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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, October 28, 2011


FOLLOW  Wow Funniest Posts

When you think you're improving and you might have a chance to do well just this one time, the world proves you wrong. Maths papers have been killing me since yesterday and today. Yesterday was heartbreaking when I checked the answers online and only got some correct and then today, it felt as if there's no hope left. I tried my best though today and although a lot of people said it was easy, I can't say that because the last few questions killed me. I totally did not know how the hell to do it. Haiz, where's the sign up sheet to retake for next year O's?



FOLLOW Wow Funniest Posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Pre-Graduation Celebration + Graduation + Celebration with Girlfriends

Okayokay, I shall upload the rest of the pictures up on FB when Fifi has the time and upload hers. I can't believe Graduation has come. I will deff miss the times in school, all the awesome teachers, the crazy classmates, the canteen and playareas, my table in classroom and of course my awesome girlfriends. Still can't believe I'm already an ex-eastviewian now. Times flies so fast.

Friday, October 7, 2011

So zaman dulu hehehe XD

Anyway, I guess since today I'm not gonna do anything, I might as well do blog properly instead of posting super hot pictures of guys here like tumblr. I miss blogging and I don't care if no one ever does blog anymore. Who cares right? I know about the few who still follows this blog and even if there isn't anyone, I'd like to write my memories here so that in ten years when I come back here, I'm reminded of my every second in life while I was a teenager. Ain't that great?
Anyway, O's are in... 13 days. I am nervous, I am scared, I have no confidence and I feel like I've lost all hope. Today felt fast, first coaching session was Literature. All of us kena different types of poems or prose. I got a poem and then Nik had the same poem as me so we discussed but after awhile, we trailed off doing some other stuffs. & then me, him and Adib ended up talking about other stuffs instead of doing our work, lol XD After that was physics and I felt as if my hopes and dreams of passing physics crashed right on the spot when I got to know Mr Vinay was my teacher. Wtfff. I am going to die. Why is he always so sibuk huh?! WHY WHY WHY?! I really wanted Mr Goh. It was so disappointing for me, you've got no idea. Anyway my table was only me, Fifi and Azam and we were like laughing the entire time at Mr Vinay hahaha. & then Art, continued drawing sketches of Cats which was so boring and it ended thank god and haha, the best drawing will get a present from mr foo on monday moring assembly, apa aja. And then after school went for lunch and self study at hall and Literature consultation. We had this 55 minutes test and it was a poem about Durians and I literally like did the whole thing about durians and stuffs and ended up Miss Chua said the poem is actually about the Government. I was like super pissed ttm. Annoying gila. & then she went through the answers and me, Fifi and Azam sat together and talked for the 30 minutes. Okay so that's all. My life is pretty much boring since all I've been doing is studying... Even my love life is all messed up. Actually.. It's not messed up, it's more like a I couldn't be bothered anymore lol :)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Nathan <3


I still can't forget about when me and Azam were talking about Zayn Malik aka the hottest guy in the world, and I was like "eh dia dari Xfactor kan?" then Fifi was like "Mahir Zain dari XFactor" something like that and we all laughed out loud. That was pretty funny hahaha. Anyway, yah, if you ask me who I'm in love with right now its him + Nathan from The Wanted. Damn all this gorgeous British guys.

His accent, *meltzzz*

Monday, October 3, 2011

Zayn Malik , *melts*

Saturday, October 1, 2011