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"Of the many contradictions that exist in the world, the contrast between love and hate is perhaps the starkest. It is one that helps us value true love while understanding the ramifications of hatred."

"A life without love is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. The consciousness of loving and being loved brings a warmth and richness to life that nothing else can bring."
Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Hi hi peeps! 
Today was interesting and not what I expected it to be. I thought it's gonna be another boring day since I thought B1 was mad at me for yesterday. So I was expecting a day full of angry faces and my feelings getting all mixed up. I know that I wasn't wrong so I didn't wanna say sorry and I thought she needed time so I just gave time and space and in the end, I found out she wasn't mad at me. Breaktime, we sat as a clique (finally.) and talked it out. It was good because all of us laid it out what was really happening, why we're unhappy. I literally was shaking when I tried talking because one wrong word and this group can go down. But thank god, everything is settled. I'm tired of always being the center person but at the same time I just can't see our clique all broken up like that. I just... I just... I just loooove them. After that was kinda awkward but did our work together during tcc and that was all it took, (thank god.) Went KFC after school and after that stalked a stalker whose is literally a crazy despo and when we were going down the escalater he was going up and he saw us and B1 said hi and he smiled like crazy and he literally took the escalater up and followed us. We ran like crazy to the interchange and he stopped at the traffic light and then we quickly went home, scared out of our mind. hahaha super epic I swear it was a good way to start this friendship anew. 


You have to know that I am the type of person who runs away before things get too complicated. I avoid problems and risks because I've been hurt too many times and if it happens one more time, I think I might lose it. You have to know that I give up easily so when it's over, it really means it's over. You have to know that sometimes words are not enough for me, I need actions to believe that you still want me in your life. You have to know that I'm waiting but you are slowly going to lose me if you don't do anything about this.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Friday, Friday! 
Hello Friday! So happy that it's Friday. I can't believe it's Friday. Hi Friday, HIIIIII! Okay, annoying... School was fine today, first three hours was DC and spent the time watching a movie with ICB. Me and Fizah watched Jozan's videos at first because I wanted to cheer her up after something happened. Then we watched the movie. Then Fizah, Shaf and Naz went to the SMtown job thingy and left only me, B1 and Elaine. Was kinda weird because I didn't get to seat with Fizah during WFB since I've been with her these few days WFB and ENT. After WFB went studenthub with B1 to rest before doing class duty. I swear she's so boring and quiet when she's sick, I hope she feels better on Monday! I'm so bored of not having anyone to talk crap around with. I swear, I don't feel the loooove from the moobs girls anymore. Fsquareans is giving me love but it's hard to talk to them because it's always when one is online, another is not and busy. Gimme some lurvin people. Hais aku merepek. No, I don't need love. I need food. I love my moobs girls but to say the truth, we're not real girlfriends and I really wish we are as close as the other cliques. Maybe all we need is some time. Okay whatever, i'm tired of dealing with this shit. Fts, boys is the most important thing in the world right? Lol no, food is. Food food and food.


Kurt was my anchor




It was a guy that friended me on Facebook. I went over to his place, because it felt like Kurt was moving on with his life and I wasn’t a part of it. I got to thinking, maybe Kurt and I weren’t meant for each other. That we weren’t supposed to spend the rest of our lives together. But the horrible thing is right after I did it, I knew that we were.


"Unholy Trinity, starting together, ending together." 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Happy Birthday to the amazing bestie, love you forever and always <3 p="p">


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Takoyaki date with bubbles, cute guy from McDonald that was oh-so-friendly, getting scolded by cleaner because we ate outside food there. Had a great time although it was a short meet-up. Love forever! xoxo 

Monday, November 19, 2012


Sunday, November 18, 2012

I love Glenn/Steven so much hahaha "MY DAD USED MY MUM AS A SHIELD" 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I'm watching Anugerah Skrin now and I'm quite impressed with it. It's kind of boring because it's long but it's interesting and different at the same time so I don't mind. Anyway, handsome Awal is hosting and all the other guys are so handsome in those fairytale costume especially Adi Putra. Everytime he appears, I smile like an idiot. The girls costumes are so so beautiful also, if only there's such things for normal people. I know this is crazy but I'd wanna wear one of those puffy costume once in awhile just to feel the mood. Ala siapa tau... I'm going to work in childcare... Who knows I can.... Hais kesian budak2 tu kena layan merepek aku. Okay dah bye.

Monday, November 12, 2012

This is me after four and a half days of my near-death experience (cehh) of the very terrible fever I had.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

I want to do this for our next year flash mob performance and I'm not even kidding.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Fizah: Why do you keep smiling?
Me: Got a text from my best friend, saying someone asked her out on a date. 
Fizah: Awww, and then you're happy for her?
Me: Of course lah. But you know... Scared also. Because when best friends get boyfriends.. 
Fizah: I know :( 
Monday blues :(
Nobody likes Monday, boohoo, why does Monday exists. I've got loads of work to do tonight but I'm just gonna skip it because I'm so lazy and I never ever do my work at home unless it's art. Art is fun, anything else is not. DC for the first lesson and I did art releated stuffs but sat with B2 because we just looove heart to heart talks. Lol no, we just talk crap and then all the others joined us. ENT was surprisingly annoying, idk why. Got our ENT proposal grades and it is super awesome but world just made it so annoying. She was so happy but truth is, she didn't do anything much. & then the "GROUPHUG" part was so insanely awkward, I walked away before anyone could touch me. Anyway, after that was TCC and nothing much, just revised and present groupwork. After school headed to "Macadonalds" (Because B1 was so excited to eat ice cream she pronounced it wrongly.) and discussed lpdx. Nothing much today, just getting ready for this crazy amazing hectic week.
Ohyes, bestie's love life is getting better ;) 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hi I miss fsquareans. Okay bye. :'(

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Friday, November 2, 2012

If you see closely, you might just able to spot me. OKAY DONT SEARCH FOR ME I SWEAR IT'S SO EMBARRASSING BUT ME AND THE GIRLS HAD A BLAST.