Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

You deserve to smile, and this blog will help you get what you deserve.


August, why do I have a feeling that this month is going to be the craziest and most stressful month of my ite life. First it's because the whole of the Early Childhood department is performing for NDP so.... Rehearsals. I hate being bribed into things like this. I hate performing. I hate attention. I just don't like it. But what to do... This is for ICA whatt. Anyway, PPE assignment to be done in two weeks. It's gonna be rushed because of the limited time and there's so much to be done to make our playkit perfect. Also, next week I'm starting my after school selfstudy stayback. Waste of my bloody time. & then last but not least, exams. Big big exams coming up in one month. Scary shit how time flies by so fast... April I started school clueless of what to expect and here I am on the last day of July expecting the most craziest month that has yet to come. :x  

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Helloo pretty girl! Happy belated birthday to you, Fatin. Told you I owed you a blogpost so here you go. I hope you enjoyed your birthday. Happy 17th birthday, Fatin. I hope you stay awesome, pretty, cute and funny as always. Never change because you are perfect just the way you are. Wish you the best in your O's and in everything that you do. I hope you get into your dream course and your dream poly. You've worked hard and I really think you deserve the best. I love you very much and god knows how the hell we became bffs, but whatever it is, I hope we will be bffs till the end. Okies, bye tintin. Ilurpyouuuu <3

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Today was a waste of time to go to school. But I had fun with my friends so I guess it was not totally a waste.  I reached school at 11.50 and was late for p.e for 50minutes, like a boss lol. Sat with Farah because she was not playing and talked to her. I like talking to her, she listens and gives good advise. Anyway, after that was break and went around the school with Shaf to look out for hot guys because we just love hot guys. HA. lol me and shaf just talked most of the time... So much for searching for hot guys. After break 2 hours of LPDX, grouped with Amira.T, Elaine, Shaf, Fizah, Nazurah and Eveylnn. We ended up joking like crazy. Especially the problem-solving part and me, Nazurah and Fizah were joking about the hantu-kak-lima hand bakar thingy. I wish our entrauner group can be me, Amira.T, Elaine, Fizah, Shaf, Nazurah and Farah but noooo, only allowed to have 5 people in a group. Annoying please... Then there was this epic moment where Amira.T almost fell asleep and fell off her chair, her reaction damn epic please. Can't stop laughing about it until now. HAHAHA. Anyway think of going buka puasa with these gfs next week at East Coast beach. Whoopwhoop. Can't wat. With my tampines gfs too + my highfive lads nextnext week and nextnextnext week. Let's hope the plans menjadi. :D


Like what Emma Stone said.... Sleep is great. Therefore, I've been sleeping almost every day after school. Even a five minute nap is alright as long I get to close my eyes, shut the world out and just not think of anything or anyone. Why am I so exhausted? I have no freaking idea. Gosh... What the hell am i doing with my life...

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Oh siva..... You are too cute for words. 

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Uniform. = Laugh. 
Knife. = Laugh. 
Life is unfair. = Laugh.
Hell. = Laugh. 
Fail. = Laugh.
Ghost. = Laugh.
Rude. = Laugh. 
Boyfriend. = Laugh. 
Grandma. = Laugh. 
Darling = Laugh. 
Night. = Laugh. 
School = Laugh. 
Train = Laugh.
Couple. = Laugh.
Bitch please = Laugh.



Pretty girls...... I hate when that time of the month come, every month without fail, I will doubt myself so much. Instead of feeling like one of the ugliest girls in the world, I will feel like the ugliest girl in the world. Harmones are ugly monsters that make me hate life and cry for no reason. & so this was what came to me while I was pms-ing just now... 

1) Lonely and depressed. 
2) I will fail my test on Friday. 
3) I will forever be shy. 
4) I need to do something about my life. 
5) I am the d.u.f.f of all my friends. 
5) Mad at everyone and everything. Even at my cute small thumbs that I always love. 
6) Hate every part of me. 
7) Accepting the fact that I will be single forever and planning my life plan out that I will rescue abandoned babies in the future. 

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My love for babies........




Gatal eh kak Miley....

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Today was awesomee. Hmmm... Two days of awesome school already so I must be careful because usually when things go all too well, you just know something bad is going to happen. Okay, praying this hectic week will end up amazing. Anyway today was fun and fast since school ends at 1. First two hours was PPE and me and Amira.T listened to MJ12 because we were so bored and were supposed to study. Most of the time we just end up laughing idk why. After that 2 hours of CMB and wanted to continue listening to mj12 but we discussed about our next project groupings with other people who wanna change groups. It was soo stressful because it's a situation where you either pity yourself and throw away your groupmates who are not making an effort to do any work or it's a pity party for your friends and you, yourself just gather all the patience from the world to handle them. So talked to the other groups, still need to do some discussing tomorrow. If only we can have seven in a group because me, Elaine, Amira.T, Farah, Shaf, Nazurah and Fizah all wanna be together but we have to split. Haissssss idk but omg ths project is huge, we can also get $$. kisha also wanted to change and it felt weird how natural me and her talked when she sat next to me to talk about our groups because I don't remember ever having a conversation with her for more than 10 seconds... Anyway Miss J dismissed early so decided to go canteen with Elaine, Amira.T, Nazurah and Fizah and we ended up talking about so much crap from ghosts, to old grandmothers to boyfriends to really funny stories. lol, i wouldn't mind recess everything with them plus Shaf of course. LPDX, me and Amira.T were literally talking and joking the whole way lol I love her and I love the girls and I love my class. Okies bye. PRAYING THAT MY WEEK GOES FINE, PLEASE OMG. :(

Monday, July 16, 2012

Okay so Miss Assurah asked to write a short story with the words "Orangutans, fantastic, photograph, munching." and I helped came up with this for my group. Hehe. Even Leroy liked it. Okay it's a little messy because Elaine wrote this. sorry! 


Halluuu mofos 
School was awesome. Enuff said. I lurp my friends. & I wish we won't have to freaking change class next year! :'(

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Omg *dying* Nathan you are too good to be true.


How cute is he?! Okay not cute, he's beautiful. BEAUTIFUL! 

Friday, July 13, 2012

I haven't blogged in awhile and so much has happened since. 1 week of school and god, the drama is unbelievable. Now we have an extra member in our clique and now there's 6 of us and we always wanna stay just us four. Then Amiratul suggested that we should separate and join other cliques. But no... I won't do that. I will never do that. Its just that all the cliques in our class are friendly and they will always let you seat with them but like I tweeted, it's weird having an uninvited stranger in your own clique. & then with CMB individual assignment which have been driving me insane, PPE test next week which is based on the whole damn book. PPE assignment which is to cook something appropriate and HEALTHY LIKE HELL for children. Appropriate and healthy like hell = No beef, no mutton, no pork, no hotdogs, no processed food, no canned food, no pepper, no spicy chilli, no spicy vegetable, vegetables must be really cooked, no raw food, no sour food, no chocolate (WHAT? ikrr.) , no banana and no a lot of other stuffs. What shit is that? I clearly remember seeing my 2-5 year old nephews eat curry and nothing ever happens to them. Anyway the studying for PPE also is making me stressed out because we have only 1 week to study one whole book which consist of nine chapters. Wahhh -.-" I wished PPE is easy as ECD. ECD is about children developing and all that while PPE is about the history and philosophy, it's so damn boringgggg.

Monday, July 9, 2012

First day of schoooool! 
It's back to school today for me. First day and I'm already tired out of my mind. Lol. Maybe it's because I'm not used to waking up so early. Anyway first 1hour30mins were used for PPE which we literally did nothing than played with our phones. Then recess 1h30mins and because we had no mood we went to bishan cove and slept - my gfs slept, i didn't because as sleepy as I was, I can't sleep at such an open space like that. Anyway after that was ECD and we got a new teacher and she's okay... Idk, the lesson was really boring so.... ? Anyway we're learning about why babies cry now and cognitive development and now I must familiarize with this dude named Piaget. Who knows Early Childhood also has history. Anyway after school was kinda funny because we were outside class then Farah came and idk how me and her ended up slapping each other's hand and then hugging lol. But i miss my classmates soooo much. but I still hate school though. Anyway went canteen with the gfs to grab some food and then headed homeeee ~  Okay get ready for another 10 most stressing weeks of my life after today. Gosh :x

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Are Cody and Kylie Jenner actually together? No right?! At the end of the video the sisters sounded so dumb lah please!
Kendall: I'm glad we got Cody. You guys are going to get married. 
Kylie: Absolutely not. We tried. I'd marry an Australian. Wait, did he even had an accent? I couldn't tell. 
Kendall: Yeah... He kinda did. 



Oh dear god.... I've just died and gone to heaven. Zayn and his beautiful voice, Harry and his amazing curls, Liam and his MJ dance movie, Niall and his amazing blonde hair and Louis and his really really handsome tanned face. You just got to love them singing Michael Jackson. <3


Whicher girl that doesn't like Taylor Swift is just crazy. Her songs are so beautiful and so relatable to every girl in this world. Will change my blog songs. Eyes Open by Taylor Swift, Chasing the Sun by The Wanted, Come Away to the Water and One More Night live by the one and only Maroon 5 <3


This is just the funniest thing in the world. No matter how many times I watch this, I can never get enough and end up laughing like hell. The next time I carry the sofas in my living room, I will purposely shout "PIVOT" as annoying as possible to my whole damn family. XD


As much as I love school........ Wait... Who am i kidding, I never loved school. XD

Thursday, July 5, 2012


If you don't stop talking about how desperate you are and how unsure your feelings for a thousand different guys are..............

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Old song but this is what I call good live music! This is even better than the original, how is that even possible? Don't judge a book by it's cover people. So much respect for these dudes. 


Happy Belated Birthday to the both of us. :