Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Saturday, June 30, 2012

1) Emma Roberts is soooo arrogant. Either that or she is just plain lazy. 
2) Joe Jonas is a smartass. Not fun. He didn't even get punk-ed
3) Cody Simpson was the best. He was so cuteee. 
4) Heather Morris is suchha cute host. Lurppp her<3

Friday, June 29, 2012

Helloooooo ~
Hi, I is happygirl95... No... Maybe like lovestruckgirl95. 
HAHAHA. No, I kid, I kid. Went to A's house just now to do PPE. But the fucking Leroy didn't come. I don't care if I swear when it comes to him. We missed called him 50 times. What shit is that? He totally didn't come. So we couldn't do our project because he's the one who will be doing the cooking. So freaking pissed! Anyway then me, Elaine and A went to A's house and watched the eye 10 which was so freaking hilariouss. Okay put all that aside, I'm totally happy to finally be able to meet them and catch up with them. What's so much more better is that.... A's brother is a freaking hot fireman with super sexy six pack abs and super fair skin and beautiful eyes and manly smell (the good kind.) HAHA. Lol me and elaine were like smiling like crazy. Thank god he went out for friday prayers because I don't think me and elaine can seat still without wanting to go curl up with him during the movie even though it wasn't scary that all. HAHA. omg gatal please. hais. what is happening to me. ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Helloooo~ Blogging with phone because I'm still recovering from fever yesterday. I feel so weak, Getting sick during the holidays. Anyway, what's weird is that yesterday my brother came home from school and said that he kept vomiting. So after that I started to get sick. Then my mum got sick too and when my dad came home from work, he got sick too. Lol. We all went to the doctor and it was so funny because the doctor was sighing and asking "okay who should I check first?" lol. I was the worst I think because while my family had gastrict flu, I had a 39.2°c fever. Anyway today I'm feeling a lot better than last night. I literally flopped around on my bed like a fish without water. Then natasha had to send a pic of ghost on twitter. Lol. Umirah was like "kau nak aku letak roh kau atas kereta" hahahaha. I swear I have awesome classmates. But talking about awesome classmates.... Tomorrow will be cooking at Amiratul house for PPE project. I really wanna meet my girls but not the others.... Gahhh. -.-"

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Monday, June 25, 2012

How I used to exaggerate a few months ago that I'm afraid of going to ite and now how much I miss my classmates and bishan gfs. :(


My gfs are the best. <3

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Plans for future. 
What I wanna do for my future... Okay, so I've been thinking a lot. A lot. I know I'm only 17 but hell, time passes so fast nowadays I'm so worried for my own future. So after my 2 years course in Early Childhood in 2014, hopefully I'll be able to go poly after that. And then, I'm not sure to continue for a diploma in early childhood or.... Go for what I actually wanted to take which is mass communication or journalism. Lol I wish I dare put a tagboard or something so people can comment but after the last few years of rapist spamming it, I don't dare. Of course I know it's him, he's stupid enough to put it in msn. lol. and if he reads this i hope he knows i know. but whatever. I'm just that kind of girl whose afraid of people hurting my already low self-esteem. Sorry for being so overprotective of myself but even words can hurt like hell.


Hello everyoneee. 
Sorry for not blogging for a longg time. I have nothing to blog about. And.... My posts are so boring please. Sadly, Im not your typical pretty bloggers around Singapore with beautiful hair and face and a very handsome or macho boyfriend who goes clubbing every night. Or those who always post pretty pictures of nature stuffs or themselves or whatever. But I do love to write. So.... This blog is just for me and passerby who happened to google one direction or stupid love quotes or glee or something like that and come across this page on the 3920th page of google. Hais what am I talking about. Okay I is boredgirl95. I want to start blogging about serious things now to improve my english. (yea rite.) lol. :D

Tuesday, June 19, 2012



This is us doing our very last scene and then I realized that my camera cover was in the scene so I panicked and look at our reactions. lollollol.


This is us, being bored. And me tengah shiok sendiri. hahaha XD


Am I the only loser who hasn't watch The Lucky One, Madagacar 3, The Hunger Games, and Avengers and a whole lot of new movies? Yes? ............. Okay.....

Monday, June 18, 2012

Yay, today my holidays officially starts! But sadly, it's a boring holiday because most of my friends are not free... Kind of... Okay, I don't know. I never asked lol. Maybe after the very busy tiring 10 weeks of school, I just wanna rest at home.... Or maybe I just don't have any money to go out with my friends... hehehehe. 
Anyway just now went to school to finish CMB (again.) and we really did finished it, hoorayyy! like finally. no more. no more. no moreeeee. I'm so tired, everyone's getting impatient with one another with this filming and I am just glad everything is over now. No more fights and misunderstandings. Camwhore-ed with Elaine, Amiratul, Kisha, Sophie and Maria when they came over. Felt like we were in camp lol because they took the next classroom to ours and we kept going to each other's room. Hais, I love my classmates. Okay byee. <3

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Been a long time since I recommend a book so........

Head Over Heels. - Jill Shalvin. My all-time favorite now because you rarely get a storyline about a bad ass girl and a hot policeman falling in love. Book 3 in Lucky Harbour, I'm reading book number 1 and 2 now because they're all different. But this is the best. <3
Head Over Heels (Lucky Harbor, #3)


 A group photo! Finallyyyy! 

Natasha, my twitta buddy hahaha. Everyday tweet to her. ^^ 

Sophie, the best class chairman in da world.

Doing activity one against Mardiah and Fizah. Fizah muka blur hahaha. 

Losing group doing chicken dance. Din's face like mintak kena smack. lol jk.

My group activity which is throwing water balloons.

Miss Claire, the best ECD teacher in the whole world.

Playing dog and bone. Din didn't want to touch the ball cause he's afraid he might ending up touching the girls I think. Why does he looks so gay-ish in all of the pictures? lol. but he's not.

Din and Siti trying to get the ball.

Playing mother hen.

Breakfast in the morning with Elaine, Shaf, Amiratul, Sophie, Shu Fen, Zul and LeRoy.

Din and Nabisha.

Botanic Garden with my awesome classmates. Awesome awesome time. But the weather as you can see is super freaking hot. So tanned now. :'( But overall it was so so so much fun. But tiring. Okay byeee. ^^

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

A few super cute b'day messages on twitter. I lurp you guys so much. Thank you everyone else for the messages/emails/comments/everything. Lurpyou. ;)

Fifi: HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY, DONALD DUCK AKA BESTIE DUNIA AKHIRAT! Wootsie woots, read my whatsapp, girl!
Aten: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY DEAREST . stay white as always. love you lotsss xoxo
Natasha:  happy birthday^_^  hahahaa! 17 is the new 16 okaayy. haha ok aku lame:')
Shikin:  oh my oh myyy, its a gleek's birthday! hahaha HAPPY GLEE BIRTHDAY AMIRAAAA!!! ^^L have fun and may God bless you! :D

My b'day wasn't the greatest day if you want me to tell you about it.... I don't know.... Is being 17 supposed to be super sensitive or something? Or maybe it's just my monthly girlthing coming... Hmmm...


Me: Eh how about for the script, we add in like the principle-
Takala: NO.
Me: did you just say no in my face?
Takala: sorry laaaa.
Ohhh how I hate you so much, Takala.
Halloooo. Yayyy, class photo with Miss Wendy aka Miss Wenwen. ^^ 
Today was stressing. And here i thought Tuesdays were the best... 
First two hours was PPE which was okay because we took out all the pots and pans and cleaned them and took a lot of class photos. Hais... We are so cute... But the cleaning part, me, shaf, nazura and fizah were with each other and they told me about their groupmate. I feel so sorry for them. I saw Nazura talking to her outside class and she looked so damn angry then she came in and was like "sabar sabar." haha. CMB was the worst. Ended up everyone gave Miss J videos that are less than 15 minutes and she gave us a scolding and asked us to redo the whole damn video again. First time I see Miss J so upset. She has never ever scolded our class before. This is our fault, I admit it but how the hell are we supposed to shoot until 15minutes? Shooting a four minute video and already it drained all our energy out plus it tooks like 2 hours to shoot a four min video. Haisss. Have to reshoot some other day. Anyway after that was LPDX. Din sat next to me and we talked. I just found out he talks in perfect english which is cool. Anyway after school stayed back for awhile to edit our CMB script to make it longer. Let's hope it works. 

Monday, June 11, 2012

My beloved ite girls. But a few others missing in action. I don't know where they went to when we took the pics. 
Anyway hello! I is happygirl95 today ^^ Because ECD playkit has been submitted and there's no more stressing over playkit. Whoop whoop. This thing have been driving me insane with the constant group fights, everyday staying back till 6plus and finishing that damn thing. 2 of my groupmates literally drove me insane. I really cannot stand them. One is MH who doesn't stop talking. Ever. I don't know what that girl eats. She talks and talk and talks and omgg... just... no please. & then another is LR who is a fcked up clubber who does not do a single work at all. Every meeting we have he'll just end up saying he has a gig because he's some kind of DJ at a club. WHO CARES DUDE. My group got hell from him. Hais. At least everything is over today. Presentation went fine. Let's just hope and pray for a good grade. I know a lot other groups had trouble and I felt so bad for them. Like Farah's group when one of her groupmates freaking forget to bring their playkit. It was just... Idk how in the world do you forget something so important? Okay tomorrow is the dateline of my CMB film and then Wednesday is my botanic garden project and then left with cooking project for PPE. and then woooooooo! Holidays here I come. ;)
Few random pics. 

The ite girls bought me this for my birthday. <3 Cake from polar. Super damn sweet to the freaking max. Sorry, I can't stand sweet stuffs. 

Farah/Shaf/Nazura/Fizah's playkit. Theirs is for the lower age group. Which is so super cute because there's bells on the cow. And the duck when you press it's make a sound. But I swear it was a lot of work from them since they sewed everything. Congrats to them although they had a lil problem while doing. Our groups are always together so we always complain to each other about our stupid groupmates lol. 

Process of our playkit. :')

It looks really weird and ugly. But it was a lot of effort and time put in... Plus the kids who tried out the board wanted to bring home. So... You've no idea how satisfied listening to that kind of compliment...... Okay. Praying for the best! ^^ 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hellooo. Okay so this is us while taking our CMB video. Everyone was like busy rehearsing script and I disturbed them then at last i couldn't remember anything lol. but hahaha. shaf is too cute. XD

Friday, June 8, 2012

Lol my twin sis, Shaf a.k.a Velma. ^^
Today was tiring but look on the bright sideee, it's FRIDAY. I swear I'm so happy although that only means my project datelines are in a few more days. Was supposed to go to school at 8 just now to meet the girls and continue with project but I was so tired so i told them I'd just go to class straight away. Amira.T kept texing to help bring Nazura panadol and when I reached there she looked so sick, so un-nazura-ish lol. Came at 10 and Miss Wendy gave us one hour of her PPE lesson to do our ECD project. Then after that went to class for PPE and released at 12. Lepak-ed with Shaf and Amira.T while waiting for Elaine to finish her meeting. Shaf is supaa funny. Idk where she's been all this time lol. She's always so quiet then started talking.... boom lol. Anyway after that filmed our CMB video. Which is one hell of a ride. First Azam helped to film. Then Mardiah. Then my lifesaver, I swear Zul was the best. So understanding and patient throughout all our bloopers. He even joked around with us. Anyway I found out that when Helmi asked for Amira.T's number, Zul had a man to man talk with him first. like zomg i swear that's so cute. HAHA. No, I don't like him guys. I met this cute guy from accounting. Gonna just regard him as A.H. One of Shaf's friend. Super cute. But nahhhhhhhh. Like I said.... I forever cannot like a guy for a long period of time.... Short attention span? lol jk. no lah. just not interested yet. see lah how.


 Few more hours to 17 and I feel like this. Exactly like how Harry Potter felt. I've just been really annoyed and tired and busy and stressed and depressed and lonely. It's just that ... I don't know. I feel like I've always been there for everyone but no one has ever been there for me. Yeah, whatever. I know I'm being so dramatic and of course some of you have been there for me but it's just this really fcked up feeling. Just annoying. PMS maybe but nuuuu I don't think so. Post-pms i think. lol. anw 17 is going to be shitty. It looks like an ugly number............. 


80% done with this project... Still got 19317173 more projects to do and datelines are all next week. Haiss. Tired and stressed out. Must.... ENDURE. ;(

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Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Photo: Still at school with these weirdos XD

Helloooo ~
Awesome day today even though I reached home at around 8plus. CMB did playkit and then headed to the auditorium for P.E theory test which ended up like hell. What kind of test is that anyway? You flash the question on the screen and we write down the answer on a paper. Anw after that was 2 hour recess and continued doing playkit. I did LPDX with Amira.T's laptop. After that LPDX which I drifted into lalaland for 2 whole hours then in the middle of the class during break while walking around Sophie hugged me and we spun around like we were dancing lol, I think all of us are so damn tired from all our projects. After school rehearsed CMB in computer lab. Me, Elaine and Amira were joking with each other like mad. Super crazy funny lol. Then went class to continue playkit and went up to an empty classroom to film our Business Meeting video. So super funny. So many bloopers. Will upload them whenever I got time. After that continued with our playkit. Playkit it literally killing me. A few more days to dateline... hais. tired :x

Monday, June 4, 2012

This is really cute. lol. It's nice to know that by doing something simple like complimenting on a friend's tagboard, I'd make her happy. Things like this i can do a million people and don't expect anything in return because knowing I made them happy even just for a second is enough to make me feel good about myself. ;)


Hello, aku bukan printer kau. Nak mintak orng print kan pun at least buat baik la grrr wjewndoeknfwofnoer -.-"


"I may as well have took my heart out and wrapped it up in a neat bow and handed it over to him."


Oh hi iliya what are you doing on that magazine cover? o.O

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Been a long time since I blogged? I am back from the dead. What happened was that I've been having stomach flu or "something" since Wednesday. So I went to the doctor twice and met two different doctors. All said I was suffering from different things. I've been vomiting and having these stomach cramps and so dizzy and going crazy soon. So I really don't know what the hell am I suffering from. I had 3 days MC so didn't go to school.. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday..... Gahhh. Miss my ite girls and class. ICA I'M COMIN HOMEEE 
Kay lol mengarut. bye ;)


Just take a few mins to read this, it's the saddest thing in the world. :'(