Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, December 30, 2011

A. Available: Yes.
B. Birthday: 9June1995
C. Crushing on: No one?
D. Drink you last had: Water, lol. 
E. Easiest person to talk to: Depends. 
F. Favorite song: Moments - One Direction
G. Grossest memory: .. Don't know.
H. Hometown: Singapore
I. In love with: Don't know. 
J. Jealous of: A lot of people. 
K. Killed someone: A lot of times in my head. 
L. Longest friendship: Atikah. 13 or 14 years now. Been friends since kindergarten. 
M. Milkshake flavour: Idk.
N. Number of siblings: 1
O. One wish: To pass Olevel, just a pass would do. 
P. Person who you last called: Azam
Q. Question you’re asked the most: Which poly you wanna go? -.-
R. Reason to smile: Because you have to live everyday like it's your last
S. Song you last sang: Moments - 1D
T. Time you wake up: 9.50
U. Underwear colour: Whatthe.... 
V. Violent moment: None. I think. Nah, maybe a few with my bro.
W. Worst habit: Don't have... Used to bite my nails when I'm bored at home. 
X. X-ray you had: Nope. 
Y. Your last time you cried: Tryin not to remember when. 
Z. Zodiac sign: Gemini. 


Lol at Zayn's signature, so complicated XD

Thursday, December 29, 2011

19 Days to Zayn Malik's Birthdayyyyyyyyyyy! <3
Such a goodlooking guy ohmygoddd <3



The video of Arina and Luqman and Azam singing in the background is just so freaking cute and funny. XD

 Played Water Balloon hehe ^^

 Look at Luqman's Sexy bod. Hahaha. 

 Luqman watching Arina with so much love in his eyes. XD
I dropped the water balloon hehehe ^^

Today was fun. Went out with the gang to Pasir Ris for a short picnic. After eating and catching up with each other, we had a contest of blowing the biggest balloon first. & then  played water balloons where we have to throw to each other three water bombs as fast as possible. it was so much fun you have no idea how badly we were all laughing our ass off.  I miss them. Miss laughing like mad, miss talking about random things, miss seating with them in buses and fighting about what's right or wrong. Great day today. Woo ^^

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I don't know why but doesn't anyone notices Adele is like the chubbier version of Leighton Meester. Maybe it's the make-up or maybe it's just me. lol. But I love them both, so prettayy. 



Eh can ah, same. Haha, random I'm boreeeed. Cat is so beautiful, she's born to be a redhead. ^^


Amy & Roger's Epic Detour

Helloooo. Book review hehe, it's been a long time since I started reading again. & then came across this book and it's so awesome. Cute and funny. I wanna try more books from this author. Anyway, if you guys wanna find free books you can try :) 

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pictures are already uploaded on Fb. I didn't know there was only 77 pictures. I expected more but that's okay anyway. I tried uploading the video of us trying to u-turn and it's been three hours and its still trying to upload. Ass. My laptop batt is low. So next time lah. Byeee ^^

Wednesday, December 14, 2011



Oh Hi... Will upload pictures tomorrow morning, I promise. Had a super great day at East Coast with gfs. I <3 them. Okay bye.


Happy One Year anniversary Danielle & Liam ♥



This Lullaby

“What the hell," I said, pushing off the wall, ready to take off the head of whatever stupid salesperson had decided to get cozy with me. My elbow was still buzzing, and I could feel a hot flush creeping up my neck: bad signs. I knew my temper.
I turned my head and saw it wasn't a salesman at all. It was a guy with black curly hair, around my age, wearing a bright orange T-shirt. And for some reason he was smiling.
"Hey there," he said cheerfully. "How's it going?"
"What is your problem?" I snapped, rubbing my elbow.
"You just slammed me into the wall, asshole."
He blinked. "Goodness," he said finally. "Such language."
I just looked at him. Wrong day, buddy, I thought. You caught me on the wrong day.
"The thing is," he said, as if we'd been discussing the weather or world politics, "I saw you out in the showroom. I was over by the tire display?"
I was sure I was glaring at him. But he kept talking.
"I just thought to myself, all of a sudden, that we had something in common. A natural chemistry, if you will. And I had a feeling that something big was going to happen. To both of us. That we were, in fact, meant to be together."
"You got all this," I said, clarifying, "at the tire display?"
"You didn't feel it?" he asked.
"No. I did, however, feel you slamming me into the wall," I said evenly.
"That," he said, lowering his voice and leaning closer to me, "was an accident. An oversight. Just an unfortunate result of the enthusiasm I felt knowing I was about to talk to you.”

Sunday, December 11, 2011



Harry falling, Liam hurting Zayn, Louis and Zayn, Naill on the phone, they're so adorable! <3

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Vas happening?
Zayn Malik's vas happening is so addictive hehe. Anyway, today was fun. Went out in the morning and met Fathihah and Kharinna's mum brought us to this place where she wanna give us work. Rina also came and then after that her mum blanja us eat nasi ayam. She's such a sweet lady, I felt so bad then she was tell "Don't tell your mum okay." Haha, she and my mum now like bff already so cute lah both of them. Anyway, after that called up Luqman and met him and we watched A Hong Kong Ghost story, expected it to be super crazy then there's this one part where the girl start killing people and me and Luqman started laughing, idk why. It was super merepek but funny. Luqman was laughing then he kept throwing the popcorn seeds backwards then shake the seat because we took the end and there was no one in our row at all so we threw a lot of seeds infront and behind lol. After that we met up with Arina to send her off to work, since she's working at Pizza Hut, lol so proud of my baby. Haha. We so kecoh ask her a million questions then disturb her. Then went Toy R Us and this baby boy came to me and pulled my hand and brought me everywhere pressing the toys button then I just layan him then his mother come to me but the boy still didn't wanna leave me haha so cute. Then his mother carried him and he wave and what's that word called? Air kiss? Yah whatever but he's sooooo cute. Adorable-ness. I like kids, they're so freaking cute and innocent. don't you just love them too? Okay bye.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

I'm a directioner! <3

ugh let me love you :(

Okay bye, I love one direction especially Zayn and Harry and Louis and Liam and Naill! <3