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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, September 30, 2011

Today was awesome. Chemistry did lab work and Yanti kept coming to me because of you-know-who. Lol, she so funny or what. & then did the experiment and that's gonna be the last until Olevel practical.. Aiya, so scary. We went to Lit a little late and I'm thankful for that because Lit is getting boring and boring-er. English do summary but I just talk to Fathihah and Nik sat beside me and I watched him play game, lol. Then maths, got test. I'm so jealous of Mr Wee's class hearing them laughing. I miss Mr Wee so muchh :'( Anyway, after school went outside and studied with Fathihah and Arina and then saw Fatin and Nad and they joined us for awhile and we relived our memories in camps and in secondary one and two in 109 and 209. Lol, we so silly like that. After awhile sadly they had to go home so we continued studying/lepak-ing. I swear, life without all of my girlfriends would be so boorinng. Okay nah, free video for you all. kay bye :D

Monday, September 26, 2011

I'm sorry, this song never gets old. Nayer, Y U SO SEXY?

Friday, September 23, 2011

I loooove the new Quinn Fabray <3


Tuesday, September 20, 2011

: Sudenlly remembered what told me about when we were talking about graduation, lol you so sensitive eh Hazik haha

: Ehhh! What he told you?! Ahahaha! Dont tell anyone!

: lol no lah I won't tell anyone and don't worry , so funny lah you. hahaha. XD

: Hehe. But its really sad mahh :'(

: Yah, I know right. Feels like everything is happening so fast. :(

: I know! I still remember when we sec1 sia. Ahaha. 4years.. So fast. :\

Anyone else find this so true? 4 years so so fast...



Okay I've got it wrong , I think. glee comes out tomorrow. Or maybe tonight, I don't know the different timing is killing me. Whatever it is, I think it will only be available online on thursday. OMGG, EXCITED OR WHAT!?

Monday, September 19, 2011

Eh hello , why Modern Family win so many Emmy?! HUH!?


Woah , lovestruck, damn Kevin Mchale <3





We all might have completely different lives. Some of us DnT, Art, POA. Some of us in Tampines, one in Pasir Ris and one tersesat in Woodlands. We're in different levels but yet, we're ever so thankful for the time we get to spent together during recess. We might not text each other everyday. We're not as close as we used to be but we make time and try and grab the opportunity to hang out with each other. We lost a few on the way and some of us still hope for a miracle that we'd be for once complete with the few missing members. We're always missing someone during any outings. We sometimes have nothing to talk about during recess while other times, we wished that recess would last a little bit longer. We always plan and sometimes classes and remedial ruin our plans. Why am I saying all this? It's because I love these girls and although sometimes there's no time or I'm with my other friends, they will forever and always be my girlfriends. Although with our lives completely different, the different friends we have, I think none of us will forget the awesome sisterhood bond we had. And what's best is that in the future when we look back, we make our friendship look so worthwhile. In the future (insyallah) when we become aunties to each other's children, they'll know how special and amazing our friendship really is.


I like it not liking anyone , so free you know what I mean ? ;)


Today was Art prelim , 3 hours of torture. Finished in 2 pus hours and then talked with Fathihah and Wasylah since all the other students finished their papers and the teachers were less strict on us. & then after paper went bubble tea shop with Fathihah, Arina, Luqman, Azam, Filzah and Nik and I think we spent like.... 3 hours plus there just talking and laughing and it feels so long since I felt so free like not having to worry what paper the next day will be or will I have enough time to study. Now all that's left to worry is Prelims results and Olevels in a few more weeks 0.O

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I liokee your outfit , Naya <3


LOL, damn true or what. Haha XD


"Does it hurt?"
It hurts on that night. It hurts a few weeks after. It hurts a month after. But it doesn't hurts now. I'm used to it. Being avoided, no eye contact, no smile or hellos or goodbye. I don't bother changing anything now. I don't even care to stalk their FB's and twitter. But I won't regret for innocently being me all throughout this time. I just wish I knew why God made a special place for you knowing that you're a temporary person , you're all a temporary. I just wish I knew why I took so many photographs during the past with you all to remind me who we were in the past.


Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hello peoples , prelims already start and second day already like :x
Open papers , expressions like :

Wednesday, September 7, 2011



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cindyboo98:  -fan gurl scream- awww !  Featured on Wow Funniest Posts



Question: Do you see Daniel Radcliffe and the rest of the cast now as much as you used to and… you guys worked with Harry Potter and the whole series for a long time, do you sometimes snap into your characters?



Hello peoples!
I'm dead tired today after yesterday Jalan Raya with the 09's. There were like 25 of us, I think and they all so kecoh. We went to Ain, Was, Ahmad, Nuramirah, Arina, Zhaf and Luqman's house. Damned fun , whenever the guys see other people jalan raya they shout and wave at them. We had to split and take two different buses to go to the interchange. We occupied the whole bus when we went to Was house. We took like maybe 3 to 4 turn to use the lift and then the others kept pressing outside and the door kept opening. Some were pissed for awhile and then went back to normal. Ain's father gave us $10 and her grandmother gave $5, imagine that, $15 to 20 plus people. So rich or what, so awesome and I have to say hers and Ahmad's house were the nicest. And Luqman's house looks a little like Fifi's. & Zhafri's nephew, Sofia is so ubber cute ttm. Ahmad's little sister too. & Fathihah's sister asked for my number, Idk why lol. Then Fathihah wanted to change and left me and Saat alone in the living room then it was so awkward but Saat was like "Duduk ah, nak minum?" . Anyway the rest texted me and told me that they were sick from Luqman to Fathihah to Arina. Aiyoo , luckily I never go art today. Okay , pics I'll upload after Friday when I go out with the girls for Raya. Bye.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Damn girl , you're fine! <3



Hellloooo :)
Today went school for art since godknowswhen is our coursework dateline. Tomorrow art room is open again. Seriously, if they have told sooner life would be so less stressful. Anyway morning went MCD for breakfast with Fathihah and Arina and there was this crazy guy that kept disturbing us but he went away after some time. Scaryyy. & then went to school for art and omg, one of my model's hand dropped out. So I had to redo the fcked up model again. And then ended art and our dateline ended up wasn't today. So I really don't know when the freaking hell the dateline is. It's so annoying. But awesomely, I am done with my 8 boards and my 30 sketches and my 12 layouts and 12 colour schemes. Arina brough her laptop and me and Luqman webcammed and the thing got stuck and then our faces were stuck there for a very long time, lol, we spent like almost half an hour trying to fix it. After art went around TM/CS/T1 with the girls and Azam and Luqman. It's so funny going with them, everytime we go into accessories shop, they wait outside, everytime they go into their guys store or whatever, we wait outside. Anyway, went to buy a few accessories and Luqman and Azam went in the shop with us then Azam was like giving tips on what color is nice and all that because fyi, if you don't know, Azam is a fashion diva, like seriously, awesomely a fashion diva. And Luqman, being Luqman, helped me take and put back everything that was too high for me to reach. Hehe XD Then went KFC with them and after that went home.