Music Playlist at


"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Friday, August 31, 2012

Exam period is here, so good luck to everyone! Anyway, I've been busy recently with studying. (kind of.) So didn't get to use the lappy much. Anyway just now was ECD paper and yesterday everyone in my class studied like hell. It doesn't help is improve in our studies when we keep getting different teachers to teach. First Miss Claire and then she was sick so Miss Ash then she had to go on course so Miss Meg took us and we had to combine class with ICB. At first obviously we complaint a lot and didn't like it but on the last day, I've come to realize ICB students are actually nice. Plus, some of them are so pretty and nice it's crazy such people even exist. Even the two malay guys from ICB are nice. One of them even wished good luck before the paper just now. Anyway, the paper was manageable. So annoying how none of the theorist came out after I studied like hell. Whatsapp with Natasha till late night just to test each other and thank god few of the questions came out today. But some I forget how to do and just use common sense. So expecting at least a pass pleasee. After paper went out to J8 and ate at Macs with le bishan girls, B1,, Shaf, Fizah and Nazurah. Then window shopped for awhile and wash eye. Teehee. Okay dah lahh, bye. FINALLY A PROPER POST.  One more paper on Tuesday and holidayyyyys. ;)


Goodbye Misses Yeo. Goodluck with your baby! :')


le bishan girlfriends.
Ohmygerddd, we finally have a complete group photo, girls. 


Love this kid. <3 nbsp="nbsp">


Rindu ini empat girls



Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya :) 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

All our hard work for two weeks, the endless group meetings, staying back during the fasting month, getting really pissed with annoying groupmates, getting accused of whatever things.... Here's our end projects. Nice job guys. But forget it, I'm no longer being the leader. It was fun while it lasted(not really) but I love my life and I won't waste it anymore by everyday reminding you guys what to do and making decisions for the group.

Parental-Involvement playkit: The big book of alphabets. 


Been long since I updated this blog. Life has beeeen good, I think. So far I've been busy with playkit which is done now and I will post the pictures in the next post. So now playkit is over and all I have left are exams and then holidays and ICA camp. Can't wait for it. Me and Fizah not sure want to stay back and sleep there because of how dirty the toilets are. So.... We'll see. Anyway wishing all my Islam/Muslims/Malay friends and readers selamat hari raya. Kalau ada termasam muka atau tersalah cakap maafkan ye? First day of raya and I'm still at home lepaklepak. Won't go out till later I think. Never go out at all also can. I don't like rayaaa, I always feel 10x insecure during raya because of all the beautiful girls around. Abeh with all the family members try to talk to you and dig out personal infos of family and your own life... Hais. Okay whatever... Thankful for everything and everyone around me, at least I'm celebrating raya with my loved ones right? Selamat Hari Raya guys ;)


Facebook posts...

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

I don't have any more patience to handle you. GET NEW FRIENDS AND A NEW GROUP AND A NEW ATTITUDE 

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

First National Day Celebration with ICA. 
Taken from Miss Wendy's FB. :)


National Day celebration was awe-someee. 
Okay maybe it sucked but for the performers I guessed it was fun? Idk but I had a lot of fun with my classmates. Sadly no pictures because it was very hectic. Anyway we had to be in school by 730, crazy shit. Met up with Elaine, Zul and Amira.T in the morning then went to school and we literally did nothing till 8plus. Sat with Nazurah, Fizah and Shaf and we were so scared and nervous like crazy and we kept thinking of funny things that will happen because you know me... forever #badluckamira haha. Anyway, the senior told everyone to spread out and seat anywhere in the foyer then we anyhow seat with other classes. Then airplanes started and we have to dance from our seats and people look at us like wtf and some followed then party rock started and idk if it's mariah or nabila was shouting "Go go go!" then everyone was running everyone going the foyer steps in between the army guys and everyone looked stunned. Overall it was good. Nazurah and me planned to take the normal staircase but because everyone was going down the foyer steps we had to go down there. Shaf went down the normal staircase lol. The seniors like very cool whereas the year one like so kelam kabut. I didn't know how ICB did but early childhood deffo had so much fun doing the dance. By the time we finished, me and Nazurah were holding hands haha we were all shaking and shivering from the craziness. Okay that's the only thing I'm gonna blog about. Who would have thought... Amira Shaqira the last girl on earth to dance ends up in early childhood course and dances in front of the whole school. Ohyah... Bishan ite soccer boys.... Super funny. XD

Monday, August 6, 2012

I've come to a point in my life when I've decided that my girls are the close second priority for me. I mean of course my family is first. There is no one as special as them and I know we don't meet much and share that much secrets but we're getting there. We'll get there eventually. I hope you girls know how much you girls mean to me because I know I don't express my love towards you guys much. You girls are always on my mind and in my heart and every little thing reminds me of each one of you. I pray that our friendship will be stronger as the years passes on. We'll be busy with our upcoming lives and we won't have all the time in the world to meet up every few weeks but the most important thing is that we'll be in each other's hearts. I want you girls to know that if anything ever happens in our friendship, I will be very devastated because I think we'd make the best bridesmaids for each other... Don't you think? 
Let's promise that no one and nothing can break up apart, no boys, no relationship problems, no other friends, no busy life, no feeling left out and so on.... 
I lurp you girlygirls. <3 p="p">

Saturday, August 4, 2012

PPE Project + Dodgeball S&W + NDP Rehearsals + Lepak with Farah and Shaf + Break fast with le gfs = One of the best days of my lifeeeee. <3 p="p">