITLR during English and Miss Sha looked at us weirdly?
Did we really went lepak together after RHD the previous years?
Did Luqman really sat with me all throughout Malay class throughout lower sec life?
How the hell did I get close to Fathihah and Arina?
Did me and Suryani always fight just because we want Amirah to take the same bus as us when
we wanna go home?
Did I really stole a bucket of water with Zahirah?
When did Fatin became close to us?
When and Why Amirah left us?
Did Krakatoa really existed? IPW group with Nadiah, Fifi and Amirah.
How did I end up sharing secrets with Afiqah?
When did me and Amirah stopped and started talking back?
Did I really webcam-ed with Aini and Nuril?
Since when was I close with Aini and Farah?
Did we really went to Nad's house to watch movie and gave Hazimah a makeover with Amirah?
Did Wasylah, Luqman, Fathihah and Arina really came to do art?
Did I really went to Fathihah's house to watch a ghost movie with Hazik, Luqman and Adib?
Did I really went out with Ain, Fathihah and Arina to watch alice in wonderland?
Did me and Ben really planned a bbq for fifi's birthday?
Did Nadiah and I really lepak after youth day?
Did I really went to the library with Ain, Fathihah, Syahmi, Zhafri and Arina after PTC at night?
Did me and shafiqah really lepak with each other and made "music videos" ?
Okay a lot more but I lazy type .... Enjoy the pictures, relive the moment people. Because sometimes, only pictures can remind us of who were or are our friends, who stayed or who left or who eventually came back, how much fun we had during the moment, how we looked like and how much we've changed physically, how silly and different we were and of course the memories and smiles and laughters behind these pictures. To those whose names appear here, don't worry the past is the past. We all have a future, forgive and forget. One thing for sure, I've never regretted knowing each and every one of you because you taught me things that I will never learn with other people.
Throughout the years, friends may come and go, but family stay by your side no matter what you've done or what you've been through. They will always be by your side and those who stayed throughout the four years and never left, those who wiped the tears away and gave warm hugs and smiles will forever and always be considered family. <3


"Da lama kiteorng tk macam gini sia." - Zahirah
First period chemistry was practical & today's work was easier than other days and how I hope Olevel practical is gonna be liddat. I'm nervous and scared for it. & then literature was spent doing maths although we were supposed to have time-test. I'm dead for literature, like seriously, dead, the last time I paid attention during literature was... ? Aiyooo. Anyway , after that was taken by chemistry again because Miss Lim didn't come. & then, maths was boring ttm then Mdam Rozi was like "Tanawin cannot be your group leader... So the group leader must be Azim or Amira." Then I really don't want. But Azim also don't want. Sooo... Yah , my group is pretty much the only group that doesn't do work and groupwork at all. But I don't blame them, I'm at fault too but I just find it so uncomfortable with 408 guys. I'm just not used to them lahh. After that stayed back awhile with Fathihah and Suryani in school and the plan was to meet gfs at rhd block but cancelled and then while Fathihah was accompanying me waiting for my bus, Zahirah ended up at the bus stop and we ended up going to the library and talking about almost everything from enemies to betrayals to flirts to boys. Then Zahirah was like "da lama tak macam gini" and I don't even remember. But it's fun to have Zahirah to talk to because she's.... Zahirah you know. Now that I've typed it, I didn't even know since when we got so comfortable around each other sharing secrets and stuffs.... Weird 0.o Well yeah , my life for the past 8 months is all so blurry. I don't even know whose real and whose fake?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Girls night out with the girls , other pictures with the others ^^

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why did one of them die? WHY? They're not Fred and George that way. This was deff one of the scenes that made me wanna cry in the cinema. THEY'RE FRED AND GEORGE! :'(




They're my girls & I love them to death <3


Marry me please? <3



OMG, littttle warbler so cute ! <3

Monday, August 8, 2011

"Me and james were just... aheh... bleep blap bloop."

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Break fast at grandparents yesterday. Crazy full and unexpectedly, everyone was there. We sat outside and poor hot boy next door neighbour had trouble going into his house. Anyway, I feel so awkward being there since there were only like 4 girl cousin including me and one of them didn't come. & 1 is working and already like considered adult so I'm at all not close to her and another is I think 13 or 14 and she is a thousand times smarter than me. She keeps asking me about all this words which I don't know and bringing around this small notebook and writing poems. So there I am, just seating in the kitchen helping out innocently. Idk if this is how full break fast is for the house, Hari Raya celebrate bawak block sudah. Hehe okay bye :)