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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Monday, May 28, 2012

Farah: Natasha, apa kau buat? Girafe eh? 
Natasha: Tak. 
Farah: Giraffey eh? 
Natasha: Tak. 
Farah: Girraffah eh? 
Natasha: Takk. 
Me: Buat natasha lah. 
Natasha: -.-"
Fathihah: You take taxi from woodlands how much?
LZ: 23.40
Me: How come so expensive? 
LZ: Peak hour meh. Then the bus always late one. 
Fathihah: You take what bus? 
LZ: 901. 
Me: Eh.... Same eh. You live where? 
LZ: the 500plus there. 
Me: Eh same eh. What block?
LZ: 543.
Me: Eh. Siala I 542. 
Guess what we did in class just noww? Building boxes. lol XD Meet JJ the jetplaine, the "eippel" tower, G-Gon the dragon/girafe and two other robots I forget their names. 
Anyway today was fine. 3 hours of PPE and i literally fought the urge to fall asleep in class the whole lesson. Except when I get caught for wearing white shoe and Miss Wendy gave me a good scolding but other than that, it was so damn sleepy. Wish my table was how it used to be back in secondary school. It's much more comfortable for my butt and me to sleep on. Anyway after that was ECD and me, farah, amira.t, nazura, mardiah, din and siti worked on our eippel tower. hilarious shit especially with siti and din in our group. Okay that's alll. And omggg, making up a toy for kids for our last ECD assignment this term. But groupmates are fcked up. 
Ok bye. ;)

Friday, May 25, 2012


Thursday, May 24, 2012

I'm super exhausted. 3 hours of ECD and we made play-dough and played with them. lol. I don't really know why.... But anyway next we made dough from tapioca flour and the thing is really cool. When you put it in your palm, it'll melt but then when you hold it, it'll became hard. Anyway after that went outside to spray paint on the papers we pasted on the wall. And then cleaned up and did a small reflection and then 2 hours of PPE. It was Miss Wendy's birthday and her year 2 students kept coming to our class to wish her. So funny lol. Then Amirul Hakim, who I found out from east view is in Early Childhood, suddenly barged into our classroom making everyone jumped. So damn shocking lol. Then he went to Miss Wendy and wished her happy birthday and wanted to hug her then Miss Wendy didn't want to hug him lol then he kept pestering her to hug him. It was damn funny. Anyway 1hourplus break with pek and azam. Then finally went to the Army Open House. I really don't know what the main motive of us going there. All I know was that, there were ALOT of guys. From ite, poly and of course the army guys themselves. When we entered the floating platform me, fizah, nazura and shaf were talking and looking at the floor because they were so many we were so damned shy. The army guys were friendly, smiled to us but it's their job I guess. & then took the water ride in one of the army boats and at first I thought it was gonna be so damn fast and cool but it was slow and felt like just a normal boat ride. But still cool though because the area around the singapore flyer is just damn beautiful. Anyway met pek and azam and went to marina square to Mcd for awhile to.... Yeah if you read my tweets I was tweeting that I was pissed by someone... that's a little heartbreaking part. But anyway, reached home about 8plus. Damn tiring. & lol in mcd i didn't realize I was seating next to Miss Wendy then she was like "Caught red-handed ah Amira, no wonder you were rushing off so quickly just now. Want to go out with your friends." lol XD Strangely it didn't felt awkward to have Miss Wendy next to our table. I talked to them as per normal. And LOL OMG I almost fell after hours and hours of trying to hold my pee in. It was damn embarrassing. When I got out of the toilet and almost fell, me, elaine and amira was laughing out like hell. Damned funny. & then after that started tripping over every little thing like the rocks, the platform, the bags. lol. okay here's wishing tomorrow the bad luck will go away. I'm tired of falling down. Okay that's all for today. Sexy hot army boys haisss Y U NO CALL ME MAYBE?  Cehhh merepek. haha. Hais my life forever the same. I'm gonna be single forever till I grow old. Forever alone.
Goodnight. :(

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My expression during the last episode of glee:





Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sophina & Farah.
Me, Nabisha, Farah, Sophina, Dashini, Vasantha.

Halluuu haluuu. 
Been a long time since I blogged? 
I've been tired nowadays. I don't know why. Just plain tired. Maybe school is sucking all the energy out of me.. Or maybe I just need to freaking sleep early. I can't sleep, that's the annoying part. You know the song fix you "When you're too tired but you can't sleep..." YES, that is how it feels. So so tired, but can't sleep. I've been depending on cough medicines but now even they don't work on me anymore... Hais, die. :x
Anyway those pics were taken during the 20 mins break Miss Wendy generously gave us during our 2 hour PPE lesson. She said that all of us looked like shit because we last minute do assignment and confirm never sleep. So ended up most of us went back to our little stage in the back of our classroom and slept. I swear the stage + the air con = heaven. Anyways 2 hours of BussinessCom after that and my group literally sat and slacked for the whole 2 hours. I told you, the whole class was tired and sleepy like hell. Maybe the one and only time ICA will ever be as quiet and lethargic today. lol. Can't wait for the weekends even though it's not tuesday. I need to do something to my sleeping problem. 


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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kisha: Amira what happened? Are you okay? 
Sara: You tell us come, we bring our brother and sister come beat them up for you. 
Fizah: Aku takut ah.
Me:Takut apa? 
Fizah: Nak berbual dengan dia atau tk. Aku takut ah.
Me: Berbual aje lahhh fizahh
Me: Did you just smack my butt?
Sophie: Yeah eh you damn cute leh.
Amira.T: Kau nak ikut tk besok? Aku, Zul ngan Siti nak join Muay Thai dekat cck.
Me: Kau ajak aku makan thai aku nak, kau ajak aku benda mepek cam gini, tknk tkper.
Miss Cheok: This girl likes pink. Is afraid of cats. And loves one direction can you guess who?
Me: Wait.. Is it me? Eh kau eh Fizah?
Fizah: Aku tk tau. Kau lah.
Me: Kau lah. Aku ke? 
Only been 1 month plus and already start having clique problems. I really don't know whats gonna happen to me for the next year. Hais. Long story cut short it's all solved but obviously there's a bit of awkwardness and drama around but other than that I am forever confused and lost. Really hoping and praying Amira.T won't change clique. She's staying because of me and I feel so damned stress. But I like hanging with Elaine and Shaf and Fizah. Feels like primary school all over again. PEK/AZAM KORANG SATU HARI TKDE SKOLA AKU DRAMA CAM BOLEH BUAT EPISODE SIA OMG COME BACK QUICKLY!!

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Tuesday, May 15, 2012



"Then you just bang the car lah."
"Come, I bang you first."

Monday, May 14, 2012

Umirah: *helps do my collar.* 
Elaine: Ahh you see, you scandal behind me again amira.
me: your head lah hahaha. 
elaine: ya lah outside school with other people, inside school with other people. you supposed to be mine! 
Me: So kau ngan ____ dah okay? 
fathihah: entah... cam gitu2 aje lah. 
Me: Haisss. Dalam perkahwinan-
Fathihah: Ah, kau ngan nak start merepek eh. 
Halluuuuu :) 
Been a long time since I blogged? Friday went to meet the gang at Tampines and watched Dark Shadows together. It was..... Not worth my money. Maybe like worth half of my money. The story was funny in some bits, but the others to me felt like one big parody of twlight. HAHA. But a round of applause to Johnny Depp's incredible acting. He is just super talented. Anyways, today first 3 hours was PPE. I still can't get over the huge coincidence of Fizah and her crush. HAHA. It's so funny because when I was talking about that guy because I know him then when I mentioned the name, Fizah's eyes went huge. Super funny. Anyway break sat with Pek and Azam and they were talking about this Harry potter exhibition in June and I'm so so in. Although its $21. I WANNA GO OMGG. Then Miss Claire never come so had only 2 hours of ECD by Miss D. She's soo soo funny. I love her. prayin that next year she'll be my form teacher since Miss Wendy won't be ours next year. Last 15 mins must sing barney songs and a few other songs. hais. Story of my life. But thank god today ended one hour earlier. ;))

Thursday, May 10, 2012



Ayuni: Singapore always like that, a little bit only go jail, do this get jailed. Jail is like the second house sia. 
Umirah: Relax ah, yang kau marah sangat asal? Kau pernah kena jail ke? 
Nabilah: Got this one guy last time at my school he sec 5 then he kena public canning but he's sooo handsome. 
Miss wendy: So you're saying that handsome guys shouldn't be canned? 
Dayang: Handsome guys should be loved not canned. 
Nap time during Business Communication break lol XD
Today was awesomeeee ~ Need more days like this pleasee. A lot of jokes, a lot of laughing, a lot of bitching, a lot and a lot of pics. But I lazy transfer. Played musical chairs during ECD. Funny like hell. Tomorrow only 2 hours of school and only got ECD and playing lego, charade, mr. wolf and hopscotch. HEHE. You know why we play this games? It's part of our lesson to "feel what children feel while playing these games." Lol.  okay bye. tired ;x

Monday, May 7, 2012

LOL, this is so true. Found it on tumblr. ;)

Me in class.
  • Me: okay, gotta focus. Big test coming up.
  • Me: ooooh, when did that poster get there?
  • Me: ugh, split ends.
  • Me: why is the back of your head so attractive?!
  • Me: just act like you understand.
  • Me: don't pick me, don't pick me...
  • Me: so here's my number, so call me maybe.
  • Me: it's only been fifteen minutes?
  • Me: I hate you all.
  • Me: someone shoot me.


Good evening peeeeps. ~
Today was a good Monday. Started my morning with going to school with Amira.T, Fathihah and Azam and lol, we were like so in the world of Harry Potter. It was almost raining then I was like talking about Draco and the wind suddenly blew damn strong and we were like "Death eater are here." Haha. Okay lame but we are true harry potter fans whattt. ;) Anyway, first 3 hours of class was PPE with Miss Wendy and I so thank god that she's my teacher. Being a principle of a kindergarten center once, she always have interesting stories of her experience to tell us. Anyway we watched a video of a kid with dyslexia and it was soo soo sad. but it was funny and cute how he read "Santa claus." as "Satan's claws." XD Anyway, break with Thihah and Azam today and tho, I felt bad leaving my girls - I always have this feeling on Monday during recess- I had a great time with them. I'm thankful to have at least 2 bff there with me. My ite girlfriends are great but you know... Sometimes, it's not the same. Anyway, after that had 1 hour of ECD which we did nothing. I talked all the way with Shaf and Elaine and then with Venus and Amira.T. & then had 2 hours of Lego workshop with the other Early Childhood class, ICB. You know the toy thingy. It was really worthless anyway. I didn't really gain anything. Except, except, (HEHEHEHE) that ICB has two supa cute boys. Damn, I wish they're in my class. Okay haha, gatal. Anyway, after that my class kena terrible scolding from Miss Claire because we were noisy. Hais. Tomorrow confirm die with our form teacher. After that lepak-ed with Amira.T for awhile and then Sophina joined us and she found out that about F. Because we were seating in the canteen and F was there and I was smiling like crazy. Anyway F sang a song from glee just now out loud randomly and from there, I'm sure we are soulmates. lol jk. After that Thihah and Azam finished class and lepak-ed with them. I miss slacking around. Ever since the first day of school have yet to slack with anyone. I've yet to slack with my new gfs. Someday, maybe. But for now.... They're too innocent to be a bad influence. XD

Friday, May 4, 2012

Yayyy, so happy that I met my girls. :') 
School felt so long. All I knew was that i was so so so super excited to meet my girls after school. 2 hours of ECD and there was a test and it was quite okay although I seriously forget how to spell intellectual. Minus marks seh -.- Anyway after that did my second anecdotal test which is based on a ten minute video of a baby literally just holding and playing around with a piece of yellow sponge and dropping it and picking it up and dropping it and picking it up and so on... So, it was kinda hard to describe and write about in my record. After that Miss Claire gave us a break and Sofina showed us kpop vids -.- then my classmates requested for one direction and ohmygod, everyone was screaming like crazy. Fizah and me were grinning away like crazy while the others were like "Marry me louis!" and "OMG HE"S SO CUTE!!" Then at the starting of one thing when each one of the boys sang, they screamed like crazy. HAHA. So cute classmates. S&W went gym, so nothing much (thank god.)  Then PPE was literally nothing. Boring like crazy. Miss Wendy announced that the interview for the volunteers for the childcare festival will be after school and I was so pissed because it was so last minute. Where can like that right? So sadly, didn't go for the interview. but I guess I don't mind since ICB is going too so I guess can give them chance. And omg!!! I was talking with Melvin in class then he was telling me about his kindergarten and stuff and then I accidentally opened angry birds on my phone and it was super loud. Thank god Miss Wendy didn't hear it. Because if not, I'll have to dance in front of the class. Lol, went home and deleted the game on my phone. Traumatized already. HAHA.  Met up my girls after school and ate at KFC and then went to Afgan MacDonald's. Caught up with each other about a lot of stuffs. I almost forget how kecoh Fatin and Nadiah are when they're together. And I almost forget how talkative telur can get. Hais, missed them so much. Wished Yani was there though. HAIS GIRLS PROMISE ME WE'LL BE BFF. <3 



Thursday, May 3, 2012

Miss J: The year 2's are going through graduation in May ...... 
Me: *looks at Fizah and grins.* awww. 
Fizah: Diam eh!
 Farah: So the kids can be happy. *big smile.*
Miss Wendy: Okay wait.. I want to see Amira. Make a happy face. 
Me: Huh? whyy? *laughs and looks behind.* i shyy. 
Miss C: What do you do when you're angry? 
Din: Use both hands and beat your chest. 
Miss C: I want to see how well you know your classmates by now. 
Din: i know them like the back of my hands! ............ *looks at his hands.* But which part is the back eh? 
Din: Cher, why we have the early childhood playground corner ah? 
Miss W: Huh? 
Din: The place outside, got slide and seesaw. 
Miss W: Oh that one... That one was actually for you to do your experiment and research there but we stopped using it already because your seniors didn't want to use it. 
Siti: Just now we play there eh cher. 
Miss W.: There's snakes there. 
Class: WHAT?! *everyone starts panicking lol*
Haiii ~
Today was so so so draggy. I still got to study for my physical development test tomorrow which will be graded. :( 3 freaking hours of ECD, so fidgety. Learnt to do Anerocdal (sp?) thingy which is like where I watched a video of a toddler playing his toys and doing some actions and have to take down and stuff like that. After that one hour recess and so epic, me, elaine, amira, eveyln and fiza sat with Sofina and we ended up talking about really really personal matters like.... You know... Stuffs. My friends are so dirty-minded. HAHA. But it was funny, we shared stories you wouldn't think existed. & then 2 hours of Practice and Principle of early childhood which is soo soo boring. I can't stand it. It's basically the history of early childhood and stuff like that. Elaine kept pressing my fingers because she say I got cute thumbs and fingers. HAHA. & then Business Communications and everyone was so dead and then class was at the computer lab but we couldn't use the computer so imagine how boring it was... Me and Fizah were halfway dying already. Haha. Then Miss J asked as to create like a sentence using the first letter of each word of our work. So we had the letters B A B L Q A L. I was just joking around with Fizah saying Boy Ah Beng Love "Qiut" Ah Lian(sp?) then we ended up giving Miss J our sentence which was "Boy Ah Beng Love Quality Ah Lian" and the whole class voted for our sentence and next week we're gonna get a price. Last week also got oreo with the sentence "Spongebob Really Must Create New Episodes" HAHA. Okay so today that's all. I'm boring. boohoo. Thursday are usually so so so draggy I don't know how to survive for the rest of my 7 weeks of school left. Die :x

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hi Nad bila boleh aku sms kau balik? <3

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From me to right is Amira the one behind me, Elaine, Shaf, Evelyn and Fizah.

Movie date with gfs cancelled because we got 4 freaking hours of life skills on Tuesday. I will die :x nehmind , movie on wed then since we'll end at 12 woooo ^^

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