Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Monday, April 30, 2012

Afternoon peeps ~ 
Tomorrow will be a holidayyyy yesss. Anyway, it's been a long time since I last saw my girls. Fatin was on Nad's bday celebration and the others was on 31st March. So hopefully, if all goes well and pray to god that none of my teachers make up any make-up class for all the lesson we missed on Friday, I'll get to meet them! Next Tuesday gonna be watching a movie with the girls at AMK mall thingy place? Idk but Fizah knows so she'll bring us. We were like so clueless where to go because Shaf and Fiza live in Pasir Ris, Amira in CCk, Elaine and Evelyn at godknowshwere.... First 3 hours just now was PPE. did groupwork with Amira, Farah, Nazura and Mardiah. then recess and FINALLY, me, pek and azam get to seat with each other during recess. Haha, our same recess is only on Mondays. Then the last few weeks, my teachers kept changing my monday lesson. But today so happy get to seat with them. Felt kind of bad though for leaving my girls. But once in a week you know. :'( Anw, after that pekk started reading and me and Azam played scramble so kecoh. Then Azam sent me to my class (so nice right? HAHA) and 3 hours of ECD which literally was the slowest thing in the world. So bored. Me and Fizah were like halfway dying the first 1 hour. Then lucky Miss Claire gave us a 30 min break. Halfway going canteen with Fizah and Shaf then Fizah saw ehem and we go back to class. lol. Anw continued ECD and today there's no Music and Movement. Yesssh. Went home with the girls and so so kecoh about McPherson boys since most of us are going there for CCA. 


Missing these people and moments. I want everything to back to how it used to be. :(

Sunday, April 29, 2012

OKay.... Wish me good luck people. Registered for F1, hope Miss Wendy will accept me. MAROON 5/KATY PERRY HERE I COME.

Friday, April 27, 2012

First 20 seconds is rotated so just watch. Anw, the funny thing is this makes me miss 409 like crazy and although 409 is not as loud and cheerful as ICA. (I thought it was impossible for a class to be louder than 409 but I was wrong.) The reason why everyone is laughing like crazy while singing the second song which is grenade is because Hemma pretended to lead the class like choir then she almost fell and then because if you listen closely, they inserted Miss Wendy name during the "yeah yeah" of grenade. lol. <3


Some seriously cute vids of babies and toddlers. So being in Early Childhood, I've learnt a lot than just to look at how cute all these super adorable kids can be. I learnt how to see how healthy they are by looking at their eyes. I learnt what age they are at without having to read any description, I learnt.... ok screw those shit, look how adorable these kids are!!


ITE McPherson for GameShow. My class was the noisiest and most hyper-est. All the class look at our class like "Wtf sia this class." Seriously. The guys behind my class from Tampines ITE were like looking at us like shit. Then this guy from idk which ITE came to our class and kept talking our pics with his camera. So so annoying. Then Hemma was like "Eh this guy bastard sia from just now take picture of us." So gatal. Then this indian guy came and wanted Vasantha number and everyone was shouting woo. Funny like hell. Haha. I think all the other class from other school so annoyed with our class. Haha. Then the song Just The Way You Are by Bruno Mars and my class stood up and sand to Miss Wendy. Haha. In the bus also they keep singing everything and putting Miss Wendy's name in the song. So funny. Miss Wendy took a vid but i don't know where she will post it. Then went home with the girls and planned to watch a movie soon together. Anw, enjoy! This is the 105830th song they sung while waiting for all the other school to come, Hemma, Venus and Chelsea. & look at the expression of the Tampines guys behind. One of them even pointed at Chelsea loll XD Ohya, met Arina there! Haha, missed that girl so so so much. 


In class now having break. Later going McPherson ITE in another 30 mins. ^^

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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tomorrow is Friday Fridayyyy woooo. 
Going McPherson ITE with class IBA for "family day." YAY NO LESSONS AGAIN. 


Me with Elaine and Evelyn while waiting for F1 talk. 
Hellllooo peeps. 
Today was a-we-some.  Actually not the best days of the bestest days of my life lah but still... I need days like today more often. 
First 3 hours was ECD but Miss Claire never come so another teacher took over. Last 1 hour we played this quiz game thingy where it's something like dog and bone where you have to grab the middle object to answer the quiz. We got released 1 hour earlier. So had 2 hour recess. Sat in canteen with gfs and halfway Pek and Azam came to school since they start class late and I sat with them. Then the remaining recess time we went to the F1 talk which was not supposed to be for us. Our talk time is at 3 but we went at 11 for all the event management classes. We just sat there like so cool haha. Anyway, I really don't know what to do for the F1 thingy. Should I join or not? Once in a lifetime opportunity. The girls are ALL going and they're so effin persuasive. No fair. Fiza listed out the pros and cons. Haha. Pros: Get money, get experiences, meet new people, see hot F1 racers and my favorite: (and why I seriously wanna go.) get to meet MAROON 5 AND KATY PERRY. *SCREAMS* Con: A lot of intensive training, no skipping of any of the three days, a lot of hard work, Go home at 1230AM.... But... Adam Levine.... Katy Perry... Hais so confused. nvm, still got one more week. Will decide soon. :/ Anyway after the talk was PPE. Funny like hell. First because Hemma pronounced browse as brows and everyone burst out laughing. Second because Din pronouced the ethon childcare thingy "Eton." then all the malay girls was laughing. Then Umirah and Ayuni's inside joke. And then about one of Miss Wendy's childcare babies where he loves food and everytime during nap time, he'll hug a loaf of bread to go to sleep. AWWW. Anyway after that is 2 hours of boring CMB. at first we went to one of the freaking hot classroom then me, amira, shaf, fiza, elaine and evelyn sat in one row and Miss J gave us a break and all of us slept. lol. epic. then miss J brought us to an air con room so we can get comfortable. Sat with Amira and Fiza and we were so distracted by everything. So funny. Didn't concentrate much with those two around. Anw after that went to inter with the girls, I can't believe F terlanggar me just now. What a coincidence. No, I wasn't stalking eh.. Hais. Excited only for a minute. And then.... Nothing. Obviously, I don't like at all. Just like him because he's super funny. So Arina, you cannot say you're happy because we're on the same page. I'm not as crazy obsessed with him like you are with that someone. I'm not even obsessed with him. Sad, I know. I have the worst love life in the world. Anw after that went to Admiralty to celebrate mum's birthday. Happy 46th birthday my dearest mother. No awesome love life but I've got an awesome family. And that's all it matters. <3

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

This is all ma girls phone , I still haven't take pics with them yet. Still trying to get comfortable with the girls and I'm using my old computer so I got no other pics to upload. So.... I tweeted that we're the pinks and blue gang cuz all our phone is pink in colour except A's. Haha XD
Anyway today was supposedly be a bad day. Supposed to be a bad day. In the morning, I woke up all annoyed and pissed at the world and then the bus and train was so packed I was basically going nuts. Reached school and first 1 hour was CAH which was really just like form teacher time and all that. Wasted my bloody one hour. & then 2 hours of communication for business which we did like a speech with our partner infront of the whole class. Lol, I chatted with telur during the class. So bored out of my mind. Anyway we had this assignment where we had to write down direction of how to go to Bishan Campus from our house. I was being really annoyed and tired and sleepy so I wrote on my paper, "Take the bus to interchange, go up to Mrt station and take the damn train to Bishan." HAHA. Anyway P.E after that and I didn't bring my short so zero attendance. Blearghh. 1 hour break and sat with Amira, Fiza, Shaf, Elaine and Eveyln and we ended talking about everything from fasting to stalkers to boys to... You know how it goes. Then lifeskill for one hour and then thankkk god got this talk at the auditorium with other classes, ICB, IME, IQE and a few other classes about ... idk its actually about what but it's sooo good because the actresses were freaking good. They even had the students to participate in the drama according to our own way. So so good. And what's even better was that.................................. Hehehe. F , kau cutee sngat lah ;) So actually today wasn't that bad. Not bad at all. 


Today's Glee Episode..... Speechless. Made me cry both sad and happy tears. 

Ok.... First Blaine & Kurt's fight. :'(


Kurt and his dad's moment :')

Puck's scene with the guys. :')

Santanna's scene with Rachel :')
Joe and Quinn's scene :')
Mr. Schue talking about not wanting the kids to graduate :'(


P.E now but I never bring shorts so can't participate. Should have went recess wtih Azam and Pek since my fcked up attendance is zero now. Praying for new ite building talk during life skills later on.

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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Din & the girls kept singing this in da bus just now, soooo stuck in my head -.-"


Hi. Updating through my phone since my laptop charger is spoilt. I wrote a damn long post just now then when I try to upload a pic, everything is gone. Be patient with me I'm still trying to figure this phone out...

Few random things.....

- Miss my girls. So freaking much.

- Miss 409.

- CCA fair at Mchperson and the boys there are so effin cute.

- So many cca. So many booth. No space to walk.

- I still don't know who my principle is.

- Can't wait to move to the new Ang Mo Kio ite building in Jan. There'll be a shopping center there! Plus, an actual aeroplane for the Aerospace guys.

- People keep talking bout Aerospace guys and Shaf my classmate told me that the guys are super cute so.... Hehehe.

- Didnt join any cca yet. Waitin for Fiza or Nazura or Pek to decide cuz obviously I dont wanna be alone .

- school skirt have been a bitch to me.

- Din played the guitar and sung it will rain by bruno mars in the bus just now which was superrr nice.

- Miss my laptop so much.

- Tomorrow swt so lazy to go school. Becoming like an addiction to always want to skip school. -.-"

- I hate bussiness communication. presentations and such.... waste my bloody time.

- Nabil aka brock is not as cute as I imagined him to be.

- Music & Movement will one day knock me into my grave. Cannot get the song hokey pokey out of my head. Not funny. -.-"

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Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Wanted Appreciation Day ;)





"Do you know why we pulled you over?"
"I think because we're not wearing seatbelts." 
lol XD


Zomggggg class starts at 10 and still ends at 3 tomorrow and Tuesday no class because we're going to McPherson ite wooohooo, yayyyyyyyyyyy!! =)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Small worrrrld XD
Today was one of the most longest and boring-est day of my life. First 3 hours was Early Childhood development. 1h 30 mins and I already started fidgeting and moving around. The seat was uncomfortable and the aircon was tooo effin cold. Luckily Miss Claire gave us a twenty minute break because I was really loosing my mind. The subject is interesting and all but but but.... The seat and environment and I just couldn't find comfort. THe rest of the lesson continued doing theory and then time for music and movement. We danced to head shoulders knees and toes (not funny eh.) / this thing where you have to say "fly bird fly" where we have to sing it out loud and two people must stand in the middle of the big circle and pretend to be birds. Then did chicken dance. Hais. But really enjoyed our time doing the head and shoulders knees and toes. So funny. I am loosing my cool starting to sing and dance to these songs. lol. Anyway after that one hour recess and I broke my canteen virginityy. lol. Usually I sit at the foyer with Amira or go to Junction 8 but this time sat in the canteen with Fiza, Shaf, Eleyn and Evelyn. Then 2 hours of practice and principles of early childhood. But first 10 mins were spot check because Umirah lost her wallet. Then our table so small so merepek ask us to empty our bags. My and Eleyn stuff kept falling on the floor. Annoyingg. Anyway after PPE was Bussiness Communication for 2 freaking hours. Crazy shit. I was half dead by then. Hate thursday time tablees ~

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Awww so cutee, louehhh <3
Helloooo peeeeeeeeps 
Today was so tiring. After this I seriously wanna go iron my uniform and then pass out on my bed. First one hour was CAH which is something like the form teacher will talk about administrative matters. The head of the Early Childhood department teacher came and talked to us about rules. First rule was freaking funny. Girls don't get pregnant, boys don't get the girls pregnant. HAHA. Then the teacher was like "Don't get the girls pregnant okay, Melvin?" Melvin is one of the four boys in my class who is so superrr shy and quiet and innocent and he loves grass pokemon. lol. Then everyone laughed and he so shy looked down to his feet. Then the second was when we move to Ang Mo Kio next year, there's going to be a lot of guys in the other department especially in the engineering then the teacher was like "Aerospace guys... In their overalls.... *makes really chicky face.*" HAHA anw, the teacher said don't want to have a problem where they come by our class and stay outside our class to disturb us.. lol? Then the next rule was no smoking but the rule is so whatever. Then I was looking at my nails and my teacher was like "Amira you okay or not? You looked so bored. You look like you're thinking why I should be here." Then I laughed. Anyway the last rule was no fights then the teacher was like "Okay Melvin? Got it or not?" HAHA. Kesian sia Melvin. He's so freakin innocenttt. Anyway next two hours was Business Communication which was really boring like hell. then p.e which we had this beep test. Basically what the thing is that ICA and another class, idk what class went up to the hall and then there's this speaker and you have to find a partner and you'll be given a scoring sheet. So when the beep sound it starts it's go like "Level 1, 1. Level 1, 2." You run 20KM to the other end of the hall. So you do that for 7 rounds and as long as you cross the line before the beeping sound you can proceed to level 2. It was freaking tiring because as the level continues like level 1.1/level 1.5/level 1.7 the timing of the beeping goes faster. By the time level 2 point something I already pancit. So stopped. This guy from the other class did till level 8 something. Crazy siaaa. Which is like 50plus times he ran to and fro. Anyway after p.e was recess and then Life skills for two hours which was so boringgg ttm. I don't even understand why we need that subject. No exam at all. so why? -.- Anw after school went to Tamp to collect graduation file. Met Aten and Nad. I didn't expect to see them because I didn't tell them since Friday we're already going to meet so I didn't want to trouble them today but as I was in the office I saw them and quickly walked out. So coincidenceee. See, this is true bff-ness. HAHA. Anw after that went Aiman and met up with Luqman and Arina. Omg I missed them like crazy. Luqman especially because the last time I saw him was on Arina's bday which is in Jan. Caught up a lot with Luqman and although we always sms each other during school time, it's still so fun. We so kecoh text each other during school just now because A wanted to follow then he was like asking me if i'm okay with her, if I can or not, then I was like so annoyed because .... I'm not the one who is supposed to be concern if A comes along. Then I replied him, "Okay lah, later I meet her, I peluk and cium her for you." HAHA. But of course, A never come with. ;)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Heheee, clearer picture. ^^

Monday, April 16, 2012



This is my new class. Can't really see me. I'm at..... The back I think. 
Okay, today school was ..... Weird? 
Officially started learning today. First 3 hours was PPE which we learnt the history of Early Childhood. I was bored out of my mind. & then had 3 hours of ECD which is early childhood development which we learnt about the physical development of a child and everything. We even learn about babies inside the womb and giving birth and the test to do to a baby 1 minute after it is given birth. & then we watched a few videos of cute toddlers laughing on the web. Break for 25 mins and I went out to meet Pek and Azam. I felt so sad because today is the only day I got 1 hour recess with them but because my teacher rescheduled then only got break for 25 mins. Anyway last 30 min of the class was pure torture. You know what we did? We had to stand in a circle and sing and dance to the wheels on the bus (NO JOKE), hockey pokey and chicken dance. Haiss. So shy. Then almost released and Din shouted one more time and we had to do the chicken dance one more time. HAHA. Thank god, we got released at 1 today although class ended at 3. ^^

Saturday, April 14, 2012

So here's to everything, coming down to nothing
Here's to the silence that cuts me to the core
Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute
But I don't anymore

Thursday, April 12, 2012

IDK why this pic is just hilarious. HAHA. XD
Hellooo guys. Fourth day of school and still clean and sane. Lol. Jk. I find it okay, I guess. Despite the fact my classes start at 8 everyday and it's so unfair how other classes start their classes later than mine. :/ Also, sadly idk if I've blogged this but I'm just gonna blog this again, my recess with Fathihah and Azam are only on Mondays. Boohooo! Today I'm still at the basic of Early Childhood, still have yet to start studying on the real topics and stuff. My classes were fine just now. First class we did a debate about nature vs nurture and which we think is the main factor to a child discipline. Then break, me and my friends went to Junction 8 to walk around. After that had a PPE class which stands for Practice and Philosophy Early Childhood, my teacher is damned fierce ttm. She's like.... Those type of teacher where you cannot skip school anyhow. Sucks. But I guess she's okay. She admit herself to being a bitch then she's like "All women are bitches, it's only to what extend are they bitches." She talked most of the lesson and most of the time I ended up texting Pek and tweeting to Luqman. & then next class was Esomethingsomething... I'm still confused with all my class names and the venues. Did introduction and I think like 90% of my classmates are either 18, 19 or 20. & one thing about my classmates is that they are freaking hyper. Everyone introduced themselves and the whole class will shout "Hi!!!!" Also, they're so outspoken and cool with themselves like this girl was like "my birthday is on December 23. I don't need big present, small present can already. Like Ipad and Iphones." Then I'm like how do you find time to joke with the others while 35 pair of eyes are staring back at you? But it was ok i guess. One of my classmates whose name is Din shouted why to everything and everyone even me but aside from that he's okay, still trying to figure him out though.  I have a feeling he'll be with any of my classmates soon because my classmates are so freaking pretty and outgoing and popular that I feel so embarrassed to even be in a group with them :(  Anyway the intro only took like 40 mins plus a 10min break and our class was supposed to be 2 hours. Then the teacher ended class early and sadly, I went home without pek and azam since they finished class at 5. Hais. Missing the old times. But everything will get better soon.... I hope. :)