Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, March 30, 2012

Omg!! I wann see this because got Zizan and Taiyuddin (sp?) a.k.a tai. funny or what the trailer loll. XD

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The cutest gay couple. <3


Battle of the boybands?


Tom, Nath, Max, Jay & Siva = TheWanted ;) i love this band <3

The Wanted/One Direction/Big Time Rush. 
Directioners need to cool down and learn to respect other bands. I love 1D too but the fanbase is just crazy mean. Stop hating and posting bad comments on the other bands videos! What do you get from going to TW's music vids and post "1D are better than these guys."? Nothing peeps. Nothing. You just get hated from people who are reading your comment for having no life and going to another's boyband page and commenting something non-related. 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

 Am so scared for this on 31st Marchh!


OMG memories sia, me and my dad rode this in Australia and my dad didn't know it was an indoor rollercoaster and he was freaking out like crazy shit. Lucky he didn't have a heart attack. But it was so so so much fun. Good memories ;')


“Is it illegal to kill an ant?” The last we checked, nope.

This made my day, HAHAHA XD


Arghhhh, he's so cuteeeee. <3

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Nadiah's 17th Birthday Surprise. It was simple and so last minute but so so so worth it. <3
Photos uploaded in FB peeps. :) 

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hi. I'm watching Mentor on TV3. Nadiah, don't text me saying you're shocked I watch malay show. hahaha. ;p 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Random things... 

1) Just now there was this tribute concert for Michael Jackson on Fox Movies Premiere and it was soooo touching. Loved, loved, loved Pixie Lott's performance. Respect for the king of pop. <3

2)Later going Malaysia to renew my IMac. So lazyy wanna go up at the malaysia custom. 

3) Sorry for not going 409 class chalet. 

4) Can't wait for 31st March 2011. :DD

5) Can't wait for 10th April, although I'm already starting school, Gleeeeeee! I want to know what the hell is going to happen after Quinn's accident. Please don't die :'(

10) Can't wait for October. I miss watching the walking dead. :'(

6) I don't know what to buy for my brother's birthday on 1st April. 

7) I am so so so scared to start school. I'm starting to get nightmares. Really really scared. :'(

8) Talking about school, do you know at ite can wear what colour socks? Because I wanna wear socks and although in East View, I wore all kinds of colour socks,but this is different. I'm gonna be a newbie in a totally different place. Without any friends in my course....

9) How similar do these two looks? they even sound the same, seriously. 
 jeannie mai / brenda song (did you know brenda song is pregnant? heheee random)


10) The song Safe & Sound by Taylor Swift for the Hunger Games movie is so addictive, everywhere I go the song is stuck in my head. 

OK bye. Eh what's this kpop hunt thingy on star world? annoying or what. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

*gasps* Today is someone's birthdayyy. 
It's NadyNad's bday. I like to call her that on my twitter haha ;)
Anyway, Happy birthday, Nadiah! Have an awesome 17th birthday, dah 17 action ah. :p Anyway of course, you are going USS with us!! You, Fifi and Yani are my top priority. (no pun intended to anyone) Stay awesome and funny and beautiful as always. I love how you're always so random and the funniest in our group. Remember the time I've took a video of you singing "If we ever meet again?" and then you realized I was taking a video and was so shocked. Haha! I still got the video you knoww. ;) If I'm not such a good friend, I'd already post it here. Study hard and I know you'll do good for O's. Obviously, you will do great. You're so hardworking and determined, I'm sure O's will be a piece of a cake of you.... Unlike me. Stay healthy always and hope you have a great day today. I'm sorry I can't go Jessie J's concert with you. I really really wanna see her but... no money leh. So anywayy, happy birthday, have a great day, wish you good luck for everything in life and hope you'll stay awesome, crazy, funny and sweet and kind as ever. WOOOHOOO 31 MARCH!!

Harry and his amazing curls, I know you likee Nadiah. ;)


So so so so cute, Steven Yuen. <3


Monday, March 19, 2012

5 Top Songs This Week:
(Old songs but nowadays.... Music is getting worst.)


Crying cuz the next season of The Walking Dead will be in October. I CAN'T FREAKING WAIT THAT LONG!
The last episode, however, was damned great. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Celebrated Dad's Birthday on Friday at JB house. My dearest old man is 46 this year. Hais, he's getting older. :(  Anyway my dad so called gave us a warning that none of us were allowed to buy him a present. All he wanted was a card. And so he got a card. And a video me and bro made for him. He was so touched that he was like "eh I got to go to the toilet." which I think he cried. HAHA. Anyway, I know I've disappointed him so much throughout my 16 years of life. So the only way to tell him how I'm truly sorry was writing him a card saying that I really appreciate him for everything that he's done for me and for loving me even though I've been such a freaking burden to him.
Anyway we slept there after somewhat 2 years of renting the house out. Of course, the house had been clean ever since the person who rented it moved away. It's so nice to have my own room there. The only worst thing is that my room was nearest to the empty house opposite of my house which has been empty ever since the condominium had been built so... It's kinda creepy how no one ever talked or looked at the house. Thank god it was the last house so we didn't need to cross it. Anyway next day like early at 8 in the morning my grandmother called saying she's on her way to the wedding at Muar with aunt's family. Who goes to a wedding that early?? The drive to Muar is so so so long that I really think I fractured my butt. chey kidding. Actually it's just 2plus hours but because the weather was freaking warm and I was wearing baju Kurung, it was uncomfortable. Plus we got lost finding the wedding. The wedding was okay... But I expected it be like super kecoh you know considering it's a malaysia wedding and stuff but it was.... normal. I expected the kompang to be super loud and really awesome but they were so soft and quiet. I expected there to be music but there was nothing. They served laksa and it was the most sour-ish thing I've ever tasted in my whole life. & then aunt suggested we go to another family's house there in Muar also. And then went Ayer Hitam (sp?) and then a few more places. And back home to JB house. Cleaned up and around 12 came back to Singapore. Okay okay. My 2 day holiday is the most boring thing ever.. But whatever....

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Family BBQ, dad's side. :)











Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"What doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger."
Here to you, Fifi. Wish you good luck in your new school. It may or may not be a living hell but just think of it this way, when you get out of there, you'll be a more stronger person.

What doesn't kill you makes you strongerStand a little tallerDoesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm aloneWhat doesn't kill you makes a fighter


Halloooo guys. 
Today went ITE Bishan with bro and mum to register and buy my uniform. I freaking love the skirt, no joke. It's really nice and comfy. I should have bought all skirt. I bought pants too which is okay but I prefer the skirt. Then while waiting this mackik next to me was like "skirt dia pendek nye boleh nampak sluar dlam" then me and her daughter looked at each other and like gave a wtf look. Super funny. I wanted to buy the blue and white blouse but both are out of stock, what shit is that? So in the end bought the boring white polo ite shirt. The school doesn't sell maroon shirt anyone, idk why cuz I wanted that but they say don't have anymore... Sucks... Anyway, it was smooth and I'm kind of nervous/excited for school... Not really. Kind of... I don't know.... What I know is that Junction 8 will be my new playground. It's even nearer than how East View used to be near to Tampines Mall. It's a five minute walk. 

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Upload A Picture Of... 

Your Favourite Colour:

Your Least Favourite Colour:

Your Last Pet: 

Your Current Pet:

Someone That You Last Texted To:

Someone That Loves to Eat:

Your Best Friend's Best Friend:
(Fifi's best friend, heheee)

An Artist you Despise:
(Of course, Justin Bieber)

An Animal You've Touched:
(A Koala, no joke.)

Your Boyfriend:

Something You Want But Can't Have:

(I obviously can't have them. :( Sucks)

Something You Fear:

Your Favourite Chocolate:

The Last Movie You've Seen:
....... (IDK)

Your Favourite Character:

(Gleen from The Walking Dead.)

A Character You Hate But love: